[SRP] Memories


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Re: Memories

Postby Kumi-chan » Fri Apr 02, 2010 9:32 am

Jacqueline wrote:~ Keith ~

It's a plain piece of cloth. It smells like cat, and upon closer inspection seems to be covered with cat hair. There doesn't seem to be anything special about it at all.

Keith looks at the piece of clothe and shrugs his shoulders. He just shakes his head realizing it is all just a joke. He stuffs the piece of clothe into his pocket and gets back to work.
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Re: Memories

Postby Harri-chan » Sat Apr 03, 2010 6:11 pm

Jessica packed up her things, and slung the bag over her shoulder, before rising and heading out from the class. School was so dull, she thought to herself.
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Re: Memories

Postby Nosnits » Sat Apr 03, 2010 6:33 pm

Norman looks at the straggling girl, and tries to catch her eye.

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Re: Memories

Postby Jacqueline » Wed Apr 07, 2010 1:28 pm

~ Zeke ~

There's a potentially usable metal pipe laying nearby. Unfortunately, Weasel has seen it too, and moves to pick it up, though even so he backs away from him. "You wouldn't be thinking of using a weapon, would you?" He slaps it lightly against his palm. "That wouldn't be fair, would it?" There's grin on his face. There's a prickle at Zeke's neck, his intuition telling him to duck or get a severe headache...

~ Nick ~

"Oh dear, it doesn't? How many songs do you youngsters listen to?" The old lady seems somewhat put out, though more bemused than angry. She quickly calms down to smile at the store attendant. "Shall we look, then?"

~ Hal ~

They're somewhat far away to hear properly. All he can make out are the words 'arrive' and 'when'. The two seem somewhat excited about things. Hal is distracted when he notices one of his colleagues handing out coffee - to everyone but him.

~ Lloyd ~

"Hang on," the cheerful voice replies. There's the brief ruffling sound, scraping of something heavy against the floor, and then a brief 'ow,' followed by silence. Just as the silence is about to become worrisome, the other person's voice sounds again. "Uhm, right, let's see... Both cables seem to be connected... and connected firmly, too. How do I check the outlets?"

~ Keith ~

As he puts the piece of cloth away... Not much happens! None of his colleagues seem particularly disappointed either. His work goes quite well. He finishes a bit earlier than normal, even.

~ Jessica ~

Fortunately for Jessica, miss Johnson ignores the girl as she heads out. Just as she heaves a sigh of relief... she bumps right into the hottest guy at school! He turns to raise an eyebrow at her. "Jess?"

~ Norman ~

At closer inspection... it does seem to be a girl. Her clothes are baggy, and her hair's a bushy mess, but the honey brown eyes in her otherwise boyish face give the game away. As the girl's face turns around the room, she catches sight of Norman, and those bright eyes light up. A moment later she's heading up to where the boy sits, then she claims the seat beside him.
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Re: Memories

Postby Alissa of Someday » Wed Apr 07, 2010 5:27 pm

~ Hal ~

They're somewhat far away to hear properly. All he can make out are the words 'arrive' and 'when'. The two seem somewhat excited about things. Hal is distracted when he notices one of his colleagues handing out coffee - to everyone but him.

Strange...it wasn't like he was part of a design team or anything, but they usually remembered her was there. Furrowing his brow, Hal shrugs, and dismisses the though, deciding to take the direct approach. Sticking his pencil behind on ear, he turns, looking back to the coffee person.

"Say--could I get a cup...?"
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Re: Memories

Postby Blaze » Wed Apr 07, 2010 7:51 pm

Zeke snorts.

"Against you punks? You're lucky I'm gonna even be using my fists."

