[FFRP] The Snake's Embrace


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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Roggamer22 » Mon Apr 19, 2010 3:26 pm

"We have insurance? I didn't think I did, considering I just found this truck lying around..." Richard thinks about it for a bit and just starts driving down the road, following the directions Karen gave him. "Don't worry... I'm sure him and his mom are still there." Richard says in a calming voice to try and make Karen feel better. "The real question is whether or not they're still... them." He thinks to himself.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Millinescence » Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:31 pm

Musashi wrote:A rather tattered young woman rides a rust-spotted blue bike along the highway. Her clothes are slightly torn, and dusty, and dirt smudges her face. Her hair is pulled back into a ponytail, with pieces falling loose. She wears a backpack, mostly zippered shut except for a space where the handle end of a baseball bat sticks out. The basket attached to the handlebars of the bicycle is halfway filled with what food and medical supplies she could scavenge up. She pedals fiercely, heading back towards her current underground home.

Jasmine flies down the four-lane highway on her bicycle as she is greeted by the sun setting over the horizon of a gleaming yet slightly crumbling city skyline. Abandoned automotive wreckage dot the highway along with miscellaneous debris, a shed Ovalisk skin is blown to the side of the road by a brief gust of wind. The bunker is just two more miles away once she takes the next exit.

Knight Errant wrote:Vic picks up his radio. "Myself and a few survivors have built a fortified bunker. Your welcome to come back with me. There we can rest and catch our breaths from this trying time... and have that smoke." He gives directions to Manny over the radio and begins heading back.

Looking behind to Izza. "I cannot bring you back. The others may not understand... they may hurt you. I will drop you off before we get to close to my home."

After he listens to her. "That is the world. I am making no excuses for it. It is our way, the way we have lived for thousands upon thousands of years. Who are you to come and wipe us out for the sin of being human?"

"And besides the dark there is art, music, culture... the works of thousands of different races. All clashing against each other, but all unique. You would have them all erased, like the catholic religion of old. 'My way is better, you must follow it.' You would stamp us out... wipe us from the world. Just because you think you must 'enlighten' us."

"I spit on that... it is gross stupidity and cruelty. Have you any excuse?"

Izza listens, she was elated to hear the ningen have art and culture. "We have art, music, culture at Colony, it good. Name Colonies after artists." She beams happily. But then the Ovie cringes in disgust at the reference to Old Catholicism. "Nuuu~ Not it at all! No kill, memory return over time. Everyone different, even us. No body same. No fight 'bout that. We restore when huggle."

Manny puts a CD into his stereo and plays Down to Ride by Pastor Troy and sings along. Grey starts to wake up.
"Yo Big Manny...how long was I out?" Grey asks getting up from the gunmount.
"Uhh, ten minutes? Don't worry dawg, we safe now." The driver tells him. "Our man's got a bunker in town, we gonna go chill there."
"Heh...it's the street pastor. Wonder if he's still around."
"With all his straps and his mansion, I'm sure he is..." Manny chuckles.

Zilla wrote:Anthony hits the panic button and scrambles toward the door, seeing Paul get flustered so quickly. Harriet remains by Alice's side, staring at Paul as he leaves. Anthony pauses a moment at the threshold of the door. Long stares are exchanged between the long-time friends, Anthony looks to be on the verge of saying something, when the door quickly seals shut in front of his face.

Harriet looks to Alice, struggling in her confines. It's not worth restraining her anymore. She wordlessly frees her from her confines...

Paul flips the switch that closes the cell and takes the key out of the control panel. The panic button was pressed when the threat had already been contained! "Dammit all, why did she insist on staying!?" He says to himself just before Antony hit the panic button. A klaxon sounds as red lights on the ceiling flash red all throughout the bunker.
"Warning, warning!" Says an automated female voice. "An accident has occurred in the, B-Wing, Experimental Laboratory. Security bulkheads, 12, and, 13, are now closed...please remain calm and report to your quarters in an orderly fashion...All D-Wing Residential bulkheads will close in, 3, minutes.... Warning, Warning! ..." The voice repeats itself. The bulkheads that led out of the lab slam shut with a loud *Clag!*
"Ah great..." Paul says, shaking his head. "I didn't say press it now. Ughh..."

