[SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta


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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Zoey » Thu Jun 10, 2010 11:57 am

Mark looked like he just saw El Dorado or the Holy grail, cause his mouth was wide open. He wouldn't believe how attractive Fox or rather Miss Harrison looked like. He didn't even notice what she said until a while after. "Oh, Umm... No" he replies rubbing his neck. Now he didn't mind being with Harrison if she kept looking like a super model... and stop being generally crazy. He followed Miss Harrison to wherever she went like a dog protecting his master, must the dog is with a super hot super model.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:03 pm

Katherine was feeling quite vulnerable as she led Mark through the corridors of the building. She didn't doubt her martial arts skills, but in the tight skirt and heels there was no way she'd be able to do any of that. Her immeadiate concern however was to find Sandra, and then get her and Mark safely away from the danger. Pausing beside the fire alarm, she broke through the glass with her palm, and then tugged down on the lever, causing the deafening alarm tobrung through the entire campus, hoping it would work like her gunshots at the warehouse and cause the innocents to flee.

Turning a corner, she and Mark found themselves looking upon the Headmistress, Sparker and the Scarlet Spider. She started to turn towards Mark, her mouth opening to speak when a muscled teenage girl came flying across the corridor and tackled her, knocking her off her feet, sending her back against a wooden door with enough force to smash right through it, sending wooden splinters everywhere. With Katherine on her back, the brunette teenager climed to her feet and laughed. A white cotton skirt was stretched around her bulging thighs, and the sleeves of her yellow t-shirt looked ready to burst around her biceps.

"You know, Miss Harrison, I've not forgiven you from throwing me out of the library last year when you caught me and my boyfriend kissing in the history section".

Katherine scrambled backwards, cursing the tightness of the skirt that held her thighs together, probably accidentally displaying her underwear before she turned onto her hands and knees, crawling away from the hulked up teenage girl. Grasping onto a writing desk, she hauled herself to her feet just in time to get a kick to the chest from the teenager, which knocked her back into a book shelf. It wobbled behind her, books tumbling down onto her head as she lifted her arms to try and cover herself. The girl laughed at how helpless the Library assistant now seemed, but then turned suddenly, her long hair whipping around her, looking back at the doorway as she caught sight of movement.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Zoey » Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:12 pm

Mark was caught completely off guard when the girl attacked Miss Harrison. He managed to step back and watch how the two fought each other, Mark didn't know if to intervine or not. And at this point he was really wondering why all the woman he's met up till now are all crazy. Still even if he wouldn't win against the new foe, maybe he would stop the fighting. He used his powers over gravity and encircled the girl in a 0 gravity field effectively trapping the girl. His eyes glowed as he approuched the girl, extending his arms to more easily manipulate the space around her. "What are you doing, miss?" he asked quickly before looking at Miss Harrison. "You ok, ma'am?"
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Jun 10, 2010 1:07 pm

The Hulking teenager smirked as she saw Mark step into the room, "Aren't you a little young for college?", she teased, and started to walk towards him. She was beautiful in a way, but had bigger muscles than Mark had ever seen on a boy. Her shoulders still shaking with laughter, she started to charge, only to suddenly get swept upwards before reaching Mark. He'd get a glimpse of her white silk panties beneath the short skirt as she hung in the air above him, swinging her fists and kicking her feet. "What the hell is this?", she roared.

Katherine had staggered away from the bookshelf, and after adjusting her glasses, she looked up at the suspended teenager in shock, and then at Mark and his glowing eyes. "You're... doing that to her?", she asked, sounding stunned. Her breasts rose and fell with her heavy breathing, straining the blouse each time they rose. Shaking her head in disbelief, she brushed a hand down her skirt, "I'm fine, just a little sore... ", and then she focused on Mark, studying him for a long moment, "I think I've read about you... the newspapers called you Grav. Is that you? This is... amazing.... How long can you keep her up there?".
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Maiden Miki » Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:09 pm

MIcheal then remember that he was looking up information on the heroine that he saw on TV before. The one that goes by the name of Foxy. He had heard of the name before in small tidbits but nothing that actually caught his attention. Micheal would have to guess that she was a very small time heroine but Micheal doesn't make it his business to go out of the way in looking up every hero there is. Since he either gets information for himself, bigger heroes or just anything that interest him.

