[FFRP] Curses for All


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Re: [FFRP] Curses for All

Postby Knight Errant » Tue Jun 08, 2010 1:07 pm

Tim blinks, looking around. Everything looked so smaller... She looks back to her father, nodding. "Yes dad."
As she sees the neighbor, she waves sheepishly. "Uh... heya Mrs. Dannings!"
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Re: Curses for All

Postby Millinescence » Tue Jun 08, 2010 3:43 pm

all_knowing_frog wrote:Millie: Shocked silence answers Dona. Eventually, her mother answers, "D-Donavan? Oh no... what's happened? Tell me as much about what's happened as you can."

Jackie's wings are causing quite the mess, at the moment she is oblivious to that, youthfull energy coursing through her small, angelic body. Unfortunetly when she tries to go downstairs, the stairwell down has walls on both sides, all the way down the stairs. Her large wings end up becoming injured in her hurry to get to her goal.

It occures to the ghost that perhaps she should actually test just how much she can influence objects, keeping things from falling over or picking them up after Jackie passes them would probably be a good start.

"Well...Jack had the great idea of him, Tom, and I to spend the night at a cemetery to see how brave we are. I guess it was supposed to be a test of our manhood or something." Dona explains. "Anyway...We saw a ghost and I was just scared speechless. And then....." Dona continues to explain everything that's happened to the best of her knowledge from Tom turning into a ghost-girl, to her turning into a demon-girl, being bound to Jackie's car somehow, and Jackie turning into some angel and the Nova making Dona smaller (so small in fact, she can't be clothed with what's available) while the car gets nice and new-looking. Between all this explanation she gasps at the messes Jackie is making with her wings and tells the angel to be careful.

Jackie's wings hit the doorway of the basement and sends her falling down to the middle of the stairs! ((Her wings could move behind her y'know, it's not like their always spread out to flight-ready position >.>; ))
"Ooowwieee~" Jackie cries out, a cut on her forehead from the stairs causes her to bleed from said location despite holding her hands forward. Her wings go behind her and the tips scrape against the walls on either side. She sniffles and starts crying it just hurt so much to her. "Whhhaa~!! *sniff* St-stupid doors! OOowww o(╥Д╥ )o"
Tomie goes through everything in her way to get to Jackie and pops up through the stairs in front of the slightly injured angel. "What the hell is up with you, Jack? You're acting like a little kid. <_<;;" Tomie surprisingly manages to lift up Jackie's head so she can look eye-to-eye with the angel. The ghost then holds up three fingers in front of Jackie. "Hey...hey! How many fingers am I holding up? Can you tell me your name?"
The angel stops crying when Tomie lifts up her head. "But-but Tomie~" She whines. "Th-that's because I am little! Can't you see? You're holding up two fingers and my name is Jackie...@.@"
Tomie puts down Jackie's head and facepalms. "Great...=3=...sit tight, I'll be back okay?" The ghost then floats through Jackie and the doorway and into the house to see what else she can pick up. Jackie left a fair amount of mess to clean up. And using the ablilities the mysterious old lady had given her starts picking things up.
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Re: [FFRP] Curses for All

Postby all_knowing_frog » Wed Jun 09, 2010 6:10 pm

Miki: "I know what my clothes look like. I made them myself! Why do you look like MorningDew and what have you done with her!? While you explain that, tell me what you did to me!" advances on her pokes Micheal in the stomach.

Knight: Mrs. Dannings waves back slowly, then, while shaking, reaches down to the ground picks up her clippers, and continues gardening.

Until she notices that Tim in leaking through the fence, "E-excuse me miss? You seem to be..." points at the trespassing slime.

Millie: Dona's mother listens silently, "All right honey, we're almost home, as soon as we get there we'll figure out how to fix this, alright?"

(yes, but unless they were folded up properly, they'd be forced into an open position on her back, like if you kept your arms out, but not as bad)

Tommie's work around the house takes a little longer then she'd probably like, if she moved to quickly with heaver things (like the pot and plant) she'd pass through it while she was holding it. Sometimes she has to bring her hands back to their original starting places as they start passing through the object.
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Re: [FFRP] Curses for All

Postby Maiden Miki » Wed Jun 09, 2010 6:48 pm

all_knowing_frog wrote:Miki: "I know what my clothes look like. I made them myself! Why do you look like MorningDew and what have you done with her!? While you explain that, tell me what you did to me!" advances on her pokes Micheal in the stomach.

"I did damn nothing to you." said Micheal as she looked down at Kyle and slaps the hand away. She shook her head and then said, "I may look like this MorningDew girl but only because of some freaky house made me and you look like these people."
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Re: [FFRP] Curses for All

Postby Knight Errant » Mon Jun 14, 2010 11:39 am

Tim looks to where she is pointing. "Oh! Sorry..."