A man's voice can be heard on the intercom. "This is the Overseer, what in blazes is going on?"
"Experimental drug N67 was a complete failure!" Says Paul solemnly. "Instead of disabling the hormone it did the complete opposite...we've...lost one of the members of our mechanical team. A woman who knew the newly turned creature she and another person smuggled into the bunker..."

Meanwhile in the cell, despite Harriet's bulky mechanic's gloves, she has managed to free Alice from her restraints! More of Alice's shed skin has flaked off onto the floor. And with the bullet-proof plexiglass cell now closed off, there was no way out for Harriet.

Amy-chan wrote:((Me? Know a 'ton of stuff about Ovalisks"? Now however would I have leared that? *giggle* Want a hug?))

Hiroko-chan gave her sisters in the truck a cuddle-hug after climbing into it. She the settled into a seat as the truck pulled out and headed to find their 'lost sisters'.

"*giggle* Let's sing!", she said and then suited her action to her words ((to the tune of "This Old Man")).

((*giggle* You posted the song lol, neat! <3 *Millie the Aeternal hugs Amy-chan unafraid*))

Various pilots have long since driven all the stray cars off the downtown streets of the colony, leaving them of clear of traffic. Ovalisks walk along the sidewalks and some play games of tag and Ring Around the Roses in the streets, the colony buzzing with activity. To the north, a fork in the road has a building in the middle of it with a large screen on it that was once used to display advertisements. It now has big speakers mounted onto the sides. And to the South, the street goes through the center of the city with many intersections leading outward. Power still flows in this region, thanks to massive generators inside the colony. The Ovies in the back of the truck sing along with Hiroko-chan as it drives along, the Ovies playing in the streets respectably move out of the way. ((You had a Comma with you in the first post, that's who's driving the truck. So you get to decide where it goes.))

The Ovies look up as the giant screen flickers to life with white and color-bars before an Ovalisk with bright red hair appears on the screen. "Now, message from Elder Toria. Always brought on secure, ningen-proof channel~! <3" The screen flashes again as a young girl of thirteen with black pigtails and crimson eyes appears on the big screen.
"Good evening," Says the Aeternalisk as she idly swishes her long, skin-colored tail. "As we all know, Recention is close at hand! I am proud to announce that our patrol raids have brought in 97 new hatchlings today....however, there have also been over three dozen sisters that have made the ultimate sacrifice for our cause, and it will not have been in vain! Our scientists have come up with new technology, and soon we will rebuild from the ashes and start anew." The Elder pauses as the Ovalisks cheer. "Tonight, we will remember our fallen with a Candle-lit Ceremony. All are encouraged to join together in the Square at 9pm. That is all." And with that the screen shuts off, going dark once more.

Roggamer22 wrote:"We have insurance? I didn't think I did, considering I just found this truck lying around..." Richard thinks about it for a bit and just starts driving down the road, following the directions Karen gave him. "Don't worry... I'm sure him and his mom are still there." Richard says in a calming voice to try and make Karen feel better. "The real question is whether or not they're still... them." He thinks to himself.

Karen chuckles. "Not that kind of insurance. I mean we've got tanks on our side now, right?" On the road ahead of them, two bombed out box trucks still smolder. The tanks simply knock them to the side like toys as they continue driving down the road. A sunset can be seen in the sky in front of them...

Suddenly, one of the people in the tanks sees two pick-up trucks and dozens of Ovalsks approach them from a side-street!
"Enemies sighted! Two 'o clock! Orders, Leutanate?" Exclaims the tank driver. The military vehicles stop 50ft from the Ovies.
"Aim main guns and open fire! We are the last unit of our Division! Show them no mercy..." Raychel says coldly.
((Cue dramatic music!))
Last edited by Millinescence on Tue Apr 20, 2010 6:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Knight Errant » Tue Apr 20, 2010 1:30 am

Millinescence wrote:Izza listens, she was elated to hear the ningen have art and culture. "We have art, music, culture at Colony, it good. Name Colonies after artists." She beams happily. But then the Ovie cringes in disgust at the reference to Old Catholicism. "Nuuu~ Not it at all! No kill, memory return over time. Everyone different, even us. No body same. No fight 'bout that. We restore when huggle."

