[SRP] The Ghost town RP


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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Kris_Roth » Sun Apr 11, 2010 12:17 pm

Mei Lin shakes her head. <They all sound very bad if they were going to kill my brother. Thank you for saving us...My name is Mei Lin Takaga, and this is my brother, Jason. Those thugs were the ones who killed me. The one whose hand you took off was my murderer, and the ring leader of the Bloody Knuckles gang. He calls himself the Bruiser. May I ask for your name?> She says in Japanese...
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Haylie » Sun Apr 11, 2010 12:35 pm

The blue girl gives a short curtsy. "<Think nothing of it.> Refer to me as Midori, if it pleases you. Do you require further assistance? I am not the sort to leave things half-finished."
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Kris_Roth » Sun Apr 11, 2010 2:31 pm

Mei Lin nods..."Yes, Midori, I believe I need help. I am seeking to send my murderer to Hell for what he and his goons did to me. Why didn't he and his goons go to Hell when they were put to death for my murder, and why am I still here, floating around Earth, instead of Heaven with my faher and grandfather? Something is really going on here. That ghost car and bloody driver, that little girl, those street punk ghosts, Bruiser, my murderer, free to roam the streets unpunished? And, that ghost car driver mentioned something about a Grand-something or rather?" She sighs, heading over to Midori, giving her a hug. <Something is really scaring all the ghosts back at the cemetary, Midori-san.>
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Flannery » Mon Apr 12, 2010 12:02 am


Steve walks back and forth. "Now what was so important that we needed to be called?"

A man with long black braided hair stands on top of a balcony's railing. He wears a straight jacket that is not buckled, and a pair of white pants. He speaks with a rather British style accent. "Come now Steven my boy. I'm sure you were having you were having a riot of a time, but the Grandmaster has summoned us." From down the hall little footsteps are heard. A ventriloquist steps forward. In his had is an unlit cigar. Jack smiles. "Hello Günter, you need a light?” Jack snaps his finger and from is thumb a flame emits much like a cigarette lighter.

The dummy shakes his head. “Does that joke ever get old with you? So where is Dominique?

"Last I heard the graveyard, doing some recruiting."

The door behind the ghosts open. Out steps a man in a black cloak, his face is covered. "I have called this meeting for one reason. Steven, my child what happened out there tonight?"

Steve folds his arms. "The bloody knuckled is what happened! They were wreckless and got in over there head, so I showed up to you know bail them out."

The Grandmaster looks at Steve. "That is incorrect. "You got in over your head. And now I have to send someone else to finish the deed. Those class 2's you fought? Enlighten me."

"Both Japanese. The one with a set of boxing gloves, the other with a sword. The girl with boxing gloves has it in for Bruiser, and the one with the sword cut his arm off."

"I see, did you see a pure among them?"

"Yeah! He was a guy, about my age, carried a guitar."

"I see. Those two girls shouldn't be a problem. Jack, it's your turn. Bring the boy to me. If anyone gets in your way, burn them."

"It's about bloody time I get to do something useful around here."

Jack leaps down from the balcony and lands on the floor below. As he walks out the front door Günter yells. "And try to keep the collateral damage to a minimum!"
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Josie » Mon Apr 12, 2010 6:49 pm

((I'm sorry about not posting, light had decided to get in the way this weekend, I'll start posting more often now.))

Jason saw little of the fight when the attack happened, though mainly due to his pure abilities not being fully awoken. He could he the whispers of the ghosts, especially of his sister, but he could only make out a few words if by then. He also couldn't see these spirits, but he could feel presents of ghosts, their movements and what not. As Soon as the goon had made themselves known, he bolted from the scene and called the police. They escorted him to the precinct while a few other stayed behind to do whatever.
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Kris_Roth » Mon Apr 12, 2010 7:13 pm

Mei Lin looks over at Midori. <My brother got out of there shortly after you showed up to take out my murderer. Shall we leave as well before those bad ghosts show up?> She remembered before she came in contact with her brother, there was some violin playing on the top roof. <Where shall we go to now, Midori-san?>
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Roggamer22 » Mon Apr 12, 2010 8:01 pm

Michiyo yawns and watches the group from the roof. "That was quite a show... I wonder what they'll do next... It's getting a little late though, I probably shouldn't keep playing, don't want to wake anybody up by accident by making too much noise." She yawns again and picks up her violin. "I guess that was enough practice for the night... Plus I got to watch that show below, I thought that kind of action only appeared on TV or something."
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Haylie » Mon Apr 12, 2010 8:10 pm

"<Perhaps to a place a bit more peaceful? The graveyard would be a poor notion, I think. Have you an idea?>" Her movements are calm, almost casual, yet she moves as if she knows exactly what is about to happen, and as though she didn't just come out of a short brawl with a restless gang. But then, she's a ghost, so maybe it isn't all that impressive, but the level of calm she exerts wouldn't be out of place in a desert.
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Kris_Roth » Mon Apr 12, 2010 8:28 pm

Mei Lin nods...<Maybe we should check on my brother, just in case. I'm not sure about the graveyard, but we have to be back at the graveyard by morning. I really miss getting up in the morning and going to school. I wonder how my classmates are doing without me...>
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Flannery » Tue Apr 13, 2010 9:18 pm

Jack runs on top of the roof top simply skimming from roof to roof. he stops on a fire escape ladder and looks down at the police station. He smiles with satisfaction. He jumps down and lands like a cat on his feet. He strolls to the front of the police station and walks past a Police SUV. He opens the fuel tank and takes a whiff. "What luck! A full tank! This should make things most interesting...most interesting indeed."

