Moderator: Mistress Guendolen
Brnin8r wrote:As Matt approached the tall skyscraper, his stomach started to wrench...pain and nausea swept over him as he came to the large glass doors to the building. They were locked.
Brnin8r wrote:Chris and Jack head down the streets. Only a few more blocks to Jordan Towers! (here's where you guys can exchange witty Ellis' name lol)
Brnin8r wrote:Shaun nodded, leading the way down to the parking lot, the horrid gorefest doing little to accentuate the previously sexy girls' beauty. "I might just vomit." the gamer mentioned as they continued. All was quiet on their way to the hospital.
Brnin8r wrote:
The door to the building wasn't locked...but there was very little Micheal could do to through the door. A large dresser was sat behind the door and it almost felt like it was filled with lead for how well the door opened. He could get it a crack or so open...but other than that. Past the door though, it looked like the dresser wasn't wide enough to block the doorway...if he could get past the door he could get in the building. The purple outline seemed to catch the sound of the door being rustled with and it moved to an inside corner of the assumed room it was in.
Brnin8r wrote:(PAUSE BUTTON! Good morning, my fine roleplaying friends. I've been at a disadvantage here and writer's block has succeeded in quelling my efforts at roleplaying recently. One of the things I wish to talk about is this particular roleplay.
One of the things that has occasionally turned me off from roleplays on this site is that there's no satisfying ending. We all just continued to play and play and play until the forum shrivels up and caves in on itself. Every time that happens, I feel as if I didn't do my part for you guys. We all want to make a good story, but every story must have some sort of victory eventually. Problem I have is...I've sort of run out of ideas. In classic Left 4 Dead style, there suddenly isn't much plot.
Then again...none of us ever play L4D for the riveting plot. It's for the bullet-launching action against a menace that is certain to kill you if you're not on your toes.
But now that most of you have gotten through several encounters with the bimbos, I worry that this roleplay is becoming old.
I'd like your thoughts on this, and also, I'm giving you guys a little leeway now and if you have any questions about your character or any suggestions that would make this roleplay even more entrancing for your story. I'd be more than happy than to pander to it. I know some of you want to be transformed and continue living on as sentient beings. Right now Micheal is as close to that and Miku-chan, with their character application, revealed an interesting idea to me that could also achieve the same objective. Any other ideas, please post in your next entry.
Sorry that I paused the game, but I really want everyone to have a good time. And I want to know if you all are still wanting to continue this or if its time for this roleplay to rot on the shelf like so many before it.)
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