[SRP] The Ghost town RP


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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Flannery » Sat Apr 10, 2010 6:19 pm

The main thug is rocketed back by the punch and rams into several of his cronies knocking them down as well. The blade cuts threw the thugs arm. His hand however just disappears into thin air leaving a stub where his hand use to be. The mohawked thug looks back up holding his arm. "That's impossible. I thought you would have passed on by now!" He scrambles to his feet, as he does he whistles. Shadows from what seems to be every corner appear. Thugs from all sides start to appear. They hold everything from metal pips to broken glass bottles.
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Haylie » Sat Apr 10, 2010 6:36 pm

Midori, flourishing her five-foot long folded spectral-steel blade, doesn't seem too worried about the large group of thugs. On the contrary, if one were to look close enough, one could see she's smiling a bit.

"Hmm. Fortuitous. I was just feeling a bit out of practice. I will let you all make the first move, shall I? <After you.>"

(Note: <> means she's speaking Japanese)
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Kris_Roth » Sat Apr 10, 2010 7:17 pm

Mei Lin looks at the ghost she punched and smiled..."You threathened my brother, and I cannot move on until my murderers are punished. You recognize your own handiwork, yes?" The scars of the beatings she took manifested all over her body and face appeared, <This is the face of the young girl you murdered a couple days ago. I hope you enjoy Hell; you will soon make that place your permanent home!> She speaks in Japanese, the language that Midori would recognize well.
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Shadowmaster » Sat Apr 10, 2010 8:29 pm

Michael and Faust continued their trek through the cemetary, looking for any ghosts of particular interest. They notice a man jumping into a grave and setting to work on it, but figure that he's just doing his job, and that he may kick them out if he sees them, so they try to keep their distance.
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Flannery » Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:44 pm

Bruiser holding still holding his stub smiles. "Oh yeah, your the brat we killed. I remember now. We made a killing off of you. And by the way, if you think that all we got, them you are dead wrong..." He starts to walks back, behind the protection of his gang.

The street starts to fog as it rolls in. The mysterious fog makes it hard to see. From the fog the rumbling of an engine is hear. The rumbling grows closer and the noise grows louder. Headlights start to appear. From the fog emerges a hot rod. The wheels themselves are on fire. Behind the car is a trail of fire. The car comes to a stop. From the car a teenager steps out. The right side of his face seems quite normal, rather appealing. When he turns around however the left side of his body is a disaster. Glass shards are embedded into his face and skin. His leather jacket is tattered and bloody on one side and clean on the other. He picks up a baseball bat that has seen it's fair share of abuse. The wood bat is stained with blood. The thugs clear out of the way for the teen who steps forward dragging his bat behind him.

Bruiser reappears behind the teen. "Steve Turner, so they sent you? What about Jack or Lucy? Why didn't they send them?"

The teen rather annoyed looks at Bruiser. "Bruiser...get the hell out of my face. They are not that much of a threat. I can handle them." Steve disappeared and reappears behind Midori and swings his bat at her face with one hand.


Ellis looks up from is work and noticed the teens. He looks up from the hole. "You know visitation hours are form 6 till 9. But if you came looking for ghost, try on the north side of the cemetery. This is a place of peace and rest. Some of these spirits you really don't want to step over there graves."
Last edited by Flannery on Sat Apr 10, 2010 10:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Haylie » Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:51 pm

Midori turns and ducks her head in such away that the bat just barely grazes her ear. She then leans forward with her body so she can deliver a quick mule-kick to Mr. Turner's stomach. She then quickly spins around and brings her sword to bare. "A cowardly tactic. Remain still whilst I remove your head."
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Kris_Roth » Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:58 pm

Mei Lin has a scared look on her face when Bruiser admits he killed her, then a new set of ghosts appeared...<Help! Please, anyone?> She looked over at her brother..."Get out of here, Jason, please! I don't want to lose you like father and grandfather!" She sees the Ghost car appear and Steve Turner show up....<Look out!> She warns Midori, as she seems distracted by her killer's revelation. She smiles when Midori dodges Steve Turner's bat swing, She still wants to take revenge on Bruiser for killing her. "Bruiser, you are nothing but a coward and a murderer! May you rot in Hell with your friends. I was glad when they sentenced you to death for my murder. Your reign of terror ends now!"
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Flannery » Sat Apr 10, 2010 10:34 pm

Bruiser laughs and starts to run down the ally clutching his arm. "If you want to get me, you will have to catch me first!"

