[FFRP] The RP Nexus


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Re: The RP Nexus

Postby Millinescence » Wed Jun 09, 2010 4:52 pm

all_knowing_frog wrote:The young girl shivers in Kimiko's arms, tears slowly trickling down her youthful features. "This is horrible! How am I supposed to live like this?" hearing the other woman talking about measurements, causes her to cry harder, clinging to the catgirl as if she were a life preserver, "I don't want any clothes! I want to go home! What if I change again?! What if I get smaller?! What if I become some freaky thing?! I don't want to be a lizard person!" she continues to try and get closer to Kimiko, despite already hugging her, using all of her considerably reduced strength to keep her by the comforting pressence, her little hands grabbing onto the priestess outfit.

Kimiko starts to feel the circulation go from her leg as tingling numbness course through it. "Akiko-chan, you are making my leg go to sleep, nya." Kimiko says, running a hand through the little girl's hair to try and comfort her. "And do not worry, you will not be a lizard person. Lizard persons only exist in myth in this world." The miko-neko reassures Akiko.
"Measurements are something we have to do with all newcomers." Ryanna chimes in. "You don't want to wear that dress everyday, do you?"
"As much as we would love to, we can not take you back home, nya." Kimiko says. "However I do have something in my shop that can cure your suffering Akiko-chan. If you let my friend Ryanna-chan measure you, I can let you try some."
"Huh? You don't mean that special herbal stuff, do you?" Ryanna asks the catgirl shrine maiden.
Kimiko nods. "Yes, nya. I do. It will make her cheerful again."
"Alright, just make sure you tell her what it does before you give her some okay." Ryanna walks upto the girl and attempts to take her by the hand. "Now c'mon. We need to measure you so that Kimiko can give you her herbal therapy." She grins.

Ookalf wrote:Okay then, let's get going. *Karen tells the secretary that they'll be back later, then leads the way back outside.*

The girls follow Karen through the halls until they find themselves outside where they are happily greeted by an unlikely presence!

Kittybread (AIM) wrote:"They must be out. Where could they be?" He leans over to the front window and peers inside, hoping to perhaps see a clue.
After a bit of looking, Ray would see an extra top for Sally's seifuku hanging off the railing on the staircase.

Kittybread (AIM) wrote:Ray snaps his fingers. "The school. Looks like they're settling in. I wonder how they plan on looking for a way back then..." He goes back into his jog and turns away from the apartments and to the school.
By the time Ray gets to the school, Ray meets the girls heading out the doors to the entrance. Tabatha's ears swivel and lock onto Ray's footsteps. She turns around and looks at him. "Hey guys...look, nya. Ray's back! ^^"
"Wow...already?" Julia asks, almost muttering her comment.
"Hey Ray! You made it~! <3" Sally calls out to him excitedly, she runs upto the android and glomps him!
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Re: The RP Nexus

Postby Ookalf » Wed Jun 09, 2010 5:03 pm

Millinescence wrote:By the time Ray gets to the school, Ray meets the girls heading out the doors to the entrance. Tabatha's ears swivel and lock onto Ray's footsteps. She turns around and looks at him. "Hey guys...look, nya. Ray's back! ^^"
"Wow...already?" Julia asks, almost muttering her comment.
"Hey Ray! You made it~! <3" Sally calls out to him excitedly, she runs upto the android and glomps him!

Hey there, Ray. This mean they managed to fix you up?

Knight Errant wrote:Grunwalde shakes her hand briefly. "Sso... who are you?"

*Sakura walks up to Grunwalde.* My name is Sakura Akashi, and the child is my ward, Kyu. You have my thanks for saving us. *Sakura bows.*
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Re: [FFRP] The RP Nexus

Postby all_knowing_frog » Wed Jun 09, 2010 5:47 pm

Slowly, Akiko stops crying, loosening her grip, "A-alright, j-just please let's finish this quickly. I-I-I think going back to my *sniffle* appartment will help me c-calm down" as she takes Ryanna's hand, she hesitently looks up at her, then back at the ground, bothered by her small size, as she let's go of Kimiko's miko clothes, she starts to tremble. Obviosly frightened, she shuffles after Ryanna, nervoisly glancing at her, then Kimiko, and then back to the ground.

When they get to the fitting room, she let's go of the adult's hand, and looks over her clothing, confused as to wear to start and how to do it, "I-I n-n-n-need help" she mummbles quietly, turning bright red
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Re: [FFRP] The RP Nexus

Postby Shy Shay » Wed Jul 14, 2010 12:13 am

Hiek appears about five feet in the air above the Nexus Plaza. "Well, poo. Never trust random spell books." He then falls the said five feet. "Ow! Geeze. Well, I guess that I should find out where I am."

((I want to transform into this genie girl. Mental transformations as you choose. Speed prefably slow, but not picky.))
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Do you know the muffin man? The muffin man? The muffin man?
Do you know the muffin man, who's now the muffin girl?

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