[SRP] Demons of Watchwood Forest


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Re: Demons of Watchwood Forest

Postby ZeroForever » Mon Jun 07, 2010 6:50 pm

Knight Errant wrote:Just then, there is a crashing sound from upstairs... it sounded like something had... jumped right through the wall. Soon later screams begin filtering down to the first floor.

'Sigh you know just once...' Victor bemoaned to himself before sprinting upstairs, as he ran upstairs he moved quickly into the shadows as various prepared chants went off in succession.
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Re: Demons of Watchwood Forest

Postby all_knowing_frog » Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:07 pm

drops clamps, "Oh, this is gonna be bad!" reaches into his robes then pulls out several vials, one a glowing, pulsating red, another a sickly green, and the last a brightly glowing liquid, as if it was a high powered lightbulb. Dirk procedes to chuck the three at the tenticle, the part that's closest to the water.

Assuming the 'god(s)' (AKA GM) don't decide to totaly screw him over, the following will happen.

The red one will explode in a high powered fireball, about 3 ft. in diameter, completely incinorating the tentacle in the places it touches or turning stone into molten rock, if it opens/brakes while not submerged. If submerged it would then cause a large quantity of water to quickly scolding hot tempratures (sense this is higher up then most places, boiling may not be appropriate enough).

The Green one releases a toxin so powerful, it can act as a strong acid for organic matter, so it a: burns the tentacle, b: splashes all over some rocks doing nothing, c: makes the water completely unlivable, with the exception of a few supernatural beings who specilize in poison/curing it, or d: some combination of the above.

The bright one does one of two things, explode violently releasing a powerful electical charge in the air or fries the tenticle and anything in the water.

Dirk tries his best to avoid contact with the tenticle while getting as far away from ground zero as his 'outfit' will allow.
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Re: [SRP] Demons of Watchwood Forest

Postby Blaze » Tue Jun 08, 2010 5:53 am

James nods and steps away from the circle's edge.

"How long can he keep that up?"
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Re: [SRP] Demons of Watchwood Forest

Postby Brnin8r » Wed Jun 09, 2010 11:05 am

Trey narrowed his eyes as the being came into view, the color draining from his face a little as he realized how big the snake was. While he had trained and even gone out into wilderness to fight offenders, he had never come out into this particular forest...the forest from which nightmares and legends came from. After a long moment of staring at the thing in awe, he shook his head and held his sword hilt tighter, pointing it at the creature. "Interesting?" he asked, shocked the animal could speak.

Gregor gasped a little as the man made his observation, "B-but...But I can't do nature magic. I'm just a boy; a knight's assistant at most...I could never grasp such magic...and if I did." he looked down, "What would everyone think?" he looked back into the man's eyes, "Would they hate me?"
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Re: [SRP] Demons of Watchwood Forest

Postby Alissa of Someday » Sat Jun 12, 2010 4:34 pm

His tracking spell illuminates a faint red trail... leading out the door where the skeleton came from. He can feel it tugging downwards...

Skeleton head: "Hsssss...!"

Grimacing, the man quickly clamps his hand shut, clicking the skull's teeth together tightly...though considering the thing doesn't have a throat or anything anyway, this probably does not go terribly far towards muffling the noise. Regardless...he'd probably been detected by now anyways, so this was more a matter of his mental health.

"Into the dungeon...? Hrm."

Skull in hand, he advances with caution, and follows the path through the door.
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Re: Demons of Watchwood Forest

Postby Knight Errant » Mon Jun 14, 2010 12:50 pm

Ickle Harri-chan wrote:Ginny felt the impact on her chest, knocking her back with a grunt, sword and shield clattering to the ground, out of her grasp as she landed with the demon on top of her. Her blue eyes looked up for a moment and then she squeezed them shut tightly, trying to twist her head away, "No... ", she groaned as the arms came around her and the lips pressed to her own. She struggled and writhed beneath the seductive demon for several long minutes, the sweet smell filling her nostrils the entire time. It wasn't clear when she stopped struggling and started kissing, as it was all so similar. She still had her hands all over the demon, but instead of pushing she was now pulling, and kissing deeply on the floor...