Steve uses his bat to block the blade. The bat take no damage from the blade. "You move pretty fast...for a class two." Steve disappeared again and then reappears again swinging his bat with full force.
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Kris_Roth » Sat Apr 10, 2010 10:45 pm

Mei Lin glares at the cowardly Bruiser. "You'll get yours, Bruiser; someday, you will burn in Hell with all your friends." She notices Steve and Midori fighting and decides to help Midori, after all, she did save her and her brother from being defeated from Bruiser and his gang. She sees that Midori is needing help, so once she is sure her brother will be fine, she dissappears, and reappears to deliver her trademark attack....."Chi Rocket Punch!" She cries as she attempts a right hook at Steve's jaw. <I'm here to help. I'm Mei Lin Takaga...Is my brother okay?>
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Haylie » Sat Apr 10, 2010 10:48 pm

Midori does another quick dodge that looks quite a bit like a curtsey, leaving Mei Lin room to do her signature move. "<As far as I know. I was a bit distracted, mind. Mind the glass in his face.>"
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Shadowmaster » Sun Apr 11, 2010 12:01 am

Michael pauses as the man mentions ghosts. He turns to him slowly. "You can see the ghosts around here?" he asks, glancing back over his shoulder toward Faust. "And...what exactly is in the north side?"
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Flannery » Sun Apr 11, 2010 2:56 am

Ellis gets out of the hole and sticks the shovel in the dirt. "Well if you must know..." Ellis points to a large mausoleum on top of a hill, it reads "Dominique". "...Beyond that mausoleum is the oldest part of the cemetery. But be careful on that side. Some ghost just are not meant to be trifled with. Also, stay away from the old Dominique estate just on the other side of the cemetery wall. I'm sure you have heard the stories."


Steve uses the bat to absorb the punch, but the punch still sends his sliding into the street. He finally comes to a stop and get back onto his feet. "My, now this is a fight." I'm going to enjoy this." He puts the bat over his shoulder.

Down the street a little girl skips down the street. Almost careless in her action she seem uninterested in what going on around her. She wears a pink sundress with bows, her eyes are blue, and her hair is blond with curl, her appearance maker her look very innocent. She stops on the other side of the street and waves. "Hey Stevie!!! Daddy wants you home right now! Hey says playtime is over! It's time to come home."

Steve look at the girl with a rather annoyed look. "Lucy, now is not the time! Just let me finish off these three it will only take a second."

"You know daddy doesn't like it when we are late." She folds her arms.

"We have been over this a dozen times. He is not called daddy, he is grandsmas..." Steve looks up at the three on the other side of the road. "Oh silly me I have already said to much. Well, today is your lucky day. I guess I can't kill you tonight." He points the bat at them. "Mark my words. Stay off the roads, because I'm coming for you." Steven evaporates into thin air as does his hot rod. Lucy stands by the street and smiles. "I hope you had fun with big brother, because next time you get to play with me." Like Steve, she too disappeared, but as she does she leaves behind this ghostly erie giggle, enough to even send shivers down the spin of a ghost.
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Kris_Roth » Sun Apr 11, 2010 7:28 am

Mei Lin shivers as the hauntng words of Steve Turner and the little girl, Lucy, get to her..."I'm glad that is over...." She then shivers again at what Lucy and Steve said concerning this other ghost, Grand-something, or rather.. "Y-You mean there is an even powerful ghost around these parts?" She looks over at her brother, Jason...<Nii-san, are you okay? Did those bad ghosties harm you?>
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Shadowmaster » Sun Apr 11, 2010 10:46 am

"Alright, warning noted." Michael says. "Thanks for the tip." With that, he and Faust head toward the northern part of the cemetery.
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Haylie » Sun Apr 11, 2010 12:05 pm

The blue samurai ghost thumbs her nose at Steve as he disapears. "<I am looking forward to it, fool.>"

Midori looks confused as the girl says she'll be their next "playmate". "But... she is so small and adorable. Must I harm her...?"
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