[FFRP] The RP Nexus


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Re: The RP Nexus

Postby all_knowing_frog » Thu May 20, 2010 10:47 pm

Akiko follows and nods in response, occasionaly glancing about. "Wow, this place is huge."
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Re: The RP Nexus

Postby Millinescence » Sat May 22, 2010 4:03 pm

Ookalf wrote:*The receptionist looks at Tabatha over the desk.* Well, I'm afraid the counilor's in a meeting right now, but he can see you when he's done.

"Okay. We'll wait for him, nya." Tabatha replies. She and Sally then sit in a row of chairs nearby.
"How long until the meeting's over?" Julia asks the receptionist.

Lavender wrote:*A Lavender light comes from the Medallion as it engulfs the ghost girl. She can feel herself taking on a solid shape as the M Medallion appears around her neck. The Medallion is as transparent as she is as her form becomes hourglass like.*

(I need some time to find a good picture of what she will look like unless you have any suggestions)

((I'll PM you with what my character's solid form and magical girl forms should look like :3))

all_knowing_frog wrote:Akiko follows and nods in response, occasionaly glancing about. "Wow, this place is huge."

"Yes, it is. The mall is where everyone comes to shop, nya." Kimiko replies. They go into the clothing store. It seems to be a quarter of the size of a Macy's!
A lady with blond twintails walks up to the pair. "Welcome to Carrol's Boutiques, how can I--Oh, hi Kimiko~! ^_^"
Kimiko waves. "Hey Ryanna!" The neko grins back "My friend Akiko here is a newcomer and she would like some new clothes, nya."
"Oh~! Alright, right this way. We need to get you measured up so we'll know what size clothes you'll wear." Ryanna says as she escorts the girl towards the dressing rooms. Kimiko follows the two. Just then, Akiko will start to feel lightheaded as the world starts to look just a bit bigger...
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Re: The RP Nexus

Postby Ookalf » Sat May 22, 2010 4:08 pm

Millinescence wrote:"Okay. We'll wait for him, nya." Tabatha replies. She and Sally then sit in a row of chairs nearby.
"How long until the meeting's over?" Julia asks the receptionist.

Oh, about an hour or so.
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Re: The RP Nexus

Postby all_knowing_frog » Sat May 22, 2010 10:24 pm

"Wha-?" she stumbles clutching her head, "What's going on? I feel wierd." reaches out for something to help her stay stable.
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Re: The RP Nexus

Postby Zoey » Mon May 24, 2010 6:59 pm

"Yes you, sweetie" replies the man taking Charlottes hand and leading her to the stage. "Now what is your name?" he asks putting a microphone close to her.

Harriette is taken outside, she leads her along the town. "I always like taking the scenenic route" she says looking around comtimplating the surroudings.

Chrono chuckles at Nora. "What's wrong? You sound like your freezing. You cold?" he asks. "I could give you my lab coat".

(Hey Ook, if you want you dont have to wait for Dact, just go on with Kyu ^^ )
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Re: The RP Nexus

Postby Marky » Mon May 24, 2010 7:32 pm

Kaizer wrote:Harriette is taken outside, she leads her along the town. "I always like taking the scenenic route" she says looking around comtimplating the surroudings.

"Oh, cool." Harriette says, following Maka, glancing around at the surroundings a bit.
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Re: The RP Nexus

Postby Ookalf » Mon May 24, 2010 8:36 pm

Kaizer wrote:(Hey Ook, if you want you dont have to wait for Dact, just go on with Kyu ^^ )

(Nah, I think I'll wait for him.)
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Re: The RP Nexus

Postby Millinescence » Sun May 30, 2010 2:49 pm

Ookalf wrote:Oh, about an hour or so.

"Alright...thanks." Julia said with a shrug. She goes and sits next to Tabatha. "It'll be another hour until he's done with his meeting. What do you think we should do till then?"
"I don't know...I guess we should just wait, nya. :? " Tabatha replies.
Sally pouts, "Oh poo...this is going to take forever. >:"

all_knowing_frog wrote:"Wha-?" she stumbles clutching her head, "What's going on? I feel wierd." reaches out for something to help her stay stable.

Akiko stumbles, failing to find anything to hold. As she falls, Akiko gets shorter at a rapid pace! Her arms and legs pull inward on themselves, her attractiveness becomes cuteness as she loses nearly all her bust and her hips cave in. Her features get younger while the world gets increasingly bigger once she falls flat on the floor face down. Her head is still spinning, at only 3'6" her clothes are much loser and barely hanging on her. Akiko's overcoat falls off, the top part of her dress now over her head, and her panties which were now too big for her were pulled down to her knees from the inertia of the fall.
"Nyaa! Akiko!" Kimiko looks with wide-eyed shock as Akiko transforms further!
"0.o Wow...wasn't expecting that." Ryanna says, concern on her face. "Good thing we didn't measure her yet..."

