"Let's get measured, mommy." Sally says. "Then we can ask the people for our sizes since we don't remember."
Tabatha nods, "Nya, I guess we can do that...there's a line though." She looks over to the changing rooms where Karen waits for Julia.
"Can I see the photo?"
"Knock yourself out, nya." Tabatha takes out the wallet and hands Sally Josh's picture.
Sally looked at the photo, and then around the store. She had two choices; the proprietor outside talking to another manager, or the woman sitting in a chair waiting for her friend to finish being measured. She went outside the store.
"S-sir?" Sally tried to say. The adults were talking about boring stuff like business and something called 'budget quarters' and looked far too into their conversation to listen to her. Ignored, Sally goes back into the store in the direction of the changing rooms.