[SRP] Demons of Watchwood Forest


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Re: Demons of Watchwood Forest

Postby all_knowing_frog » Thu May 27, 2010 7:50 pm

Not too much of the gas should come back out the cave, unless the mine isn't all that big.

Regardless, Dirk checks his mask to make sure it's in place, and moves another lens in front of the goggles, which then starts to glow green, arrows pointing in the direction of anything with a life force that would suggest a potential threat appear on it. Pulling out the vials he had before, Dirk cautiosly made his way into the cave, arcane device allowing him to see through the result of his concoctions. Anything breathing down here should now be dead, or out like a light. He'd used several diffrent mixtures to make sure that they all went down. Still, mystical creatures didn't always breath, so best to be safer then sorry. Also further into the mine the gas wouldn't be in a highe enough concentration to be reliable.
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Re: Demons of Watchwood Forest

Postby Harri-chan » Fri May 28, 2010 1:38 am

Ginny pushed open the door, and walked into the room at the top of the tower, her sword extended, pointing towards the demon, confusion sweeping across her face with each step. "You're not the Boar... ", she said, sounding disappointed, but then her blue eyes narrowed, "... I'll just have to kill you before I resume my search for her!", she said, and then began to charge at the demon, drawing the large sword behind her head and then went to swing it at the woman!
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Re: Demons of Watchwood Forest

Postby Knight Errant » Fri May 28, 2010 12:44 pm

Blaze wrote:James stares at the man and was about to ask what he said before the howl tore through the campsite. James drew his ow and notched an arrow.

Soon there are more howls... and the air around them is filled with the sounds of them. Red eyes begin to stare in at them from the forest.

The men look at each other, and get into a ring around the camp fire. One of them looks to James. "Best get in the circle."

ZeroForever wrote:Victor notices the noise in his meditative state waking himself, he stands up he heading over to the door quickly yet silently. Opening it he exits closing the door slightly before heading into the main lobby sticking to the shadows to avoid notice.

Downstairs, the activity is frantic. Men half dressed run about, readying weapons as the door rattles. Said door now has a table and chairs piled up against it.

all_knowing_frog wrote:Not too much of the gas should come back out the cave, unless the mine isn't all that big.

Regardless, Dirk checks his mask to make sure it's in place, and moves another lens in front of the goggles, which then starts to glow green, arrows pointing in the direction of anything with a life force that would suggest a potential threat appear on it. Pulling out the vials he had before, Dirk cautiosly made his way into the cave, arcane device allowing him to see through the result of his concoctions. Anything breathing down here should now be dead, or out like a light. He'd used several diffrent mixtures to make sure that they all went down. Still, mystical creatures didn't always breath, so best to be safer then sorry. Also further into the mine the gas wouldn't be in a highe enough concentration to be reliable.

He has to go quite deep in before the bodies begin appearing. No doubt they liked the dark. They were a gruesome sight, twisted forms of all kinds of creatures... and humans. Finally the reason for the outpour of smoke is apparent. Most of the mine is filled with water. Looking into the black murky depths, a glow starts appearing. There is something down there.

Ickle Harri-chan wrote:Ginny pushed open the door, and walked into the room at the top of the tower, her sword extended, pointing towards the demon, confusion sweeping across her face with each step. "You're not the Boar... ", she said, sounding disappointed, but then her blue eyes narrowed, "... I'll just have to kill you before I resume my search for her!", she said, and then began to charge at the demon, drawing the large sword behind her head and then went to swing it at the woman!

The air in front of her shimmers, as she feels like she has run into a wall of energy! The demon grins. "Paladin... do you not know of demons? I used the boar as a body, but that body was destroyed. But I found a new one... a much more comfortable one. Your little friend was happy to let me in."
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Re: Demons of Watchwood Forest

Postby Blaze » Fri May 28, 2010 10:16 pm

James points the arrow at one of the sets of eyes and nods, slowly backing into the ring.
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Re: Demons of Watchwood Forest

Postby ZeroForever » Sat May 29, 2010 12:03 am

Knight Errant wrote:Downstairs, the activity is frantic. Men half dressed run about, readying weapons as the door rattles. Said door now has a table and chairs piled up against it.

