[FFRP] The Snake's Embrace


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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Knight Errant » Sat Apr 24, 2010 8:53 am

Millinescence wrote:Izza smiles, "Same. Uhh...hope we understand soon." She gets out of the car and pushes the door closed. She runs off into the opposite direction of Vic to meet up with the Ovies at the wrecked cop car.

Meanwhile, Manny is inside the airlock, his vehicle being inspected by the cameras with the mounted rifles before finally being let into the garage.
"Vic, you're next. C'mon through." Says the garage attendant on Vic's radio. The big steel doors within the dirt mound open up, waiting for Vic's Caddy to enter.

Vic wonders if that is the last he will see of her... Sighing, he pilots his vehicle into the airlock. This had been one trying day... he was looking forward to some time to rest and think.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Amy-chan » Sat Apr 24, 2010 9:06 am

Millinescence wrote:The boy thinks on what Hiroko said. "Well, you seem more intelligent...and you don't talk like five year old either." He says, slightly intrigued. But now he has questions. "Can't you just tell them to stop? Don't you girls have enough...of your kind?" All the while, the boy was careful to keep a good distance from her.

Hiroko-chan sighs "It's hard not to be all giggly and sound like a five year old. Being an Ovalisk makes you feel so happy and playful. And before you remember, that happiness and playfulness is what rules you ..."

She gives the boy a smile "Even now, I want to play with you. And the changing of your kind to ours? Well, Ningens ... humans, seem sad, lonely, and lost to us. And the drive to Touch, to make them happy is strong. Not as strong as the need to breath, but at least as strong as the need to eat when you haven't for a day or so ..."

"The others won't just stop changing humans forever because I say so. My sisters back there are just holding back right now because they respect me ... " Being serious and holding herself back was begining to tire her. She ever so slowly slipped one hand towards one of her capture net guns.

"Really, being an Ovalisk is like being part of the largest, friendliest, happiest family ever. And we have a lot of fun, even those of us that have to be serious a lot of the time. Won't you be my sister-daughter? Please?"
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Zilla » Sat Apr 24, 2010 8:29 pm

Harriet isn't quite distracted by the plushie, as she was focusing on the stretcher, and this mean man with lots of hurt in his voice came to take it away... Comma Alice seemed to like it though, and she went to go snuggle... But Harriet wanted to see her other new sister! And there were so many people here who needed huggles, the bear could wait!

Harriet quietly snuck up behind Frankie and slipped his little hurt-stick out from his pants. She ran to the door and even before Frankie could get out, she hit the button, leaving him in there with Comma Alice to play!

Now that she was out here, she looked across at the other Ovie, who looked so sad in her own little room. Harriet pushed the button to let her out!`
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Millinescence » Sat Apr 24, 2010 11:08 pm

Roggamer22 wrote:"Are you sure that's much of a good idea? Wouldn't it be safer inside another one of those bunkers...? Oh well, if you think that's what you should do." Richard sees the Novanian Heights sign. "Looks like we're almost done with this little 'adventure' of ours, huh...? I guess nothing left to do now but drive a few more feet." Richard then thinks to himself, "And be prepared for whatever we find in there, I guess..."

"You seen Night of the Living Dead right?" Karen asks. "Well I'm not the type of girl who would allow herself to be trapped in a cellar. I'm going to one of those beach-side condos to the south of the city." She pauses. "And yeah, I've seen my share of movies too. I just don't watch them alot."
The subdivision has lots of one-story houses in various shades of earth tones. Some were boarded up, some were ransacked. The yards strewn about with debris. One of the houses even had a car plowed into it, a mailbox was knocked over nearby. "Oh boy...that doesn't look good." Then Karen spots the house. "Pull over, we're here." She announces to Richard. The house was green with white trim. Even though the sun was setting, the lights were out. The front door was left wide open. Once the truck was stopped, Karen grabbed her rifle and got out of the truck. "You coming with?"

