[FFRP] The Snake's Embrace


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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Knight Errant » Wed Mar 31, 2010 4:46 pm

Millinescence wrote:“CARL! No!” the driver exclaimed. The gunner continued to change and shift rapidly. His skin started to pale into a more whitish hue and his hair grew down to his waist and turned red and his screaming increased in pitch as his now overgrown clothes became tight enough to fit and merged into a crimson lollita-esc outfit. Lastly, his…or shall we say her face became more feminine and cute looking and little mounds formed on her chest as the final stages of Ovification complete itself. To the other three gangbangers it was a frightening sight. The new Ovie looked confused, yet the twins giggled and hugged their new sister with satisfied grins on their faces. One of the twins points to the new Ovie and then at the gangbangers, “Huggle! Be merry~ ^^” She says. “Mary?” Asks the red-head. The other twin shrugs and nods at the new Ovie. “Yay~!” The newly dubbed Mary shouts as she gets off the gun mount and starts running towards Loc and Grey! Twin 1 follows the new Ovie, and Twin 2 takes cover near the relative safety of the gas pumps and watches the action with a sly grin as if rooting for her sister...
“Yo Big Manny, I got these bitches!” Gray shouts to the driver as they draw their pistols. “Loc, you lure them away from the pumps, I’mma see if I can bussa cap in dey ass!”
“You got it bro…” He readies his spiked bat and starts running off to the side. He mercilessly yells obscenities at the Ovies to get their attention. And indeed Twin 1 and Mary follow him in fits of giggles.
((Oooh…that gun’s gonna cost you… 0.o))
Bolted solidly to its swivel , and to the jeep itself, the gun mount refuses to budge. Amidst the chaos, the slightly chubby driver notices Flannery trying to steal his prized 50cal. “Hey PUNK! The f**k you doing!?” Big Manny shouts at Ellis as he points his pistol at him, “Not on my watch, foo!” He fires two shots at Flannery, one bullet whizzes just past his head and misses the pumps while the other hits him directly in the left shoulder! ((you decide whether the bullet grazes it or not, but Ellis does in fact get hit in the shoulder)). Twin 2 hears the shots and sees Flannery injured and goes toward him, holding out a hand in his direction. “I heal you okee~ ^_^” She chirps cutely with a wink. Her hands are within inches of Ellis, but she makes no effort to actually touch him. As if she was diplomatically offering her transformative touch in order to help him...or just tease him. =P

((I love the gang banger's dialogue XD))

Vic shakes his head as Flannery goes for a gun upgrade and gets shot. "The world is ended, and yet still we fight and squabble amongst ourselves. It is shameful, no?" He takes a long puff of his cigar as he watches the transformation and the actions of the Ovalisks. Thinking back to the trap they had laid and their previous actions, he nods. These were no mindless monsters he was up against. More the pity...

But he had seen enough. He had what he came for, and could think of no reason to stay. Heading over and opening his driver side door, he turns briefly. "I bid you farewell. It is a shame we cannot share that smoke, but there are more of them yet in the store for you if you can keep yourselves out of a skirt. If we meet again I will make sure to have them ready for you, though."

He gets in, closing the door and bolting it behind him. He then moves to head back to the road and to the next store!
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Zilla » Wed Mar 31, 2010 8:48 pm

Harriet had collected a sketchpad and reams of paper, as well as clearing the stock of batteries by loading one of those plastic hand-carts. She'd also added a pair of flashlights to the cab.

Alice came back carting an armful of colored pencils. "Look! These will last for ages!" she says.

