[FFRP] The Snake's Embrace


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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Roggamer22 » Sun May 16, 2010 4:57 pm

Richard tries to calm the kids. "Don't worry guys... This is just for safety... This way, we really won't have to hurt your mother." He laughs nervously. "We have to explore this entire place? ...Maybe I should stay here with these guys... I can't really walk around too much on this leg... Kinda the whole reason why I was always driving around, hehe." (I mentioned in the character description that my guy has a small limp... So yeah.)
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Harri-chan » Sun May 16, 2010 4:57 pm

Briony staggered backwards, her eyes widening at how strong felt, the one little shove with her hand sending the girl stumbling, and almost tumbling down onto her bottom. Both hands brushed up against her stomach as she felt the sickness well up inside her, and then lifted a hand up to cover her mouth as she was led out of the room. Her eyes were wide, glancing up at former friends and colleagues as she was marched down the hall, and then down at her little dress with a groan. Another surge of hatred towards Camille almost caused her to throw up right there on the floor, but she just gagged, her shoulders shaking, wincing, and hurried her pace a little.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Millinescence » Thu May 20, 2010 11:37 am

((I'm going to wait until at least three more posts before I update, I hope no one's bored with this thread. It's the first RP I ever ran, so you can see how I'd be attached to it :/))
((Edit to add that if there's something wrong with my response to you in my previous, or future updates, or if you have questions about how to proceed, please do not hesitate to let me know via PM or chat *points to MSN and AIM buttons* I'm still learning how to be a better OP ^^; ))
Last edited by Millinescence on Thu May 20, 2010 9:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Zilla » Thu May 20, 2010 8:32 pm

Lilly took Kyla into the garage, parting ways with her two sisters. There were big cars, and they definitely touched on something from Lilly's past, something fun.

Something caught Harriet's eye. It was the big pickup truck she'd driven just earlier that day. It could fit all of her friends in the cab!

Lilly grabbed Kyla's hand. "This way!" she said.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Miku-chan » Thu May 20, 2010 11:09 pm

During each shift into his ovie form, Daniel would feel her palms sweat with ovie hormone. The rate of fluctuation starts to slow for Daniel. However, she begins to find her mind becoming a cross between that of an ovie's and a human's! As he waits for the other sisters to get to the door of the tunnel that leads to the garage (where s/he's at), she learns something else; that if she thinks human thoughts he becomes human, and if he thinks like an Ovie, she becomes one. Perhaps if she could control her thought processes, she'll be able to switch between her two forms at will!

Daniel keeps trying to control hi/er thoughts, but it is so hard to keep the human thoughts out of her Ovie form, and the Ovie thought out of his human form. S/he starts to get a bit thirsty from all the shifts and the secreetions from transformations. Reaching into his bag Daniel pulls out a gatoraid, but when she tries to open it it slips out of her hands...

>.< fudgesiccles he thinks as the shift starts once more..."How can we control our thoughts better" he says as the Ovie form starts to stableize some more
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Knight Errant » Fri May 21, 2010 12:44 am

((... I know the feeling.))

Millinescence wrote:((Sorry for taking such a long time, everyone. My postings have taken a turn for the sporadic =P ^^;; ))
Knight Errant wrote:Vic nods. "Let us catch up with them..."

He takes out his uzi, turns the safety off, and runs down the tunnel!

Taking Vic's lead, the thugs take out thier shotgun and 30 aut 6 and gets them ready. As they round a corner, they see them go up a flight of stairs. They would lead to the upper floor of the Atrium.
"Here we go..." Manny says after pumping the handhold of his shotgun.
Just then, they could hear rapid footfalls echoing from behind them. "Hey guys, wait up! It's Daniel, seems like something's wrong with him." The guard says, his revolver already drawn. "He shut the bulkheads back while I was in between them. The entrance to the service tunnel was my only way out."
"Yo man, welcome to the party." Grey says to the guard. "Things'ah just 'bout to get heated."

Vic looks back. "Fine, come with us. But keep up the pace. We head directly to the garage!" With that he dashes up the stairs! Confident he could overtake the children... hopefully before the guards in the garage spot them and gun them down.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Musashi » Fri May 21, 2010 6:28 am

Amy-chan wrote:As the squad car pulls up just outside the square, Alana turns back towards Kira and says softly, “Your mommy’s gonna go to the second realm … her body no work now. But you see her at ceremony.”