Musashi wrote:Relief washes over her as the Ovie runs, and even a little hope upon seeing the vehicle. Little monster girls don't drive! As far as she's aware, anyway.

But still, after everything that's happened, she can't allow herself to trust the situation completely. She keeps her bat up in a combat position, and begins trying to put more weight on her ankle, testing to see if it might hold out if she has to run.

"Who's there?!"

Jasmine felt little pain in her ankle. Then again, she was full of adrenaline right now.
She heard some feedback from the cruiser's loudspeaker in response to her question. "Officer Alana~!" A girl's voice giggles over the speaker. "Eeep! That's loud... >.<" Then, twin Ovies with long bright blue hair get out of the police car! They wore navy blue dresses with white trim and petticoats. On their heads were police caps that looked a tad too big for them.
"On yer knees, hands behind head." Alana grins cutely at Jasmine. She then looks to her comrade. "Becky, get the ticker-thingy."
Becky says, going into the cruiser to get said device.

Knight Errant wrote:Vic wonders if that is the last he will see of her... Sighing, he pilots his vehicle into the airlock. This had been one trying day... he was looking forward to some time to rest and think.

When Vic enters the airlock, the outside door closes behind him. There were two cameras with rifles mounted on them in corners on the ceiling. They scanned and looked over the vehicle for a minute or two. "Okay, you're cleared." The man says before opening the door into the garage.

Amy-chan wrote:Hiroko-chan sighs "It's hard not to be all giggly and sound like a five year old. Being an Ovalisk makes you feel so happy and playful. And before you remember, that happiness and playfulness is what rules you ..."

She gives the boy a smile "Even now, I want to play with you. And the changing of your kind to ours? Well, Ningens ... humans, seem sad, lonely, and lost to us. And the drive to Touch, to make them happy is strong. Not as strong as the need to breath, but at least as strong as the need to eat when you haven't for a day or so ..."

"The others won't just stop changing humans forever because I say so. My sisters back there are just holding back right now because they respect me ... " Being serious and holding herself back was begining to tire her. She ever so slowly slipped one hand towards one of her capture net guns.

"Really, being an Ovalisk is like being part of the largest, friendliest, happiest family ever. And we have a lot of fun, even those of us that have to be serious a lot of the time. Won't you be my sister-daughter? Please?"

"I-I won't let you take me!" The boy shouts, clearly scared for his boyhood. His eyes go wide as he notices Hiroko reaching for the strange device on her back. "I don't wanna be a girl!" He quickly glances around him, looking for anything he can use to fend her off! There was nothing but a dumpster and a long, thick metal pipe he couldn't even lift. He could go for the mopeds at the pizzeria, but the fence was too high for him to climb over it in time. Knowing that there were no means for escape, he fell to his knees and cried. He missed his family, he missed his friends at school. He knew he used to hate school, but there are a million places he'd rather be than in this very alleyway.

Zilla wrote:Harriet isn't quite distracted by the plushie, as she was focusing on the stretcher, and this mean man with lots of hurt in his voice came to take it away... Comma Alice seemed to like it though, and she went to go snuggle... But Harriet wanted to see her other new sister! And there were so many people here who needed huggles, the bear could wait!

Harriet quietly snuck up behind Frankie and slipped his little hurt-stick out from his pants. She ran to the door and even before Frankie could get out, she hit the button, leaving him in there with Comma Alice to play!

Now that she was out here, she looked across at the other Ovie, who looked so sad in her own little room. Harriet pushed the button to let her out!`

"Hey! That's mine, you little brat!" He shouted as Harriet quickly ran off with Frank's cattle-prod to the control panel. Harriet could barely reach the switches on her own, but using the stick end of the prod she managed to close the reinforced glass door on her armored oppressor! The weapon flipped another switch, freeing the sister she met from her plexiglass prison. "Yaaay!" She giggles excitedly as she runs to glomp Harriet. "I'm Kyla, who you?" Kyla held her sister's hand, dry to the touch. Kyla had lived in her cell for two months, but her hormone gland had since been surgically removed by Paul for study.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Knight Errant » Sat Apr 24, 2010 11:36 pm

Millinescence wrote:When Vic enters the airlock, the outside door closes behind him. There were two cameras with rifles mounted on them in corners on the ceiling. They scanned and looked over the vehicle for a minute or two. "Okay, you're cleared." The man says before opening the door into the garage.

