[SRP] The Ghost town RP


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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Josie » Wed Apr 14, 2010 12:26 am

((give be a chance to post! Geez, I thought this was going to be single posting thing then GM post... :/))

Jason sighs out slightly as he sitting the police building, being tested from blood work and on down. He rolled his eyes as the officer yelled at him over the night. "Okay, okay geez....Can I go no-" His comment was cut short from the explosion outside. He stiffens up as the police rush out to see the problem. He waits there a few moments, frowning until Jack "enters" the room, boiling up the coffee and causing the empty chair to lean back. He was partly glad the ghost was such a talker, only making out about half of what he sat. He rubs his eyes, his sight shifting to see a gaseous form of the pryomatic. He jumps slightly as the other ghost, his sister, zoom in and try and talk to him. He gathered the urging of him not to go, but he wasn't about to let this poltergeist hurt anyone else.

"Whatever, whatever. I'll go...just don't hurt anyone..." He sighs out, standing up and grabbing his guitar.
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Kris_Roth » Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:13 am

Mei Lin shakes her head..."No, don't go with him, Nii-san! Please, listen to me....he's Lying! He's one of the ones who has been causing trouble in this town! Come with me, Nii-san, and we can stop these evil ghosts! I'm working with some other ghosts who are as we speak recruiting others to help...." She wishes she could lead her brother out of the precinct. "Cannot you see me, Jason? I'm right here, beside you...and if you decide to follow the fire bug....I-I'll come along, to protect you...." She turns to the Pyromaniac. "Please, sir, stop this destroying property and lives with your flames. I love my big brother very much....He's all I have left that is alive of my family....I-I-I don't want anything bad to h-happen to him...s-s-o is it o-ok if I c-c-ome with him? P-romise me, no tricks?" She hopes Midori was able to convince some of the other spirits or humans to help.
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Shadowmaster » Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:23 am

Michael instinctivel raises his bat when Midori appears in front of him, but when he sees that she seems to be friendly, he lowers it slightly. "You need our help?" he asks. "For what?"
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Haylie » Wed Apr 14, 2010 1:04 pm

Midori manages to keep her own hand from her sword... but only just. "A friend of mine and her brother are in a fight with a ghostly group of boys at the police station. They need help immediately. Can you help us, please?"

Her tone isn't exactly "humble", but what would one expect from someone in as much of a hurry as she is?
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Gee-chan » Wed Apr 14, 2010 1:30 pm

Funworld; an old theme park which reflected back on brighter times when small towns such as this could easily support such places. These days it would stand nearly empty most of the time, even during the day. But it was night now, and the dim silhouettes of the rides cast eerie shadows on the ground, stained by the orange light of the streetlamps.

Despite appearances however, something was here; a spectral entity just about discernible to mortal senses, and not particularly more so even to spiritually active individuals.
The entity had no name, not a true one anyway, just a title, a nickname brought on by an old superstition. This name was Tom, a pun on the old legend of a black cat bringing bad luck. The reason for this name was one of the tell-tale signs that someone was being followed by this spirit, was that a black cat would appear before them, shortly followed by a string of unfortunate occurrences. As it so happened, many cats would do this, but it was the black ones that would catch attention.

The air shimmered slightly, only visible to those who's eyes saw beyond, as a shape began to appear. It was a cat. A black cat barely visible in the darkness.

Perhaps he had lived here, in this town once. He no longer remembered. His life before death was a mystery to him. He did not even know if his identity as a he was accurate, but given the name he had been assigned, it seemed appropriate to refer to himself as that...for now.

Wondering echoing through his mind, he sat there in the dark, staring up at the grim shapes above him.
Last edited by Gee-chan on Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Roggamer22 » Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:38 pm

Michiyo, while getting ready to leave for the graveyard, hears the explosion that's coming from the police station. "Oh my... What was that? This night sure is getting exciting, I wonder if another show is about to happen. I want to see this." She says, excited. She grabs her violin and starts flying (floating?) towards the police station.
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Shadowmaster » Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:49 pm

Michael and Faust look at each other and nod. "Alright." Michael says. "I guess we can help you out. Let's go."
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Haylie » Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:48 pm

The blue ghost bows. "Domo arigato. Quickly! I heard an explosion!" She disappears as quickly as she arrived.

She reappears behind Mie Lin, hand on her sword and head on a swivel. "<Lin-san! What's wrong?!>"
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Kris_Roth » Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:57 pm

Mei Lin turns to see Midori appear near the exploded Police station, <Midori-san, thank you for coming quickly! This ghost has the power to manipulate fire! He has threatened to burn the town to the ground if Jason and I don't c-come with him. Please h-help...My brother won't listen to me. He cannot see me, but he can hear me...did you bring some help?>
If Michael and Faust can see Mei Lin, she is floating near her brother. She appears to be 15 years of age, wearing a white blouse and black dress pants, with black shoes, black shoulder length hair, and of Japanese descent.
Last edited by Kris_Roth on Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Shadowmaster » Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:00 pm

"Well, guess we better follow." Michael says to Faust, who agrees. The two then head toward the police station as quickly as they can.
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Flannery » Fri Apr 16, 2010 12:42 am

At the grave yard:

Ellis is done finishing the new grave. As he climes out he looks up and see Dominique. His appearance makes him only half visible. Just past his where his thighs should be his form starts to disappear. "Many greeting master Flannery." Ellis get up to his feet and dust himself off. "Have you given our offer any though?" Ellis reaches in his pocket and pulls out a Marlboro Red and lights it up. He takes a puff. "Yes, I have. And to be frank. I'm sick and tired of cleaning up after your dirty work."