Kittybread (AIM) wrote:"You mean my eyes? Oh, um, you have any old scrap metal? Beat up wrench or something? That should take care of it."

They look to a dumpster next to the back entrance of the shop. It has plenty of scrapped android parts. "Well, there's some old robot parts in that dumpster..."
"You eat metal...those types of models are pretty rare these days."
Kittybread (AIM) wrote:"Well, I'm kind of a special case..." Ray grimaces. He holds out a hand and slowly gropes his way towards their voices. "But yeah, if I get something to eat, I should be able to repair my eyes no problem."

"Alright." Don says as the technitians lead Ray to the dumpster. Rick pulls out an iron leg bone complete with foot and hands it to Ray.
Kittybread (AIM) wrote:He takes the leg and bites into it like butter. A couple of bites, and Ray's eyes glow yellow, then flicker back on to their normal red. "Ah, there we go." He looks down at the robotic leg. "Gah!" He tosses it away.

"You okay?" Don asks upon hearing Ray cry out. "Couldn't you have pulled something else out, Rick?" He elbows his partner.
Kittybread (AIM) wrote:"I'm good, it just looked a little too much like... well, me." He lifts up a leg and lets his shoes and skin fold in to reveal a similar looking metallic endoskeleton. "But, I guess I should thank you for the help. Um... where are we anyways?"

"We're at the mall, in a supply tunnel. It's wear trucks like this one come in and put their supplies into the shops." Dan says. "Oh and you're welcome. The garage opening is about 60ft. behind us. There's a switch that opens the door."
"Oh, and sorry about the leg." Says Rick.
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Re: The RP Nexus

Postby all_knowing_frog » Sun May 30, 2010 11:43 pm

pushing herself back up and pulling her head out of her shirt, Akiko looks at her much smaller self, "What happened to me?" stands up, causing further wardrobe malfunctions, panties finishing their trip down her small legs. Now noticing her lack of a figure and changed voice she slowly manages to put two and two together. "I'm younger? But why? I-I thought that didn't happen!" looks up at the larger women, "Why am I like this now?" tears starting to form as she holds what clothing she has left on. "I don't want to be a little girl!"

Coming to the conclusion that the store was the cause, Akiko attempts to spin around and run out the doors, going around the helpful catgirl. Upon turrning around, her foot slips out of her shoe, causing her to fall towards Kimiko, arms flailing about, abandoning their attempts to keep her clothed, "EEEK! Kimiko!"
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Re: The RP Nexus

Postby Alissa of Someday » Tue Jun 01, 2010 12:29 pm

"Yes you, sweetie" replies the man taking Charlottes hand and leading her to the stage. "Now what is your name?" he asks putting a microphone close to her.

"Ah--wait, wait, I don't want to...!"

Protesting, Charlotte is dragged out to the stage, fidgeting with her skirt as she pales before the audience.*

"It....It's Charlotte."
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Re: The RP Nexus

Postby Ookalf » Tue Jun 01, 2010 12:34 pm

Millinescence wrote:"Alright...thanks." Julia said with a shrug. She goes and sits next to Tabatha. "It'll be another hour until he's done with his meeting. What do you think we should do till then?"
"I don't know...I guess we should just wait, nya. :? " Tabatha replies.
Sally pouts, "Oh poo...this is going to take forever. >:"

*Karen follows Julia over.* Well, I guess we could come back later, if you don't want to wait...
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Re: The RP Nexus

Postby Millinescence » Tue Jun 01, 2010 11:48 pm

all_knowing_frog wrote:pushing herself back up and pulling her head out of her shirt, Akiko looks at her much smaller self, "What happened to me?" stands up, causing further wardrobe malfunctions, panties finishing their trip down her small legs. Now noticing her lack of a figure and changed voice she slowly manages to put two and two together. "I'm younger? But why? I-I thought that didn't happen!" looks up at the larger women, "Why am I like this now?" tears starting to form as she holds what clothing she has left on. "I don't want to be a little girl!"

Coming to the conclusion that the store was the cause, Akiko attempts to spin around and run out the doors, going around the helpful catgirl. Upon turrning around, her foot slips out of her shoe, causing her to fall towards Kimiko, arms flailing about, abandoning their attempts to keep her clothed, "EEEK! Kimiko!"