He drives in, parking his Cadillac in his corner of the garage. Getting out, he looks over it himself carefully for damage. Once he is satisfied, he straightens up and smiles. "Through that one I have come nearly unscathed. Cause enough for celebration." He begins gassing up his car, then heads over to the gangbangers, offering them a cigar from his box.

"You both made it, friends... I am glad." As he lights up, he wonders... who in this garage can he come to with what he has learned? He is not even sure he should express his doubts, but the Ovalisk patrols, gas bombs, and driving cars deserve to be brought to the attention of someone...
O Muse!
Sing in me, and through me tell the story
Of that man skilled in all the ways of contending,
A wanderer, harried for years on end...

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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Zilla » Sun Apr 25, 2010 2:12 am

"Me..." she struggled to remember even what Comma Alice had just called her. "Don't know name!" she giggled as she hugged Kyla. "Lots hurt ningen here. Wanna huggle, make all better~! :3"
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Roggamer22 » Sun Apr 25, 2010 11:17 am

Richard stops the truck in front of the house, "Actually, I've never seen Night of The Living Dead... Yeah..." He grabs a shotgun and gets out of the car with Karen. "Probably not a good idea to stay alone in a car in the middle of a neighborhood I've never been to before, huh?" Richard laughs nervously and starts walking towards the house. "From the lack of chalk and childish graffiti around here, I'd say there probably aren't that many of them around."
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Amy-chan » Sun Apr 25, 2010 2:01 pm

Millinescence wrote:"I-I won't let you take me!" The boy shouts, clearly scared for his boyhood. His eyes go wide as he notices Hiroko reaching for the strange device on her back. "I don't wanna be a girl!" He quickly glances around him, looking for anything he can use to fend her off! There was nothing but a dumpster and a long, thick metal pipe he couldn't even lift. He could go for the mopeds at the pizzeria, but the fence was too high for him to climb over it in time. Knowing that there were no means for escape, he fell to his knees and cried. He missed his family, he missed his friends at school. He knew he used to hate school, but there are a million places he'd rather be than in this very alleyway.

Hiroko-chan moves her hand away from the capture-net gun. A tear trickles down her cheek at the boy's distress, but at the same time it makes her urge to Change him even stronger, so much so that she knows she won't be able to resist it.

She walks up to where he is kneeling, she wipes her right hand dry on her dress (of the current hormone). She concentrates reaaaal hard and says, "Keep thinking 'bout how much you wanna be a boy." She keeps concentrating, until a single drop of hormone glistens on the tip of her index finger, then touches that drop to the skin of his forehead.

She steps back and watches the changes.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Musashi » Sun Apr 25, 2010 11:01 pm

Millinescence wrote:Jasmine felt little pain in her ankle. Then again, she was full of adrenaline right now.
She heard some feedback from the cruiser's loudspeaker in response to her question. "Officer Alana~!" A girl's voice giggles over the speaker. "Eeep! That's loud... >.<" Then, twin Ovies with long bright blue hair get out of the police car! They wore navy blue dresses with white trim and petticoats. On their heads were police caps that looked a tad too big for them.
"On yer knees, hands behind head." Alana grins cutely at Jasmine. She then looks to her comrade. "Becky, get the ticker-thingy."
Becky says, going into the cruiser to get said device.

