[FFRP] The Snake's Embrace


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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Knight Errant » Thu Apr 15, 2010 11:38 pm

Millinescence wrote:Manny looks at the Ovalisk in disgust and shakes his head before letting off some rounds.
Izza couldn't bear to watch as several more of her sisters go down. Holes appear in the truck as it continues to close in...

"Pinkie! We drop like stones! Prepare sleepy-cloud, nyo~!" The cat-eared driver says to her passenger, an Ovie with pink wavy pigtails.
Pinkie nods her head. "Mm! Yes, Comma!" She goes to the floorboard and picks up a strange weapon made out of piping, a modified vacuum cleaner, and other scraps. Pinky pulls the pin on a purple canister with a crudely drawn picture of a sleeping kitty and quickly loads it into the pipe of the launcher, sticks it out the window, flips an 'on' switch. The canister makes a *fwump!* sound as it's fired at the humans! "SWEET DREEAAMS~! <3" She giggles, calling out the window as the driver stomps on the brakes. A smirk crosses the Comma's face when the canister lands several feet in front the humans and lets out a plume of pink smoke!

"Holy s**t! They got gas too!? Yo man, let's get up outta here!" Grey shouts at Manny. He looks at Vic, "Hey, come wit us if you wanna live!"
The smoke starts to drift downwind towards our heroes!

Vic frowns as the situation heats up. "There is no choice, then." He draws his pistols, aiming carefully before putting a bullet in each of the front tires of the advancing truck. He then turns, rushing back to his car. He glances at Izza. "Come with us... if you want." He jumps into the car, closing it up. A heavy thunk on one of the rear doors reveals it to be freshly unlocked... as he waits a heartbeat for the Ovalisk to make her decision, watching her through the mirror.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Zilla » Thu Apr 15, 2010 11:56 pm

Harriet feels so conflicted at the orders Paul has given her, though Anthony does as instructed and waits by the panic button. "Don't hurt her!" Harriet sternly says, though she does as ordered, and helps Paul bring her into the containment cell. "Anything you do, please, don't hurt her."
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Apr 16, 2010 2:40 am

"Are we playing hide and go seek?", came the sugary sweet tones of Alice's voice as she woke beneath the darkness of the blankets to find herself strapped down. "Aww, not this game again! I don't like it!", she complained and began to squirm. "Harriiiiet?", she called as if singing a song, "Wanna cuddle!".
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Roggamer22 » Fri Apr 16, 2010 3:51 pm

Richard just nods and ignores the part about the looters, "Yeah, don't wanna know about the whole looter thing... Anyway, are we gonna go soon?" Richard looks around. "I don't exactly feel safe near all the craters and destroyed buildings. Not that it's any better out in the highway..."
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Zilla » Sat Apr 17, 2010 4:02 am

(going to post twice here since, I feel it would be appropriate...)

Harriet reaches for Alice with a gloved hand, and grabs her smaller hand.

"Don't be afraid, Alice," Harriet says. She looks deep into her now large eyes, a bit of a tear forming in her own.

She looks back to Anthony, who seems rather nonplussed about everything as he stands vigilant near the panic button. She looks back toward Paul, with that nearly sadistic gleam in his eye. She looks at Alice, so... blissfully unaware.

"I... I can't... Put me in there too." Harriet says.

Silence hangs in the air for a moment. The silence breaks with a small gasp of air from Anthony. "Ah..."

Harriet turns to look at him.

"You can't, Harriet!" he says. "You know what that means. Forget about Alice, Harriet. Alice is gone."

Harriet squeezes Alice's hand. "Anthony... I know that in my head, but my heart... I'm holding on to hope that Alice is still there. We can save her! I feel it!"

"You're losing it, Harriet!" he shouts back. "We need you! You know I can't keep everything together without you there! We need you for work."

"You'll do fine, Anthony. You're a better mechanic than I am..." Harriet turns and faces little Alice on the stretcher.

"Alice... I'm going with you. Then... Then we can cuddle, and you won't be scared anymore." Harriet sniffs. "Some day, we can be like normal. We'll go for a ride... through the countryside. You can sketch... the... landscape..." The last words come out in a choked sob.

