[FFRP] The Snake's Embrace


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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Knight Errant » Wed May 12, 2010 2:37 pm

Vic nods, thinking. "If I was planning an escape, the tunnels would be my way out..."

To the haz-mat man. "Yes, we know that."

He looks to the guard. "Open the maintenance tunnel... they might have gone down it, and if they havent... well the three of us would be out of your way."
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Roggamer22 » Wed May 12, 2010 4:03 pm

(Meh, I don't mind, it's probably not easy having to manage this entire RP, even with Amy-chan's help. ^^; )

Richard just watches and listens with his weapon aimed at the Ovalisk just in case. "Guys? What do we do...?" He whispers at Ryan and Karen. He looks over at Connie, "What do you want us to do, Connie?" He says calmly.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Miku-chan » Wed May 12, 2010 4:12 pm

Daniel rolls over and moans as the ovies come out ov the holding cell area. He stumbles towards the over ride button to close the doors before the girls can escape...hopefully
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Musashi » Thu May 13, 2010 7:26 pm

Amy-chan wrote:Becky puts her hand on her hips "We gonna give you new family. But you kill your mommy!" Alana puts a hand on one of Becky's arms "We can't be mean. Have to be nice. He'll be sad no mommy!"

Jasmine feels the change racing through her body and mind. She feels her feminine curves flattening. Her body becoming younger. Her very clothing changes. A pink fire washes through her memories, remodeling them. Gone are the sad times, the boring times. Replacing them are memories of fun times, parties, playing with her sisters...

As the physical changes finishes Jasmine now looks like this Image

Jasmine flails and thrashes throughout the transformation, staring in horror at her changing body. She holds her shrinking hands before her face, then brings them to her body to pat down her flattening curves.

"No no NO NO! I won't be.. one of you... I won't...!"

She tries again to crawl away, clawing desperately into the ground. But her efforts are hampered by her changing body, and soon her mind.

Somebody help me! Help me, please, God.. my family... I want to go home! My mother.. mother... mommy... I have to.. get away... I have to help my mommy!

And then there's silence. The struggle ceases, and the new little ovie boy sits up slowly, blinking bewilderedly at those around him.

"Mommy? Mommy?"

His eyes settle on the still form of the green-haired ovie on the ground.

"... Mommy's taking a nap?"
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Millinescence » Fri May 14, 2010 5:06 am

As the four Ovies run down the service tunnel, Lilly would hear rapid footfalls and whispering behind them!
"C'mon! Must hurry!" Susan cries out as they run down the service tunnel trying to get to the garage! "Ningen come for us! DX"
"Awww~ Can't we huggle? =3=" Kyla asks.
"Not with hole in head! >.>" Alice replies firmly.
Lilly would also notice that everyone but Alice is still armed with some form of weapon. Lilly with the hurt-stick, Kyla with the whack-stick, and Susan with the hormone-soaked .45 pistol.
Susan checks the pistol, turns the safety off and starts wiping the hormone from her soaked hands into the barrel of her weapon as she continues running. "I dun wanna shoot. Guns bad... but will if have to... :,<" She points the pistol towards the ceiling, letting her hormone seep down the barrel and onto the bullet in the chamber! If she was going to shoot a ningen, it had to be in a non-lethal spot.

Knight Errant wrote:Vic nods, thinking. "If I was planning an escape, the tunnels would be my way out..."

To the haz-mat man. "Yes, we know that."

He looks to the guard. "Open the maintenance tunnel... they might have gone down it, and if they havent... well the three of us would be out of your way."

The guard nods. "Right!" He then uses his keycard on the maintenece door and opens it for the three men. "Good luck."
"Yo, thanks man." Grey says as the three make their way into the tunnel. They can hear faint footsteps in the distance. They were close, but the trio can't see them yet.
"Hear that? They're right ahead of us." Manny whispers.

Roggamer22 wrote:(Meh, I don't mind, it's probably not easy having to manage this entire RP, even with Amy-chan's help. ^^; )

Richard just watches and listens with his weapon aimed at the Ovalisk just in case. "Guys? What do we do...?" He whispers at Ryan and Karen. He looks over at Connie, "What do you want us to do, Connie?" He says calmly.