"... what the... f... no..." So apparently they do drive. x___X

That's it for waiting. Jasmine turns and bolts, heading for the direction of the bunker... at least, she thinks so. She tries to stay calm, but panic floods her senses. But she keeps a tight hold on that baseball bat.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Millinescence » Mon Apr 26, 2010 2:45 am

Knight Errant wrote:He drives in, parking his Cadillac in his corner of the garage. Getting out, he looks over it himself carefully for damage. Once he is satisfied, he straightens up and smiles. "Through that one I have come nearly unscathed. Cause enough for celebration." He begins gassing up his car, then heads over to the gangbangers, offering them a cigar from his box.

"You both made it, friends... I am glad." As he lights up, he wonders... who in this garage can he come to with what he has learned? He is not even sure he should express his doubts, but the Ovalisk patrols, gas bombs, and driving cars deserve to be brought to the attention of someone...

Vic would find the street thugs leaning against the side of their Jeep. One of the things he would notice about the garage is that there is a sense of tension in the air, security seems a bit tighter than usual.
"Thanks, man." Grey says, taking their friend up on that offer. It's been hours since their last smoke.
"Yo name's Victor, right? Heard it on the radio." Says Manny, taking a cigar as well.
Grey takes a lighter from his front pocket and lights up both their cigars.
"So, did you know dem things can drive?" Grey asks after exhaling a puff. "It almost felt like we were going to war on these cats."
"Yeah, those bitches in the truck were organized." Manny takes a puff and adds. "Definitely not'cho run o' the mill monsters ah'll tell ya that." Noticing the security, Manny leans over to Vic and whispers, "So...what did'ja learn from your little 'friend'?"

Zilla wrote:"Me..." she struggled to remember even what Comma Alice had just called her. "Don't know name!" she giggled as she hugged Kyla. "Lots hurt ningen here. Wanna huggle, make all better~! :3"

"Ah, you new ^^. Hmm...lemmie call you Lilly :3" Kyla says as they make their way out of the cell block. They find themselves in the main lab. The motionless sister still lies on the operating table where Paul left her. "Awww...poor thing~ :<" She covers her mouth. "Huggle no change with us. Stick close, keep hurt-stick handy...ningen mean." Kyla goes past the security bulkheads and checks the corridor of the medical wing. She notices two security gurards armed with batons and pistols! She ducks back before they see her. "Two with guns."

Roggamer22 wrote:Richard stops the truck in front of the house, "Actually, I've never seen Night of The Living Dead... Yeah..." He grabs a shotgun and gets out of the car with Karen. "Probably not a good idea to stay alone in a car in the middle of a neighborhood I've never been to before, huh?" Richard laughs nervously and starts walking towards the house. "From the lack of chalk and childish graffiti around here, I'd say there probably aren't that many of them around."

They go inside the house. "Ryan? Betty?" Karen calls out, she looks around for any sign of them. "It's Karen, is anyone there?" Just then she heard a man's screaming followed by gunfire! "Ryan!!" She shouts, quickly running through the living room and down the hallway to the bedrooms. There she saw her boyfriend kneeling on a bed, firing a pistol at a yellow-haired Ovie! Karen aims her assault rifle and shoots it's head from behind! "Ryan! Are you okay?" She jumps over the dead Ovie and hugs her boyfriend tightly.
"Yeah babe, thanks." Ryan says, hugging her back. "I'm so sorry I had to make you stay at the trucks, I had to protect you."
"Well, I'm here now."Karen strokes Ryan's hair. "I met someone who gave me a lift." She nods to Richard.

Amy-chan wrote:Hiroko-chan moves her hand away from the capture-net gun. A tear trickles down her cheek at the boy's distress, but at the same time it makes her urge to Change him even stronger, so much so that she knows she won't be able to resist it.

She walks up to where he is kneeling, she wipes her right hand dry on her dress (of the current hormone). She concentrates reaaaal hard and says, "Keep thinking 'bout how much you wanna be a boy." She keeps concentrating, until a single drop of hormone glistens on the tip of her index finger, then touches that drop to the skin of his forehead.

She steps back and watches the changes.