(Sorry, school has been killing me o_O)

Kira doesn't seem to be fully comprehending. He may not be the brightest crayon in the box. His head tilts and his wittle kitty ears wiggle.

"Mommy's body don't work. So when I see her, I'll help fix it! And mommy will be proud of me~"
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Millinescence » Fri May 21, 2010 1:16 pm

Roggamer22 wrote:Richard tries to calm the kids. "Don't worry guys... This is just for safety... This way, we really won't have to hurt your mother." He laughs nervously. "We have to explore this entire place? ...Maybe I should stay here with these guys... I can't really walk around too much on this leg... Kinda the whole reason why I was always driving around, hehe." (I mentioned in the character description that my guy has a small limp... So yeah.)

Ryan nods. "Alright, guess we'll have you stay with the kiddies then." He says with a nervous chuckle. "Shouldn't take long." He turns to Karen and asks if she's ready. After getting their weapons, Ryan and Karen go out the door, leaving Richard with Connie, Laura, and Brian.
Connie takes Richard's hand. "C'mon, I wanna show you my room."
"Wanna play on the PS2 with us?" Brian asks as Richard is led from the living room to a small hallway. "It's a bit wonky sometimes, but it still works okay."
"Yay! Games always fun!" Laura grins as they go into the second door on the right past the bathroom. "I'm sure you able find lotsa things in other rooms."
The room was a bit messy, toys were strewn all around. Richard would have to wonder how they manage to find anything. There's a modern-looking metal bunkbed where the two sleep (it's a 2-bedroom apartment). The carpets looks like they've seen better days, and hasn't been vacuumed since the invasion. The TV sat on top of their dresser across from the bunk beds. Brian goes through a set of small plastic drawers next to the TV where the PS2 sat on top.
"Uhh...we gooot..." He takes out several games and hands them to Richard. "These."
"Ooo...Pick one, pick one. ^__^" Laura says excitedly.
They've got a spy game, several titles of M-rated shooting games, a girlish looking game where you take care of horses, and several more titles that follow the adventures of a cute purple dragon.

Ickle Harri-chan wrote:Briony staggered backwards, her eyes widening at how strong felt, the one little shove with her hand sending the girl stumbling, and almost tumbling down onto her bottom. Both hands brushed up against her stomach as she felt the sickness well up inside her, and then lifted a hand up to cover her mouth as she was led out of the room. Her eyes were wide, glancing up at former friends and colleagues as she was marched down the hall, and then down at her little dress with a groan. Another surge of hatred towards Camille almost caused her to throw up right there on the floor, but she just gagged, her shoulders shaking, wincing, and hurried her pace a little.

They take a right down another hall and the scientist leads the two into an examination room that looked like a place where doctors would do physicals.
"Alright, we're going to do a check-up, followed by two endurance tests, and then we'll dress you up nice and put you on your first mission." Camille grins, scruffling Briony's hair They had her stand on a scale that also measures height and the scientist wrote the results down on a clipboard he got from a counter top. Briony would learn that she's now exactly 3ft tall and weighed 32lbs. They then proceed to sit her on table and check her vitals with a stethoscope. The scientist warns Camille not to tease Briony during the test so that it doesn't affect the results. With some reluctance, the attractive woman obeys.

Zilla wrote:Lilly took Kyla into the garage, parting ways with her two sisters. There were big cars, and they definitely touched on something from Lilly's past, something fun.

Something caught Harriet's eye. It was the big pickup truck she'd driven just earlier that day. It could fit all of her friends in the cab!

Lilly grabbed Kyla's hand. "This way!" she said.

When Lilly and Kyla open the door in front of them, it led to the upper floor of the Atrium that was made of a metal catwalk. After turning a corner on the catwalk, they see a sign reading 'Garage' and they go inside. Two guards on the lower floor see the ovies on the catwalk, they immediately draw their pistols and make their way to the stairs leading to the upper floors!

Meanwhile, Susie and Alice take a right at the door, going down the tunnel that will take them to the garage, and eventually freedom."

Once Lilly leads Kyla to the truck, they'll find it's unlocked, but the keys were missing from the ignition! However, Lilly would remember there's a key room to the left of the large garage door leading to the airlock. The key room had another room next to it that housed the controls to the airlock and the rifle-mounted cameras inside.
"Warning! warning! Lockdown commencing in, 8, minutes." Says the automated voice on the PA system. "All residents are confined to their quarters until further notice. Please lock your doors once you enter your quarters."
"We gotsta hurry~," Kyla says to Lilly. "Ooh, I hope the other sisters make it..."