Harriet hangs her head a bit.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Millinescence » Sat Apr 17, 2010 5:29 pm

((Okay, in order to keep the pace of the game, I'm going to be updating once a day. Don't worry if you miss an update. If you post, I will respond. Keep in mind that there is no turn order, this allows conversations between player characters. It is now 6pm in the RP. ^^))

Knight Errant wrote:Vic frowns as the situation heats up. "There is no choice, then." He draws his pistols, aiming carefully before putting a bullet in each of the front tires of the advancing truck. He then turns, rushing back to his car. He glances at Izza. "Come with us... if you want." He jumps into the car, closing it up. A heavy thunk on one of the rear doors reveals it to be freshly unlocked... as he waits a heartbeat for the Ovalisk to make her decision, watching her through the mirror.

Izza glances behind her before quickly opening the door and jumping into the back of Vic's car. The plume of pink smoke from the Sleepy-cloud quickly spreading! Vic would start to show signs of feeling tired.
"Sh*t...it's...f**kin' sleeping gas, dawg!" Big Manny wearily exclaims, using his shirt to cover up his nose and mouth as he grinds the manual gearbox into reverse and promptly backs his open-air Jeep away from the pink cloud. Grey succumbs to the gas as his unconscious body slumps over the 50cal.
Meanwhile, the Ovalisks at the yellow box truck examine the flat tires, waiting for the smoke to thin enough to move in on any sleeping ningen in the vicinity.

@Zilla & Harri-chan:
Paul facepalms at Harriet's request as he pushes Alice into the cell with Harriet close by. "And how do you think I would explain that away?" Paul asks. "I'm sorry but I'm afraid I can't let you do that, miss." He shows her the air-syringe. "This is N-67, I've been working on this drug for a few months now. It's designed to disable the hormone gland of a newly-turned Ovalisk. It has yet to be tested, but if it works, it will render their venom harmless when they mature and bring back varying amounts of memories." The technician explains. He grabs Alice by the arm with a gloved hand and sticks the needle of the air-syringe into Alice's upper-arm and pressed the trigger. The green liquid instantaneously exits the vile and painlessly enters Alice's bloodstream. "...But we have to inject this before then for it to work."

"We’ve learned quite a bit from dead specimens, but that's not nearly as much compared with live specimens. Such as our friend Kyla here...aka, specimin #2." Paul says, motioning over to a cell across from them. An ovie with yellowish-orange hair and green eyes naps on the floor inside her cell. "Their biology is quite humalike, although their DNA and internal structure are mostly reptilian in nature. The eyes are especially photo-sensitive. And as we know, they can heal themselves from very serious injuries..." Paul explains to Harriet. "In an earlier experiment, my crew had broken down the venom and it appears to be the cause of their healing abilities. Most people don't know this, but a newly turned Ovalisk can't produce their venom until 12 hours after first exposure..."
((It's actually established to be 72hrs after exposure, but 3 days is too long for this RP so I changed it to 12hrs ^^b))

Alice can feel a headache start to take hold when the drug takes effect. Memories from her old life start rushing in. She still can't recall the evacuation or life before the invasion, but she remembers the bunker and the time she spent with Harriet. Alice would also feel odd tinges in her skin, the drug starts doing something other than what the man in the white coat with the blue hands said...
"Oh no...something's off here..." Says the technician, his eyes wide in shock.

Roggamer22 wrote:Richard just nods and ignores the part about the looters, "Yeah, don't wanna know about the whole looter thing... Anyway, are we gonna go soon?" Richard looks around. "I don't exactly feel safe near all the craters and destroyed buildings. Not that it's any better out in the highway..."

"Yes, we can go now." Raychel chuckles. "Don't worry, the craters were our doing. When we arrived, those things started coming at us from multiple angles." She gets back on top of the tank and opens the hatch. Stepping inside she radios her men to continue their patrols. The tanks turn on the spot and starts moving down the road in the direction Richard was heading. The infantry get into a nearby hummer with a gunmount and follows the two tanks...
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Knight Errant » Sat Apr 17, 2010 5:55 pm

Millinescence wrote:Izza glances behind her before quickly opening the door and jumping into the back of Vic's car. The plume of pink smoke from the Sleepy-cloud quickly spreading! Vic would start to show signs of feeling tired.
"Sh*t...it's...f**kin' sleeping gas, dawg!" Big Manny wearily exclaims, using his shirt to cover up his nose and mouth as he grinds the manual gearbox into reverse and promptly backs his open-air Jeep away from the pink cloud. Grey succumbs to the gas as his unconscious body slumps over the 50cal.
Meanwhile, the Ovalisks at the yellow box truck examine the flat tires, waiting for the smoke to thin enough to move in on any sleeping ningen in the vicinity.

