[FFRP] Sunshine Apartments


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Re: [FFRP] Sunshine Apartments

Postby Amy-chan » Thu Jun 17, 2010 8:34 am

Dawn looked at her new student id. "Dawn Eastep, age 16. But that is me ... I mean... Oh fudgesticks!!!!"

Dawn noticed that she had a hard time being still, and that the other girls were a bit slow moving to her. Or maybe it was that she was moving so energeticly that it just seemed that way? She went to the closet where she had placed her suitcase, only to find it was now a shiny red suitcase, full of cute clothing appropriate to her new identity.

"What are we going to do? Why us?", she got so excited that she started talking fast even for her, "Howintheworldwillwedealwiththis?Idon'tknownothingabouttheschoolontheID.Howwillwefitin?Howwillwepayforstuff?Ohthisisalljustoomuch!!!" She started to hyperventilate as she got too excited for even her now energetic self.
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Re: [FFRP] Sunshine Apartments

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Jun 17, 2010 9:03 am

Kitty followed Katie from the bedroom, blushing as she saw Justin's transformation was apprently complete, leaving her with a few years of extra development. She tried to focus on what Dawn was saying before giving a confused shrug, and slumped down onto one of the couches, placing her head in her hands for a moment, trying to calm herself down. "We could go and look for the apartment manager? They can't leave us like this... ".
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Re: [FFRP] Sunshine Apartments

Postby Stray-chan » Thu Jun 17, 2010 7:47 pm

"Christine..." the dazed newly minted girl muttered, looking at her photo on the ID. She hugged Katie back a little, but seems mostly distracted. "Well, I hope this is as bad as ID photos tend to be, my hair looks terrible..." She sighed as Katie sat her down, then winced. "Ow, there's stuff poking my thighs!" She reached into her pockets and started to pull stuff out, setting it on the coffee table: a set of keys, a pocket video game system (pink), a pen knife (also pink), some loose change. "These pockets are tiny! How do girls deal with it?" More stuff was coming out though, stuff which seemed to confuse Christine: a bundle of cotton swabs, a small pack of tissues, a tube of chapstick, a cosmetic compact, a bottle of nail polish remover, a bottle of nail polish, a tube of mascara, a tube of lip gloss... a certain kind of feminine hygiene product. The last one elicited a blush from Christine, and she quickly pushed it back into her pocket. "I think that's everything. Wow, no wonder my pockets felt so uncomfortable..." she said, looking over the collection of stuff. "I guess whatever force did this to me decided to dump the contents of a purse into my pockets. And make stuff already in there pink."

Looking around the room at the other girls, Christine frowned slightly. "So, did this happen to all of you? Or something like it, at least?" She looks at her driver's license again, checking the information. "It updated my height, weight, hair color, gender and even the address! Wow. Same birth date, though, and..." She looks up and regards the rest of the girls. "...that's not true for any of you, is it? None of you were school aged when you came here, were you?"

At Kitty's suggestion, though, Christine bites her lip and shakes her head. "No. Not yet, at least. First off, nobody panic. Looks like we have that under control. In that case, we need to figure out the extent of the change that happened to us. This place has wireless, right?" She hurries over to where she had dropped her bags and pulls them into the apartment, then opens up her laptop bag and pulls her computer out and returns to the couch. She turns it on and waits for it to boot. "Hmm, it turned this thing purple. I hope it didn't mess with anything that isn't cosmetic." Having a goal to focus on seems to have snapped her out of her daze. "I want to know how extensive the records of our new identities are, and if our old ones still exist. An Internet search should make that easy!" The computer finishes booting, and she watches the system tray, waiting for it to find a wireless signal.
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Re: [FFRP] Sunshine Apartments

Postby Millinescence » Thu Jun 17, 2010 9:11 pm

After quietly watching and listening to things happening around her for a bit, Heather went to her suitcase and opens it up. Of course she too finds women's clothing in her suitcase, causing her to cringe. She shuts it and puts it in the bedroom, deciding to unpack later. When she gets out of the bedroom and back to the others, she sees 'Christine' looking around the room at her and the other girls.
"Yes, it did. We all changed," Heather says, responding to the question the new girl asked. "And no, I graduated years ago. I used to be a mechanic." Heather's is head hanging low, her bangs hiding her eyes from sight. She also has her hands together in front of her lap, and she was shivering slightly. At Kitty's suggestion, she shakes her head, "You really think they have something to do with this?" she mutters softly.
Heather lifts her head up briefly as Christine takes out her laptop and tentatively moves behind the girl to get a look at the screen as computer boots up. As Heather rests her hands on the back of the couch and looks at the computer screen, she's reveled to have saddened but tearless eyes. She watches quietly and intently, an internet search seems to be a good idea.
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Re: [FFRP] Sunshine Apartments

