The Dark Side of Pokemon signup/interest


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The Dark Side of Pokemon signup/interest

Postby Knight Errant » Thu Jun 03, 2010 5:28 pm

We (or at least most of us) all know the story. Our intrepid hero defeats the challengers on Nugget Bridge and gets a chance to join the illustrious Team Rocket. We, they player, then hit A as our character automatically refuses, ending in a final pokemon battle.

But ever since that day back in 1999 when I defeated the Nugget Bridge trainers, I have wondered... what would have happened if he had said yes?

This is that story. Players will be fresh recruits to Team Rocket, sent to Saffron City for basic training and to receive their starting pokemon, then sent out on missions to steal rare pokemon and items for the glory of Team Rocket. This will not be easy, as Jessie and James have demonstrated. But if they succeed, it will mean rewards beyond their wildest dreams.

The pokemon world is, if anything, varied. So if being a Team Rocket Grunt isnt to your taste, I also have spots open for protagonists hired by the Kanto Police Department. Yes you can be an Officer Jenny if you want. If you plan to be one of these Trainers, the basic party rules are as follows:

No legendary pokemon, keep your team within reason. You will have just recently started your pokemon adventure. That means one of the three classic starters. Squirtle, Bulbasaur, or Charmander.

Rocket Grunts will start with a choice of starting pokemon a little ways into the RP. What pokemon they had will have been given to Team Rocket as part of their entry fee.

Catching pokemon will be a valid way of party recruitment for both Trainers and Grunts. Though for Grunts they can also steal other Trainer's pokemon. For convenience sake both Trainers and Grunts will start with pokeballs, a bike (an awesome red and black one for Grunts), and a fishing pole. Remember, party size is six maximum, and pokemon will become stronger if you focus on a few instead of many.

If you plan to start as an Officer Jenny, you will start with a KPD issued Growlithe, a police radio, and a police motorcycle. Being a policedog, the Growlithe will be stronger than other starting pokemon, but Jenny is NOT allowed to catch pokemon for herself. It is against police regulations.

If you find yourself interested, I'm open for questions and suggestions. If you feel you know what you want to do, go ahead and make a character sheet.
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Re: The Dark Side of Pokemon signup/interest

Postby Zoey » Thu Jun 03, 2010 6:01 pm

So... whats the point of this RP? ^^U Just to see how life would be if the trainer choose the side of evil? o__o
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Re: The Dark Side of Pokemon signup/interest

Postby Knight Errant » Thu Jun 03, 2010 6:21 pm

Indeed... you can be evil... EVIL I TELL YOU! Muahahahaaaa!

But besides that its a pokemon RP. With all that implies. Gym and trainer battles, catching and raising pokemon, etc. But a large focus will be on Team Rocket and its latest scheme. Said scheme being concocted by me of course...

But to find that out, your Grunts will have to rise above Grunt level first... or your Trainer will have to find and beat on some higher leveled Rocket members.
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Re: The Dark Side of Pokemon signup/interest

Postby Zoey » Thu Jun 03, 2010 6:28 pm

What if you choose to be good? o__O
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
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Re: The Dark Side of Pokemon signup/interest

Postby Knight Errant » Thu Jun 03, 2010 6:38 pm

Then you go on a pokemon adventure! One started by the KPD. With the latest activity of Team Rocket, they have called out for trainers to aid their officers. Good Trainers start at the Celadon City Police Department, and are given their starting pokemon. Its more or less the storyline of every pokemon game, except instead of completing the pokedex you are asked by the KPD to become a strong trainer and look out for Team Rocket.
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Re: The Dark Side of Pokemon signup/interest

Postby Zoey » Thu Jun 03, 2010 7:59 pm

Then on that note I'll put up the first sheet as an Officer Jenny xD

Name: Jenny
Age: 20
Like this cause the actually pic is a bit big

Short Bio: Born into the family of Officers Jenny's in the Kanto Region, specificly on Cinnebar Island, Jenny (lol) wanted to follow in the tradition of her families women and become a symbol of law and order. She strives hard, but its still a long way from reaching the top. She finally joined the force and is ready to attain her first mission and hopefully complete it, if she doesn't screw up. She's right now reporting to Celedon Police department to start her carrier.
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Re: The Dark Side of Pokemon signup/interest