Micheal spent a good amount of time pulling up information on Foxy. Some of it came easily since his computer knew what he was looking for while he had to be sneakily a bit. There were a lot of small pieces about Foxy seem to be a person that goes back several years as there were news paper articles going back nine or ten years. The first article seem positive with cliche headlines like, 'Local Girl Helps Bring Down Bad Guys' but from there it seems to have gone down. If Micheal had to guess then he would say this was just some lady with a hot body that tries to fight crime with no super powers. There were several comments claiming that she should have just joined the police force on the articles dating a few years after appearing. Micheal would agree but he knew that police forces weren't always the best.

Micheal moves his mouse over a link and click on it to make a new tab appear to show a poorly made website. He had to tilt his head back from just how badly made it was with a badly cropped photo of Foxy with many outdated graphics. Micheal was half tempted to hack the site and redo it himself if it wasn't for the fact that it was wrong to do such things even though he knew that it would help Foxy out in the long run.

Micheal sighed and did his best to read though the site. He could see that this Foxy character was trying to recruit other heroes into a team. He laughed at the childish idea and shook his head.

"So this lady thinks she can create a Justice League or something? Funny," said Micheal as he sighs and then began to type away. "Still maybe I could help her out a bit."

Micheal at once got along to typing pulling up several windows and at once nods as he plug in some headphones as he started to get into hacking the female hero's site.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Thu Jun 10, 2010 11:21 pm

It was during all these events suddenly the world changed, heroes, villains, the common man, none was left untouched.

As the wave passed through, the skyline of the world changed, overall though it remained very similar to the previous one. The waves seemingly multiplying as they touched key heroes like ripples in water they multiplied and spread inducing more and more before overflowing the current reality. The ripples of space focused on each of the heroes, one by one methodically altering their realities, and changing the world to conform to these realities.

Dr. Deus Ex Machina noticing something wrong with the universe quickly punching in crtl + alt + dlt on his universal keyboard, only to be surprised as his access and path way home was suddenly disappeared just a little after he started his fix. After all who could have to the power to trick him, given that he was brokenly over powered after all. His surprise turned to horror however as the Yaoi Cthulhu really did appear… and his own battle began in earnest.

The ripples spreading back and forth affect all times, in present day Flannery tower was suddenly the ITower owned by Apple, while in the early 1900’s one Nathaniel Essex rose to a fairly prominent position in the US government, it was with his understanding that ‘Mutants’ and X gene were identified before they could become a ‘threat’ to humanity. In order to regulate the danger they would present and utilize their abilities new laws were enacted swiftly. These became known as the XX laws, though there was heavy initial rejection there XX laws proved to be invaluable in WW2 as the Weapon X program single handled ended the war and soon the opposition fell flat. Since then there has always been an ‘Essex’ on the presidential boards to manage the program. Current day effects were far reaching; as a result all children were tested yearly for an X-gene if the gene was found they were sent to specialized schools for the gifted, before eventually being released back into the world.

This was but one of the millions of changes, some as minor as a taking a bathroom break 10 seconds later altered various people’s lives forever, however all these changes had the same affect. As the waves of energy passed over the world history changed and along with it all things that they touched.

Despite these factors humanities wars occurred all the same, Mutants being the WMD alongside nukes. They would spur various wars with the Arab nations who attempted to create their own weapon x programs, as soldiers like Stan would find out. Most special non-mutant Americans however as a result of the XX laws ended up making deals with the government as they were usually persecuted as rogue mutants as such moonlighting ‘heroes’ never really occurred due to the military involvement with power related characters instead they most because sanctioned government operatives or simply lived like regular people.

