[SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta


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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Zoey » Tue Jun 15, 2010 9:02 pm

(Still waiting U__U)
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Tue Jun 15, 2010 11:22 pm

Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav
“Sigh… I guess it’s worse than I thought” the nurse sighed turning towards him “Command Still” The nurse said. With that the collar hummed to life as any additional vocal and physical protests of his were immediately silenced, as if a prisoner within his own body he could only watch and listen. Going to the cabinet she pulled out a metal helmet which she placed on his head, before pressing some buttons on it “Hmm doesn’t seem like there any noticeable traces of telepathy… strange” she said looking at the status display, turning towards him “Command: Lay down” the command doing exactly what one might think before going to her computer. Mark could still somewhat see the nurse at action out of the corner of his eye, as she sorted through the student list she stopped on the dossier of a cute Asian girl.
(His uniform solidified as purple while his blazer became frillier and frillier before bleaching into a white color. The fabric changed at the same time becoming softer yet tighter against his frame. At this same time under the helmet his hair also changed to match the purple hue his cloths now had, lengthening but not a great deal, his eye did the same changing into a purplish hue as well. )

Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos'
The females he saw easily feel into one of 2 groups, group 1 the rich teenage socialite who despite being in standard uniforms gave off the aura of being absurdly rich. Group 2 there servants pretty much all of there were maids of varying ages and ethnicities. While he looking around the campus, form he heard female voice shout out “HORO WHERE ARE YOU!!” from the direction where he had come from, though he couldn’t for the life of him remember the voice, his body did as his tail burst from his pants wagging uncontrollably back and forth like a happy pup.
(Other than the obvious change in regards to his tail, his hair around the ears grayed and lengthened spreading across the rest of his head. As the changes moved down his face his eyes narrowed momentarily turning color blind before stabilizing in a mix his eyesight enhanced though still capably of seeing color, if he could see them they were now a bluish hint. His nose likewise changed as it darkened before at least the outside returned to normal his sense of smell increased at least 10 fold, the overwhelming stench of perfumes and make up coming from the school and clock tower was enough to make him reel. Meanwhile his clothing stopped shrinking after shortly after becoming tightened in trim manner, as his shirt front opening into a dress shirt form though already buttoned up.)

Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker
The object in question was a tubular ringed technological input drive the like of which was quite futuristic; the size and shape however made it look like a steel dildo given where it was intruding it could easily be mistaken for such. Looking around the room there was one door in the room, the frame clearly evident in the pure white backdrop.

(as she fiddled around with the input device various memories of it and how it supplied her power flashed through her head, despite how odd the memories were they seemed natural/normal to her. The electricity she generated continued to diminish as her cloths originating from her powers slowly dissipated. Her skin slowly hardened throughout her body except for the area around her face; the cold air not bothering her despite the lack of clothing.)
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Zoey » Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:21 am

"Whats going on?!" is all Mark could think of. He could no longer control he's body, everything out of reach. Mark tried to use his powers, but it was in vain. "That nurse... what the hell is she?!" he thought as he was forced to lay down. "Ok Mark, calm down... You got to analize the situation. At the moment you've awoken is some nurses office. The place looks foreign and new. Secondly, you're wearing a collar which apperantly has blocked your powers and control of your body. However, commands must be given via computer, so... if I could control my body for a second and get her away from her computer and the colar I'd have the advantage. Further more, apperantly there are people who can use telepathy to control others. Most likely how I dont know how I got here and the ones responsable. This is outragious!"

"Wait, what is she doing now?" he asked to himself as he noticed a dossier of an Asian female. "What the? Don't tell me there's more poeple in this place!" if Mark could clench his fist he would to the point of breaking his own hand, his heart was filled with incredible amounts of rage. "These bastards! This is some kind of spycho hospital! I got to do something! I HAVE to save everyone! Move body, MOVE!" he called out to his body trying to move as hard as he could. "I'm NOT going to let innocent people get toyed with! Not as long as Grav is around! Move, body! MOVE, MOVE, MOVE!!!!"
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Danarth » Wed Jun 16, 2010 1:46 pm

Looking between the crowds of people briefly, noting the rather obvious class divide between the two groups of people. Watching the socialite group for a moment, the aura of wealth and arrogance from the was almost palliable, he could see the expensive phones, bags, haircuts, all signs of being rather disgustingly rich. Looking to the other group for a moment the maids, while there was a huge difference between them and socialite group, some of them were quite as destitute as one might imagine, however the feeling of the difference between the two groups was almost as palliably. Shrugging for a moment as he continued to look around to see if he could find anyone he recognized.