Postby Millinescence » Thu Jun 03, 2010 8:25 pm

Can I be an Officer Jenny, but look different from all the other Jenny's so that I won't end up being Kaizer's twin or anything? :lol:

What's up with the Jenny's anyway? Why do they all look alike? Are they clones? :P
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Re: The Dark Side of Pokemon signup/interest

Postby Knight Errant » Thu Jun 03, 2010 8:32 pm

They come from a large family... all female... all who look the same and are named Jenny. >.>

You COULD be a non-Jenny officer if you wanted too, heh.
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Re: The Dark Side of Pokemon signup/interest

Postby Ookalf » Thu Jun 03, 2010 8:42 pm

Hey, they're not all named Jenny. Just most of them. Maybe it's their last name...

Anyway, color me interested. I'll see when I can get a sign-up sheet in.
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Re: The Dark Side of Pokemon signup/interest

Postby Knight Errant » Fri Jun 04, 2010 9:48 pm

Yay for interest! Feel free to make a sheet of Grunt/Trainer/Officer as you please.

Also, I have determined that Officer Jenny's will be issued stronger pokemon upon completing missions! Because having only one is a little lame, heh. But they are still unable to catch their own.
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Re: The Dark Side of Pokemon signup/interest

Postby Evra » Fri Jun 04, 2010 10:19 pm

technically wouldnt that growlith eventually become an arcanine ? those things are like uber lol :p )
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Re: The Dark Side of Pokemon signup/interest

Postby Ookalf » Fri Jun 04, 2010 10:25 pm

Well, it's not like there's not prescedent for Jennys having non-Growlithes...

Incidentally, what all info are you looking for with a Rocket character sheet? Or should I just wing it?
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Re: The Dark Side of Pokemon signup/interest

Postby Knight Errant » Fri Jun 04, 2010 11:58 pm

Ookalf wrote:Well, it's not like there's not prescedent for Jennys having non-Growlithes...

Incidentally, what all info are you looking for with a Rocket character sheet? Or should I just wing it?

For a Rocket Grunt recruit pretty much the standard teenager pokemon trainer turned evil. Unless you want to make an older grunt. *shrug*
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Re: The Dark Side of Pokemon signup/interest

Postby Ookalf » Sat Jun 05, 2010 10:20 pm

Okay, I think I know where I'm going with this...

Name: Anne Rose
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Appearance: Straight, black hair down to mid-back, blue eyes, standard Team Rocket uniform.
Personality: Anne is, deep down, a relatively decent girl. That's not to say she's perfect, or anything. She was well known in her home town for being a bit of a thug - a reputation she did nothing to dispute. She's joined Team Rocket as an attempt to move up from "small town thug" to "big time criminal", but is she really ready for the terrible things TR really does...?
Starting team: Raticate, Butterfree, Pigeotto, Kakuna, Oddish

Please, let me know if anything needs to be changed or modified.
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Re: The Dark Side of Pokemon signup/interest

Postby Millinescence » Sat Jun 05, 2010 11:40 pm

Ookalf wrote:Well, it's not like there's not prescedent for Jennys having non-Growlithes...

Well in that case, I want a Meganium for my Officer's starting pokemon. ^w^

Name: Officer Rika
Age: 23
Appearance: She'll look like this ^^
Hair color: Black (she keeps it in a single long braid down to her hips with a pink bow on the end of it)
Eye color: Deep purple
Short bio: When she was growing up, Rika had always wanted to be a cop. She was determined to be the first non-Jenny police officer ( :P ). She had trained extensively with grass pokemon, so when Rika finally succeeded in getting her dream job, she was issued a Meganium. Now she fights crime and takes names. She is determined, and is a force to be reckoned with when she has her mind set on something.
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