She focuses on the slime pool at her legs, trying to draw as much up into her body as she can.
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Re: Curses for All

Postby ZeroForever » Mon Jun 14, 2010 12:26 pm

all_knowing_frog wrote:Zero: it seems that Mitch's attempt to move the crystal ball has only made things worse for Billy. Now she's finding it difficult to see the other rooms, most of them fuzzy and unclear, others gone completely. She can feel a headache comming on.
If's Kat's statement had annoyed or angered Ellen at all, she'd find that those emotions would be much more prominent then they should, while any fear off this entire situation she has is behaving quite the opposite. A voice seems to be whispering something to her, but she can't tell what, it fades and returns at seemingly random intervals.

"Billy you ok in there" Mitch and Kat both said slightly worried
'"Bad idea dad.... ugh" Billy groaned as the migraine came... "I'm ok but i feel like someone's taking a hammer to my head

Ellen had written and read enough about creepy voices in her short life that she could recognize that she was either going crazy or some thing this way comes... given the circumstances it was probably the latter as the situation was past crazy. "I think I'm hearing ghosts now or something of the sort" she said slightly worried. The rest looking around in case of more surprises.
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Re: [FFRP] Curses for All

Postby Millinescence » Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:50 pm

all_knowing_frog wrote:Millie: Dona's mother listens silently, "All right honey, we're almost home, as soon as we get there we'll figure out how to fix this, alright?"

(yes, but unless they were folded up properly, they'd be forced into an open position on her back, like if you kept your arms out, but not as bad)

Tommie's work around the house takes a little longer then she'd probably like, if she moved to quickly with heaver things (like the pot and plant) she'd pass through it while she was holding it. Sometimes she has to bring her hands back to their original starting places as they start passing through the object.

"Alright....th-thank you mom. I love you, bye." Dona hangs up after her mother says bye as well.
Jackie finally comes out of the stairwell looking a bit dazed. After what happened earlier, she decides to try and keep her wings properly folded behind her.
Tomie finishes cleaning up, but is a bit frustrated by having the objects pass through her hands. Dona turns around to face her friends.
"Hey guys, good news. My parents are coming right over." Dona tells them. "Once they're there we might be able to figure out how to change back ^^"
"Change back?" Jackie asks, a bit puzzled. "What do you mean?"
"Yeah..." Dona looks to Jackie's bleeding forehead and over to Tomie. "Okay, what's up with Jack?"
"I held up three fingers and she said I'm holding two and her name's Jackie."
"What!? No..." She runs to get a paper towel and comes back to wipe Jackie's head.
"But...I am Jackie." She says. "I'm little and pretty. @_@"
"Jack." Dona snaps her fingers, a bit of panic in her voice. "Jack listen to me, you hit your head really hard there..." She attempts to snap Jackie out of it, trying to get her friend back.
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Re: [FFRP] Curses for All

Postby all_knowing_frog » Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:45 pm

Miki: "...you just wait till Lady Hunt hears about this! She'll figure out what's going on! Then you'll wish you had never been born!" she looks around for the first time and then looks stunned, "What? ....the town's so diffrent..."

Knight: the shocked lady just nods nervously, "It's a-alright dear, it's not your fault you grew so much." continues pruning the same plant...

Tim can probably hear some people out in front of her house, mostly teenagers. "I'm not kidding man! This giant blob girl attacked the Deli!" "What have you been smoking Jeff?" "Yah really, a giant blob's bad enough, you really expect us to believe that it's also a girl? Even for around here, that's really pushing it." "How do you explain the slime trail?" "I don't know, a gradeschool project spill?"

Zero: Nothing seems to be happening, other then Billy's headache and the glowing symbol on the wall.

The voices in Ellen's head continue.

Millie: Jackie's change is starting to scare Dona, she thinks she's an angel now, right? Dona's a demon, a small demon at that! This is bad!

Jackie will probably start trying to help the other two, if she truly thinks that this is her normal form. Dona could use a little bit of purification, that's how angels help bad angels right?

Dona's parents weren't kidding about almost being home, a car just pulled into the drive way.
Last edited by all_knowing_frog on Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [FFRP] Curses for All

Postby Maiden Miki » Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:55 pm

all_knowing_frog wrote:Miki: "...you just wait till Lady Hunt hears about this! She'll figure out what's going on! Then you'll wish you had never been born!" she looks around for the first time and then looks stunned, "What? ....the town's so diffrent..."

"Lady Hunt...Mrs. Hunt," said Micheal remembering the name that Kyle had mention before. She then nods and then said, "Well whatever. Where is Mrs Hunt then. Maybe she can clear this up. Still grab a hold of yourself Kyle and lead the way."
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Re: [FFRP] Curses for All

Postby Knight Errant » Thu Jun 17, 2010 12:05 am

She smiles sheepishly. "I know... this will make things a bit awkward... Also be careful, your chopping that plant a bit much..."