In the police station---------------------------------------------

Two local cops question Jason. "So let me get the story straight. You heard strange voices, And then saw a bunch of gang bangers, and a hot rod that was on fire. Boy you were either seeing ghost, or you are loopy. Officer Matt, what are the results of his breathalyzer?"

Officer Matt scans the paper. "A whopping Point Zero Zero. He is stone sober."

"And the drug test?"

Officer Matt: "He tested negative for everything. One Hundred percent clean."

The officer looks back at Jason. "Kid I don't know if you are just craving the attention, or you are testing a new wonder drug. But frankly you are wasting our time. These streets are dead! D-E-A-D, dead!

Back outside----------------------------------------

Jack cracks his knuckles and neck. He takes a few steps back and then holds out his hand. A small fireball forms and hovers above his outstretched hand. He winds back and throws it. The fireball lands under the police SUV. The fuel tank erupts into fire. The Police SUV explodes sending it skywards 20 feet into the air. The SUV lands upside down in the same spot.

Every officer rushes outside including the the two questioning Jason. The cops stop and see Jack who stands in the middle of the street. The police all draw there pistols and point them at Jack. "PUT YOUR HAND UP!!!" Jack smiles and laughs. He snaps his fingers. The pistol rounds that each cop are carrying in their extra clips explode like fire crackers, even the rounds in there weapons simultaneously explode as well. There body armor protects them form the shrapnel but is is enough to stun them. Jack disappears and reappears inside the police station. He looks around and spots Jason. "There you are." He walks up to him and stops. Jack makes sure his presents is known, and judging by the boys expression, he has his attention. He takes a seat sitting across from Jason. On front of Jason is a cup of coffee. Jack picks up the ceramic cup. The coffee starts to rapidly boil in Jack's hands. He sets the coffee back down on the table and slides it over to Jason as a kind gesture. He folds his legs making himself look as professional as possible. The straight jacket however doesn't help. "Now...I was sent here to kidnap you and take you to my master. Now that is just not how I go about my business. You see I would rather give people a little choice in the matter. Portray a more reasonable offer, because dealing with people who kick and scream is rather bothersome. Now as you are aware, I see you, and you see me. The only difference between you and me, is I am dead. My master is recruiting very special individual with powers very similar to yours. We can teach you how to unlock you true powers, and use them to the fullest! And here ends the first option, the second option can get rather...well...messy. And I will use force that I don't feel comfortably using on you and your new police friends." Jack picks up the breathalyzer and drug test result papers. They ignite into flames in his hand. "I have burning this building down before, what's to stop me from doing it again?"
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Kris_Roth » Tue Apr 13, 2010 9:32 pm

Mei Lin senses her brother is in danger through her link to her brother. She rubs her head as she explains to Midori.. <My danger senses are tingling. My brother is in danger!> She seems to be pulled towards the disturbance....<Midori-san, please find others like us. I have to protect my brother from danger. I cannot have another death in my family!> She says as she flies towards the precinct, just in time to see the Pyromaniac blow up the SUV and take out the cops, then gets really upset when this pyro guy starts to recruit her brother. The ghost of the slain Japanese/American girl stands ready to help her brother. <Do not listen to this liar, Nii-san! I will always be here for you!> She points over to Jack, and states in a demanding tone, "You stay away from my brother!"
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Shadowmaster » Tue Apr 13, 2010 9:39 pm

Michael and Faust continue strolling through the northern part of the cemetery, keeping a lookout for any dangerous looking ghosts.
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Haylie » Tue Apr 13, 2010 9:59 pm

Midori nods once and takes off as quickly as her ghostly powers will let her (which is pretty fast) to the cemetery, where she immediately finds Michael and Faust. She quite suddenly appears around ten feet in front of the two, this slightly transparent, blue-haired 5'8" girl with an okatana, and a somewhat pleading look on her face.

"Please, I have little time to explain, but my friend I need your help."
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Flannery » Tue Apr 13, 2010 10:53 pm

Jack reclines back. "Well well well...so, you have a sister. Now we have not met before, but a little birdie told me about you. You have got quite a vicious jab." Jack props his legs up on the table and reclines further. "You don't understand exactly what I am getting at. I'm offering the most peaceful resolution in the most peaceful of terms. And your sister is allowed to come too. If we are forced to elevate negotiations, I guarantee others will die as well. It would be such a tragedy for one of those brave police officers to have an unfortunate accident on his way back home when his shift is up. And young Mister Steven Turner whom you meet earlier is an expert at causing car crashes. And even then, even if you somehow by an act of God you manage to defeat me, and I am forced to somber back and tell of my most embarrassing defeat. Others will come. And they will keep coming. And they will be bloody violent about. And it has been a long time scene Little Lucy has had a good play mate."
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Kris_Roth » Tue Apr 13, 2010 11:28 pm

Mei Lin glares at Jack..."Yeah, I'm Mei Lin Takaga. I may have died a couple days ago, but I will not you hurt my brother, or any of my friends, living or dead." She hears the name of Lucy, and looks around for Midori, or whoever else can help her. "I'm not interested in your little games, fire bug. You have caused a lot of trouble in this town, you and your evil ghost pals. What I don't understand is how is it I am still on this Earth, and you guys still are here too? Shouldn't you be in Hell about now?" She hopes the spirits of her father and grandfather would come assist her, or even Midori, or anyone else that can stop this pyromaniac. "So, you like to start fires, huh? I heard you were just an "Urban Legend."
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