Miku-chan wrote:Daniel keeps trying to control hi/er thoughts, but it is so hard to keep the human thoughts out of her Ovie form, and the Ovie thought out of his human form. S/he starts to get a bit thirsty from all the shifts and the secreetions from transformations. Reaching into his bag Daniel pulls out a gatoraid, but when she tries to open it it slips out of her hands...

>.< fudgesiccles he thinks as the shift starts once more..."How can we control our thoughts better" he says as the Ovie form starts to stableize some more

About three minutes after Daniel hears the 8 minute warning, the five minute warning sounds. Just then, Susie and Alice make it into Daniel's range of view from the vents he was hiding in.
Alice finds a bottle of Gatorade and picks it up. "Susie, someone here?" She asks.
"Maybe." Susie replies, holding her pistol in one hand and the key-card in the other. "Hello~! Anyone here?" She looks around, and then up at the vents, barely able to make out the black-haired girl. "Hey Alice, there's a sister."
"Wha?" Alice looks up at the vent as well. "Ah, there is~! ^__^" She waves. "Heyheey~! Come down, we no hurt you :3"

Knight Errant wrote:((... I know the feeling.))

Vic looks back. "Fine, come with us. But keep up the pace. We head directly to the garage!" With that he dashes up the stairs! Confident he could overtake the children... hopefully before the guards in the garage spot them and gun them down.

"Alright, will do." The guard nods to Vic, increasing his stride to keep up with the three civilians.
Vic and the others see the four ovies splitting up into two groups through the grated metal stairwell as they go up the flight of stairs. Two ovies, one with orange hair and one with blond hair go into a door. He couldn't make out where the other two went. When they make it upstairs, they'll see three routes in a T-bone hallway. The door straight in front of them leads to the upper floor of the Atrium. A the tunnel to thier right leads to the garage, a tunnel on the left leads to some type of bar & recreation room. This is indicated solely by signs.

Musashi wrote:(Sorry, school has been killing me o_O)

Kira doesn't seem to be fully comprehending. He may not be the brightest crayon in the box. His head tilts and his wittle kitty ears wiggle.

"Mommy's body don't work. So when I see her, I'll help fix it! And mommy will be proud of me~"

((Good thing it's almost out for summer ^^v))

"No, mommy's body now work, damage beyond fixing."
Becky tells Kira as they get out of the car and join the others in the back row of the ceremony. "Shh...be real quiet and you see mommy soon, you see through her and she good as new...you see soon."
((Amy's gonna post and update you with what happens next in the Candlelit Ceremony. You'll love what we have planned ^.~))
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Harri-chan » Fri May 21, 2010 3:47 pm

Briony continued to hold her stomach as she followed them into examination room, groaning when Camille ruffled her hair. She cringed as she saw how short she was, and how little she weighed, and blushed every time an adult put their hands on her to measure something. Her eyes were narrowed as they checked her vitals with the stethoscope, reminded of a childhood memory of a trip to the Doctor, "You can reverse this... right? Once the mission is over... ?".
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Roggamer22 » Fri May 21, 2010 4:38 pm

Millinescence wrote:Ryan nods. "Alright, guess we'll have you stay with the kiddies then." He says with a nervous chuckle. "Shouldn't take long." He turns to Karen and asks if she's ready. After getting their weapons, Ryan and Karen go out the door, leaving Richard with Connie, Laura, and Brian.
Connie takes Richard's hand. "C'mon, I wanna show you my room."
"Wanna play on the PS2 with us?" Brian asks as Richard is led from the living room to a small hallway. "It's a bit wonky sometimes, but it still works okay."
"Yay! Games always fun!" Laura grins as they go into the second door on the right past the bathroom. "I'm sure you able find lotsa things in other rooms."
The room was a bit messy, toys were strewn all around. Richard would have to wonder how they manage to find anything. There's a modern-looking metal bunkbed where the two sleep (it's a 2-bedroom apartment). The carpets looks like they've seen better days, and hasn't been vacuumed since the invasion. The TV sat on top of their dresser across from the bunk beds. Brian goes through a set of small plastic drawers next to the TV where the PS2 sat on top.
"Uhh...we gooot..." He takes out several games and hands them to Richard. "These."
"Ooo...Pick one, pick one. ^__^" Laura says excitedly.
They've got a spy game, several titles of M-rated shooting games, a girlish looking game where you take care of horses, and several more titles that follow the adventures of a cute purple dragon.