The demon smiles, kissing Ginny deeper. Where their lips touch Ginny feels a tingle, as pleasure begins pouring into her body. She feels her desires and lusts slowly increase as the demon begins giving Ginny her essence. Logically, she knew the demoness was corrupting her... but it felt so good...

ZeroForever wrote:'Sigh you know just once...' Victor bemoaned to himself before sprinting upstairs, as he ran upstairs he moved quickly into the shadows as various prepared chants went off in succession.

Upstairs would be a scene from a woodland nightmare. Various animals, distorted to grotesque shapes, pound on every door. And are already in one splintered door, where the sounds of something horrible going on is heard. Immediately in the hallway are two deers and a bear... all hosting the souls of rage demons.

Meanwhile, Victor feels another presence coming close... a much more powerful one.

all_knowing_frog wrote:drops clamps, "Oh, this is gonna be bad!" reaches into his robes then pulls out several vials, one a glowing, pulsating red, another a sickly green, and the last a brightly glowing liquid, as if it was a high powered lightbulb. Dirk procedes to chuck the three at the tenticle, the part that's closest to the water.

Assuming the 'god(s)' (AKA GM) don't decide to totaly screw him over, the following will happen.

The red one will explode in a high powered fireball, about 3 ft. in diameter, completely incinorating the tentacle in the places it touches or turning stone into molten rock, if it opens/brakes while not submerged. If submerged it would then cause a large quantity of water to quickly scolding hot tempratures (sense this is higher up then most places, boiling may not be appropriate enough).

The Green one releases a toxin so powerful, it can act as a strong acid for organic matter, so it a: burns the tentacle, b: splashes all over some rocks doing nothing, c: makes the water completely unlivable, with the exception of a few supernatural beings who specilize in poison/curing it, or d: some combination of the above.

The bright one does one of two things, explode violently releasing a powerful electical charge in the air or fries the tenticle and anything in the water.

Dirk tries his best to avoid contact with the tenticle while getting as far away from ground zero as his 'outfit' will allow.

The ensuing toxic electrical fireball makes exactly what happened a bit of a mystery. But when the fumes clear one thing is certain... whatever was in the water is dead. The alchemist himself is no doubt rather shell shocked. But it seems he is victorious!

... or is he?

Behind him... he hears movement. The shuffling of figures in the dark. But when he goes to look, the life detecting goggles would show... nothing.

Brnin8r wrote:Trey narrowed his eyes as the being came into view, the color draining from his face a little as he realized how big the snake was. While he had trained and even gone out into wilderness to fight offenders, he had never come out into this particular forest...the forest from which nightmares and legends came from. After a long moment of staring at the thing in awe, he shook his head and held his sword hilt tighter, pointing it at the creature. "Interesting?" he asked, shocked the animal could speak.

Gregor gasped a little as the man made his observation, "B-but...But I can't do nature magic. I'm just a boy; a knight's assistant at most...I could never grasp such magic...and if I did." he looked down, "What would everyone think?" he looked back into the man's eyes, "Would they hate me?"

The serpent, which must be at least twenty feet long if it was an inch, the upright portion towering over him... looks down at him. Amusement on its serpentine face. "I would have expected a party... perhapsss a fortified encampment... Insstead I ssee a man." It flicks its tongue out. "And a sssleeping boy... You are either foolisssh... or very, very confident."

"Ssso, mortal, what am I to do... with you? Perhapss... we need not battle. You seem very... weary. Why not resst?" Its eyes glow slightly... as Trey finds his drowsiness returning... his eyelids drooping.

The man in the mist shakes his head. "The strength of spirit magic comes from the soul. It does not relate to physical abilities. I can teach you to be as strong as a man grown... and this is a strength you will need. Even now in the waking world you face imminent peril... a dark spirit of sloth has come. Its power could devour you both."

"But this place you rest in is strong with my spirit. I can aid you... if you allow it. As for what others would think... that I cannot say."