However it wasn’t just one event but all events in this reality, after all Heroes were just a child’s tale after all.

Each of the hero’s situations changed, there very being displaced only to be saved at by the last second fix generated by Dr. Deus, it restored them to varying degrees however the fixes were only temporary as the ripples slowly starting generating once again. The reality change and fix disoriented all of them as if waking from a dream into a drunken stupor their memories and thoughts, are slow to come forth.
(no physical or mental changes yet, some clothing changes which will be mentioned otherwise assume you are still wearing whatever you were in. Powers will still be there until otherwise noted, unless specifically noted all NPC’s were adjusted to the new reality and will think of the characters as if they were already adjusted regardless of their state)

Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison
When Kitty came to she was still definitely at a school still but definitely not at Stepford University. Looking around she was definitely on the roof, looking around she spotted the Clock tower indicating she was at Stepford’s College, Stepfords premiere private school for all grades after all it was in all the tourist pictures, the skyline of city showing from the mountain side building… but it seemed a little off not that she could recognize it after all she had never actually been here before.
Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel
Wakes up on the couch in an apartment the battle feeling as if it was a pleasant dream; however that feeling disappears quickly as horrible hangover in addition to reality induced haze is more than enough to make him want to worship the porcelain god. The foul taste in his mouth noting that it likely wasn’t the first time he had in the last few hours. His clothing looks like a suit he’d pulled from a mafia member, reeking a mix of carrots and alcohol.
Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider
Not being a native to this dimension however didn’t make him exempt from the wave, if anything it hit him even harder. As he awoke his spider sense was going off so wildly that it felt like it was splitting his head the migraine unbearable, this luckily quickly disappeared. As he looked around he was in a very nice apartment however this isn’t what caught his eye, rather the name on the diploma on the wall reading ‘Masters in Acting’… to a MJ Watson. The fact that he’s nude in large comfy silk covered bed being the other notable fact…
Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger
When he wakes up the first thing that he notices is not the fact that he was in a pink room studio room with pink furniture and did I say pink, rather the fact that J-pop is playing very loudly throughout the apartment.
Ellis Flannery (Aka Nightshade)
He awakes to the prodding of a rather beautiful looking girl scolding him
“It’s time for work, I know we were busy last night however you still can’t skip the day job.” she said yanking the blankets off of him.
In addition to his haze, his body felt like it had run a marathon the tired feeling reverberating throughout his body. At least he was still clothed, white PJ’s covered his body preventing an incident with the girl.
Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker
You wake up in an open pod like device, the discomfort of a hard metal object poking into her butt. Looking around the room it was a large sterile white one, there were several other pod like devices in the room however they were all empty.
All the mutants in addition wake up wearing what seems to be a high tech collar. None of their powers will respond to them if attempted.
Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub
Wakes up in what seems to be a public restroom, the voices of other people seem to fade out in the background as the sound of a door shuts behind them. He is sitting on the toilet pants on the floor.
Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos'
As he awakes he’s on a bench next to a rather impressive looking fountain, looking around he’s in what has to be a garden given how well manicured the hedges and trees were. The hedge however obscures your view of pretty much everything around you given how tall they are however at a moderate distance you can see what seems to be a Clock tower.
Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav
Wakes up on the bed in the nurse’s office, it’s obviously a school nurse’s office given his goals in life involved doctors work so it wasn’t like he hadn’t been to it before, looking though it’s not one that he’s familiar with.
“You ok?” he asked by the rather hot nurse sitting at the desk “You fainted in the hallway.” She said plainly.