(Oh my god I love Spyro!! XD)

"Wow.... It's been a long time since I've played on a PS2, haha..." Richard laughs a bit then looks through the room then back at the games. "Hm... I guess you guys can pick the first game."
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Amy-chan » Sat May 22, 2010 1:55 am

Millinescence wrote:"No, mommy's body now work, damage beyond fixing." Becky tells Kira as they get out of the car and join the others in the back row of the ceremony. "Shh...be real quiet and you see mommy soon, you see through her and she good as new...you see soon."

((Amy's gonna post and update you with what happens next in the Candlelight Ceremony. You'll love what we have planned ^.~))

((After that, I hope that I don’t disappoint you. ^_^;; ))

As the moment of silence in the Candlelight Ceremony proceeds, the flames from the various candles extend up into the sky, towering but thin spikes of fire. The top of the fire spikes bend to the side, start to move , and merge together forming a whirling spiral of fire in the air above the square. From the center of the fire spiral, glowing, translucent forms steam. They can be seen to be the forms of Ovalisks.

One of the ghostly Ovalisks floats down and hovers in front of Kira. It is Blossom, the Ovie with the grass colored hair that is/was his ‘mother’. ”Son … I can’t stay. You need Mommy here. Take Alana as mommy. She looks over at Alana, ”Please … be mommy to Kira.” A single shimmering tear trails down Blossom’s ghostly cheek and vanishes as it drips off. She then floats back up to the center of the fire spiral where a vista that is both indescribable and beautiful is now showing. She floats into the vista and gets smaller, and smaller as if going to a vast distance.

When all of the other ghosts that had said their goodbyes also had floated into the vista, the fire spiral fades out, and the candle flames return to normal. The gathered Ovalisks silently extinguish the flames. They face the stand in front as Toria walks up to the microphone again.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Zilla » Sat May 22, 2010 6:24 pm

Lilly sees that a bunch of people are closing in on her, the guards from the garage, and a group that had just burst in behind her and Kyla.

"Whadda we do?" Lilly asks. It's not a good spot for them to be in! And she didn't have her keys for the truck! All she had was the hurt-stick... and there were LOTS of ningen! And they all needed huggling, so bad.

"Harriet!" a voice calls. From another door in the upper landing, Anthony stands, looking down at the two ovies in the pickup. "Oh god, don't be doing what I think you're doing. Harriet... are you still in there?" Anthony calls.
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Musashi » Sat May 22, 2010 7:10 pm

Amy-chan wrote:As the moment of silence in the Candlelight Ceremony proceeds, the flames from the various candles extend up into the sky, towering but thin spikes of fire. The top of the fire spikes bend to the side, start to move , and merge together forming a whirling spiral of fire in the air above the square. From the center of the fire spiral, glowing, translucent forms steam. They can be seen to be the forms of Ovalisks.

One of the ghostly Ovalisks floats down and hovers in front of Kira. It is Blossom, the Ovie with the grass colored hair that is/was his ‘mother’. ”Son … I can’t stay. You need Mommy here. Take Alana as mommy. She looks over at Alana, ”Please … be mommy to Kira.” A single shimmering tear trails down Blossom’s ghostly cheek and vanishes as it drips off. She then floats back up to the center of the fire spiral where a vista that is both indescribable and beautiful is now showing. She floats into the vista and gets smaller, and smaller as if going to a vast distance.

When all of the other ghosts that had said their goodbyes also had floated into the vista, the fire spiral fades out, and the candle flames return to normal. The gathered Ovalisks silently extinguish the flames. They face the stand in front as Toria walks up to the microphone again.

(I get no school off for summer... it's an accelerated college, so it's all the time. @_@)

Kira watches Blossom in stunned silence. He tries to speak, but nothing coherent comes out. Strange feelings overwhelm him... unhappy feelings. A feeling of terrible guilt. He knows he's supposed to be happy, but all he can do is hold his head and cry. He grabs and pulls at his kitty ears as tears run down his face.