After getting up and running and stumbling in the chaos, Akiko is now completely naked! Kimiko catches her. "I-I got you, nya!" She says, eyes wide, heart racing. "I told you that it rarely happens, Akiko. I'm sorry, nya." Just then, the last of Akiko's changes takes hold. Her hair shoots out, growing down to her thighs in the blink of an eye as white swirls form around her. White ribbons appear that wrap up the hair hanging down like bandages into long twin-tails as a white headdress also appears on the top of her head and puts itself in bows. A cute white dress with detached sleeves quickly materializes onto Akiko's naked body. The little girl lifts up an inch as little white slippers appear on her feet. Akiko now looks like this.

Ryanna proceeds to pick up Akiko's old clothes and looks at the little girl with pitty. "I'm...sorry that had to happen to you, miss." She says. "Normally newcomers don't get but just one transformation upon coming to Nexus. And I've never seen someone transform right in the store before." She pauses. "Clothes will be on the house. I'll turn off the doorway checkout when you guys leave. I...just have to measure you first, Akiko."

Ookalf wrote:*Karen follows Julia over.* Well, I guess we could come back later, if you don't want to wait...

Julia shrugs. "Okay, I guess we'll head back then." She says to Karen. "C'mon guys, let's wait over by the pond near our house. Maybe Karen can give us a tour of the place while we're at it."
"Yay! That sounds great." Sally giggles.
"We should go to the house so I can get my camcorder, nya." Tabatha suggests. "I want to film this tour so people back home can see it. :3"

Kittybread (AIM) wrote:"It's...okay. " He sets his foot back down and lets it fold back into a more human configuration. "I'm just glad you guys weren't stealing me for parts or something. I'll be heading out then." He heads for the door, only taking one misstep on his way over. He presses the button and waits for the door to finish opening.
"Good luck then." Rick grins. The technitians wave him goodbye and the door opens to the outside. to his left on the building would be the tunnel leading under the mall to the beach. Side-road in front of him leads to the major walkway going from the mall to the Plaza.

Kittybread (AIM) wrote:Ray waves. "Thanks again!" He jogs towards the Plaza. "Hmm, I should probably head back to those girls and let them know I'm okay. I might have freaked them out by shutting down like that..."
Rick goes to his truck and presses the button inside that closes the door once Ray's out of sight. They go inside their shop and wait for the next call. The Plaza was empty this time of the day. Only the majestic pillars and several passerby were there.

Kittybread (AIM) wrote:Ray smiles and enjoys his jog. It's really a rather nice day, and he waves to some of the people as he passes by. He stumbles a bit for a moment, but recovers and heads towards the apartment. "I hope Karen was able to sort things out..."
He wouldn't see the girls out in the open because they would be already inside the school. However, the place they were staying at wasn't far off. In fact, the family name was still left blank when he came upon it.

Kittybread (AIM) wrote:"Hmm, I thought they would have changed that by now. Oh well..." He jogs up to the door and knocks, not even winded. Still, he has to lean his arm on the doorway for support.
There was no answer. No note was left on the door. Apparently they weren't expecting him to come back from repairs as fast as he did.
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Re: The RP Nexus

Postby all_knowing_frog » Wed Jun 02, 2010 1:06 am

The young girl shivers in Kimiko's arms, tears slowly trickling down her youthful features. "This is horrible! How am I supposed to live like this?" hearing the other woman talking about measurements, causes her to cry harder, clinging to the catgirl as if she were a life preserver, "I don't want any clothes! I want to go home! What if I change again?! What if I get smaller?! What if I become some freaky thing?! I don't want to be a lizard person!" she continues to try and get closer to Kimiko, despite already hugging her, using all of her considerably reduced strength to keep her by the comforting pressence, her little hands grabbing onto the priestess outfit.
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Re: The RP Nexus

Postby Ookalf » Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:11 am

Millinescence wrote:Julia shrugs. "Okay, I guess we'll head back then." She says to Karen. "C'mon guys, let's wait over by the pond near our house. Maybe Karen can give us a tour of the place while we're at it."
"Yay! That sounds great." Sally giggles.
"We should go to the house so I can get my camcorder, nya." Tabatha suggests. "I want to film this tour so people back home can see it. :3"

Okay then, let's get going. *Karen tells the secretary that they'll be back later, then leads the way back outside.*
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Re: The RP Nexus

Postby Knight Errant » Thu Jun 03, 2010 10:21 pm

((Soooorry! Forgot about this thread T_T))

Kaizer wrote:With the foul beast defeated the forest regains its calm. It would be enjoyable if our hero's werent lost in it. Kyu walks up to Grunwalde. "Thanks alot mister!" says the little girl extending her hand in gratitude.

Grunwalde shakes her hand briefly. "Sso... who are you?"
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