Vic holds his breath, punching down the gas and zooming away from the cloud! Yawning once he is clear, he turns on the fans to circulate fresh air in. Inside, Izza would find the leather seats of the car quite comfortable... though a bit of the interior space is being taken up by the gatling gun, and she has a ammo crate strapped in on the seat next to her. Also, the turret looks like it can actually be piloted by someone sitting in the back seat! But hopefully she wouldnt have to touch the thing...

Vic turns the car around, heading away. Glancing back to the Ovalisk. "I thought you would stay. I am trusting you much to have you inside my car... but... it is the only way. If we are to try and find any way of living in peace... we must understand each other. I am just beginning to understand you... and your kind needs to understand us."

"And if it turns out there is no way... well I will die knowing I made the effort."
O Muse!
Sing in me, and through me tell the story
Of that man skilled in all the ways of contending,
A wanderer, harried for years on end...

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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Zilla » Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:01 pm

"What do you mean you can't let me do that!" Harriet yells, her cheeks moist. "I don't care what you let me do, I am not leaving Alice alone!"

Anthony is beside himself. He's never seen Harriet like this, and he doesn't know what to do. He opens his mouth to say something, but closes it soon after.

"Alice, the real Alice, is in there..." Harriet continues. "She's scared... I can't leave her like that. Even if it means I have to join her, I don't care."

Anthony finally finds the words. "Harriet, that's suicide. I still need you, we all need you, this place needs as many as we can get, and you'd be throwing so much away, all for the memory of a friend."

Harriet rounds on Anthony, and it's her turn to be at a loss. A tense moment passes between them, broken by Harriet. "It's not just her... it's my father, maybe even my whole family. I can't go on knowing that everyone I care for is turning into these things, that the people I knew are gone. And then they tried to take Alice. I won't let them take her. I won't let them rob me of another friend..."

All through this, she has been holding Alice's hand in hers. She squeezes tightly. "I won't let go, Alice. I'll be with you until the end."
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Roggamer22 » Sat Apr 17, 2010 9:36 pm

"The fact that the tanks made the craters doesn't make me feel any better..." Richard whispers to himself. "Anyway... Let's go, Karen." He says to Karen, then goes to his truck and waits for Karen to get in before following the tanks and hummers.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Amy-chan » Sun Apr 18, 2010 9:56 pm

Name: Hiroko-chan

Age: 12 (apparent)

Appearance: Preternaturally cute to the max. Amethyst colored hair, impossible green eyes with a metallic gold starburst around the pupils, green and white sundress with ruffles, ruby slippers

Occupation: She was a scientist who liked to play music in her spare time, she is now high up in the Ovalisk council of Don-town Colony

Personality: Friendly to a fault, motherly in ways. Talky. Likes to act silly and air headed, but is not

Skills: She remembers her scientist skills, and her music skills. Given access to a lab, she can build Ovalisk state-of-the-art scientific devices. Came up with a capture net gun that uses a variation of Taser technology. Upon the net contacting a living target, a low level electric charge runs through it. Not enough to injure, but enough to mess up muscle coordination. It makes touching reluctant Ningen sooo much easier.

Other: Hiroko-chan was at the site of the first Ovalisk incursion into the world. She has regained her memories of her ‘before’ life, but doesn’t let them bother her. She remembers being touched by the first Ovalisk that came over. She is very dedicated to the Ovalisk cause.

Hiroko-chan stretched and got up from the work bench. Making stuff to help her sisters Touch more Ningen was needed, but it wasn’t as much fun as … well, just about anything else. She walked over and picked up her lute from where it had been leaning against the wall. She was playing a lively tune when a Comma came into the room.

"Hiroko-chan! Ningens 'round. Recover sisters, nyo?"

"Would I?! Whee! That sounds like fun!" She walked over to a cabinent and opened it. She took out two capture net guns, and a bandolier with some extra loads for them on it. She then took out a transparent helmet and put it on.

"Wha that?", the Comma asked.

"A bullet proof helmet. Its made up of layered transparent aluminum."

The Comma nodded, "Good idea. Need more. More sisters, nyo!"

Hiroko-chan skipped over to the Comma and linked her left arm with the Comma’s right arm. "Let‘s go! *giggle* Sisters, ready or not, here we come!"