"Uhh..." Connie looks to her ovie-mom and to Richard and back. She feels rushed to make a decision. "She's my mom...don't shoot!"
Ryan sighs. "If you insist..." He motions Karen and Richard to lower their weapons as he does the same.
"Mommy!" The little girl runs up and hugs the Ovie. "I was so scared...I-I missed you."
"I know...miss you Connie." The hatchling says, hugging her back. No transformation came of this.
"So...what's her name?" Karen asks the little girl.
"Lora." was her reply. "C'mon mommy. Let's go back to our room."
The three head down the hall until they came to room 359. Connie sticks a key-card into a slot on the metal doorknob and opens it. "Hey Brian~! Look, I made friends!"
Brian looks up from eating a bowl of cereal and powdered milk. He nearly spits it out when the young boy sees the Ovalisk! He swallows. "Wh-what are you doing!?"
"Don't worry! This is mommy." She says, taking hold of Lora's hand.
The hatchling waves. "Hiya son~ <3"
Brian's jaw drops.
"Yeah...we kinda found her." Karen says to the kid. "Connie wouldn't let us shoot her."
Ryan leans over to the hatchling, squats down and whispers into her ear. "We're watching you..." He whispers sternly. "If you try anything you're toast, got that? If you really wanna do as you're asked, you must say something before you get any ideas of touching anyone with wet hands."
With a gulp, Laura nods. "Yessir... :<" She whispers back as if scolded.
Ryan stands up and goes to shake Brian's hand. "Well, you must be Connie's little brother. I'm Ryan, this is Karen, and Richard." He says calmly, pointing to each person in his party as he says their names. "And now that's all out of the way, let's settle down."
They sit down on a couch that's seen better days in front of a TV that doesn't work. Brian, Karen, and Connie put their weapons down next to the couch. The man takes a pistol out of his holster and checks the clip.
"So uhh...Laura? When did you turn?"
"Uhh..." The ovie puts a finger to her chin. "2 hours?"
"Yeah, those things came in not long ago." Brian confirms.
"Well, the first floor's been sealed off." Ryan says. "Ain't none of them coming in again."
If Richard looks around the room, he'll find that most of the things in the room have thin layers of dust on them. In a bedroom, he'll also find that the kids' parents left them with a small stockpile of weapons. Mostly 9mm ammo and shotgun shells. A pistol and a small sub-machine gun lays next to the ammo boxes.

Miku-chan wrote:Daniel rolls over and moans as the ovies come out ov the holding cell area. He stumbles towards the over ride button to close the doors before the girls can escape...hopefully

They got away. They're already a distance ahead of Vic, Grey, and Manny. Instead, the bulkheads end up closing on the hapless guard! A moment later, there's a banging sound of fists on steel. "HEY! What the hell!? Let me outta here!" He shouts.

Musashi wrote:Jasmine flails and thrashes throughout the transformation, staring in horror at her changing body. She holds her shrinking hands before her face, then brings them to her body to pat down her flattening curves.

"No no NO NO! I won't be.. one of you... I won't...!"

She tries again to crawl away, clawing desperately into the ground. But her efforts are hampered by her changing body, and soon her mind.

Somebody help me! Help me, please, God.. my family... I want to go home! My mother.. mother... mommy... I have to.. get away... I have to help my mommy!

And then there's silence. The struggle ceases, and the new little ovie boy sits up slowly, blinking bewilderedly at those around him.

"Mommy? Mommy?"

His eyes settle on the still form of the green-haired ovie on the ground.

"... Mommy's taking a nap?"

((Aww... ;_; ))

The ranger-scouts get out of their patrol car and slowly approach their new brother. "Uhh..." Alana grunts solemnly. "Yeah...a very, very long nap."
Becky sighs. "Lets go back to Don-town." She says sadly. "Candlelight Ceremony start soon."
"We call you...Kira." Alana tells 'Jasmine'. The two Ovies dressed in navy blue escort the newly named Kira into the back seat of their patrol car.
"Yeah...Kira fitting for orphan brother. Seen Death Note?"
"No, Death Note make me cry, show how...destructive ningen are. :<"

After Becky closes the door for Kira, the two Ovies get into the car and head down the highway towards the East Donatello Colony.
"HQ, Scout Alana calling. Report one casualty, over. Blossom is no more..."
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Miku-chan » Fri May 14, 2010 6:57 am

They got away. They're already a distance ahead of Vic, Grey, and Manny. Instead, the bulkheads end up closing on the hapless guard! A moment later, there's a banging sound of fists on steel. "HEY! What the hell!? Let me outta here!" He shouts.