Manny puts a CD into his stereo and plays Down to Ride by Pastor Troy and sings along. Grey starts to wake up.
"Yo Big Manny...how long was I out?" Grey asks getting up from the gunmount.
"Uhh, ten minutes? Don't worry dawg, we safe now." The driver tells him. "Our man's got a bunker in town, we gonna go chill there."
"Heh...it's the street pastor. Wonder if he's still around."
"With all his straps and his mansion, I'm sure he is..." Manny chuckles.

"I am glad you have your own, but the fact remains. You cannot truthfully say the... children turned by you are unchanged, and continue their own culture? They would have your culture, your ideals, your goals... forced on them. The Catholics used pain and intimidation to do this, forcing people to think their way. The only difference between them an you is you can do it much easier, with just a touch. Then you have a convert, their own lives, dreams, hopes, and goals erased to be replaced by yours. And if they are lucky they remember after a time how they used to think. But I am guessing by then it dosent matter."

"You restore nothing... all you do is destroy. Our world lies in ashes because of you, the people driven to desperation and murder..."

During the conversation he spares what attention he can to look at her... watching her reaction to what he says. He had already made up his mind on what he would do once he finishes talking with this girl, but even then what he would do hinged on the outcome of this conversation. Meanwhile, he continues following behind the Jeep, making sure they make it back to the bunker safely.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Amy-chan » Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:13 pm

Millinescence wrote: Various pilots have long since driven all the stray cars off the downtown streets of the colony, leaving them of clear of traffic. Ovalisks walk along the sidewalks and some play games of tag and Ring Around the Roses in the streets, the colony buzzing with activity. To the north, a fork in the road has a building in the middle of it with a large screen on it that was once used to display advertisements. It now has big speakers mounted onto the sides. And to the South, the street goes through the center of the city with many intersections leading outward. Power still flows in this region, thanks to massive generators inside the colony. The Ovies in the back of the truck sing along with Hiroko-chan as it drives along, the Ovies playing in the streets respectably move out of the way. ((You had a Comma with you in the first post, that's who's driving the truck. So you get to decide where it goes.)) ...

A cell phone in the truck rang. "Answer." said Maya, the Comma who was driving.

"Maya, a scout reported a lone Ningen riding a bicycle in towards the city on highway 66. Go recover her."

"Okee-dokies, bye-bye." She then reached back with one hand and slid open a small panel to the back of the truck.

"Lone lost sister seen. nyo Gonna go get her. nyo"

With that she took the next turn and headed the truck towards highway 66.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Zilla » Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:29 pm

Harriet looks around the cell, seeing that it's securely shut. She looks back at Alice, now with her Kitty ears and all.

"Alice... Alice, are you in there?" she says. "I just want you to know that..." She pauses and breathes in sharply. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you. I'll be here for you..."

She waits intently for her response, to see if her friend heard her.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Musashi » Tue Apr 20, 2010 4:29 pm

Millinescence wrote:Jasmine flies down the four-lane highway on her bicycle as she is greeted by the sun setting over the horizon of a gleaming yet slightly crumbling city skyline. Abandoned automotive wreckage dot the highway along with miscellaneous debris, a shed Ovalisk skin is blown to the side of the road by a brief gust of wind. The bunker is just two more miles away once she takes the next exit.

Jasmine cringes at the sight of the shed skin and peddles faster. Normally very focused while on her outings, she allows her mind to wander.

I wonder who it belonged to. I wonder who they were before. They're turning us into... snakes-


"Sh-!" The bike swerves and falls to the ground, pulling Jasmine with it. The wheels spin uselessly in the air, one of them badly punctured by the scattered debris.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Roggamer22 » Tue Apr 20, 2010 4:55 pm

Richard quickly drives next to the tanks in order to not get caught in the crossfire. "This is bad.This is bad. This is bad. This is BAD..." Richard looks over to Karen, "Looks like it's gonna be a little harder to find them now... What do we do?"
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Millinescence » Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:44 pm

((Announcement: An Ovalisk colony that I'm not at liberty to identify has just informed me that not all Comma, short for Raid Commanders are male. Male Ovalisks are actually quite rare since Ovies can always touch a ningen to make more of themselves. Because of this, most of them hold leadership positions. However, females still outnumber them when it comes to that. Just wanting to let everyone know. ^.~))

((An update for my wonderful players will be posted later tonight~! Really, you all have been great Image))
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Amy-chan » Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:48 pm

Millinescence wrote:((Announcement: An Ovalisk colony that I'm not at liberty to identify ...))