"Okay, and I've got the rest for you too, let's get going!" Harriet climbs into the truck and revs the engine, waiting for Alice to board.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Millinescence » Fri Apr 02, 2010 3:36 pm

Mendi-chan wrote:Joe gazed into the ominous glowing eyes that were staring back at him and shivered... He didn't know that these things could actually see in the dark like the animals their form seemed to mimic. One... Two... Three of them were at the front of the aisle, which meant that two others were still unaccounted for. But... Taking aim at the ominous shine of his enemies' eyes, he clutched the trigger close. He wasn't a sharpshooter, but this was just like having a target setup on a range. "Go to hell..." He muttered as three brilliant flashes, accompanied by three deafening 'bangs', signified his shots had been fired at each of the little Ovies' heads. Hopefully they'd go down and allow him a means of escaping with his food.

The cat-eared Ovie had been hit in the forehead, the glow in its eyes fades as it lays motionless on the floor. However, the two Ovies next to their fallen commander took cover just in time! One of them gasps. The other glares at Joe and murmurs something, but it can’t be made out over the sound of the music playing. After the shots were fired, the two ovalisks on the other side of the isle start sneaking up behind Joe. "Now!" One of them shouts. All four Ovies rush towards Joe from both directions!

Roggamer22 wrote:"Oh... So that's why you came here, huh? Well, hopefully we can find your boyfriend and his mom before it's too late." Richard says while driving. "Hopefully we won't have to use these weapons. I'm not really looking forward to shooting at little girls, even if they aren't human."

“Yeah…I hope so too, but you’ll never know.” Karen says solemnly. “Better to be safe though…” The highway takes them to a three-digit freeway that circles the city. A silent traffic jam that's gridlocked for several miles lies in the opposite direction while a variety of wrecked and abandoned cars litter their side of the freeway. Cheers and giggling can be heard up ahead... "You hear that?" She asks, shuddering at the sound. "I was completely surrounded by those things once while I was in that truck."

Knight Errant wrote:((I love the gang banger's dialogue XD))

Vic shakes his head as Flannery goes for a gun upgrade and gets shot. "The world is ended, and yet still we fight and squabble amongst ourselves. It is shameful, no?" He takes a long puff of his cigar as he watches the transformation and the actions of the Ovalisks. Thinking back to the trap they had laid and their previous actions, he nods. These were no mindless monsters he was up against. More the pity...

But he had seen enough. He had what he came for, and could think of no reason to stay. Heading over and opening his driver side door, he turns briefly. "I bid you farewell. It is a shame we cannot share that smoke, but there are more of them yet in the store for you if you can keep yourselves out of a skirt. If we meet again I will make sure to have them ready for you, though."

He gets in, closing the door and bolting it behind him. He then moves to head back to the road and to the next store!

((Thanks, I like Vic’s dialogue as well, no? ^^))
Gunshots can be heard as Grey shoots at Twin 1 and Mary. Loc starts to go around the outside of the store, the Ovies continue to chase him down. As Vic drives down the road, more apartment buildings follow. Even more childish graffiti can be found now as more abandoned vehicles dot the road. A number of these had goodies Vic could grab. While others were ransacked or stripped down for parts by survivors. The former occupants of these vehicles were desperate to evacuate the city, but failed to make it in time…

Ickle Harri-chan wrote:Alice cautiously studied the footprints, but as the minutes passed without there being anymore signs of Ovalisks, she began to grow in confidence, walking further down the aisle ahead of Harriet. Coming to the coloured pencils, she smiled, and bent forward slightly, putting her hands on her thighs for support as she peered at the lower shelves, and then reached for a large box of the coloured pencils, and then another, and another, stacking as many as she could carry in her arms, before turning to walk back to Harriet, "Look! These will last for ages!".
Zilla wrote:Harriet had collected a sketchpad and reams of paper, as well as clearing the stock of batteries by loading one of those plastic hand-carts. She'd also added a pair of flashlights to the cab.

Alice came back carting an armful of colored pencils. "Look! These will last for ages!" she says.

"Okay, and I've got the rest for you too, let's get going!" Harriet climbs into the truck and revs the engine, waiting for Alice to board.