Tim turns around at the sound. "Great... now I have some idiots following me." She slithers over until she can see around the house and the approaching boys. "I am a girl, actually... and a giant blob. What do you know? But I didnt attack anywhere."
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Re: [FFRP] Curses for All

Postby ZeroForever » Thu Jun 17, 2010 1:29 pm

all_knowing_frog wrote:Zero: Nothing seems to be happening, other then Billy's headache and the glowing symbol on the wall.
The voices in Ellen's head continue.

the stalemate continued the family unsure if they should take risks or stay put for the moment to rest, after resting a bit Ellen went to touch the glowing symbol on the wall to move things forward.
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Re: [FFRP] Curses for All

Postby Millinescence » Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:03 pm

all_knowing_frog wrote:Millie: Jackie's change is starting to scare Dona, she thinks she's an angel now, right? Dona's a demon, a small demon at that! This is bad!

Jackie will probably start trying to help the other two, if she truly thinks that this is her normal form. Dona could use a little bit of purification, that's how angels help bad angels right?

Dona's parents weren't kidding about almost being home, a car just pulled into the drive way.

Realizing Dona can't snap Jackie out of this makes her panic. However, the sound of her parents pulling up gives her some hope. "Oh good, they're here..."
Jackie looks down at the small demon and wondered what she was trying to do. "Why are you snapping your fingers?" Asks the angel, a thought pops into her head and she gives Dona a stern look. "You're not trying to curse me are you?"
"What? N-no! I'm not, I'm trying to help you."
"So says the demon...it is you who needs help! Hmph." Jackie nods sagely. Dona, having said what she did was enough reason for the angel to try to purify this demon. She looks at the small thing with intent as her hands begin to glow with a yellowish hue.
"Oh boy...this can't be good." Tomie says as she watches this event unfold in front of her.
Dona is scared out of her wits at this point. The angel raises her glowing hands and comes closer to the demon.
"Don't worry my child, this won't hurt a bit..."
"EEEEEKK!!" Dona screams at the top of her lungs. She turns tail and runs toward the front door as fast as her legs could carry her. She reaches for the knob as she stands on her tippy-toes, frantically trying to get it open as Jackie continues close in...
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Re: [FFRP] Curses for All

Postby all_knowing_frog » Mon Jul 19, 2010 1:36 pm

Miki: “…I don’t recognize this place at all! Isn’t this Stanwood? And who’s Kyle?” The young maid is quite upset now, whipping back and forth looking at the buildings.

Knight: Three freshmen from the local high school stare up at her, “…”

“Well, it’s nice to know that you didn’t attack it… what happened though? Where did you come from?”
The other two boys nod, occasionally glancing over Tim’s gelatinous body.

Zero: As Ellen approaches the new but familiar text, the whispering disappears.

For Zack, her headache is starting to go away, but her ability to look about what had been their house was still just as crippled.

Millie: Suddenly, the front door slams open, Dona’s parents rushing inside, calling out for her.

Once said little demon recovers from being hit by the door being flung open, she’ll find conflicting feelings about seeing her parents. On one hand, she feels relieved. On the other, her small size is even more evident. It’s one thing for inanimate things to be gargantuan, it’s an entirely different thing for there to be human being easily twice your size.
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Re: [FFRP] Curses for All

Postby all_knowing_frog » Mon Jul 19, 2010 1:36 pm

Miki: “…I don’t recognize this place at all! Isn’t this Stanwood? And who’s Kyle?” The young maid is quite upset now, whipping back and forth looking at the buildings.

Knight: Three freshmen from the local high school stare up at her, “…”

“Well, it’s nice to know that you didn’t attack it… what happened though? Where did you come from?”
The other two boys nod, occasionally glancing over Tim’s gelatinous body.

Zero: As Ellen approaches the new but familiar text, the whispering disappears.

For Zack, her headache is starting to go away, but her ability to look about what had been their house was still just as crippled.

Millie: Suddenly, the front door slams open, Dona’s parents rushing inside, calling out for her.

Once said little demon recovers from being hit by the door being flung open, she’ll find conflicting feelings about seeing her parents. On one hand, she feels relieved. On the other, her small size is even more evident. It’s one thing for inanimate things to be gargantuan, it’s an entirely different thing for there to be human being easily twice your size.
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Re: [FFRP] Curses for All

Postby Maiden Miki » Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:28 pm

all_knowing_frog wrote:Miki: “…I don’t recognize this place at all! Isn’t this Stanwood? And who’s Kyle?” The young maid is quite upset now, whipping back and forth looking at the buildings.

"Yeah. And you are Kyle. Come on..." said Micheal trying to walk around the town. "Just point in the direction where Mrs. Hunt lives."
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