[FFRP] The Snake's Embrace


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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Mendi-chan » Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:28 pm

"Um... Newbie can be Taya! That's a fun name!~" Kayko says, looking to the newest edition to their group.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Amy-chan » Wed Apr 21, 2010 9:41 pm

Millinescence wrote:((I'm now announcing that Amy-chan is our Co-GM. She's going to help me run this RP, but I still have primary control over the game. If any of you have any questions, you can PM me. ^^))

The streets were clear for a couple blocks before abandoned cars, trucks, and vans started dotting them. The driver would know a route that avoids these obstacles as they pass through several Ovalsik ambush traps. But as they get close to the highway on-ramp, a young boy no more than 14 wanders the streets in search of food. He had messy black hair and wore jeans and a baggy t-shirt. He notices the truck, his eyes go wide in fear as he darts to the nearest building and tries the door. "Gah! It's locked!" He yells before running back down the front steps and off into a nearby alleyway.

((That's right!! I'm gonna be Igorina to Millie-chan's Dr. Frankenstein!!))

The truck screeched to a halt and the Ovalisks in the back started spilling out giggling as they ran towards the boy.

"Yay! Sister!"

"Stop!", said Hiroko-chan, "You're scaring her." As the other Ovalisks obeyed her, she made certain to open her transparent helmet as she walked slowly towards the boy. She stopped a few feet away, and made a production of pulling on some latex gloves. She then held her gloved hands up and said, "See? I can't change you by touching you with my hands with these on."

Musashi wrote: Jasmine growls and rolls into a sitting position, cursing and rubbing dirt from her eyes. She blinks blearily for a moment, glancing around quickly.

Was there... something out there...?

She's not about to wait and find out. She grabs the bike and pulls it up. "Come on, we're going home..." Jasmine pushes her poor beat up bike along, limping on her sore ankle.

The Ovalisk used the natural camouflage of her hair color to slip up closer to Jasmine. Then sprung up in front of her! “Hihi! Gonna hug you sister! *giggles*” she said as she lunged at Jasmine.

Zilla wrote:Harriet stares straight into Alice's eyes, and as she reaches for the hug, only a small corner, not even a point, in her mind screams "NOOO" at what she's doing. The rest of the mass of her brain knows she needs to do it. She needs to hug Alice and make her feel safe, and... she needs to join her. She hugs her tight, and the changes start at her neck and face. (her shoulders weren't exposed).

Images flash by in her mind suddenly, almost unbidden. Flashes back to growing up. Things she hadn't even thought of since the invasion rise to the surface. Sharing a room with her twin brother, who sometimes woke up in the night from night terrors, and harriet would come over and hug him, and make him feel safe... Something latched on to that memory, and that feeling became more and more intense. Hugs were nice. Her sister was so nice... She was so glad she was a twin! Lots of stuff to do together!

She thought back to playing with Legos like she loved to do. She made little trucks. Her older brother was so mean sometimes, and he'd take them all apart if Harriet wasn't paying attention. One time he even glued a bunch of pieces together! So mean! But then he apologized! And brought out some cupcakes she made! :D And they had candy together!

The rest of her memories began to flash by quickly. Growing up and hugging everyone around her, making everyone feel nice and warm and safe, and fixing things for people. She loved fixing things! And it made everyone happy!!

As her memories changed, so did Harriet’s appearance, She went back in age to about 11, losing almost all of her curves as she did so. Her hair became straight and turned sunshine yellow. In fact, it seemed to have some sunshine trapped it, giving it a slight internal glow. Her eyes grew large, and her pupils turned a dark orange. A light pink bow appeared in her hair, as the heavy gloves just evaporated. Her clothing changed to where she was wearing an amethyst colored skirt with a top that was ecru with a band of rust colored triangle around it at about chest height.

((She now looks like this ))

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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Musashi » Wed Apr 21, 2010 10:13 pm

Amy-chan wrote:
The Ovalisk used the natural camouflage of her hair color to slip up closer to Jasmine. Then sprung up in front of her! “Hihi! Gonna hug you sister! *giggles*” she said as she lunged at Jasmine.

Jasmine stares, frozen for a split second.

I can't outrun her like this!

Then the bike is thrown down, and she reaches back and whips out the baseball bat from her backpack.

"YOU WANT SOME OF THIS?! COME ON!" Jasmine lunges right back at the little Ovie, snarling and swinging the bat with more violent ferocity than she ever knew she had. Survival instincts!
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Zilla » Wed Apr 21, 2010 11:02 pm

She opened her eyes and stared at Comma in front of her. Comma Alice! So nice!