As Harriet waits for Alice to get into the truck, a speeding, slightly damaged cop car pulls into the parking lot. The right-front side of the car was crushed and the red top light had been smashed out, leaving only the blue one still flashing. The entire car was covered in Ovalisk chalk drawings. And as it got closer to the truck, Harriet and Alice would hear the loud, garbled sirens switch on. A blonde haired cat-eared Ovie in a cute navy blue dress sticks her upper body out the passenger side window and waves! “Yaaay! More sisters, nyo~! Let’s play cops and robbers <3” She excitedly shouts to the young women.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Roggamer22 » Fri Apr 02, 2010 3:59 pm

"They're probably hiding in the cars... Look at this mess... The people that used to own all these cars were probably trying to escape using this side of the freeway... Can't imagine how they were all found..." Richard stops the truck. "The real problem is how are we gonna get through all these cars blocking the road..."
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Mendi-chan » Fri Apr 02, 2010 4:51 pm

Joe doesn't like the sound of that... and dashes towards the 'girls' at the front of the store! He fires off the remaining shots in his weapon, trying to kill the two and clear a pathway for his escape. If worse came to worse he could always pistol whip them out of the way... but he always cringed at trying to get into close quarters with these things.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Apr 02, 2010 5:53 pm

Alice was about to climb in the truck, when she saw the cop car come speeding into the cop car. She stared for a moment, and then began to take a few steps forward, away from the truck, "Look... the cops are still around... ", she said, but then her heart sunk when she saw the chalk drawings all over the car. Her eyes widened as the little girl in the navy blue dress leaned out of the window, as despite knowing the danger, it was quite possibly the most adorable thing Alice had ever seen, "Who... do you think is driving that thing?".
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Knight Errant » Fri Apr 02, 2010 11:16 pm

Millinescence wrote:((Thanks, I like Vic’s dialogue as well, no? ^^))
Gunshots can be heard as Grey shoots at Twin 1 and Mary. Loc starts to go around the outside of the store, the Ovies continue to chase him down. As Vic drives down the road, more apartment buildings follow. Even more childish graffiti can be found now as more abandoned vehicles dot the road. A number of these had goodies Vic could grab. While others were ransacked or stripped down for parts by survivors. The former occupants of these vehicles were desperate to evacuate the city, but failed to make it in time…

((I have this odd mix of spanish and french accent in my head when I write for him, heh.))

Vic pulls up next to a van abandoned in the middle of the road. Besides the scribbles all over it it looked relatively intact... but more important it looked full of supplies. He wonders what could have happened to stop them... or rather HOW it happened, since he had a good guess as to what happened to the drivers. Sighing, he unbolts the door and gets out of the car. He should be careful... or else others may wonder what happened to HIM.

He heads over behind it and carefully tries the trunk door to see if it will swing up and open.
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A wanderer, harried for years on end...

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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Zilla » Sun Apr 04, 2010 2:58 am

Harriet revs the engine and pulls up closer to Alice. "Get in!" she nearly screams, in more panic than command. "Let's go!!!"
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Millinescence » Sun Apr 04, 2010 10:31 am

Roggamer22 wrote:"They're probably hiding in the cars... Look at this mess... The people that used to own all these cars were probably trying to escape using this side of the freeway... Can't imagine how they were all found..." Richard stops the truck. "The real problem is how are we gonna get through all these cars blocking the road..."

“Well, I think we have like two options here,” Karen suggests, flipping her red hair away from her eyes. “We could either backtrack to the downtown exit from where you picked me up, or we could try to weave through the cars.” Karen sees a green sign hanging over the freeway. “That’s our exit a couple miles up ahead, Ryan told me his mom lives in that part.” Indeed the cars weren’t as gridlocked compared to the sardine-packed cars on the other side of the divide. It would be possible to weave through the cars facing Richard, but it would be slow going.

Mendi-chan wrote:Joe doesn't like the sound of that... and dashes towards the 'girls' at the front of the store! He fires off the remaining shots in his weapon, trying to kill the two and clear a pathway for his escape. If worse came to worse he could always pistol whip them out of the way... but he always cringed at trying to get into close quarters with these things.