Suddenly, his senses would assail him. The colours of the world would blur for a moment, shifting back into the spectrum of visible light for a moment before changing back to the black, white and grey vision but now there was some blue coming through as well, mostly from the sky, between the clouds. The next assault came from his sense of smell, which suddenly became stronger, the smells of the various different types of perfume used by both groups. Such an intense sensation so suddenly made it near impossible for him to tell the difference between the smells and the experience sent him reeling, causing him to double over as he began to hyperventilate.

After taking a few moments to recover his breath, he would notice his trousers were now tight and designed in a neat, trim manner. As He straightened up, he would examine his shirt too, it had become a dress shirt now, something he did not usually wear. Someone or something had seemed to messing with his clothing, and he was a little irked about it. His train of thought was suddenly broken by a loud yell that seemed to follow from the direction he had just come from, his ears twiched at the loud nature of the yell, it caught his attention. He looked around to see the source of the voice, figuring that person could only be asking for him, his middle name was Horatio, and he knew of no female names that started like that. Suddenly he felt as if there was an additional limb growing from his back, and was in constant motion. Looking down his back a moment, another strange addition to his body, the wagging grey tail. Shaking his head for a moment, this was getting weirder by the moment. Looking back around trying to find the source of this voice he was calling his name, looking for this female voice.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Wed Jun 16, 2010 11:05 pm

Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger
His retort however was met with glare of death as the other girl stuck her head out of the room, the glare promising punishments that made him wince physically, the words dying on his mouth the other girl closed her door once again. It wasn’t too hard to find her room, after all it was as simple as following the disaster trail back to its source, if it wasn’t for the girly interior and items the spacious rooms mess had an uncanny resemblance to his room. The room despite being a disaster zone had its own bathroom and walk in closet, after all considering that it had its own music studio it was definitely rich.
(The cloths now a silky fabric lightened, the various clothing combining and then thinning, repeating as needed soon all that remained was a set of rather thin semi transparent white PJ negligee mix match. While his head hair changed it wasn’t the only hair affected, his body hair dissipating into the air, while any remaining patches turning a natural pink as well. As the hair changes finished up the effects moved onto his skin. From the hair pores it spread, his skin turning fairer and silky smooth, other than his hand which still retained the blisters from practice all other bodily scars disappeared.)

Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub
The attempts on the collar triggered the voice again “One demerit for unauthorized collar interference” it said his memories flaring up again of fear, in his mind he knew one more just one more and something bad would happen. As he examined the collar, it was clearly technology he had never seen before but in his mind familiar memories of how this was a version 6.9 XX mutant collar and as various technical information about it sprang to mind the most blatant being that self removing it was futile. While he was looking in the mirror, steps approached the bathroom. Quickly bursting in a person passed him heading into one of the stalls in a swift movement that he could barely follow, the only thing he saw was that it was a school uniform.
(Meanwhile his cloths shrunk, the pants hemline receding as they soon looked like shorts, while his shirts and jackets tightened around his chest and waist, the shoulders being the only portion slightly loose. His socks were the only thing that did the opposite, climbing up the leg as if to make up for the pants. The tender skin quickly spread to the rest of his body; while not as sensitive as his chest it was still enough that the current fabric of his cloths chaffed other parts of his body. As the skin tenderized the adjoining hair pores did the same almost all on his body hair falling out while the roots on head turned a silver grey.)

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox
“Lives will depend on you Milady but only if you graduate school properly.” The maid said unfazed by the protests as the elevator door closed. The as elevator proceeded down the very traditional classic music played before the elevator stopped at the fourth floor the door opening expectedly as the maid stood at the entrance hand out as to escort her out.
(while Katherine look in the mirror facial her skin looked better than ever as if the stress from the last few years had melted away. Her eyes paining her slightly as her vision blurred for a moment, before returning to normal. Meanwhile her body mass decreased slightly as fat and bone joined the muscles, each dissipating slowly the most notable effect was her chest size and her height having already lost a cup size and now the same height as the girl she was arguing with. Her tight skirt loosened as the hosier reached her waist, the skirt and top merging into a singular dress while her panties became the finest quality of silk money could buy. Her glasses meanwhile changed from fake to real prescriptions glasses, the eyes accompanied the change only seconds later.)
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Knight Errant » Wed Jun 16, 2010 11:58 pm

((I have a weakness for very detailed RPG games T_T))

Stan shook his head... trying to dispel the odd thoughts. He grabs the nearest body wash and applies it liberally... clean, that was the thing. A short shampoo later, he steps out of the shower and dries himself off.