Daniel smirks goffily at the guards plight, the thunk to his head and the smell of Ovie hormone effecting his judgement. Turning to the desicated remains of the Ovie, his rattled brain starts puting 2 plus 2 together and getting apple pie. Boy could he go for some of moms apple pie..."not the mommy..." he titers as the thought shifts in his hind. Welll there was still a udamaged gland left in the other hand... Securing the door to the lab, he starts piling up stuff to the air ducrt, making sure there would be room enough for himself and the tools he soon would need. Placimg them in it as well, he returns to the Ovie body, carfully removes the remaining gland. Looking over to make sure the doors were secure, he numbs his off hand, and once sufficiently numb he cuts it open enough the quick frozen gland intoo his. "No time for sutures" he thinks as he squeezes the super glue in and reseals the wound. Hoping he has the time, he closes the air vent behind him and heads for the fresh air inlets to the bunker, giggling quietly he wonders if this wil work and maybe get the chance to meet his creation in the future...
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Knight Errant » Fri May 14, 2010 11:15 am

Millinescence wrote:The guard nods. "Right!" He then uses his keycard on the maintenece door and opens it for the three men. "Good luck."
"Yo, thanks man." Grey says as the three make their way into the tunnel. They can hear faint footsteps in the distance. They were close, but the trio can't see them yet.
"Hear that? They're right ahead of us." Manny whispers.

Vic nods. "Let us catch up with them..."

He takes out his uzi, turns the safety off, and runs down the tunnel!
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Musashi » Fri May 14, 2010 12:48 pm

Millinescence wrote:The ranger-scouts get out of their patrol car and slowly approach their new brother. "Uhh..." Alana grunts solemnly. "Yeah...a very, very long nap."
Becky sighs. "Lets go back to Don-town." She says sadly. "Candlelight Ceremony start soon."
"We call you...Kira." Alana tells 'Jasmine'. The two Ovies dressed in navy blue escort the newly named Kira into the back seat of their patrol car.
"Yeah...Kira fitting for orphan brother. Seen Death Note?"
"No, Death Note make me cry, show how...destructive ningen are. :<"

After Becky closes the door for Kira, the two Ovies get into the car and head down the highway towards the East Donatello Colony.
"HQ, Scout Alana calling. Report one casualty, over. Blossom is no more..."

He settles dazedly into his seat, mouthing his name a few times quietly. "Ki.. ra... Ki... ra..."

He turns to sit on his knees in the car, watching out the back window as they drive away. Kira pawpawpaws at the window. "You forgot mommy! We're going to a party? Isn't she invited?"
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Roggamer22 » Fri May 14, 2010 3:00 pm

Richard yawns and stretches. "So what do we do now?" Richard looks around, "Should we check the other floors for supplies or something?" Richard looks at Lora. "Or maybe some gloves for our little friend here in case she gets any ideas?" He laughs.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Harri-chan » Sat May 15, 2010 4:38 am

Briony groaned as her figured melted away and her short hair began to grow outwards, turning bright pink as it did so. By the time it was finished and her clothing had reformed, she was out of the restraints, rolling over the edge of the bed and gasped, suprised by how big the drop felt, yet she landed in a crouch on the floor, and then straightened, a horrified look on her face as she stared down at the child's body, "No!".

She was in a state of shock as Camille pinned the badge to her chest and then cried in suprise as she was tagged before her rival pinched at her cheek. The little girl snarled, clenching her small hands into tiny little fists, and she began punching at the red-haired woman's thighs, tears starting to stream down her red cheeks, "I hate you, Camille!", she yelled, distraught at having her womanhood taken away from her.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Zilla » Sat May 15, 2010 4:48 am

Lilly ties recalling anything she knows about the service tunnels, and if they lead into the garage at any point. "Maybe we split up? Only Kyla not able to huggle, right? She come with me? We surprise ningen? Just thinking..."

Lilly wants to make sure all her friends are safe, and it's scary with ningen closing in behind.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Amy-chan » Sun May 16, 2010 12:40 am

Musashi wrote:He settles dazedly into his seat, mouthing his name a few times quietly. "Ki.. ra... Ki... ra..."

He turns to sit on his knees in the car, watching out the back window as they drive away. Kira pawpawpaws at the window. "You forgot mommy! We're going to a party? Isn't she invited?"