"Mommy, mommy... I don't wanna.. lose mommy... again..."
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Miku-chan » Sat May 22, 2010 8:23 pm

About three minutes after Daniel hears the 8 minute warning, the five minute warning sounds. Just then, Susie and Alice make it into Daniel's range of view from the vents he was hiding in.
Alice finds a bottle of Gatorade and picks it up. "Susie, someone here?" She asks.
"Maybe." Susie replies, holding her pistol in one hand and the key-card in the other. "Hello~! Anyone here?" She looks around, and then up at the vents, barely able to make out the black-haired girl. "Hey Alice, there's a sister."
"Wha?" Alice looks up at the vent as well. "Ah, there is~! ^__^" She waves. "Heyheey~! Come down, we no hurt you :3"

Daniel starts to worry at the 8 minute and 5 minute warnings. When Alice and Suzie finally come out, he sees them...but is in his human body. Hiding deeper in the vent, he thinks the happy thoughts of getting to see Suzie once more, and starts to shift into her Ovie form once more...Hope forgive are her thoughts as Suzie finds her bottle she dropped earlier, and when Alice invites her out of the tunnel, she smiles glad two sisters are out......Is safe? she asks, dragging her toy bag with her. Suddenly, the bomb goes off in the labs, causing the vent to collapse behind her and activating the fire sprinklers thruout the complex......Ooopsie...too much boom stuff she giggles as she drops to the ground in front of Alice and Suzie...

(Gah...I hate doing this from the phone sometimes)
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Re: RP - The Snake's Embrace

Postby Millinescence » Sun May 23, 2010 6:48 pm

Ickle Harri-chan wrote:Briony continued to hold her stomach as she followed them into examination room, groaning when Camille ruffled her hair. She cringed as she saw how short she was, and how little she weighed, and blushed every time an adult put their hands on her to measure something. Her eyes were narrowed as they checked her vitals with the stethoscope, reminded of a childhood memory of a trip to the Doctor, "You can reverse this... right? Once the mission is over... ?".

"If we had a way to reverse Ovification, don't you think we would've used it by now?" Camille answers when the physical was completed. "We have a number of missions and tests in store for you until we find a cure for your condition...so don't worry your little head about it." She smiles and pats Briony's head cutely.
The scientist sighs at these words as he sets his clipboard against his forehead. "Camille...don't."
"She's so cute though ^^. Plus her venom is harmless as of now, so I can pat her on the head, pinch her cheek and anything I want." Camille tells the scientist. "So if you question my authority over her further, I might dock your pay. Anyway, what's the first test you'd like to run on our little friend? ^.~"
"Oh, uhh..." He ruffles through the papers on his clipboard. "For the first endurance test; A mile and a half on a treadmill. I want to know how fast the Ovalisks can actually run and how much stamina they have."
"Very well, lead the way." Camille motions toward the door.
The scientist leads Camille and Briony out the door and into the hall. About 20ft down the hall, the scientist opens the door to another room. Inside is a treadmill and a computer that's hooked up to electrode readers and a pulse monitor.
"We might get regular basic brainwave patterns since her mind's not altered." The scientist says to Camille as he sets Briony in a chair to stick the electrodes on her head. "We'll do an EEG later just to be certain." He turns to the ovie. "Okay, ready Briony?" He asks before getting her on the treadmill.

Roggamer22 wrote:(Oh my god I love Spyro!! XD)

"Wow.... It's been a long time since I've played on a PS2, haha..." Richard laughs a bit then looks through the room then back at the games. "Hm... I guess you guys can pick the first game."

"I wanna play Vice City." Brian says.
"Nuu~ let's not. =3=" Connie replies irritably, Brian had been playing that game alot since they found it.
"The horsey one looks cute. :3" Laura says.
"Lets take turns on Spyro."
Brian shrugs, "Alright, we'll do that then." He turns everything on and puts the game in. He hands the controller to Richard. "Wanna go first?"
((A game within a game :P ))

Amy-chan wrote:((After that, I hope that I don’t disappoint you. ^_^;; ))

As the moment of silence in the Candlelight Ceremony proceeds, the flames from the various candles extend up into the sky, towering but thin spikes of fire. The top of the fire spikes bend to the side, start to move , and merge together forming a whirling spiral of fire in the air above the square. From the center of the fire spiral, glowing, translucent forms steam. They can be seen to be the forms of Ovalisks.

One of the ghostly Ovalisks floats down and hovers in front of Kira. It is Blossom, the Ovie with the grass colored hair that is/was his ‘mother’. ”Son … I can’t stay. You need Mommy here. Take Alana as mommy. She looks over at Alana, ”Please … be mommy to Kira.” A single shimmering tear trails down Blossom’s ghostly cheek and vanishes as it drips off. She then floats back up to the center of the fire spiral where a vista that is both indescribable and beautiful is now showing. She floats into the vista and gets smaller, and smaller as if going to a vast distance.