He grabs a nearby bath robe, walking over to the bathroom door and opening it up.
O Muse!
Sing in me, and through me tell the story
Of that man skilled in all the ways of contending,
A wanderer, harried for years on end...

Image Image

Click the eggs... feed the dragons.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Jun 17, 2010 1:43 am

Katherine stared at her reflection in the small mirror, a little suprised by how fresh her face looked. Snapping the make-up box closed, she pushed it back into her purse and continued the search for her cell phone as the elevator went down. She could feel her short black skirt loosening, allowing her legs more movement, becoming more comfortable, just like the shoes on her feet. She felt a tickle from her underwear too, and her cheeks went a little red as it made her squirm slightly. Glancing down, she gasped as she found she was now wearing a dress. Pulling her hands from the purse, she grasped at the chest of it that had been her white cotton blouse with short, puffed sleeves and a low cut neckline, pulling the material slightly, and then brushed her fingers down over the line around her waist where there should have been a split, and then finally down to the short hem, curling around it as she swallowed a deep breath.

"What's going on?", she asked in a rather nervous tone, lifting her head to look at the maid, suprise washing across her features as she saw the girl was now the same height as her, or perhaps more accurately, she was now the same height as the girl. She'd always been a little short, but she KNEW she'd been taller than the teenager when she'd first seen her. There was a moment of distorted vision as her glasses changed a second or two before her eyes, leaving her unaware she now needed glasses for real after all these years of pretending. She was so stunned by what was happening, she didn't even notice the floor they'd stopped on was the fourth as the maid stood there with her hand out. Biting her bottom lip, she walked forward, out of the elevator. With her heels gone, the sway of her hips was far less, and immediately too she noticed the lightened load on her chest.

"I need to call... someone... ", she moaned, knowing now that something was very wrong, and this wasn't just some prank. Her fingers curled around the phone, and pulled it from her purse. It was quite a few years old, and had been cheap when she bought it. It's features were basic and it looked ugly. Her hands were shaking, and she could feel her heart racing inside her chest as she poked her fingers at the keys, bringing up the list of names in her contact list. She hesitated for a moment, scrolling between two names.... Stan, and Sandra. She needed to know if Sandra was okay, but Stan was the only person she could talk openly about being a hero with. Highlighting Stan, she pushed call, and then lifted the phone to her ear, blue eyes looking around as she waited for it to ring....

Lives will depend on you Milady but only if you graduate school properly. The words echoed in her head, her eyes twitching slightly behind her glasses as her gaze fell upon the maid. She studied the girl carefully, her chest rising and falling with heavy breathing. "If you agree lives will depend on me... ", she repeated in a murmuring voice. "Then... you know who I am?", she asked, thinking the maid was refering to her work as The Fox, which itself was a chilling thought as only two people knew she was the costumed crime-fighter. Had the boy, Mark, revealed her secret?
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Maiden Miki » Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:05 am

ZeroForever wrote:Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub
The attempts on the collar triggered the voice again “One demerit for unauthorized collar interference” it said his memories flaring up again of fear, in his mind he knew one more just one more and something bad would happen. As he examined the collar, it was clearly technology he had never seen before but in his mind familiar memories of how this was a version 6.9 XX mutant collar and as various technical information about it sprang to mind the most blatant being that self removing it was futile. While he was looking in the mirror, steps approached the bathroom. Quickly bursting in a person passed him heading into one of the stalls in a swift movement that he could barely follow, the only thing he saw was that it was a school uniform.
(Meanwhile his cloths shrunk, the pants hemline receding as they soon looked like shorts, while his shirts and jackets tightened around his chest and waist, the shoulders being the only portion slightly loose. His socks were the only thing that did the opposite, climbing up the leg as if to make up for the pants. The tender skin quickly spread to the rest of his body; while not as sensitive as his chest it was still enough that the current fabric of his cloths chaffed other parts of his body. As the skin tenderized the adjoining hair pores did the same almost all on his body hair falling out while the roots on head turned a silver grey.)