((You'd better remember that part!))
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Mendi-chan » Tue Apr 20, 2010 8:07 pm

((I'm so sorry I've been sporadic. I've gotten a bit busier than I had planned. ^^"))
Kayko giggles as she watches the Ningen begin to change. That was her just a few seconds ago. ^___^
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Millinescence » Wed Apr 21, 2010 5:08 am

((I'm now announcing that Amy-chan is our Co-GM. She's going to help me run this RP, but I still have primary control over the game. If any of you have any questions, you can PM me. ^^))

Knight Errant wrote:"I am glad you have your own, but the fact remains. You cannot truthfully say the... children turned by you are unchanged, and continue their own culture? They would have your culture, your ideals, your goals... forced on them. The Catholics used pain and intimidation to do this, forcing people to think their way. The only difference between them an you is you can do it much easier, with just a touch. Then you have a convert, their own lives, dreams, hopes, and goals erased to be replaced by yours. And if they are lucky they remember after a time how they used to think. But I am guessing by then it dosent matter."

"You restore nothing... all you do is destroy. Our world lies in ashes because of you, the people driven to desperation and murder..."

During the conversation he spares what attention he can to look at her... watching her reaction to what he says. He had already made up his mind on what he would do once he finishes talking with this girl, but even then what he would do hinged on the outcome of this conversation. Meanwhile, he continues following behind the Jeep, making sure they make it back to the bunker safely.

As the Jeep nears a corner, a cop car covered in Ovalisk chalk drawings can be seen wrecked into a stray van. Two Ovalisks in navy blue dresses, one with a policeman's hat sits on the trunk of their squad car as they use a knife to open up several soup cans.
Gray aims his 50cal at them, but the Ovies seem preoccupied with getting their meal. They just glance up and then continue what they were doing.
"Hahaha...'bout time the police got they just deserts." Manny laughs. "Save our ammo, Grey. We'll deal wit'dem later."
"Hey, maybe we should give them doughnuts..." Grey teased as the Jeep passes the former cops.
"You lucky car wrecked!" The ovie in the hat exclaims. "Come here say that... <.<"

Izza sighs at Vic's words. There was just no convincing him. She looks at Vic defeated. Izza just isn't as good a debater as some of her other sisters.
"Say you right. How stop? Just one, two weeks old." She points to herself.

Amy-chan wrote:A cell phone in the truck rang. "Answer." said Maya, the Comma who was driving.

"Maya, a scout reported a lone Ningen riding a bicycle in towards the city on highway 66. Go recover her."

"Okee-dokies, bye-bye." She then reached back with one hand and slid open a small panel to the back of the truck.

"Lone lost sister seen. nyo Gonna go get her. nyo"

With that she took the next turn and headed the truck towards highway 66.

The streets were clear for a couple blocks before abandoned cars, trucks, and vans started dotting them. The driver would know a route that avoids these obstacles as they pass through several Ovalsik ambush traps. But as they get close to the highway on-ramp, a young boy no more than 14 wanders the streets in search of food. He had messy black hair and wore jeans and a baggy t-shirt. He notices the truck, his eyes go wide in fear as he darts to the nearest building and tries the door. "Gah! It's locked!" He yells before running back down the front steps and off into a nearby alleyway.

Zilla wrote:Harriet looks around the cell, seeing that it's securely shut. She looks back at Alice, now with her Kitty ears and all.

"Alice... Alice, are you in there?" she says. "I just want you to know that..." She pauses and breathes in sharply. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you. I'll be here for you..."

She waits intently for her response, to see if her friend heard her.