He follows his intuition and ducks before attempting a sweep kick on anyone behind him!
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Re: Memories

Postby Zoey » Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:25 pm

"Disconnect anything on the outlet and attach something else. If that works up, then the outlet works fine" replies Lloyd pacing around, sometimes checking his clock.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
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Re: Memories

Postby Kumi-chan » Wed Apr 07, 2010 11:34 pm

Keith works as bored and hard as always. He doesn't know who could have sent him the letter but he is happy to be done with work early. He gets ready to leave gathering up his stuff and heading along.
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Re: Memories

Postby Gee-chan » Wed Apr 14, 2010 12:08 pm

Edward looked up at John tiredly. How exactly this was 'big news' he didn't know, nor did he want to. The same went for how this idiot knew about it.

"Ok, I'm going to list the three problems I have with your statement."

"1; how do you know about this? It's not like there is some sort of official board that tells everything about student movement.
2; If this girl has yet to arrive how do you know she is a 'smoking hot genius' or even just one of the two?
and 3; What makes you think I care at quarter to 9 in the morning?"

He put his head back on the desk, however continued to talk knowing that if he didn't John would insist on filling the quiet himself.

"Besides. Even if she is as you say she is, chances are she is the popular type or soon will be. In case you didn't notice we are the nerd corner and as such will have no chance of attracting the attention of such a person. Rather than here, she will probably be with the other popular kids and as such spend her time basking in her own popularity and being just as arrogantly superficial as the rest of them."

By this he was referring to the group of somehow popular people that every school seemed to get that would tend to get unquestioned social rule of the school. It also seemed that as a rule you had to be rich (or financially foolish) and superficial enough to be up to date with this weeks trend and good looking enough to fall into the group's unreasonable standards. For those who could not or did not want to get into that group, the best you could hope for was to be ignored, otherwise be prepare to be the target for regular collective abuse.
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Re: Memories

Postby Shadowmaster » Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:47 pm

Nick pauses for a moment before smiling and nodding. "Yeah, I'm sure we'll find it eventually." he says as he begins helping the old woman to search through the music selection.
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Re: Memories

Postby Jacqueline » Sun Apr 18, 2010 11:27 am

( *puts up a big sign, showing a mountain in flames: * Updates suspended until further notice due to mountain on fire-ness. )
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Re: Memories

Postby Jacqueline » Thu May 06, 2010 1:50 pm

~ Hal ~

His colleagues glance at him. "Oh, guess I forget your cup at the machine. You can get it yourself, right?" They go back to their conversation.

~ Zeke ~

A big, meaty fist swings just over his head, parting his hair. His foot hits a lamp post, the shock vibrating through his leg. Wait, that was no lamppost, but the boxer guy's leg! He didn't even flinch... And he's alreading winding up for the next swing!

~ Lloyd ~

"Ah... I don't have anything but my computer yet..." The person on the other line sounds embarrassed. "I was just moving in, you see... Hang on a second." There is the telltale click of the phone being put down, then footsteps. There is a bit of quiet, interspersed with footsteps and sounds of things being moved.
"I got it! I plugged my ipod in, but it's not charging. So that means it's the power supply, right? I tried another outlet, and it doesn't work either.."

~ Keith ~

He heads out, back the way he came. All seems normal, until... "Meow?"

~ Edward ~

The boy grins, then starts counting off on his fingers. "One: I heard the teachers talking about it. Two: I heard that old geezer Menson say he wishes they were in his class, and three... uhm..." His explanation falters, as his face falls.

~ Nick ~

Together they go and search through the expansive music library... Until about half an hour later when Nick realizes the old woman... is gone?

( Oh, and I'm back, too. )
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Re: Memories

Postby Blaze » Thu May 06, 2010 10:25 pm

Zeke quickly got up, backpedaling away from the mountain in clothes.


Suddenly, he turns around and tries to barrel past Weasel!
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Re: Memories

Postby Zoey » Fri May 07, 2010 9:42 am

"Yup, that seemed to be your problem. You could just switch to another outlet while you get that one fixed" suggested Lloyd
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: Memories

Postby Alissa of Someday » Fri May 07, 2010 4:36 pm

"I...guess so?"

Hal frowns, but gets out of his chair as nonchalantly as he can. It's not like he hadn't been overlooked once or twice before, but something about the way they were conversing made him edgy. As he walks over to the machine, he tries to listen in--hear what he can...
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