Micheal heard the voice that came and flinched a little as another memory came to him. A shiver a fear ran up his spine as he saw it and knew that the third demerit will result in something unpleasant. He wasn't sure what it was but apparently this device was a collar used to repress the abilities of mutants and part of a long line of them. He took a few breaths and guess that confirms that he was a mutant and that somehow he was caught. Beside being able to do that, MIcheal was thinking that it must be having some sort of ability to add false memories to a person since he was recalling information that he never knew. Still a flash of technical information came to his mind which Micheal took the time to look at. He was hoping that something would tell him about this collar beside what he didn't know.

Micheal stop touching the collar and just observe it in the mirror as he was looking over the information but so far all he got was it was going to be very hard and almost near impossible. Still Micheal has read about the near impossible and knew that the impossible could be possible. Still it was going to take time. MIcheal head went up a bit as he was looking at the technical information to get some hint on what was happening and looked up as somebody in a school uniform has enter the restroom. Micheal froze for a minute and knew that he may have to leave this place soon. It was becoming crowded or such.

MIcheal at once looked at the mirror to observe the collar and then froze when he notice that his roots were turning into a silver gray collar. Another shiver ran up his spine as his body was feeling much more sensitive but not only on his chest but also his legs as he felt his clothes were changing.

"What is going on?" whisper Micheal as he stepped back a bit and looked around.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Thu Jun 17, 2010 11:44 am

Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider
(While he bathed his skin purified, as scars from crime fighting melted away, his skin softens becoming tender and moist. His body hair meanwhile shed in the water, the remaining hairs becoming lighter and blonder.)
As the water jets blew across his skin the tingly feeling causes him to let out a reactionary giggle, as vapid thoughts about the beach he was suppose to meet MJ at passed through his head. The water jets soon pulsed in a rhythmic routine, the feeling soothing and relaxing… as he relaxed various facts about feminine life populated his head like make up and fashion replacing his knowledge of science and math, his IQ level reducing all the while.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Stray-chan » Thu Jun 17, 2010 8:52 pm

"S... sorry..." he muttered as the door closed. That girl was scary.

Lucius looked around the bedroom. It did seem a lot like his, in layout and mess and even basic feel, except bigger. And much nicer-smelling. Well, and purple and pink and with piles of very girly looking clothes everywhere. And different decorations, but... they were on the same theme. Like instead of a poster of Dethklok from Metalocalypse over the computer desk, there was one of the band Beck, from the anime Beck. Heck, the pile of music magazines and CDs on the nightstand was basically identical, less a few Metal-focused ones and plus a few J-Pop ones. The Rock (both J- and otherwise) was intact.

"Have I been pushed into another dimension, that happens to be very similar to the one I'm from?" he asked the air. That would be bad; it'd be like stealing someone's life. But something was happening to his clothes...

Looking down at himself, Lucius gasped. "What happened to my clothes? What's happening into my hair and skin!?" He rushed into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. "Long pink hair? Smooth skin, that room, 'Lulu'... Something is turning me into a girl! What the hell!?"

He was starting to panic, when something dawned on him: he, she, whatever, was still a musician. His callouses from guitar practice remained, meaning that whoever he was turning into, she played the guitar. And s/he lived in a huge apartment with it's own recording studio! With what appeared to be bandmates! S/he was wealthy and successful, apparently as a musician!

"Holy crap, man, this is just too much to take in..." Stunned by the revelations, especially the potential positive aspects of the second one, Lucius just sort of stared into the mirror as the transformation continued.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:24 pm

Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav
His protests were futile and went unnoticed for several minutes as the nurse read the profile intently, before turning towards him as she put her hand under her chin in contemplative thought. “Very odd, no indications or issues in her history, she’d recently just completed her basic service exams too.” the Nurse mumbled to herself as she walked over to Mark once again before looking at the helmet “Aggressive urges up 500%... oh my” the nurse quickly tapped a combination on the collar. Now sooner then she finish then all Marks anger and urgency seemingly disappeared as the color hissed, a drug fuel haze soon clouding his thoughts. Looking at helmet data the nurse spoke up “Record: Most likely a mental breakdown given the sporadic dialogue and extreme aggressiveness, recommended that she go through full remedial classes again as well as a additional pacifying class. End record.” Standing up she took the helmet off his head putting it away the nurse spoke “Command: Up and Follow” Marks body following while his mind wandered.
(Meanwhile his skin tone uniformly darkened to a tan hue. This facial contour shifting slightly, his lips and mouth shrinking to a pointier frame as his jaw line shrank, his eye narrowing slightly as blush, mascara, and other general make ups surfaced on his face. The front blazer stretched downwards, leaving a gap at his chest level while instead covering his nether regions. His pants meanwhile merged with his shirt into a singular clothing piece, as the pant legs proceeded to recede.

Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos'
(The next thing to change was mouth and voice box, as teeth and tongue and mouth elongating slowly, his lips pushing out with his jaw line into a muzzle his various teeth sharpening into fang. While his vocal tones altered his verbal abilities lowed relegated to that of a standard wolf. His clothes continued to change as the dress shirt them time tightened into what seemed to be spandex continuing to shrink all the while, his pants following a similar suit.)
The source of the female voice was standing by the fountain where he had come from, a rather bubbly blond haired school girl with pig tails, with her was a another long raven hair school girl who had a blue skinned maid standing next to her. Upon seeing him the blond sighed in relief running up and hugging/cuddling him before proceeding to scold him “There you are Horo! bad boy I’ve told not to wander around without me, especially in your boy form I’ve already warned you they would neuter you if you got caught like that.” she said admonishing the scolding despite its sweet tone it was enough that he physically felt pain from it, his tail tucking in-between his legs in reaction.
Seeing him wince she pet his head gently “Aww.. don’t be like that, I’ve brought your favorite, Alaskan tuna” she said holding out a well packaged raw fish. As she placed it on the floor “Kara stopping dotting on your mutant already, you’ll spoil her” the other school girl interrupted “Either way hurry up or we’ll be late.” Hugging him one last time “1 more class today so be good you hear me.” she said before running over to the other girl, the maid the placing her hands on both as all 3 disappeared in a poof of smoke the smell of sulfur lingering where they stood.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Zoey » Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:58 pm

Mark looked very confused. "What is she talking about? Why did she call me a she? Is she insulting me?" he thought before be could feel the drug fueled haze slowly taking effect. "Ugh... What the? Why... why, do I feel so lazy all of a sudden?" he thought trying to muster up his rage again, but he couldn't. He could only feel a strange calmness fall unto him. Even if he couldn't control his body he could still listen in. Its odd, he didnt feel nervious, mad or in a panic, yet he knew something was up. Why did the nurse keep addressing him as a she? Mark knew he was being drugged, but now more questions arose. "What did she mean when she said something about completing service exams? Why is she talking about sending me to some classes? Who is that woman and more importantly: Whats going on?". At that moment the nurse input the commands to walk and follow, of course his body has no choice but to follow."Ugh... I feel like im half asleep. This must be one powerful drug... Where is she taking me now?" he thought.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Danarth » Fri Jun 18, 2010 5:52 pm

As the bubbly blonde girl approached him, the pains of the transformation began to return as he as if his jaw was begin twist, almost a tearing sensation as his jaw began to change slowly, he was able to feel the change down to core. Wincing and bringing his hand up to his face, feeling the his jaw elongating and becoming like that of a wolf's muzzle, feeling fine strange of fur beginning to appear on the muzzle. Within his mouth, he would notice the change to his teeth when the fangs would accidentally grind against the still normal teeth, as well as ths peculiar feeling in his tongue, remembering how it felt to have the strange long wolf tongue. At the same time as all this was happening a strange feeling starting to well up in his throat, almost a ticklish feeling as if something had scratched at the back of his throat.

His attention was drawn away from his own problems by the appearance of the blonde girl, her dark haired friend and the blue skinned maid. As the blonde girl hugged him, he remained rather stoic, not returning the hug to this stranger who seemed to know him, calling him, in part, by his middle name, as she hugged him, he could easily smell the perfume she was wearing as well as a more pungent smell, the smell of fish. He looked at her dumbly for a moment as he listened to what she said to him, listening to the scolding she gave him. The words she said tumbled strangle across his ears 'boy form' 'neuter' 'being caught'. All this was alien to him, nothing he was used to at all. This girl was an engima to him completely, he had no idea of her name, what sort of person she was and what the supposed relationship between them was. It was fairly clear that he was some kind of pet to her. What was most perplexing for him was that this girl seemed to know that he was able to change between a man and a wolf.