(going to rein it in, in short I’m going to be playing all the NPC’s for now in order to develop the situations everyone is in, so no run away posts. If your character asks a NPC a question you may not use the NPC to answer it unless it’s something I’ve established.)
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Flannery » Thu Jun 10, 2010 11:58 pm

Ellis Flannery (Aka Nightshade)
He awakes to the prodding of a rather beautiful looking girl scolding him
“It’s time for work, I know we were busy last night however you still can’t skip the day job.” she said yanking the blankets off of him.
In addition to his haze, his body felt like it had run a marathon the tired feeling reverberating throughout his body. At least he was still clothed, white PJ’s covered his body preventing an incident with the girl.

Ellis got up. Confused by what happened. He could have sworn he was fighting bank robbers. kicking the crap out of them too. The room was small and average. He walked into his closet and picked out a pair of pants and his work shirt. He buttoned it up. He walked into the kitchen to see Mary. She was always a rather mousy looking girl before they had meet. Without her glasses and signature hair style that only she could pull off, she was candy to they eyes. All the guys at work always talk about her. Mary gets up and kisses him on the cheek. "Have a good day honey. When he walked out of the house he saw a Peterbilt Semi Truck. It was well taken care of and clean. The chrome was polished to a high shine. It is Painted green, and has a clover painted on the side with a leprechaun painted in the center with a pipe in his mouth and a green derby on his head. he trucks number is #7. In the other side it reads "Flannery Trucking, Stepford City, USA." Ellis climes in the cab and drives off.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Zoey » Fri Jun 11, 2010 12:55 am

Mark was incredibly confused. One instant he was fightning the next he was in a school nurses office? He held his head and grunted before noticing the hot school nurse. He defenately found her really attractive. Two sexy woman he's met in only 1 day?... Score. Wait no, he has other more important things to worry about like where he was which looked like a nurses office which ment somehow he got knocked out. Mark looked up at the woman. "Hallway? What happened Miss?" he asked trying to remember where he was last. He knew he fought that girl for a second, but in all the commotion he wasn't sure if he was last in one. He did however remember he wasn't alone. "Where's Miss Harrison?! Where's that super powered hotie that attacked me?!" he quickly added.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Jun 11, 2010 1:21 am

Katherine gave Mark a reassuring smile, and set her hand upon his shoulder, "This could be the start of.. ", she suddenly trailed off, her eyes widening behind her glasses. She started to rush towards the window, but her legs seemed heavy and her steps were un-even. Her vision started to darken rapidly, and she felt herself fall, and everything went dark.

When her eyes opened, she knew something was wrong. She could feel the stone beneath her body as she lay on the floor, and a glance around quickly made it clear this was not the roof of the university. Pulling herself to her feet, she adjusted her skirt and walked towards the edge of the roof, although didn't feel so easy being high up -and- in heels. The clock tower caught her eye, and that's when the confusion really set it. She turned, and looked up at the mountains around her, clutching her head with both hands, and then back to the stare at the City's skyline.

She started to panic about what had been going on at the University, and she quickly gather up her purse and binder, cursing the tight skirt as she looked around for a way down. If it came to it, she could always remove the heels and tear her skirt to make her own way down, but that would only be if there was no other way.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Zilla » Fri Jun 11, 2010 1:37 am

Sandra looked around her surroundings, noticing something out of the Matrix or some kind of Pod People thing going on.... everyone was in pods! She looks down at herself and notices the lack of clothing... the collar... and feels something... down there...

She sits up as best she can and grabs the metal object, trying to remove it.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:37 am

Flannery - per last section of my previous post (going to rein it in, in short I’m going to be playing all the NPC’s for now in order to develop the situations everyone is in, so no run away posts. If your character asks a NPC a question you may not use the NPC to answer it unless it’s something I’ve established.) As noted please don't autopilot things/NPC any of them, if it results in shorter posts for now so be it but in general your character should be in a WTF is going on state and nothing outside of the basics will be the same.

side point I didn't change the time of day so for EVERYONE it's about midday.