Dominique drifts in front of Ellis cutting his path off. "You don't understand how important you are too my master. His goals are for the greater good of all spirits. He wants us to be allowed to finally be free of being forced to live this shallow existence, and the energy of a pure it what is needed. Of the sake of myself and my brothers and sisters please, hear our cries for help."

Ellis takes another puff. "In 1957, a great man by the name of John Flannery died. They say he took is own life by hanging himself. I tend to disagree. Something forced him to do it. And as I recall, you know something about putting others at the end of a rope." Dominique reappears in front of Ellis and draws a sword from his cloak. He holds it up to his throat. "You better watch your tongue boy or I shall remove it myself." Ellis grips his shovel tight. "You are forgetting that is this neutral ground, you cannot harm anyone here, for this is a sacred place of peace and rest. Even you are bound by that obligation." The two pause for what seems like several minutes before Dominique sheaths his sword again. "Mark my words boy and mark them well. You are not your great grandfather. Despite how brave he was, even he could not stand up to our might. And as I recall you still have not made you choice yet." Ellis stabs his shovel into the dirt. "I believe I have made my choice abundantly clear." Dominique points his finger at Ellis and then disappears. "You have not seen the last of us, we shall return." Ellis picks up his shovel and walks back inside to the funeral home.

------------------at the police station--------------------------------

"Fantastic! Now, on are way shall we!" Jake gets up from the chair and escorts Jason out to back door. "Now...your living arrangements I believe you will find are quite adequate. You will soon be joined like others much like yourself. You see my boy our goal is to free all spirits for all earthly bonds. For some it is to become alive once more, other's to gain unlimited knowledge. We are not all bad, but we do what we fell is necessary to secure our safety, and to protect our interest form others. We are a fraternity as you will of those who are forced to live in the world of the living even thou we are dead. But The Grandmaster's plan will finally grant us what we desire most. A chance to start a new."
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Miku-chan » Fri Apr 16, 2010 1:02 am

A BMW M1 convertable rolls into town and stops at the funeral parlor. As the door opens a pretty redhead steps out and put on her glasses and looks the cemetary and funeral home over..." Definitly residual PK here, and recently it seems, she watches as Flannery comes over with his Shovel in hand. She calls out to him.

"Excuse me. I'm looking for a Mr.Flannery, can you tell me if he is in?"
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Flannery » Fri Apr 16, 2010 1:10 am

Ellis looks around. "Well, that's me." He puts the shovel back in the shed. "What can I help you with?"
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Baku Genkaku » Fri Apr 16, 2010 1:16 am

(OOC: Alrighty, I was not told how to squeeze Fowler into the rp, so this is a way I thought might work and not seem out of the blue)

Fowler waves his good byes to the other regulars inside the bar. The cold air whipping at his jacket collar as he walks out into the night. He had half a glass of wine, being the light drinker he is, really only going for the company of others. It beat the loneliness at his apartment, sitting in front of a computer monitor, drawing up the latest commission. At least this way he was in a good mood before he started his work at home.
He lets out a content sigh and hums "Skylo" to himself. The bar was situated fairly close to his apartment on this lonely road. The only real places of interest on this few mile stretch are the bar, a graveyard on one end, and a police station near the other. The insects outside buzzed and chirped as they bumped their heads into nearby light fixtures and streetlights, adding to the chorus of passing cars and distant stereos.

"You look happy~", says the voice of Lady over his shoulder. Fowler grins up in the general direction as he keeps walking.

"You think so?", he asks. He hums a few more notes to himself as he walks before speaking up again. "It was so lively and cheerful there tonight. Heck, you'd almost think it was the last day on Earth and everyone decided to spend tonight living it up over a few good drinks". Chris sighs again, looking up at the night sky, spotting Orion's Belt like he always does. It's the only real constellation he recognizes. "I love nights like this".
Lady didn't make a sound, but he thinks he could feel her smiling at him. he smiled back without looking her way and continued to hum as a group of people could be seen in the distance in the direction of the graveyard.
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Re: The Ghost town RP

Postby Miku-chan » Fri Apr 16, 2010 1:37 am

Flannery wrote:Ellis looks around. "Well, that's me." He puts the shovel back in the shed. "What can I help you with?"

Extends her hand to him..." I'm Sarah VonStern, I sent you that Email about coming out here to test some experimental equipment for paranormal activities" she says as she pulls out a 'Twix' cookie bar
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