You know just once it would be nice to not have evil things attack at night Victor lamented to himself, moving from the shadows he made himself noticeable in the centered of the main chamber "Demons I'm assuming" he said not really expecting a reply, instead he simply prepared a few prayers under his breath while glancing at the positions of the other guests
to evaluate there capabilities.
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Re: Demons of Watchwood Forest

Postby Harri-chan » Sat May 29, 2010 1:08 pm

Ginny looked stunned when her sword was brought to a stop by the invisible wall, and she staggered back a few steps with that bemused expression, narrowed blue eyes regarding the demon. "You can change your looks... but you're still a pig to be", she smirked, and began to pack up and down along the invisible barrier. Her feet came to a sudden stop as the horned woman's words sunk it, her blonde braid flicking around at the sudden turn of her head. "What are you talking about?", she demanded.
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Re: Demons of Watchwood Forest

Postby Knight Errant » Sat May 29, 2010 1:19 pm

Blaze wrote:James points the arrow at one of the sets of eyes and nods, slowly backing into the ring.

Suddenly, they leap! What looks like an entire pack of demon wolves... all tooth and claw and mangy fur... and rage.

ZeroForever wrote:You know just once it would be nice to not have evil things attack at night Victor lamented to himself, moving from the shadows he made himself noticeable in the centered of the main chamber "Demons I'm assuming" he said not really expecting a reply, instead he simply prepared a few prayers under his breath while glancing at the positions of the other guests
to evaluate there capabilities.

The rangers look like they are ready for anything. The merchants and travelers... are a bit more useless. The rangers are busy at the arrow slits, sending bow and crossbow bolts through them. Stren looks around. "Aye... demons. They attack often. Not every night... but ya were lucky ta get in here."

Ickle Harri-chan wrote:Ginny looked stunned when her sword was brought to a stop by the invisible wall, and she staggered back a few steps with that bemused expression, narrowed blue eyes regarding the demon. "You can change your looks... but you're still a pig to be", she smirked, and began to pack up and down along the invisible barrier. Her feet came to a sudden stop as the horned woman's words sunk it, her blonde braid flicking around at the sudden turn of her head. "What are you talking about?", she demanded.

The demon merely laughs again. "Nevrina... she and I have become one. Here... I will let her say hello to you." She closes her eyes, and Nevrina feels a sudden shift... the demon going to the back of her mind as she suddenly has control again!
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Re: Demons of Watchwood Forest

Postby all_knowing_frog » Sat May 29, 2010 5:51 pm

"Figures" pulls out variose pieces to a table with adjustable legs, allowing for Dirk to make the table level. Then he starts pulling out variose small bags and containers. "How should I do this. It's possible that this connects to the towns water supply, so I can't do anything that will last to long. I'm also gonna need a lot it, or it needs to be -very- potent. I don't think poison's going to be an option here... so a lightning mixture? That should take care of most of the things in there, if not all. But I'll still need to go in there to make sure. That's my biggest problem in all this. I should probably check the water before I do anything though." takes an empty vial and clamp holder out. Uses the holder to dip the vial into the water.
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Re: Demons of Watchwood Forest

Postby Blaze » Sat May 29, 2010 7:52 pm

James backs into the ring, keeping the arrow pointed at one of the wolves.

"What's so special about this ring?"
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Re: Demons of Watchwood Forest

Postby ZeroForever » Sun May 30, 2010 10:06 am

Knight Errant wrote:The rangers look like they are ready for anything. The merchants and travelers... are a bit more useless. The rangers are busy at the arrow slits, sending bow and crossbow bolts through them. Stren looks around. "Aye... demons. They attack often. Not every night... but ya were lucky ta get in here."