((I'm...apprehensive about NPC'ing a player character. Even if Harri-chan says I could. It's sad, but I guess I've got no choice. I hope she come back. :( ))
Alice sits up when she hears a soothing voice and looks at the girl with the bulky gloves. "H-Harriet? I didn't like that game, man scary." She holds Harriet's gloved hand with both of her's, taking her closer. The klaxon can only be heard faintly from inside the cell, it was almost like gentle humming. Alice's ears twitch as she reaches up and hugs Harriet around her exposed shoulders. Harriet can feel tingling in her arms, it spreads throughout her body as she begins to shift!

After Paul had explained things to the Overseer, he told him and Anthony to report to the Security Office for further questioning once the bulkheads open.
"This is Brad, your Overseer," He says on the bunker's main PA system. "The threat in the lab has been contained. Two casualties are reported. I regret to inform you that Harriet Aikman of the Mechanical Team and Alice Sheppard are no more. All security bulkheads will now open..."
A few seconds later, the klaxon and flashing lights stop as bulkheads leading out of the lab and residential areas raise upwards and click back into place.
"Paul! Paul, are you alright?" A man with red hair and glasses exclaims as the bulkheads open. "W-what happened?"
The head technician shakes his head. "Frank, I'm not alright, but at least I'm alive." He says with a defeated tone. "N67 was a total failure. Put your haz-mat suit on, you've got a stretcher in cell 8 that needs sterilizing. I've got to report to the Overseer's office. Excuse me."

Musashi wrote:Jasmine cringes at the sight of the shed skin and peddles faster. Normally very focused while on her outings, she allows her mind to wander.

I wonder who it belonged to. I wonder who they were before. They're turning us into... snakes-


"Sh-!" The bike swerves and falls to the ground, pulling Jasmine with it. The wheels spin uselessly in the air, one of them badly punctured by the scattered debris.

The fall had given her scrapes on her hands, and a twisted ankle but nothing major. Where traffic and engines were once heard, the four-lane highway is eerily silent. Only the wind howls through here. A keen eye would spot a lone Ovie with grass-colored hair as peeks her head out over the median about 20ft away. She quickly ducks down and inches closer...

Roggamer22 wrote:Richard quickly drives next to the tanks in order to not get caught in the crossfire. "This is bad.This is bad. This is bad. This is BAD..." Richard looks over to Karen, "Looks like it's gonna be a little harder to find them now... What do we do?"

The tanks fire their massive guns, the two pick-up trucks go off in a fireball of an explosion when the shells hit! The Ovies around the two vehicles were sent flying, but they heal themselves and get back up only 10 seconds later. The infantry in the hummer scramble out and fire their M16 assault rifles at the remaining Ovalisks as the people in the tanks load new shells into their chambers...

"Go around them! Hurry, stomp on that thing!" Karen shouts quickly. "We've still got a mile left till we get to Novanian Heights." She promptly climbs out of her seat and opens the rear window, pointing her own gun out in case any Ovies try to follow them!

Mendi-chan wrote:
Millinescence wrote:Kayko huggles the man as he finds himself surrounded by Ovalisks! He was surprised to discover he didn't change, but his thoughts of somehow being immune quickly faded when he was kissed by the Comma herself! The ningen screams and hollers, trying unsuccessfully to kill one of the Ovies as he starts to get shorter. His hair grows longer as it turns an orange-ish hue and ties itself into pigtails. The Ovalisks giggle happily as the ningen continues to change and shift...

((I'm so sorry I've been sporadic. I've gotten a bit busier than I had planned. ^^"))
Kayko giggles as she watches the Ningen begin to change. That was her just a few seconds ago. ^___^

((It's okay, happens to everyone ^_~ ))
The man lets out a scream that quickly increases in pitch, face changing, becoming young and feminine, eyes getting larger and turning a golden color. His arms and legs pull in on themselves becoming shorter with a hint of baby fat. He...or rather she lets out a gasp as her body changes and little mounds form on her chest. Then the hatchling's clothes change, pants reforming into long striped socks and ruby slippers as a dress with cute petticoats quickly sprout from his shirt. It reforms to become an adorable bright pink dress. "Mommy! <3" The hatchling giggles joyfully as she hug the Comma that kissed her.