As the squad car pulls up just outside the square, Alana turns back towards Kira and says softly, “Your mommy’s gonna go to the second realm … her body no work now. But you see her at ceremony.”

Miku-chan wrote:Daniel smirks goffily at the guards plight, the thunk to his head and the smell of Ovie hormone effecting his judgement. Turning to the desicated remains of the Ovie, his rattled brain starts puting 2 plus 2 together and getting apple pie. Boy could he go for some of moms apple pie..."not the mommy..." he titers as the thought shifts in his hind. Welll there was still a udamaged gland left in the other hand... Securing the door to the lab, he starts piling up stuff to the air ducrt, making sure there would be room enough for himself and the tools he soon would need. Placimg them in it as well, he returns to the Ovie body, carfully removes the remaining gland. Looking over to make sure the doors were secure, he numbs his off hand, and once sufficiently numb he cuts it open enough the quick frozen gland intoo his. "No time for sutures" he thinks as he squeezes the super glue in and reseals the wound. Hoping he has the time, he closes the air vent behind him and heads for the fresh air inlets to the bunker, giggling quietly he wonders if this wil work and maybe get the chance to meet his creation in the future...

As Daniel crawls through the air ducts, his form shifts. His fom gets smaller, younger. His skin becomes pale while his eyes become larger and red. his hair grows and forms into two very long pony tails with red ribbon tying them. His body develops slight curves as it shifts to a female one. Her shoes become black, skin hugging thigh high boots. Her pants legs fuse together and shorten, becoming a very short black skirt with a red hem. Her shirt’s sleeves gain a balloon shoulder part that has red stripes through the black material. The rest of the shirt separates, becoming a silverish grey collar with red trim , a red tie, and a strapless silverish grey coloured blouse that has red trim at the top. When the change finishes she looks like this.

As she crawls further down the duct, her form fluctuates between Daniel’s and the Ovalisk one …


Hiroko-chan steps out of the elevator after riding back down with Elder Toria. She follows Toria out to the square, and pauses to take a candle from one of the boxes of candles at the edge of the square.

She lights her candle after Toria lighs hers. She follows a respectful distance behind Toria as the Elder takes her place. Hiroko then stands in a reverent silence while holding her lit candle, and waits for Elder Toria to conduct the memorial service.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Miku-chan » Sun May 16, 2010 8:06 am

Daniel starts to giggle in glee quietly as he starts to feel the changes in his body, his form shrinking and changing. He tries to focus on his experimints and research as he feels hi...er clothing changing as well. Then something wierd happened. Her mind shifts view and her form starts to fluctuate back to his......What...@.@...why niggen body back she asks aloud as she gets to the end of the metal tunnel thing and starts to dig thru her toy bag of niggen tools, looking for the cutty thing to open the door blocker. As she shifts forms ogain , Daniel loks at his new ovie body, a cute frown/pout forms on his face..." That wasnt suppose to happen..." he says as he activates the portable cutting torch and cuts the side of the tube open after dissabling the alarm sensors, looking out to the hidden entrance of the bunker, he sees the access door the Ovies should exit from if they get away from the military types. A voice seeps into his thoughts while watching the door after making sure her exit hadn't set off any more alarms , though they would not have the time to respond to the plastic explosive she set at the access hole he made...... where sisters and daughter at...DX... she frowns as her form continues to change back and forth and Unthinking, Daniel answers ..." they should be near the door now... But can they reach the card lock..." he says wondering why his change isnt stablizing. The transplant should have made the change like the girl he shot in the face with the hormone and created sister/daughter. Her regret at the cruel way she was treated by him brings a painful tear to his young face...u_u...hope forgive she thinks while trying to decide if his body is going to be ok, wishing his sister/daughter and sisters were out of the niggen hole  
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Zilla » Sun May 16, 2010 1:35 pm

(protip: Ningen is the Japanese word for "mortal" or "human.")
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Millinescence » Sun May 16, 2010 4:32 pm

((Sorry for taking such a long time, everyone. My postings have taken a turn for the sporadic =P ^^;; ))
Knight Errant wrote:Vic nods. "Let us catch up with them..."

He takes out his uzi, turns the safety off, and runs down the tunnel!