And another ovie bites the dust. Several shots go into the chest and neck of the other Ovie, but a few seconds later and the bullets pop back out of her as her strong hormones cause her wounds to heal. The three ovies begin hugging Joe and looking up, tugging at his clothing in an attempt to expose his skin. One of them tugs at the hood, causing it to come off his head!

Knight Errant wrote:Vic pulls up next to a van abandoned in the middle of the road. Besides the scribbles all over it it looked relatively intact... but more important it looked full of supplies. He wonders what could have happened to stop them... or rather HOW it happened, since he had a good guess as to what happened to the drivers. Sighing, he unbolts the door and gets out of the car. He should be careful... or else others may wonder what happened to HIM.

He heads over behind it and carefully tries the trunk door to see if it will swing up and open.

The back door of the U-Haul truck has a padlock on the door latch, and the driver side door had been left open. Apparently the driver had somehow been pulled out of their truck by the Ovalisks. If Vic explores the cab, he would find a cup of stale sports drink, a pack of menthol cigarettes, and a large set of keys in the ignition. Faint, muffled giggling can be heard from inside an apartment building nearby.

Ickle Harri-chan wrote:Alice was about to climb in the truck, when she saw the cop car come speeding into the cop car. She stared for a moment, and then began to take a few steps forward, away from the truck, "Look... the cops are still around... ", she said, but then her heart sunk when she saw the chalk drawings all over the car. Her eyes widened as the little girl in the navy blue dress leaned out of the window, as despite knowing the danger, it was quite possibly the most adorable thing Alice had ever seen, "Who... do you think is driving that thing?".
Zilla wrote:Harriet revs the engine and pulls up closer to Alice. "Get in!" she nearly screams, in more panic than command. "Let's go!!!"

The cop car's garbled sirens alert more Ovies to the girl's location, a couple dozen of them can be seen far off, rushing towards them! "Get closer, nyo!" The Ovie says to the driver of the squad car. The cop car swerves closer to Alice as the cat-eared Ovie holds out her hands, and before Alice knows it, she's been grabbed by the arm! "Taaag~ <3 Your unda arrest, nyo! Heehee :3" After the Ovie touches Alice, the cop car swerves again to avoid colliding with the store and knocks over a sign to a handicap spot before stopping.

Alice's arm starts to get shorter, and somewhat stubbier, the changes quickly start to spread throughout her body, the mounds on her chest deflate as her clothes start to change color. Her hair curls and turns a lime green. Alice would notice that she's getting shorter as Harriet's truck seems to be getting bigger!
((you get one reaction post before I complete the Ovification, Harri. ^^b))
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Apr 04, 2010 10:38 am

Alice couldn't take her eyes off the car as it swerved towards them, and her heart skipped a beat inside her chest as the soft hands brushed across her bare arm, her wide eyes gazing at the cheerful little girl that announced she was under arrest. She felt a shiver run down her spine, and the machine gun spun around as she turned suddenly and started to climb into the passenger seat of Harriett's truck, "Help!", she whined as her long hair started to curl and turn lime green, and her skimpy little tan camisole top and camo-print capris started to change as she got shorter and her breasts flattened.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Zilla » Sun Apr 04, 2010 11:18 am

"ALICE!!!!" Harriet was in hysterics as the cop car nearly hit her truck. A flurry of thoughts blew through her mind. Her father, just moments behind them, being glomped... and the rest of the family... being pushed along as they evacuated... Alice, with her sketches, always hanging around the garage... Her family being separated from her as the makeshift lines for the bunkers somehow divided them in the chaos... Alice showing Harriet her drawing, an artistic rendering of Harriet leaning on an armored vehicle... The time that they met, in the bunker, during lunch...

Harriet wanted to speed off, but she couldn't leave her there!

Alice! Harriet was supposed to protect her!!!