My name is Daniel not Hor...." He began to say, but it was cut off by a strangled whimper. He tried to speak again, but all that would come out of his mouth was a wolf growl, after this the strange sensation in his throat would vanish.

The scolding she gave him made his body betray him in a way he had not expected at all. A painful sense of guilt welled up in his chest and the motion of his tail seemed to stop, dropping down and staying still for the moment. The sweet voice of the girl did little to make the pain feel any better, if anything making it feel worse as if he felt betrayed this girl in some way. Although the feeling of pain in his chest didn't seem to go away, the girl seemed to be rather more forgiving. Looking at the package for a moment, watching the girl place the package on the floor. The smell was very strong, the fish had smelt before. Looking at it down on the floor for a moment, at the package then looking back up as the Raven haired girl spoke. The remark made by the girl did not quite sit well with Daniel and he looked right at the raven haired girl, his eyes narrowing at her and he tried to make a retort, but all that it would show as is a snarl and a bearing of his fangs for a moment. As the blonde girl hugged him again, the snarl dropped away after she told him to be good and then watched as she vanished in the puff of smoke. The strong scent of sulphur overwhelmed him for a moment.

Bending down and picking up the package the girl had left...It seemed her name was Kara. Looking about for a moment, he would notice a row on benchs near the group the large group of chattering maids, so he moved towards one of the free benchs nearing that group, reasoning that it would be far easier to not be noticed nearer that group, as he would stick out like a sore thumb amoung the socialite group. Sitting down on the bench carefully, as not to hurt his tail, he would shut his eyes and try to understand what was going on with him, where the he was and who these people who seemed to know him were.

Unbidden to his mind, came the thought of an old movie line "We aren't in Kansas anymore.."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Sat Jun 19, 2010 12:08 pm

Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel
(As he washed himself his skin and muscles softened as years of combat scars seemingly washed away with the dirt, his hair did the same the melanin of his hair washed away, his hair turning a platinum blond color)
Drying himself off against the fabric of the towel sent shivers down his spine as his skin was far more sensitive. The only bathrobe visible is a satin pink one, oddly enough although if didn’t fit his frame very well the robe ended up just feeling right so he left it on. As he exited into the hall, the voice that he had heard earlier shouted out “Breakfast is on the table”, the voice clearly had a Asian lisp to it as the name “Fei Li” rolled off his lips, memories of the BFF and how they been together through everything replacing existing family ones after all she was her only family
the anti-thesis of myself... come see, feel, know the truth beyond truths it'll just cost your soul.....
Overlords+Magic+Tropes=TF TG and flying jigglypuffs... among other things
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Derailer (Just Kidding)
Derailer (Just Kidding)
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Miku-chan » Sat Jun 19, 2010 4:09 pm

(While he bathed his skin purified, as scars from crime fighting melted away, his skin softens becoming tender and moist. His body hair meanwhile shed in the water, the remaining hairs becoming lighter and blonder.)
As the water jets blew across his skin the tingly feeling causes him to let out a reactionary giggle, as vapid thoughts 
about the beach he was suppose to meet MJ at passed through his head. The water jets soon pulsed in a rhythmic routine, the feeling soothing and relaxing… as he relaxed various facts about feminine life populated his head like make up and fashion replacing his knowledge of science and math, his IQ level reducing all the while.

Giggling as he slips deeper into relaxation, his sharp mind starts to give twinges as his memories shift and he starts to forget the advanced science and math studies from a lifetime some plece else, his thoughts on MJ and the beach,and..."OMG!!! The beach photo shot... There where a million things to do before even heading out, including the stuff MJ wrote on the note again. Exiting the tub regretfully, he failed to notice the missing boby hair as he dashes into the room to hurriedly put the "toys" away before rushing to the closet to find something to wow MJ with as well as looking professional. The thoughts of MJ continuing to grow as a focus for him, and somewhere in the back of his mind a worry starts to grow that is unable to voice its concern...
Why do we park on a Driveway and drive on a Parkway?
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