Halo: Reach

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Halo: Reach

Postby Dani » Tue May 04, 2010 2:04 am

So has anyone played the Beta? and how did you like it? Personally it took me around 4 hours to download the beta itself [damn school internet], then after that the servers went down until around 10 EST time. After playing a few rounds, I noticed the nice feel of the maps, my favorite weapons are the sword and shotgun [though it seems nerfed-ish because of the "pump action] and the "classes" they have are actually pretty interesting in certain situations.

1. Active Camouflage - The more you move the more visible you are and acts as a scrambler device to you and people around you.
Pros: Great with the sword and assassinations
Cons: Limited Maneuverability and clogged radar

2. Sprinting- Just as it says it is. Pull the trigger and you can run for a short sprint
Pros: Great for starting out to get the flag, or that weapon you know you're great in & you're able to out run a lot of things
Cons: You're fairly open from all angles while sprinting

3. Invulnerability shield- By fist pounding the ground, you generate a shield around your body for a limited time
Pros: This can shed plasma grenades, vehicle splatters, and assassinations
Cons: Afterwards your vulnerable to assassinations, grenades and sniping, etc. Remember you're not completely invincible.

4. Jet Packs- Hit the trigger and you can fly as high as the sky, but be careful of your landing.
Pros: You have practically a 360 degree view and can regulate how high you fly by tapping the trigger.
Cons: While you can fly, you're still vulnerable from practically all angles. On top of that, in Reach you CAN take fall damage, so be wary of how high up you are.
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Re: Halo: Reach

Postby Haylie » Tue May 04, 2010 12:16 pm

I just hope it's different than every other title, sans their RTS.
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