I will be inserting revised histories and for tier 2 character revised memories in addition to transformations to match the new reality.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Miku-chan » Fri Jun 11, 2010 1:32 pm

Zero wrote:...Scarlet Spider...
Not being a native to this dimension however didn’t make him exempt from the wave, if anything it hit him even harder. As he awoke his spider sense was going off so wildly that it felt like it was splitting his head the migraine unbearable, this luckily quickly disappeared. As he looked around he was in a very nice apartment however this isn’t what caught his eye, rather the name on the diploma on the wall reading ‘Masters in Acting’… to a MJ Watson. The fact that he’s nude in large comfy silk covered bed being the other notable fact…

Ben barely keeps from screaming as he wakes up, his head pou nding like some heavy metal drummer on a speed solo. As it quickly fades , he notes two things. One, that he is under the covers of a very comfy satin sheeted bed, and two , He is in the buff, something he never did was sleep in the nude since he first... Or since Peter first got their spider powers. Trying to figure out what was going on, he slowly opens his eyes wondering if this worlds version of the Goblin, Hobgoblin, Jackel, or Mystero found him and trapped him in this place. His eyes go wide as he sees the Masters in Acting diploma For MJ on the wall...'what the...Have I returned to my world?' he thinks before calling out..."Hello?"
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Stray-chan » Fri Jun 11, 2010 2:26 pm

Lucius snaps to full awareness instantly. "Something is wrong!" He pauses, listening to the music for a few moments. "This music... J-Pop? It's no Metal, but eh, could be worse. But why? There's something weird going on." He looks around the room, taking in the pink. "Yeah, very weird." He gets up and explores the apartment, trying to figure out where he is and what happened. And maybe find the sound system controls.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Danarth » Fri Jun 11, 2010 5:45 pm

Waking up with a yawn and a few blinks, Daniel would look about for a moment look around and blinked again. This was certainly not the docks where he had been trying to escape from. He closed his eyes for a moment as he tried to recall recent events to see how he could have ended up here. He remembered the warehouse, the fight and the escape from the warehouse, but that was his last memory before he seemed to black out. Looking down at himself, he found that he was dressed again, even though his clothes had been left in the warehouse along with the rest of his belongings, but here was was clothed and in a mysterious place.

Slowly pushing himself up to his feet, he would start looking around the immediate area he was in, the scent of greenery matched the garden surronding him. Strolling about the garden slowly getting his bearing in this strange new place. It didn't smell like an area he was familiar with and it looked rather more posh than any place he would usually hang out himself. He looked up to see what he could see over the manicured hedgerows, but all he could see was the clock tower, noting that it was aabout midday, the sun high in the sky at the moment.

"What in the hell is going on here" he murmered to no-one in particular

Sticking his hands into his trousers pockets and began to amble very lazily in the direction of the clock tower, even if he didn't recognize where the clocktower was from or even where he was right now, it seemed the best place to head for the moment, if nothing else it would help him getting his bearings a bit more, since there were likely to be more people near the clock tower. His eyes would dart back and forth as he walked along, taking in as many details as possible and noting every unique scent so he would have a proper point of referece in this new place.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Maiden Miki » Fri Jun 11, 2010 8:51 pm

Micheal was busy away typing as he found the cheap toilet paper thin defenses of the site to be simple enough to break though as he was work on an email to his side. Micheal's plan was to hack the site to make it look somewhat better while giving Foxy his calling card. He was interested in her little idea and wanted to meet up with her. As the computer was going to send the message, Micheal could feel his eyelids getting heavy as he saw the message was being sent. Then everything went black.

Micheal awake to the voices then following by the slamming of a door. Micheal's head then shot up and his hands were in front of him as if they were typing but there was no keyboard. He looked around and saw what looks like a public restroom with him sitting on the toilet.

"What the?" said Micheal knowing that he wasn't planning to go out any time soon. he at once got up and reached down for his pants to bring them up as he slowly opened the bathroom door.
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