Victor nodded in acknowledgment, given the situation it looked like it was under control as such he sat down towards one side of the room. Returning to his meditations he held himself ready seeing no need for action now.
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Re: Demons of Watchwood Forest

Postby Brnin8r » Sun May 30, 2010 11:55 am

Trey sighed. The cool night air felt good on his unarmored body. No matter how defended he was, it was still an oven in there. The silence felt good...nothing was wrong. Just the creatures of the forest. That is until he felt a dark presence in the pit of his stomach, a wrenching feeling in his gut. He grasped his hilt tightly and readied his sword as he heard something crashing through the bush. "Show yourself foul creature!"

Gregor blinked his eyes, unsure that he was standing up...hadn't he been in his tent just now? The smoky scene confused him as he looked around until his gaze steadied on the armored stranger. His question was direct and simple to answer, but the man's ominous visage held Gregor silent for a moment. "I...I uh..." he shook his head to rid himself of his fear, "I don't know what I seek. I've been working to become a knight-paladin for so long...I've been taught that nature magic is cruel and aberrant. I don't know what to think though now...the man who saved me used nature magic. I..." he thought for a moment. "I seek the truth." he said bluntly.
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Re: Demons of Watchwood Forest

Postby Harri-chan » Mon May 31, 2010 5:55 pm

Nevrina hesitated as she felt control of the body returned to her, and then lifted both hands, her arms slightly to her sides, both palms facing towards Ginny. "I'm sorry it has to be this way, Ginny, but... I'm in love with her. She's promised me she won't kill you... ".

The Paladin's eyes narrowed, and she started to shake her head from side to side. "No... no... NO!", she yelled. "I'm not falling for it. Nevrina is waiting downstairs for me. When I'm done with you, we'll go together, and finish off the rest of your kind, wiping you from the forest forever!". In a move that was more out of frustration than hope, she swung her giant shield towards the demon woman again.
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Re: Demons of Watchwood Forest

Postby Alissa of Someday » Tue Jun 01, 2010 12:24 pm

"Hsssss?" Says the skeleton, surprised as the warrior takes the blow like a man... and knocks its head clean off. The lower body of the skeleton loses its glow, and it crumples into a pile of metal and bone... while the skull glares at him balefully.

"Hsssss indeed."

The warrior smiles, and sheathes his blade before leaning down and picking up the skull, his grin matching its own. Careful not to give it an opportunity to nip at him, he turns its face outwards, to the hall.

"Now...maybe you'll be better at directions then fighting."

With that, he again touches his neck with his off hand...and a small burst of arcane magic flows from his fingertips, int what's left of the creature,trying to trace it back to its master...
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Re: Demons of Watchwood Forest

Postby Knight Errant » Mon Jun 07, 2010 2:51 pm

all_knowing_frog wrote:"Figures" pulls out variose pieces to a table with adjustable legs, allowing for Dirk to make the table level. Then he starts pulling out variose small bags and containers. "How should I do this. It's possible that this connects to the towns water supply, so I can't do anything that will last to long. I'm also gonna need a lot it, or it needs to be -very- potent. I don't think poison's going to be an option here... so a lightning mixture? That should take care of most of the things in there, if not all. But I'll still need to go in there to make sure. That's my biggest problem in all this. I should probably check the water before I do anything though." takes an empty vial and clamp holder out. Uses the holder to dip the vial into the water.

Just as he goes to dump the water in... his goggles show a massive life form rising to the surface... which breaks the water and lashes a black tentacle out at him!

Blaze wrote:James backs into the ring, keeping the arrow pointed at one of the wolves.

"What's so special about this ring?"

The men dont answer him, but begin chanting. One of the wolf demons leaps!

And is rebuffed by a crackling wall of energy.

One of the people huddling by the fire looks at him. "We got Wardens with us... they keep the monsters at bay. The wall works one way, though... dont step out. Ya can send yer arrows out, though."

