[Art] Kaizer's Drawing Tips and Tricks

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[Art] Kaizer's Drawing Tips and Tricks

Postby Zoey » Mon Mar 22, 2010 12:49 pm

Welcome to my little thread were hopefully I'll be able to help some poeple in the art of... art! So I compiled this list of some Tips and Tricks that will hopefully bring some life into the Art Forum by inspiring would be artists and hopefully help improve current artists.

1) Where to start?
So the biggest problem I've heard most people have when they want to learn to draw is that they aren't comfertable about their skill or don't know anything at all. The easiest way to start is to doodle. Doodling is a great way to build up your confidence in your style. Its easy and no one can critize it cause its just a doodle. Another good place to start is with books! Yes books! I still have a copy of "How to draw Manga" and its sequel "How to draw more Manga" which were a great source of help. The best thing about these books is that you can take them anywhere(with white sheets on paper inside of them) and when your bored, just take it out and practice. Lastly, is the internet. Places like DeviantArt have alot of tutorials from great artist than can really help you improve and in very easy to chew peices. Practice drawing faces, dont try to go for the whole thing. Pic a part and practice it.

a)Where did I start?
The way I started was waaaaay back in 2nd grade when I got my N64 and got addicted to Bomberman Hero (<3 Still love that guy). Back then I was pretty quick finishing school work, some poeple said I might even a prodigy (not :P ). So I had lots of free time during class, so what I did was I asked the teacher for some paper and started doodling. Eventually I even started to draw small comic trips detailing some parts of the game. I did this for everything I got hooked on. When I got into pokemon, I started drawing Bomberman as a pokemon trainer. I kept at it and got a bit better in time. Some people said I was such a good artist, that I kind of... stoped trying to improve. I thought I had reached the ceiling (sooo wrong). When I got into middle school I saw a newspaper with a Manga inspired cover. Truth be told, I got insanely jealous. So that got me started again and I still have that damned newspaper with me.

2) Dont be afraid.
Another reason I hear people evade drawing is that they are scared about showing it, or that they know they dont draw well so they dont. Big mistake. A big part about this is constant practicing (something I try to do). Again, doodling is a great way to build up your confidence so try it!

3) How to improve?
You may already know how to draw, but you want to get better. How do you do this? This may sound strange, but pick a style and stick to it like glue. If you like manga/anime style, try to emulate it. If you like realistic, try it. Its so much easier than trying to develop a style from scratch. Once you've pretty much mastered or alteast feel confident, branch out some times you wont even notice this. Another way to improve is to get feedback. When I doodle or draw, I show my friends and ask them what they thought about it. Some times I value more a good written critic than a simple "That was awesome"... though I like those too :P. If you got a friend that is a better artist than you (for now anyways) ask him/her for advice. I got a friend that is studing Graphic Design, and I get feedback from him (I also gotta sit down with him so I can learn to draw better hands and feet @__@ ). Another good way is to save your work, then look back at it and see what you can improve on. But arguably the BEST way to improve is to copy/ trace and use refrences. These will help ALOT, trust me. Dont be afraid to use them.

a) What about me?
The first style I tried to emulate was the pokemon style. After that I kind off, branched into DBZ. Thought I really hit pay dirt with Naruto (<3). I started drawing characters and practiced. At first you wont notice much, but if you saved your work you will be suprised. I still look back to last year, at truthfully, I got better (in my oppinion). When I was in middle school, I never imagined I'd get to where I am. I also use refrences to make poses. Most of the time, I wanna draw a character in a certain way, but find it every difficult, so I got into my web browser and try to look for a similar pose and try to copy it. Eventually I learned some by heart.

4) Drawing tools.
A pencil, eraser and a peice of paper. Thats all I use. If you really want to go fancy you can buy more specialized tools, but really. Any pencil and paper can work as a tablet for your imagination. The only thing I do suggest is a good eraser. If your like me you erase ALOT. So having a good eraser will save frustration and alot of paper.

5) Coloring.
I know I dont usually color my art, but I know the jist of it, if your going old school with coloring pencils. First, once your done with your picture, get a nice pen and CAREFULLY pass it over the lines. Let it dry. Then CAREFULLY stroke away the pencil lines with your eraser. After that try to make a copy of the picture. Then Try to color the copy or the original. This works, because if you ruin one, you can use the copy.

6) More to come Laterz!

If you guys have more ideas and tricks you'd like to share, be free to post it up! Im sure alot of people would appreciate it.
Draw on!
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Re: Kaizer's Drawing Tips and Tricks

Postby Zoey » Mon Mar 22, 2010 12:55 pm

(( Saved for something hopefully :P ))
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"What are you planning?!"
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