With his hands covering his eyes, Hiroko walks up to the boy unnoticed. He looks up at the sound of her voice and flinches. "...okay." he manages between sobs. He closes his eyes tight, and thinks hard on staying a boy. As he feels Hiroko's finger touch his forehead and turns away out of reflex! But it was done... He feels like his entire body is going to sleep, tingling and prickling all over. The boy looks back up at Hiroko as the world around him begins to look bigger. His vision blurring briefly before his eyes begin to get larger...
((you can take the TF from here, Amy ^_~))

Musashi wrote:"... what the... f... no..." So apparently they do drive. x___X

That's it for waiting. Jasmine turns and bolts, heading for the direction of the bunker... at least, she thinks so. She tries to stay calm, but panic floods her senses. But she keeps a tight hold on that baseball bat.

She finds herself running around the cop car going the same direction she was going on her bike. She hears the pitter-patter of little feet from behind! If she looks back, she'll see the grass-haired Ovie jumping from the the median coming towards her! "I just wanna plaaay~ Please don't be scared!"
"Got it~!" Becky chirps, holding out a pistol-grip taser.
"Yay~! Get in, sis~ <3" Says Alana. The former cops giggle playfully as they get into their patrol car. "I just love cops and robbers! x3"
The cop car turns around and follows Jasmine, weaving from side to side as it drove. Alana tries to keep the young woman and the grass-haired Ovie to the right of her car.
"Closer Alana~ get closer!" Becky says as she sticks her head and taser out the window. The Ovie concentrates, steadying her aim at Jasmine!
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Musashi » Mon Apr 26, 2010 3:26 am

Millinescence wrote:She finds herself running around the cop car going the same direction she was going on her bike. She hears the pitter-patter of little feet from behind! If she looks back, she'll see the grass-haired Ovie jumping from the the median coming towards her! "I just wanna plaaay~ Please don't be scared!"
"Got it~!" Becky chirps, holding out a pistol-grip taser.
"Yay~! Get in, sis~ <3" Says Alana. The former cops giggle playfully as they get into their patrol car. "I just love cops and robbers! x3"
The cop car turns around and follows Jasmine, weaving from side to side as it drove. Alana tries to keep the young woman and the grass-haired Ovie to the right of her car.
"Closer Alana~ get closer!" Becky says as she sticks her head and taser out the window. The Ovie concentrates, steadying her aim at Jasmine!

Jasmine takes a deep breath as she runs, trying to collect herself. Adrenaline is good, but panic is not. She brings to mind her athletic training. She tries to even out her breathing, and to pace herself instead of using up all her energy in one burst. If she can just keep away long enough to find some place to hide...

But if I don't find anything...

She shakes her head to rid herself of the thought and keeps going.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Knight Errant » Mon Apr 26, 2010 12:41 pm

Millinescence wrote:Vic would find the street thugs leaning against the side of their Jeep. One of the things he would notice about the garage is that there is a sense of tension in the air, security seems a bit tighter than usual.
"Thanks, man." Grey says, taking their friend up on that offer. It's been hours since their last smoke.
"Yo name's Victor, right? Heard it on the radio." Says Manny, taking a cigar as well.
Grey takes a lighter from his front pocket and lights up both their cigars.
"So, did you know dem things can drive?" Grey asks after exhaling a puff. "It almost felt like we were going to war on these cats."
"Yeah, those bitches in the truck were organized." Manny takes a puff and adds. "Definitely not'cho run o' the mill monsters ah'll tell ya that." Noticing the security, Manny leans over to Vic and whispers, "So...what did'ja learn from your little 'friend'?"

Vic nods "Yes, I am Victor. You may call me Vic if you wish. As for them driving, I didnt know until today... but I have found out much." He pauses, gathering his thoughts before continuing. "They are people... like us, but different. They have their own society, their own culture... they are intelligent, not just mindless beasts. Many of them even regain their memories of when they were human... but even so... they are compelled to change us all into them. I'm not sure if they can be persuaded to stop..."