Alissa of Someday wrote:Grimacing, the man quickly clamps his hand shut, clicking the skull's teeth together tightly...though considering the thing doesn't have a throat or anything anyway, this probably does not go terribly far towards muffling the noise. Regardless...he'd probably been detected by now anyways, so this was more a matter of his mental health.

"Into the dungeon...? Hrm."

Skull in hand, he advances with caution, and follows the path through the door.

The path soon leads to a staircase leading down. Notably... four or five of the red skeletons are in the act of climbing up it! They look up at him!

Skeletons: "Hssssss!"
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Re: Demons of Watchwood Forest

Postby ZeroForever » Mon Jun 14, 2010 5:33 pm

Knight Errant wrote:Upstairs would be a scene from a woodland nightmare. Various animals, distorted to grotesque shapes, pound on every door. And are already in one splintered door, where the sounds of something horrible going on is heard. Immediately in the hallway are two deers and a bear... all hosting the souls of rage demons.

Meanwhile, Victor feels another presence coming close... a much more powerful one.

Hmm... best to kill the head Victor thought as he moved through the shadows towards the presence, during this motion his hidden sanctuary and holy weapon chants finished. The former hiding his presence from the view of others while the latter merged with the poison on his daggers due to the runic arts engraved into them, changing the specialized concoction the end result was a quick acting acidic fluid that would melt through the sturdiest of armors, the fluid once in the body would spread through the body of the target quickly engraving the holy magic into them, for humans it could be anything from sleep to death depends on the chant, in this case for demons it would be death or excessively painful banishment if it couldn't kill them outright. The daggers were of custom make, made from rare Damascus to avoid melting into slag themselves.
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Re: [SRP] Demons of Watchwood Forest

Postby Blaze » Mon Jun 14, 2010 8:34 pm

[Oh noes! I was missed! o___O]
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Re: [SRP] Demons of Watchwood Forest

Postby Alissa of Someday » Mon Jun 14, 2010 8:44 pm

The path soon leads to a staircase leading down. Notably... four or five of the red skeletons are in the act of climbing up it! They look up at him!

Skeletons: "Hssssss!"


With a swift move of his arm...the man hurls his own piece of skeleton at the closest of the undead, backing up slightly as he grabs for his sword and looks to see if the hit will send them toppling...
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Re: [SRP] Demons of Watchwood Forest

Postby all_knowing_frog » Mon Jun 14, 2010 9:57 pm

"GOD DAMN IT! Undead?!" quickly reaches inside his robes and tosses another vial towards the sound, when the vial brakes a pulse of positive energy will come forth.

Mean while, Dirk awkwardly scrambles to his feet, switching lenses, now using an arcane/magic sensing device. It's like infrared only with magic, instead of heat.
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Re: [SRP] Demons of Watchwood Forest

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Jun 15, 2010 3:05 am

Ginny groaned as she felt the invasion, but she couldn't stop herself. Her cheeks were red as she kissed back, her heart racing inside her chest. Her armour rattled as she ran her gauntlets over the curves of the woman on top of her. She knew that Nevrina belonged to the demon, which meant no help was coming. All hope faded away, but still she kissed lustfully.
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Re: [SRP] Demons of Watchwood Forest

Postby Brnin8r » Thu Jun 17, 2010 11:24 am

Trey saw the glow of the serpent's eyes and steeled himself for a magical attack and instead felt as if all his muscles had been made into jelly. His eyes had ten pound weights on them. He shook his head. Now was not the time to become sleepy. "Foul serpent I shall slay you." he threatened even as his sword began to drop, "I could..." he yawned, "I could slay three of you if I so desired...as long as the Shining Lord is with me..."

Gregor looked around wildly as if to see the threat, forgetting he was with this man in a dream instead. "A dark spirit? Where? What will it do?" he asked frantically. "I mean...what can I do? What are strong spirits without a strong spirit user? What should I do?" he asked again shifting uneasily as if he needed to help out Trey from whatever dark spirit the man spoke of.
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