Taking Vic's lead, the thugs take out thier shotgun and 30 aut 6 and gets them ready. As they round a corner, they see them go up a flight of stairs. They would lead to the upper floor of the Atrium.
"Here we go..." Manny says after pumping the handhold of his shotgun.
Just then, they could hear rapid footfalls echoing from behind them. "Hey guys, wait up! It's Daniel, seems like something's wrong with him." The guard says, his revolver already drawn. "He shut the bulkheads back while I was in between them. The entrance to the service tunnel was my only way out."
"Yo man, welcome to the party." Grey says to the guard. "Things'ah just 'bout to get heated."

Zilla wrote:Lilly ties recalling anything she knows about the service tunnels, and if they lead into the garage at any point. "Maybe we split up? Only Kyla not able to huggle, right? She come with me? We surprise ningen? Just thinking..."

Lilly wants to make sure all her friends are safe, and it's scary with ningen closing in behind.

As the four ovies make it up a flight of stairs, Lilly couldn't recall anything about the service tunnels, just where doors to them were from outside the tunnel. Susie was just following signs that point out how to get to the garage. Once they reach the top of the staircase, there were three possible routes they could take, signs pointed the way: there was a door straight ahead leading into the upper floor of the Atrium. To the right, there was a hall that led straight to the garage. And to the left, another hall that led to the rec room/bar of the Atrium.
Susie stops and looks around. "Uhh...yah, we split up. Lilly, Kyla, take door to big room, go to garage. Alice and I go right. We meet at garage okee."
"'kay." Kyla nods. Alice nods too and takes Susie's hand. Susie reaches high on her tip-toes and swipes the card to open the door to the Atrium as they hear the footfalls of ningen going up the stairs! "Go! Hurry!" Susie urged. She took Alice by the hand and led her down the hall on the right.

Miku-chan wrote:Daniel starts to giggle in glee quietly as he starts to feel the changes in his body, his form shrinking and changing. He tries to focus on his experimints and research as he feels hi...er clothing changing as well. Then something wierd happened. Her mind shifts view and her form starts to fluctuate back to his......What...@.@...why niggen body back she asks aloud as she gets to the end of the metal tunnel thing and starts to dig thru her toy bag of niggen tools, looking for the cutty thing to open the door blocker. As she shifts forms ogain , Daniel loks at his new ovie body, a cute frown/pout forms on his face..." That wasnt suppose to happen..." he says as he activates the portable cutting torch and cuts the side of the tube open after dissabling the alarm sensors, looking out to the hidden entrance of the bunker, he sees the access door the Ovies should exit from if they get away from the military types. A voice seeps into his thoughts while watching the door after making sure her exit hadn't set off any more alarms , though they would not have the time to respond to the plastic explosive she set at the access hole he made...... where sisters and daughter at...DX... she frowns as her form continues to change back and forth and Unthinking, Daniel answers ..." they should be near the door now... But can they reach the card lock..." he says wondering why his change isnt stablizing. The transplant should have made the change like the girl he shot in the face with the hormone and created sister/daughter. Her regret at the cruel way she was treated by him brings a painful tear to his young face...u_u...hope forgive she thinks while trying to decide if his body is going to be ok, wishing his sister/daughter and sisters were out of the ningen hole

During each shift into his ovie form, Daniel would feel her palms sweat with ovie hormone. The rate of fluctuation starts to slow for Daniel. However, she begins to find her mind becoming a cross between that of an ovie's and a human's! As he waits for the other sisters to get to the door of the tunnel that leads to the garage (where s/he's at), she learns something else; that if she thinks human thoughts he becomes human, and if he thinks like an Ovie, she becomes one. Perhaps if she could control her thought processes, she'll be able to switch between her two forms at will!

Ickle Harri-chan wrote:Briony groaned as her figured melted away and her short hair began to grow outwards, turning bright pink as it did so. By the time it was finished and her clothing had reformed, she was out of the restraints, rolling over the edge of the bed and gasped, suprised by how big the drop felt, yet she landed in a crouch on the floor, and then straightened, a horrified look on her face as she stared down at the child's body, "No!".

She was in a state of shock as Camille pinned the badge to her chest and then cried in suprise as she was tagged before her rival pinched at her cheek. The little girl snarled, clenching her small hands into tiny little fists, and she began punching at the red-haired woman's thighs, tears starting to stream down her red cheeks, "I hate you, Camille!", she yelled, distraught at having her womanhood taken away from her.