With that the two headed out to the garage to join the rest of the 'Lost Sister Team' at a van.
Last edited by Amy-chan on Mon Apr 19, 2010 1:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Millinescence » Mon Apr 19, 2010 1:27 am

Knight Errant wrote:Vic holds his breath, punching down the gas and zooming away from the cloud! Yawning once he is clear, he turns on the fans to circulate fresh air in. Inside, Izza would find the leather seats of the car quite comfortable... though a bit of the interior space is being taken up by the gatling gun, and she has a ammo crate strapped in on the seat next to her. Also, the turret looks like it can actually be piloted by someone sitting in the back seat! But hopefully she wouldnt have to touch the thing...

Vic turns the car around, heading away. Glancing back to the Ovalisk. "I thought you would stay. I am trusting you much to have you inside my car... but... it is the only way. If we are to try and find any way of living in peace... we must understand each other. I am just beginning to understand you... and your kind needs to understand us."

"And if it turns out there is no way... well I will die knowing I made the effort."

Manny does a three-point-turn, careful not to let the sleeping Gray fall off, and speeds down the road as Vic catches up in his Caddy.
"Yo, GREY! Wake up, man!" The overweight driver shouts behind him. "We're outta there, we're safe for now. We need to put as much distance from that truck as we can!"
Grey lies snoring on the 50cal., unmoving save for the occasional bump.
Manny glances over towards Vic and Izza and shakes his head. "I hope you know wha'cha doin', dawg..." he whispers with a hint of tiredness. "Maybe later we could chill and hang out... Sic'o bein' out on the road all damn day." He picks up the mic to his radio, "Hey man, you know a safe place we can chill?"

"Elder Toria tells us of world before. Bleak, mundane." Says a fatigued Izza. Her and Vic start to wake up a bit more from the fresh air coming in. "Slave or starve, slave at desks, ugly outfits. Everyone for selves, not many care. Near nuclear war long time ago. Barely any love, bigotry. Makes us cry..."

When the smoke thins, the Ovies realize the ningen had escaped! They all run to where they were. Pinky carries her launcher, Only one more Sleepy-cloud strapped to her dress.
"Nyooo~! We lost them!" The Comma cries out. She spies the U-haul van that Vic pilfered through before Izza and her sisters intervened. "There, nyo! New van, Quickly~!"

Zilla wrote:"What do you mean you can't let me do that!" Harriet yells, her cheeks moist. "I don't care what you let me do, I am not leaving Alice alone!"

Anthony is beside himself. He's never seen Harriet like this, and he doesn't know what to do. He opens his mouth to say something, but closes it soon after.

"Alice, the real Alice, is in there..." Harriet continues. "She's scared... I can't leave her like that. Even if it means I have to join her, I don't care."

Anthony finally finds the words. "Harriet, that's suicide. I still need you, we all need you, this place needs as many as we can get, and you'd be throwing so much away, all for the memory of a friend."

Harriet rounds on Anthony, and it's her turn to be at a loss. A tense moment passes between them, broken by Harriet. "It's not just her... it's my father, maybe even my whole family. I can't go on knowing that everyone I care for is turning into these things, that the people I knew are gone. And then they tried to take Alice. I won't let them take her. I won't let them rob me of another friend..."

All through this, she has been holding Alice's hand in hers. She squeezes tightly. "I won't let go, Alice. I'll be with you until the end."

Paul sighs as their warnings go seemingly unheard. "Look miss, If you insist on being my guinie-pig then by all means stay with her!" The technician yells angrily at Harriet, throwing up his hands in frustration and points out the door. "If not, then I will have ask you to leave my lab right now! You are being completely irrational!"

Alice's skin now shows signs of shedding! Although Alice maintains her appearance of a 9 year old, her ears become pointy and start migrating to the top of her head as tiny green hairs start to appear on them. Alice starts to have an odd feeling inside her abdominal area as her organs shift a bit, becoming reptilian in nature. The palms of her hands seeming to sweat profusely. Alice would really want to get out of her restraints and huggle someone!

"Shedding? Ears? That's not supposed to happen until she matuure--Oh s**t this is bad!" Paul exclaims. He suddenly realizes the drug is not only making Alice into a Comma, but also getting her to produce the potent hormone much sooner than normal! Paul darts from the cell to the control panel. "Last chance, Miss!! Get out if you want to stay human!" Paul shouts, his hand is on the switch, waiting only seconds for Harriet to make her decision!

Roggamer22 wrote:"The fact that the tanks made the craters doesn't make me feel any better..." Richard whispers to himself. "Anyway... Let's go, Karen." He says to Karen, then goes to his truck and waits for Karen to get in before following the tanks and hummers.