"Where this?" she says, looking around at the little room they were in. "Bed don't look comfy! No big blankets! No snuggly aminals!"
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Millinescence » Wed Apr 21, 2010 11:40 pm

Knight Errant wrote:((HAH! I defeat your minor NPC in debate! *swish!*))

"You know your kind better than me. You said you had a leader... would they ever be convinced to stop this? Would any of you? Do you still, after all of this, believe what you have done is right?"

He passes the cop car... wondering who they had been... who had the person in this car with him been? He looks ahead to the jeep. His new allies were crude... but decent enough in their own way. He supposes he dosent have the luxury of being choosy... here at the end of the world.

Izza hangs her head like she's been scolded. "Izza not sure..." She mumbles.

As the Jeep gets closer to the bunker, it triggers a set of motion sensors. A man's voice comes in on Vic and Manny's radio. "Identify yourselves. Lend us your voice or we won't open the door." He says nonchalantly.
"Yo man, this is Big Manny. I got my friend Gray with me." Says Manny. "We're new here."
"Oh yeah? How did you find the bunker?"

Roggamer22 wrote:"If you say so! Hang on!!" Richard floors the accelerator and goes speeding around the tanks towards their destination. "I hope those military guys don't end up losing... Wow... I never expected myself to say that in this kind of scenerio, usually the military are the bad guys, at least in the generic apocalypse plot, anyway..."

"Heh...You watch too much movies." Karen smirks. She gasps as she watches two infantrymen get turned, the rest of them back off and start shooting the heads of the nearby Ovies and the two new hatchlings right in mid-change! They were killed instantly. The tanks aim and fire their shells to finish off the rest. No Ovies followed Richard's truck.

Mendi-chan wrote:"Um... Newbie can be Taya! That's a fun name!~" Kayko says, looking to the newest edition to their group.

"Taya is pretty name :3" Treiko chirps happily. The truck makes it into the maze of the city streets, weaving around stray vehicles. They were almost to the colony.

Amy-chan wrote:((That's right!! I'm gonna be Igorina to Millie-chan's Dr. Frankenstein!!))

The truck screeched to a halt and the Ovalisks in the back started spilling out giggling as they ran towards the boy.

"Yay! Sister!"

"Stop!", said Hiroko-chan, "You're scaring her." As the other Ovalisks obeyed her, she made certain to open her transparent helmet as she walked slowly towards the boy. She stopped a few feet away, and made a production of pulling on some latex gloves. She then held her gloved hands up and said, "See? I can't change you by touching you with my hands with these on."

The boy stops, looks at Hiroko, down the alleyway and back to Hiroko. Down the alleyway, Hiroko and the boy would see that it leads to another street parallel to the one the truck was on. A pizzeria with two delivery mopeds were parked outside. One of them lies on it side while the other remains on it's kick-stand. A chain link fence twice his height stands between the boy and the pizzeria.
"St-stay away! I don't trust you. My friends, my dad, gone because of you!" He calls out, backing away slowly.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Knight Errant » Wed Apr 21, 2010 11:57 pm

Millinescence wrote:Izza hangs her head like she's been scolded. "Izza not sure..." She mumbles.

As the Jeep gets closer to the bunker, it triggers a set of motion sensors. A man's voice comes in on Vic and Manny's radio. "Identify yourselves. Lend us your voice or we won't open the door." He says nonchalantly.
"Yo man, this is Big Manny. I got my friend Gray with me." Says Manny. "We're new here."
"Oh yeah? How did you find the bunker?"

Vic motions for Izza to be quiet, then speaks up over the radio. "Because I led them here. This is Victor... the two you are hearing are my guests. We met on the road and exchanged pleasantries... but it has been a long day of battle, and they have no place to stay. So I offered them shelter."

Turning off the talk on his radio, he looks back to Izza. "You must be sure, child... and quickly. Time runs short. Is there any hope? Will they ever yield? Or are their ways set. Do not fear to tell me the truth... it is the not knowing that causes me agony."
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Roggamer22 » Thu Apr 22, 2010 3:04 pm

"Hey, Movies and Video games make great study guides for Surviving an apocalypse." Richard jokes and continues driving to the destination. "So, where do you plan on going... you know, after this? I mean, if you survive... Where will you, and hopefully your boyfriend and his mom, go?" He says, trying to start a conversation to help forget what happened.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Millinescence » Fri Apr 23, 2010 1:01 am

Zilla wrote:She opened her eyes and stared at Comma in front of her. Comma Alice! So nice!