When all of the other ghosts that had said their goodbyes also had floated into the vista, the fire spiral fades out, and the candle flames return to normal. The gathered Ovalisks silently extinguish the flames. They face the stand in front as Toria walks up to the microphone again.

"What you have just witnessed was no illusion. That, my sisters were the spirits of our ancestors and recently fallen." Elder Toria says into the mic. "They have come all the way from the third realm just to visit us for that brief period of time. They all will be missed dearly. But let's not mourn their deaths. Instead, let's celebrate the life they have lived. For their spirit will live on in each and every new sister born by our hands." She points to everyone's left, there is a large upscale restaurant built into a skyscraper. "And now for concessions! Eat, drink and be merry everyone~! x3"

Musashi wrote:(I get no school off for summer... it's an accelerated college, so it's all the time. @_@)

Kira watches Blossom in stunned silence. He tries to speak, but nothing coherent comes out. Strange feelings overwhelm him... unhappy feelings. A feeling of terrible guilt. He knows he's supposed to be happy, but all he can do is hold his head and cry. He grabs and pulls at his kitty ears as tears run down his face.

"Mommy, mommy... I don't wanna.. lose mommy... again..."

Seeing Kira sad, Alana and becky hugs Kira between them, and Alana kisses his forehead. "It's okee..." She tells Kira. "Kira no lose mommy, I your mommy now." She kisses him again. "You see Blossom at next Cerimony. You prolly hungry. Let's go eat." The two lead Kira into the restaurant.

Zilla wrote:Lilly sees that a bunch of people are closing in on her, the guards from the garage, and a group that had just burst in behind her and Kyla.

"Whadda we do?" Lilly asks. It's not a good spot for them to be in! And she didn't have her keys for the truck! All she had was the hurt-stick... and there were LOTS of ningen! And they all needed huggling, so bad.

"Harriet!" a voice calls. From another door in the upper landing, Anthony stands, looking down at the two ovies in the pickup. "Oh god, don't be doing what I think you're doing. Harriet... are you still in there?" Anthony calls.

Nearly half the guard squad (35 people) had made their way to the garage!
"Harriet?" Kyla said worriedly. "I don't...know. You wanna huggle?" She wanted to huggle these ningen so they won't hurt her. But those guards were armed with guns. It scares her. Kyla couldn't heal herself if they shoot her, but Lilly could. Lilly could heal herself so she don't get hurt by the mean, sad ningen. There was one ningen who was unarmed, and that...was Anthony.
"Heh...we have them cornered."
And then the door to the service tunnel opens up, and three Ovies come out, one of them with black hair and holding a bag of ningen toys, one armed with a pistol, and another armed with a guard's whack-stick...

Miku-chan wrote:Daniel starts to worry at the 8 minute and 5 minute warnings. When Alice and Suzie finally come out, he sees them...but is in his human body. Hiding deeper in the vent, he thinks the happy thoughts of getting to see Suzie once more, and starts to shift into her Ovie form once more...Hope forgive are her thoughts as Suzie finds her bottle she dropped earlier, and when Alice invites her out of the tunnel, she smiles glad two sisters are out......Is safe? she asks, dragging her toy bag with her. Suddenly, the bomb goes off in the labs, causing the vent to collapse behind her and activating the fire sprinklers thruout the complex......Ooopsie...too much boom stuff she giggles as she drops to the ground in front of Alice and Suzie...

(Gah...I hate doing this from the phone sometimes)

The sprinkler system pours onto the ovies and the guards in the garage!
"C'mon sister, let's get out of here." Susie says, handing Danie's Gatorade back. "Shhh...we go in quiet." Susie wispers. She opens the door and they walk in on Lilly and Kyla in the pickup with guards nearby! Taking advantage of the element of suprise while trying not to giggle, Alice and Susie grab two unsuspecting ningen by their gun arms causing them to shrink and shift!
"Heehee...got'cha sister. >:3" Susie smirks at one of the guards.
"Yaaay~! huggle! <3" Alice says as she grabs her guard.
Shocked they didn't see the ovies until that moment, the other guards fall back and start firing at the Ovies. Susie gets shot three times, Alice only once. But their wounds heal 10 seconds later and Susie fires back with her hormone-soaked .45, hoping to change them from a distance! ...but alas, all it does is put holes in the guards. Traces of hormone scattered off by air friction and burned off by the powder charge, only the bullet makes it in. Susie screams, shocked that her pistol didn't change them, but injured them instead! "No...why it not happen? DX"
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