"Alice, sit on your hands!" she demanded as she sat down. Harriet wrapped her in a dirty, faded pink blanket she had been using as a backrest, and then wrapped her very tightly around with the seatbelt. She might be shrinking, but the retraction on the belt line would keep it snug. Thank god for that advocacy group responsible for the belt-locking feature when the car is in motion! As long as she stayed above 10 mph, the belt would only retract, and would lock if it tried extending... So uncomfortable before, but so lucky to have now!

The Ovies that had been summoned by the siren were getting quite close now as Harriet gunned the motor, speeding off. She had to get back to the bunker... There had to be a way to save Alice!
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Roggamer22 » Sun Apr 04, 2010 2:17 pm

"Well, looks like we're gonna have to risk it and drive our way through. Just look out for those girls... Better make sure the doors are locked." Richard begins the slow process of weaving through the cars, watching for any movement as well.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Mendi-chan » Sun Apr 04, 2010 2:57 pm

Joe's eyes widen in horror as the bullets simply pop out of his other target. "Shit, shit, shit..." He swings with his pistol, trying to knock the little monsters off of him with the butt of the weapon. The little demons were smarter than he thought, but he'd get out of this yet! All he had to do was get free of their embrace and make a break for his car.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Knight Errant » Sun Apr 04, 2010 8:48 pm

Millinescence wrote:The back door of the U-Haul truck has a padlock on the door latch, and the driver side door had been left open. Apparently the driver had somehow been pulled out of their truck by the Ovalisks. If Vic explores the cab, he would find a cup of stale sports drink, a pack of menthol cigarettes, and a large set of keys in the ignition. Faint, muffled giggling can be heard from inside an apartment building nearby.

Vic heads over to the cab, gazing in cautiously until he is sure there is no one inside. Hearing the giggling, he knew he had to go fast... Finding the keys in the ignition, he takes them out, heading to the back of the truck quickly to get the back open. After a few false tries, the padlock falls off and Vic hauls the doors open.
O Muse!
Sing in me, and through me tell the story
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A wanderer, harried for years on end...

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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Millinescence » Sun Apr 04, 2010 9:52 pm

Ickle Harri-chan wrote:Alice couldn't take her eyes off the car as it swerved towards them, and her heart skipped a beat inside her chest as the soft hands brushed across her bare arm, her wide eyes gazing at the cheerful little girl that announced she was under arrest. She felt a shiver run down her spine, and the machine gun spun around as she turned suddenly and started to climb into the passenger seat of Harriett's truck, "Help!", she whined as her long hair started to curl and turn lime green, and her skimpy little tan camisole top and camo-print capris started to change as she got shorter and her breasts flattened.
Zilla wrote:"ALICE!!!!" Harriet was in hysterics as the cop car nearly hit her truck. A flurry of thoughts blew through her mind. Her father, just moments behind them, being glomped... and the rest of the family... being pushed along as they evacuated... Alice, with her sketches, always hanging around the garage... Her family being separated from her as the makeshift lines for the bunkers somehow divided them in the chaos... Alice showing Harriet her drawing, an artistic rendering of Harriet leaning on an armored vehicle... The time that they met, in the bunker, during lunch...

Harriet wanted to speed off, but she couldn't leave her there!

Alice! Harriet was supposed to protect her!!!

"Alice, sit on your hands!" she demanded as she sat down. Harriet wrapped her in a dirty, faded pink blanket she had been using as a backrest, and then wrapped her very tightly around with the seatbelt. She might be shrinking, but the retraction on the belt line would keep it snug. Thank god for that advocacy group responsible for the belt-locking feature when the car is in motion! As long as she stayed above 10 mph, the belt would only retract, and would lock if it tried extending... So uncomfortable before, but so lucky to have now!

The Ovies that had been summoned by the siren were getting quite close now as Harriet gunned the motor, speeding off. She had to get back to the bunker... There had to be a way to save Alice!