"Where this?" she says, looking around at the little room they were in. "Bed don't look comfy! No big blankets! No snuggly aminals!"

"We...are in the lab. There's scary man. He inject me with something." Alice says. "Nearly make me boy. <.<"
She looks over to the cell across from her and sees a blond haired Ovie blushing at the new sisters before curtsying.

Knight Errant wrote:Vic motions for Izza to be quiet, then speaks up over the radio. "Because I led them here. This is Victor... the two you are hearing are my guests. We met on the road and exchanged pleasantries... but it has been a long day of battle, and they have no place to stay. So I offered them shelter."

Turning off the talk on his radio, he looks back to Izza. "You must be sure, child... and quickly. Time runs short. Is there any hope? Will they ever yield? Or are their ways set. Do not fear to tell me the truth... it is the not knowing that causes me agony."

"Anything possible..." Izza replies, looking up. "No punishment for break rules, we just obey them. We obey rules because love of Commas and Elder...and every sister and soon-to-be sister." She sighs, "Izza no knows what happens if one break rules. I will tell sisters 'bout you, and what we talk though."

Roggamer22 wrote:"Hey, Movies and Video games make great study guides for Surviving an apocalypse." Richard jokes and continues driving to the destination. "So, where do you plan on going... you know, after this? I mean, if you survive... Where will you, and hopefully your boyfriend and his mom, go?" He says, trying to start a conversation to help forget what happened.

"I don't know," Karen says. She ponders for a few seconds. "I was thinking we all could like hole up in an apartment somewhere. Destroy the first floor staircases and scavenge off the building."
Richard can now see the Novanian Heights sign on the right side of the street. It's just 200ft away.

((Amy-chan will update the rest of you when she gets on ^^v))
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Knight Errant » Fri Apr 23, 2010 1:17 am

Vic sighs... pulling off to the side of the road. "It seems you do not have the answers... So I must go on without them. If you see me again... be careful. I may be a monster." He looks around and spots a billboard not too far from the road. "If you need to speak to me, tie a ribbon around the metal pole of that billboard and wait out of sight.

He unlocks Izza's door... hesitating. "I am... glad I met you. Good luck out there in the world."
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Amy-chan » Fri Apr 23, 2010 10:53 am

Musashi wrote:Jasmine stares, frozen for a split second.

I can't outrun her like this!

Then the bike is thrown down, and she reaches back and whips out the baseball bat from her backpack.

"YOU WANT SOME OF THIS?! COME ON!" Jasmine lunges right back at the little Ovie, snarling and swinging the bat with more violent ferocity than she ever knew she had. Survival instincts!

The Ovalisks backs off "That not fun game! If we gonna play with bat, we need ball. You got ball?" She then throws up one arm to help protect herslf from Jasmine's violently swinging bat. There is a sickening crack as the bat makes contact with her left arm. She grabs that arm with her right hand. "AAArrrghh! You broke my arm!!! I just wanna be friend!" She stands back out of reach of Jasmine's swings with tears running down her cheeks."You meanie!"

Millinescence wrote:[The boy stops, looks at Hiroko, down the alleyway and back to Hiroko. Down the alleyway, Hiroko and the boy would see that it leads to another street parallel to the one the truck was on. A pizzeria with two delivery mopeds were parked outside. One of them lies on it side while the other remains on it's kick-stand. A chain link fence twice his height stands between the boy and the pizzeria.

"St-stay away! I don't trust you. My friends, my dad, gone because of you!" He calls out, backing away slowly.

Hiroko-chan stops and tilts her head slightly to one side as she looks at the boy. "I didn't do anything to them." Her voice takes on a soothing, hypnotic cadence. "All I want to do is be your friend. To ease your fears and worries. I can help you find food. Maybe even help you find your dad and your friends ..."
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Zilla » Fri Apr 23, 2010 11:14 am

The new Ovie looked across the room at her sister, and waved emphatically to her! She gave Comma Alice a big big hug, and started to knock on the glass around their cell.

"How we meet sister?" She asks, eyes wide with concern.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Musashi » Fri Apr 23, 2010 3:52 pm

Amy-chan wrote:The Ovalisks backs off "That not fun game! If we gonna play with bat, we need ball. You got ball?" She then throws up one arm to help protect herslf from Jasmine's violently swinging bat. There is a sickening crack as the bat makes contact with her left arm. She grabs that arm with her right hand. "AAArrrghh! You broke my arm!!! I just wanna be friend!" She stands back out of reach of Jasmine's swings with tears running down her cheeks."You meanie!"