He pauses again, looking over Grey and Manny. "I am thinking of two plans... both are dangerous, yet both may result in retaking at least a portion of our lands. Would you be interested in helping me? To fail would land us in their ranks... but to succeed would mean carving a life for ourselves back in the world... instead of hiding in this bunker."
O Muse!
Sing in me, and through me tell the story
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A wanderer, harried for years on end...

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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Amy-chan » Mon Apr 26, 2010 1:16 pm

Millinescence wrote:With his hands covering his eyes, Hiroko walks up to the boy unnoticed. He looks up at the sound of her voice and flinches. "...okay." he manages between sobs. He closes his eyes tight, and thinks hard on staying a boy. As he feels Hiroko's finger touch his forehead and turns away out of reflex! But it was done... He feels like his entire body is going to sleep, tingling and prickling all over. The boy looks back up at Hiroko as the world around him begins to look bigger. His vision blurring briefly before his eyes begin to get larger...
((you can take the TF from here, Amy ^_~))

The boy's hair turns a bright sky blue, as do his now large pupils. His face becomes younger looking, as does his body until he looks about 8, but is still male. His ears move up the side of his head until they stop on top, changing in shape, sharpening at the tip, as they do so, and becoming coved on the outside with a light violet fuzz, until they look like cat ears. His rather nondescript clothing changes too. His shirt gets a blue torso, with violet sleeves that have an orangish yellow stipe down them. His pants turn into bright blue jeans with silver sparkles made into the material.

He blinks a bit and then looks up at Hiroko-chan with a look of happiness "Mommy! nyo!" he says as he comes out of his kneeling position to hug her.

Hiroko-chan giggles as she hugs him back. "Hello son. Hmm you need a name and I forgot to ask what your human one was. Oh well. How about Kaney?"

He kisses her cheek, then says "I like it, nyo! Kaney!"

Hiroko-chan leads Kaney back to the truck "Come on Kaney, I want you to meet some of your sisters."

After much hugging and cheek kissing, the Ovalisks all climb back ito the truck and start off looking for more lost sisters.

The boy now looks like this:
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Roggamer22 » Mon Apr 26, 2010 2:38 pm

Richard walks into the room and smiles. "Pleasure to meet you... Well it would be if there wasn't a dead little girl in the room..." He laughs nervously, "Anyway, I think it's a good idea if we hurry back to the car before more of them arrive, don't you?" Richard looks out a window to make sure nothing is outside.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Millinescence » Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:10 am

Musashi wrote:Jasmine takes a deep breath as she runs, trying to collect herself. Adrenaline is good, but panic is not. She brings to mind her athletic training. She tries to even out her breathing, and to pace herself instead of using up all her energy in one burst. If she can just keep away long enough to find some place to hide...

But if I don't find anything...

She shakes her head to rid herself of the thought and keeps going.

Alana keeps a sharp eye on Jasmine as she drives closer to her, making sure to match the speed of the car with the speed of the running ningen. Once they got within 13 feet of Jasmine, Becky takes aim and pulls the trigger of her taser! The tethered prongs fly out and pierce through Jasmine's top and into her back, sending a non-lethal yet muscle-spasming amount of voltage through her system! Once Jasmine was hit and on the ground, Alana slams on the brakes. The Ovies watch as their Grass-haired sister moves in for the glompage!

Knight Errant wrote:Vic nods "Yes, I am Victor. You may call me Vic if you wish. As for them driving, I didnt know until today... but I have found out much." He pauses, gathering his thoughts before continuing. "They are people... like us, but different. They have their own society, their own culture... they are intelligent, not just mindless beasts. Many of them even regain their memories of when they were human... but even so... they are compelled to change us all into them. I'm not sure if they can be persuaded to stop..."

He pauses again, looking over Grey and Manny. "I am thinking of two plans... both are dangerous, yet both may result in retaking at least a portion of our lands. Would you be interested in helping me? To fail would land us in their ranks... but to succeed would mean carving a life for ourselves back in the world... instead of hiding in this bunker."