"Well, at least we've got insurance..." Karen says as she gets in. "Down the road you should see a sign that says Novanian Heights. Make a right into there and continue down the street until you see a purple house...and then...we just hope they're there." Karen says nervously. She doesn't know if Ryan made it to her mom's or not, but at least he gave her directions in case he didn't.

((v This is Amy, she knows a ton of stuff about Ovalisks. Her and I will develop explore things about life in the East Donatello/Don-town Colony))
Amy-chan wrote:Hiroko-chan stretched and got up from the work bench. Making stuff to help her sisters Touch more Ningen was needed, but it wasn’t as much fun as … well, just about anything else. She walked over and picked up her lute from where it had been leaning against the wall. She was playing a lively tune when a Comma came into the room.

"Hiroko-chan! Ningens 'round. Recover sisters, nyo?"

"Would I?! Whee! That sounds like fun!" She walked over to a cabinent and opened it. She took out two capture net guns, and a bandolier with some extra loads for them on it. She then took out a transparent helmet and put it on.

"Wha that?", the Comma asked.

"A bullet proof helmet. Its made up of layered transparent aluminum."

The Comma nodded, "Good idea. Need more. More sisters, nyo!"

Hiroko-chan skipped over to the Comma and linked her left arm with the Comma’s right arm. "Let‘s go! *giggle* Sisters, ready or not, here we come!"

With that the two headed out to the garage to join the rest of the 'Lost Sister Team' at a van.

Hiroko would see seven more of her sisters enter the back of the white truck assigned to the patrol. She will find it to be artistically decorated with adorable painted drawings anywhere within hand's reach. There is even a spot on the driver's side door with an impressive number of tally marks that indicate how many hatchlings that particular truck brought into the colony. If Hiroko looks into the back, she would find that seating for at least 24 Ovies lines the walls inside, and the sliding rear door had been removed.
Last edited by Millinescence on Tue Apr 20, 2010 6:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Musashi » Mon Apr 19, 2010 2:55 am

O hai~

Name: Jasmine Conner

Age: 19

Appearance: Around 5'6, slim and athletic, shoulderblade-length black hair, and dark brown eyes. She used to enjoy fashion, but has ditched it for light, plain t-shirts and comfortable pants, often cargo pants... pockets are handy. And a sturdy pair of running shoes.

Occupation: A college student, member of the college track team, and waitress. At least until the world went to adorable Hell. Her main roll these days is scavenging.

Personality: Skittish, suspicious, exhausted but constantly on the move. She's been in survival mode since everything happened and has yet to be able to relax.

Skills: Her skills mainly lie in her athletic abilities. She's an excellent runner, and her leg strength makes her quick on the beat up bike she takes out with her. Jasmine has a good deal of stamina as well.

Other: Jasmine was a bright, carefree young lady. She enjoyed school, where she was working on a degree in English, and she loved participating in sports. She had a close relationship with her parents and younger sister, and was generally a very happy person. Then the Ovalisks arrived. She was able to make only a brief phone call to her mother before losing contact, and at this point has no idea where her family is. Since being driven underground, she's tried to make herself useful as a scavenger on the surface, her athleticism aiding in her ability to escape.


A rather tattered young woman rides a rust-spotted blue bike along the highway. Her clothes are slightly torn, and dusty, and dirt smudges her face. Her hair is pulled back into a ponytail, with pieces falling loose. She wears a backpack, mostly zippered shut except for a space where the handle end of a baseball bat sticks out. The basket attached to the handlebars of the bicycle is halfway filled with what food and medical supplies she could scavenge up. She pedals fiercely, heading back towards her current underground home.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Knight Errant » Mon Apr 19, 2010 3:05 am

Millinescence wrote:Manny does a three-point-turn, careful not to let the sleeping Gray fall off, and speeds down the road as Vic catches up in his Caddy.
"Yo, GREY! Wake up, man!" The overweight driver shouts behind him. "We're outta there, we're safe for now. We need to put as much distance from that truck as we can!"
Grey lies snoring on the 50cal., unmoving save for the occasional bump.
Manny glances over towards Vic and Izza and shakes his head. "I hope you know wha'cha doin', dawg..." he whispers with a hint of tiredness. "Maybe later we could chill and hang out... Sic'o bein' out on the road all damn day." He picks up the mic to his radio, "Hey man, you know a safe place we can chill?"

"Elder Toria tells us of world before. Bleak, mundane." Says a fatigued Izza. Her and Vic start to wake up a bit more from the fresh air coming in. "Slave or starve, slave at desks, ugly outfits. Everyone for selves, not many care. Near nuclear war long time ago. Barely any love, bigotry. Makes us cry..."

