The legendary defender of music, Song Battler Kamen Clef, whom everyone doesn't know, is hosting a contest. Participation is simple: PM his unofficial sidekick, Dance Savior Pas De Deux, and enclose within one of your favorite songs (a link to a video). She will accept up to fourteen entries, one per entrant. Upon reaching fourteen entries, the contest will begin.
(Once the contest begins, the poll will be set up. You will be able to vote up to five times, and you will also be able to change your vote. This should allow people to take their time in listening to the songs, since it's unlikely that someone has the time to listen to all of them in one shot. So, you can place your votes as you listen, and change them later if you hear a better song further down the list.)
(But, if it's a contest, then there should be a prize, you say? Indeed! But, like Song Battler Kamen Clef's identity, it shall remain unknown until the right time. ^^)