Briony starts to feel really lightheaded and nauseated. The anger she felt towards Camille was too much for her to bear. The attractive woman gently pushes the ovie backwards by the head. Since Briony has still yet to produce hormones, no changes occurred. "Let's not be hasty now," Camille says with a wry grin. "We've got some tests to run."
Her and the scientist escort Briony out of the operating room and down a hall. Passerby look at her with nervousness and disdain, keeping their distance from the Ovie. They knew Ovalisks that wore the badge wouldn't hurt a fly, but the trust issues towards these double-agents were still clearly present.

Roggamer22 wrote:Richard yawns and stretches. "So what do we do now?" Richard looks around, "Should we check the other floors for supplies or something?" Richard looks at Lora. "Or maybe some gloves for our little friend here in case she gets any ideas?" He laughs.

"Hmm...you're right." Ryan says, he digs into his bag and pulls out a pair of work gloves and a roll of duct tape. "Hold her down, Karen."
"You got it." She says before getting up from the couch. She grabs the Ovie by her underarms and lifts her up off the couch. Laura squirms and grunts as she struggles against Karen's grip.
"H-hey! What're ya doing!? DX" The hatchling cries. "Let go me!"
Karen does her best to keep the Ovalisk pinned down as Ryan comes to Karen's aid. The kids go upto Karen, Ryan and the Ovie and look on with shocked faces. "Stop being mean to mommy!" Connie says as she tugs on Karen's top.
"We're not being mean, Connie." Karen says reassuringly the children. "We're just being safe, that's all. If we don't do this, she might try to turn us."
Ryan forces the pair of work gloves onto her little hands and then duct tapes them to her wrists. He continues wrapping the gray tape around her arms until it's upto her elbows. "There we go." Ryan says after he finishes. Karen lets go of Laura.
The Ovie stands up and looks bewilderingly at her hands, trying to move her fingers inside the bulky work gloves.
"We should definitely explore this place." Karen says. "See what we can find. We'll start with this floor."
Ryan reaches into his pocket and pulls out a key-card. "I took the master key from the receptionist's desk while I was downstairs. It should open all the doors in this building."

Amy-chan wrote:Hiroko-chan steps out of the elevator after riding back down with Elder Toria. She follows Toria out to the square, and pauses to take a candle from one of the boxes of candles at the edge of the square.

She lights her candle after Toria lights hers. She follows a respectful distance behind Toria as the Elder takes her place. Hiroko then stands in a reverent silence while holding her lit candle, and waits for Elder Toria to conduct the memorial service.

It was dark outside, the setting sun just barely peeking over the horizon. From where the Elder stood, she could see the street was aglow with so many candles. It was a pretty sight. A microphone was set up on a stand in front of her with a camera on a tripod which took her image and put it up on the big screen for every Ovie in the Square to see. Slow, soothing music plays in the background as Elder Toria speaks.
"Tonight, we commemorate those among us who didn't make it home." Toria begins. "For those of you who are new, we hold this ceremony once every two weeks or so to remember our fallen. Death is never pleasant, but the destructive nature of the ningen makes it ever present." She sniffs, "Death makes us cry, we try not to get too caught up on death -- what matters is love, and love is forever. Yet, it's necessary to cry, and hope the one who died did so peacefully. When a soul passes, they return to an infinite plane called the Third Realm, or rather a plane of existence closer to the infinity. There, we meet the Aeternalae again and we show them how much we've grown.
"Why do we keep going on sanctioned Raids knowing full well some of us may be killed? Because no matter how bad it may feel to get hurt or killed, it can't compare to the sadness resulting of human action and thought. The ningen are depressed creatures who clash with those who are different from them, even before we came along. We Ovalisks were given a power to change things, to make the world a better place and fill it with love for everyone. It'd be mean to not at least try to use it. We're going to adopt all the ningen into our family, every one of them. And if they hurt and kill some of us while we're doing so... Well, that just means that we need to try even harder to reach them. Deep down, they're all really good people, they just need our help to remember that."
She pauses, and adds, "And now...a moment of silence..."
After Toria's speech, the image of her fades off the big screen and is replaced with a visual as the music continues playing, though at a lower volume than before ((it's the same visual as seen in the youtube video if you click the link)). Toria gets off her proverbial soapbox and joins Hiroko at the front row.
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