When the smoke thins, the Ovies realize the ningen had escaped! They all run to where they were. Pinky carries her launcher, Only one more Sleepy-cloud strapped to her dress.
"Nyooo~! We lost them!" The Comma cries out. She spies the U-haul van that Vic pilfered through before Izza and her sisters intervened. "There, nyo! New van, Quickly~!"

Vic picks up his radio. "Myself and a few survivors have built a fortified bunker. Your welcome to come back with me. There we can rest and catch our breaths from this trying time... and have that smoke." He gives directions to Manny over the radio and begins heading back.

Looking behind to Izza. "I cannot bring you back. The others may not understand... they may hurt you. I will drop you off before we get to close to my home."

After he listens to her. "That is the world. I am making no excuses for it. It is our way, the way we have lived for thousands upon thousands of years. Who are you to come and wipe us out for the sin of being human?"

"And besides the dark there is art, music, culture... the works of thousands of different races. All clashing against each other, but all unique. You would have them all erased, like the catholic religion of old. 'My way is better, you must follow it.' You would stamp us out... wipe us from the world. Just because you think you must 'enlighten' us."

"I spit on that... it is gross stupidity and cruelty. Have you any excuse?"
O Muse!
Sing in me, and through me tell the story
Of that man skilled in all the ways of contending,
A wanderer, harried for years on end...

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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Zilla » Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:18 pm

Anthony hits the panic button and scrambles toward the door, seeing Paul get flustered so quickly. Harriet remains by Alice's side, staring at Paul as he leaves. Anthony pauses a moment at the threshold of the door. Long stares are exchanged between the long-time friends, Anthony looks to be on the verge of saying something, when the door quickly seals shut in front of his face.

Harriet looks to Alice, struggling in her confines. It's not worth restraining her anymore. She wordlessly frees her from her confines...
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Amy-chan » Mon Apr 19, 2010 3:18 pm

Millinescence wrote:((v This is Amy, she knows a ton of stuff about Ovalisks. Her and I will develop explore things about life in the East Donatello/Don-town Colony))

Hiroko would see seven more of her sisters enter the back of the white truck assigned to the patrol. She will find it to be artistically decorated with adorable painted drawings anywhere within hand's reach. There is even a spot on the driver's side door with an impressive number of tally marks that indicate how many hatchlings that particular truck brought into the colony. If Hiroko looks into the back, she would find that seating for at least 24 Ovies lines the walls inside, and the sliding rear door had been removed.

((Me? Know a 'ton of stuff about Ovalisks"? Now however would I have leared that? *giggle* Want a hug?))

Hiroko-chan gave her sisters in the truck a cuddle-hug after climbing into it. She the settled into a seat as the truck pulled out and headed to find their 'lost sisters'.

"*giggle* Let's sing!", she said and then suited her action to her words ((to the tune of "This Old Man")).

"This young Ovie, she Touched one
She Changed a bully just for fun
With a knick-knack paddywhack, she made everyone a girl
This young Ovie rescinded a world

This young Ovie, she Touched two
She gave a police man hair of blue
With a knick-knack paddywhack, she made everyone a girl
This young Ovie rescinded a world

This young Ovie, she Touched three
She Touched some that tried to flee
With a knick-knack paddywhack, she made everyone a girl
This young Ovie rescinded a world

This young Ovie, she Touched four
She went romping through a toy store
With a knick-knack paddywhack, she made everyone a girl
This young Ovie rescinded a world

This young Ovie, she Touched five
Her new sisters swarmed like bees from a hive
With a knick-knack paddywhack, she made everyone a girl
This young Ovie rescinded a world

This young Ovie, she Touched six
She Changed the NFL just for kicks
With a knick-knack paddywhack, she made everyone a girl
This young Ovie rescinded a world

This young Ovie, she Touched seven
Ovie numbers growing by powers of eleven
With a knick-knack paddywhack, she made everyone a girl
This young Ovie rescinded a world

This young Ovie, she Touched eight
The world started going through rescinsions gate
With a knick-knack paddywhack, she made everyone a girl
This young Ovie rescinded a world

This young Ovie, she Touched nine
The Cuteness routed all forces malign
With a knick-knack paddywhack, she made everyone a girl
This young Ovie rescinded a world

This young Ovie, she Touched ten
She changed worlds and started over ag'n
With a knick-knack paddywhack, she made everyone a girl
This young Ovie rescinded a worlld."
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