Jasmine pauses, still holding the bat threateningly. As much as she doesn't want to admit it, those tears tug at her heartstrings.

"Yeah, well, I'm going to break a hell of a lot more than that if you don't get away from me! You and your kind don't belong here!"
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Millinescence » Sat Apr 24, 2010 1:51 am

Knight Errant wrote:Vic sighs... pulling off to the side of the road. "It seems you do not have the answers... So I must go on without them. If you see me again... be careful. I may be a monster." He looks around and spots a billboard not too far from the road. "If you need to speak to me, tie a ribbon around the metal pole of that billboard and wait out of sight.

He unlocks Izza's door... hesitating. "I am... glad I met you. Good luck out there in the world."

Izza smiles, "Same. Uhh...hope we understand soon." She gets out of the car and pushes the door closed. She runs off into the opposite direction of Vic to meet up with the Ovies at the wrecked cop car.

Meanwhile, Manny is inside the airlock, his vehicle being inspected by the cameras with the mounted rifles before finally being let into the garage.
"Vic, you're next. C'mon through." Says the garage attendant on Vic's radio. The big steel doors within the dirt mound open up, waiting for Vic's Caddy to enter.

Amy-chan wrote:Hiroko-chan stops and tilts her head slightly to one side as she looks at the boy. "I didn't do anything to them." Her voice takes on a soothing, hypnotic cadence. "All I want to do is be your friend. To ease your fears and worries. I can help you find food. Maybe even help you find your dad and your friends ..."

The boy thinks on what Hiroko said. "Well, you seem more intelligent...and you don't talk like five year old either." He says, slightly intrigued. But now he has questions. "Can't you just tell them to stop? Don't you girls have enough...of your kind?" All the while, the boy was careful to keep a good distance from her.

Zilla wrote:The new Ovie looked across the room at her sister, and waved emphatically to her! She gave Comma Alice a big big hug, and started to knock on the glass around their cell.

"How we meet sister?" She asks, eyes wide with concern.

Alice shrugs. "I dunno, Harriet."
The Ovie in the cell across from them looked over to the side as the steel door leading into the cell block clicks open. A man in a bulky white haz-mat suit steps in with a big white bear plush, closes the door behind him and puts a key into the control panel. At a flip of a switch, the reinforced plexiglass door of Alice and Harriet's cell opens.
"Hey there girls, lookie what Uncle Frankie got'cha." The man says nonchalantly as he throws the plushie into a rear corner as a lure. Alice giggles, jumps off the stretcher and runs to hug the adorable plush bear. Frank takes the stretcher and heads off to flip the switch that will close the cell.

Musashi wrote:Jasmine pauses, still holding the bat threateningly. As much as she doesn't want to admit it, those tears tug at her heartstrings.

"Yeah, well, I'm going to break a hell of a lot more than that if you don't get away from me! You and your kind don't belong here!"

The Ovie's broken arm had long since healed, but Jasmine doesn't notice this since the grass-haired girl holds her arm. "Owwwiiee~!" The Ovie cries as she runs away. The next thing Jasmine would hear is the sound of a car engine rapidly closing on her from behind followed by a squeal of brakes. If she looks, she'll see an Impala police cruiser covered in faded and streaked chalk drawings. The lights on it's roof are a flashing display of blue and red. The glare from the setting sun makes it difficult for Jasmine to make out who's driving the vehicle.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Roggamer22 » Sat Apr 24, 2010 2:06 am

"Are you sure that's much of a good idea? Wouldn't it be safer inside another one of those bunkers...? Oh well, if you think that's what you should do." Richard sees the Novanian Heights sign. "Looks like we're almost done with this little 'adventure' of ours, huh...? I guess nothing left to do now but drive a few more feet." Richard then thinks to himself, "And be prepared for whatever we find in there, I guess..."
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Musashi » Sat Apr 24, 2010 3:55 am

Millinescence wrote:The Ovie cries as she runs away. The next thing Jasmine would hear is the sound of a car engine rapidly closing on her from behind followed by a squeal of brakes. If she looks, she'll see an Impala police cruiser covered in faded and streaked chalk drawings. The lights on it's roof are a flashing display of blue and red. The glare from the setting sun makes it difficult for Jasmine to make out who's driving the vehicle.

Relief washes over her as the Ovie runs, and even a little hope upon seeing the vehicle. Little monster girls don't drive! As far as she's aware, anyway.

But still, after everything that's happened, she can't allow herself to trust the situation completely. She keeps her bat up in a combat position, and begins trying to put more weight on her ankle, testing to see if it might hold out if she has to run.

"Who's there?!"
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