"Fo'sho dawg, I'm down." Says Big Manny, raising his cigar. "For Loc and Carl, for 5th Street...for all of us."
"Yea-yea! For 5th Street..." Grey and Manny do a fist-bump. "So what's the plan, Vic?" Grey asks. "What work you got in for us?" They take another puff, waiting for Vic's answer.

Amy-chan wrote:The boy's hair turns a bright sky blue, as do his now large pupils. His face becomes younger looking, as does his body until he looks about 8, but is still male. His ears move up the side of his head until they stop on top, changing in shape, sharpening at the tip, as they do so, and becoming coved on the outside with a light violet fuzz, until they look like cat ears. His rather nondescript clothing changes too. His shirt gets a blue torso, with violet sleeves that have an orangish yellow stipe down them. His pants turn into bright blue jeans with silver sparkles made into the material.

He blinks a bit and then looks up at Hiroko-chan with a look of happiness "Mommy! nyo!" he says as he comes out of his kneeling position to hug her.

Hiroko-chan giggles as she hugs him back. "Hello son. Hmm you need a name and I forgot to ask what your human one was. Oh well. How about Kaney?"

He kisses her cheek, then says "I like it, nyo! Kaney!"

Hiroko-chan leads Kaney back to the truck "Come on Kaney, I want you to meet some of your sisters."

After much hugging and cheek kissing, the Ovalisks all climb back ito the truck and start off looking for more lost sisters.

The truck makes it to the west-bound side of the highway and drives towards the boulevard. Lots of cars could be seen parked along the shoulder for a few miles by pilots. A couple vehicles still litter the roads here and there, but not enough to impede the truck's patrol route. As they go further down the highway, a couple Ranger Scout ovies can be seen in a decorated police cruiser waiting on the shoulder next to some parked cars.
"Where are we going, mommy?" Kaney asks as he cuddles Hiroko.

Roggamer22 wrote:Richard walks into the room and smiles. "Pleasure to meet you... Well it would be if there wasn't a dead little girl in the room..." He laughs nervously, "Anyway, I think it's a good idea if we hurry back to the car before more of them arrive, don't you?" Richard looks out a window to make sure nothing is outside.

Ryan shrugs, "Nice to meet you too." he says. "I managed to go to the old construction site and get some dynamite to destroy the stairwells that leads to the second floor."
"You did? Where's your truck?" Karen asks.
"I parked it in the garage." He points out the door. "Those things are pretty darn resourceful."
"Yeah, tell me about it..."
"Richard has the right idea though, we should get moving. Who knows when those things will come back."
Karen looks at Richard. "I'm riding with Ryan to the condos like we planned. You can come with if you want."
Ryan and Karen walk off to the garage holding hands. They open up the garage door and get into Ryan's truck.

after patrolling the main corridor, the security guards turn left and go down another hall. "Lilly, coast clear. Let's go." Kyla says, making her way down the main corridor. There the two Ovies would spot a plain-clothed woman wearing a top that exposes her midriff. After following her for a few moments, an excited and eager Kyla pitter-patters her bare feet towards the unsuspecting ningen from behind! The woman lets out a yelp as the tiny arms wraps around her middle. "What the heck? Who's there?" She asks, trying to pry off the dry arms. "I'm Kyla, what's your name?" She asks, looking up as she lets go. "Gah! ..." The woman exclaims after turning around. She was speechless at that point, her eyes wide, paralyzed with fear and unable to scream as she notices the two Ovalsiks.

The truck has made it to the main street of the city's downtown area. Any Ovies that sees the truck cheers and follows the truck until it stops at an old restaurant near the Square.

@Andrea Anikerina:
((Andrea is our newest player. Her and I discussed her character that has a unique story behind him. Because of this, I decided to let her skip the sign-up process so as not to create spoilers for the other players.))
Inside the manager's office at an abandoned electronics store, there is a man clacking away on a laptop's keyboard. He's dressed in a t-shirt, a labcoat and black pants, and has dark-colored hair...

((The time in the RP is now 6:45pm))
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