ZeroForever wrote:Victor nodded in acknowledgment, given the situation it looked like it was under control as such he sat down towards one side of the room. Returning to his meditations he held himself ready seeing no need for action now.

Just then, there is a crashing sound from upstairs... it sounded like something had... jumped right through the wall. Soon later screams begin filtering down to the first floor.

Brnin8r wrote:Trey sighed. The cool night air felt good on his unarmored body. No matter how defended he was, it was still an oven in there. The silence felt good...nothing was wrong. Just the creatures of the forest. That is until he felt a dark presence in the pit of his stomach, a wrenching feeling in his gut. He grasped his hilt tightly and readied his sword as he heard something crashing through the bush. "Show yourself foul creature!"

Gregor blinked his eyes, unsure that he was standing up...hadn't he been in his tent just now? The smoky scene confused him as he looked around until his gaze steadied on the armored stranger. His question was direct and simple to answer, but the man's ominous visage held Gregor silent for a moment. "I...I uh..." he shook his head to rid himself of his fear, "I don't know what I seek. I've been working to become a knight-paladin for so long...I've been taught that nature magic is cruel and aberrant. I don't know what to think though now...the man who saved me used nature magic. I..." he thought for a moment. "I seek the truth." he said bluntly.

Trey gets his wish, and a massive glittering scaled body slithers into the light. It looks like a gigantic black snake, and looks down at him curiously. "Interesssting..." it says.

The armored figure nods. "Nature magic is magic of the soul... If the soul be corrupt, the magic is dark and twisted. If the soul be pure, it is bright and sharp."

He seems to stare into Gregor's soul. "Your magic would be bright."

Ickle Harri-chan wrote:Nevrina hesitated as she felt control of the body returned to her, and then lifted both hands, her arms slightly to her sides, both palms facing towards Ginny. "I'm sorry it has to be this way, Ginny, but... I'm in love with her. She's promised me she won't kill you... ".

The Paladin's eyes narrowed, and she started to shake her head from side to side. "No... no... NO!", she yelled. "I'm not falling for it. Nevrina is waiting downstairs for me. When I'm done with you, we'll go together, and finish off the rest of your kind, wiping you from the forest forever!". In a move that was more out of frustration than hope, she swung her giant shield towards the demon woman again.

With a moment, the demon gains control of Nevrina again. Ginny would feel a blast of power pushing her backwards... and then the woman is upon her... inside he guard... her smell is sweet, and intoxicating, her smile mischievous. She wraps her arms around the paladin. "Be mine, sweet Paladin... as Nevrina is..." She leans forward to kiss her!

Alissa of Someday wrote:"Hsssss indeed."

The warrior smiles, and sheathes his blade before leaning down and picking up the skull, his grin matching its own. Careful not to give it an opportunity to nip at him, he turns its face outwards, to the hall.

"Now...maybe you'll be better at directions then fighting."

With that, he again touches his neck with his off hand...and a small burst of arcane magic flows from his fingertips, int what's left of the creature,trying to trace it back to its master...

His tracking spell illuminates a faint red trail... leading out the door where the skeleton came from. He can feel it tugging downwards...

Skeleton head: "Hsssss...!"
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Sing in me, and through me tell the story
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A wanderer, harried for years on end...

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Re: Demons of Watchwood Forest

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Jun 07, 2010 2:55 pm

Ginny felt the impact on her chest, knocking her back with a grunt, sword and shield clattering to the ground, out of her grasp as she landed with the demon on top of her. Her blue eyes looked up for a moment and then she squeezed them shut tightly, trying to twist her head away, "No... ", she groaned as the arms came around her and the lips pressed to her own. She struggled and writhed beneath the seductive demon for several long minutes, the sweet smell filling her nostrils the entire time. It wasn't clear when she stopped struggling and started kissing, as it was all so similar. She still had her hands all over the demon, but instead of pushing she was now pulling, and kissing deeply on the floor...
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