Kayko, the hatchling, and the others scramble into the huge white candy truck. A Sister with Jade hair and pretty blue eyes is behind the wheel this time as they drive towards their new home at the Colony...
"Kayko, need name for newbie :3" Yoko says, petting the head of their newest hatchling. She giggles.

((Time in the RP is now 6:24pm))
Last edited by Millinescence on Wed Apr 21, 2010 5:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Knight Errant » Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:14 am

Millinescence wrote:As the Jeep nears a corner, a cop car covered in Ovalisk chalk drawings can be seen wrecked into a stray van. Two Ovalisks in navy blue dresses, one with a policeman's hat sits on the trunk of their squad car as they use a knife to open up several soup cans.
Gray aims his 50cal at them, but the Ovies seem preoccupied with getting their meal. They just glance up and then continue what they were doing.
"Hahaha...'bout time the police got they just deserts." Manny laughs. "Save our ammo, Grey. We'll deal wit'dem later."
"Hey, maybe we should give them doughnuts..." Grey teased as the Jeep passes the former cops.
"You lucky car wrecked!" The ovie in the hat exclaims. "Come here say that... <.<"

Izza sighs at Vic's words. There was just no convincing him. She looks at Vic defeated. Izza just isn't as good a debater as some of her other sisters.
"Say you right. How stop? Just one, two weeks old." She points to herself.

((HAH! I defeat your minor NPC in debate! *swish!*))

"You know your kind better than me. You said you had a leader... would they ever be convinced to stop this? Would any of you? Do you still, after all of this, believe what you have done is right?"

He passes the cop car... wondering who they had been... who had the person in this car with him been? He looks ahead to the jeep. His new allies were crude... but decent enough in their own way. He supposes he dosent have the luxury of being choosy... here at the end of the world.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Zilla » Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:29 pm

Harriet stares straight into Alice's eyes, and as she reaches for the hug, only a small corner, not even a point, in her mind screams "NOOO" at what she's doing. The rest of the mass of her brain knows she needs to do it. She needs to hug Alice and make her feel safe, and... she needs to join her. She hugs her tight, and the changes start at her neck and face. (her shoulders weren't exposed).

Images flash by in her mind suddenly, almost unbidden. Flashes back to growing up. Things she hadn't even thought of since the invasion rise to the surface. Sharing a room with her twin brother, who sometimes woke up in the night from night terrors, and harriet would come over and hug him, and make him feel safe... Something latched on to that memory, and that feeling became more and more intense. Hugs were nice. Her sister was so nice... She was so glad she was a twin! Lots of stuff to do together!

She thought back to playing with Legos like she loved to do. She made little trucks. Her older brother was so mean sometimes, and he'd take them all apart if Harriet wasn't paying attention. One time he even glued a bunch of pieces together! So mean! But then he apologized! And brought out some cupcakes she made! :D And they had candy together!

The rest of her memories began to flash by quickly. Growing up and hugging everyone around her, making everyone feel nice and warm and safe, and fixing things for people. She loved fixing things! And it made everyone happy!!
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Roggamer22 » Wed Apr 21, 2010 2:46 pm

"If you say so! Hang on!!" Richard floors the accelerator and goes speeding around the tanks towards their destination. "I hope those military guys don't end up losing... Wow... I never expected myself to say that in this kind of scenerio, usually the military are the bad guys, at least in the generic apocalypse plot, anyway..."
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Musashi » Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:38 pm

Millinescence wrote:The fall had given her scrapes on her hands, and a twisted ankle but nothing major. Where traffic and engines were once heard, the four-lane highway is eerily silent. Only the wind howls through here. A keen eye would spot a lone Ovie with grass-colored hair as peeks her head out over the median about 20ft away. She quickly ducks down and inches closer...

Jasmine growls and rolls into a sitting position, cursing and rubbing dirt from her eyes. She blinks blearily for a moment, glancing around quickly.

Was there... something out there...?

She's not about to wait and find out. She grabs the bike and pulls it up. "Come on, we're going home..." Jasmine pushes her poor beat up bike along, limping on her sore ankle.
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