The two Ovies in the cop car look on as their soon-to-be sister got into the truck with Harriet and sped off. “Kidnapper, nyo~!” One says. “Sisternapper!” Says the driver, a red-haired Ovie also dressed in a navy-blue dress, but wore a policman’s hat on her head. The handicap sign scrapes under their cop car as the Ovie driver turns to pursue Harriet’s truck! As the summoned swarm of Ovies closed in, the squad car stops to let several more in the back and then peels out after the pickup with its garbled sirens blaring! The cat-eared Ovie pitches a fit, “My sister, nyo! Leave her alone you meanie! No experiment!”
Meanwhile, Alice continues to change. With her wrapped up in her seatbelt and blanket cocoon, it seemed her transformation would make for some good symbolic poetry. However, the narrator sucks at poetry, so she’s going to just stick to describing Alice’s changes =P. Little pink bows appear and wrap themselves in Alice’s hair. The spaghetti-straps of her top develop pink frills and lengthen into sleeves and her top and Capri’s turn black as they merge together into a rather adorable dress. Black, with pink and white trim. And she gets shorter and shorter as her features become increasingly younger… barely younger than the other Ovies, if unwrapped, she will appear to be nine-ish compared to the common 10-13...Which would leave her looking like this! Meanwhile, her mind is also rapidly changing! Her personality is still there, but more and more of her memories of who Alice once was gets buried while the unpleasant ones either get obliterated or cutified…she doesn’t even remember her name! A compulsion starts to grow in Alice. She wants to get out of this cocoon and be with her sisters…she senses the girl next to her and wants to hug her, she wants to get rid of the pain that strange human feels, like her sister in the cop car did!
((@Harri, be sure to use pink dialogue like I’ve been doing when I play the Ovies, alright ;3))

Roggamer22 wrote:"Well, looks like we're gonna have to risk it and drive our way through. Just look out for those girls... Better make sure the doors are locked." Richard begins the slow process of weaving through the cars, watching for any movement as well.

“Sure thing,” Karen cocks a round into the chamber of her rifle and clicks off the safety, and then proceeds to click the power locks to lock the doors of Richard’s pickup. “So like, where are you from? Everyone has a story…what’s yours?” she asks, looking around for Ovalisks. As Richard slowly weaves around the vehicles facing towards him, about six Ovies can be seen dancing and giggling in a city bus that rear-ended the box-truck in front of it.

Mendi-chan wrote:Joe's eyes widen in horror as the bullets simply pop out of his other target. "Shit, shit, shit..." He swings with his pistol, trying to knock the little monsters off of him with the butt of the weapon. The little demons were smarter than he thought, but he'd get out of this yet! All he had to do was get free of their embrace and make a break for his car.

A couple Ovies were knocked back by the butt of Joe’s pistol in his frantic attempt at escape! However, the Ovie that tugged at his hood causes him to lose his balance, he falls over onto the tile! The Ovies gang up on him, hugging and kissing him all over! The music stops playing just as Joe starts to change and shift rapidly. Getting shorter and younger! His hair gets longer, turning a brilliant blond-ish red, and little mounds start forming on his chest…
((Joe gets one reaction post before I complete the TF))

Knight Errant wrote:Vic heads over to the cab, gazing in cautiously until he is sure there is no one inside. Hearing the giggling, he knew he had to go fast... Finding the keys in the ignition, he takes them out, heading to the back of the truck quickly to get the back open. After a few false tries, the padlock falls off and Vic hauls the doors open.

Vic opens the door to find several peices of furnature and lots of canned food and water...and an ammo crate! Someone was looting homes and since the driver had long since been Oviefied, Vic has found the spoils... The Ovies in the appartment notice Vic and they come out onto a second floor balcony. "Heeey~ <3" One says, waving a small hand at Vic. "Up here!" Another Ovie drags her inside. "Downstairs..." The other says as they all run back inside. They giggle merrily.

((xD Forgot the colors myself lol))
Last edited by Millinescence on Sun Apr 04, 2010 10:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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