Postby Zilla » Sat Jun 19, 2010 6:30 am

Katie is a little astonished at the others rebuking the idea of talking with the manager. "Are you sure? We should at least call, I mean, being that we're no longer the people who rented this place out..." She busies herself with looking up the number of the manager on her history of calls. She misses Christine emptying her pockets, but pays more attention as she pulls up her laptop.

"Oh? That's an interesting idea..." she says, as she positions herself over the couch behind Christine. "Do a search on Katie Madison. I mean..." She can't even seem to recall her old name, which was just on the tip of her tongue moments ago. It always started with a K though... Maybe her name didn't change after all? Katie sounds like her name...
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Re: [FFRP] Sunshine Apartments

Postby Harri-chan » Sat Jun 19, 2010 6:43 am

Rose's expression softened a little as she saw Christine pulling out her laptop, and like a few of the other girl's, seemed quite interested. She shuffled a little closer on the couch, her skirt riding up a little as she pressed against Christine's side to watch the screen as it loaded up, and sure enough found the apartment's wireless signal and was online. A finger nudged at her glasses, glancing at Heather and then Katie, "I was twenty eight, and worked as an accountant across town... ", she explained, although her memories were feeling fuzzy too. All of them could remembered they'd been someone else, but details were getting hard to recall.

If any of them could grasp at those fading memories, and managed to search for them, they'd find records of their past lives were still there, just as they should be, along with reports of how all of them had gone missing during the last few weeks, although none of the articles made any link between the girls.

"Can you search for... Kitty Butler?", she asked after Katie had, "I think that's always been my name.. ". However, there were also records of their new identities too. There was a local news article about Katie captaining the school's cheer squad to a regional championship. There was another story about how Heather had won the school ten thousand dollars by coming first in a school quiz on national television! And Tara had got a small part in a hollywood movie a couple of years ago, the news article praising her acting skills and good looks. There was a story about Dawn too, and how she'd attempted a sponsored silence for charity in the last year, but hadn't been able to last even ten minutes without talking. Christine came up in the search too. Apparently she'd done a few modeling sessions to help pay her way through college, and there was even photos of her posing in swimsuits, skimpy outfits and even her underwear. The only mention of Kitty was a new's article about her parents death in a car crash when she was a six year old, but it was still proof of her new identity being real.
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Re: [FFRP] Sunshine Apartments

Postby Stray-chan » Sat Jun 19, 2010 6:22 pm

Christine looks up the former names of all the girls that can remember, including herself, though it takes a couple tries for her to type "Justin" instead of "Christine". "That's weird... reports of us going missing have already been posted... last week? And they aren't back-dated." She takes a deep breath. "Whatever caused this is really weird, but totally worth investigating! Time to put my parapsycological knowledge to use!" She is quiet for a moment, thinking. "Well, the people that we are now aren't ghosts or anything, so its not that... maybe some force just really wanted us to come in to being? Or come here, at least. Weird." Noticing Heather's sad look, Christine gives her a gentle pat on the hand and a warm smile.

She then searches for information on the other girls, and seems rather surprised when she turns up fairly extensive histories of most of them. "Champion cheerleader... dedicated student... talented actress... heh, total chatterbox!" Christine says, smiling, as she found info on Katie, Heather and Tara, the smile changing to one of bemusement on looking up Dawn. Kitty's, though, makes it fade. "Orphan... well, I guess that's why you're here," she says looking at Kitty.

Then she looks up herself. "Seems I went to the same high school, same college, can't see if I majored in the same thing, though." Another link immediately brings up a link to her modeling pictures, which brings a deep blush to her cheeks. "Oh, wow, um..." She froze up and pictures of her posing in a pink bikini, a revealingly torn goth-punk outfit and a lacy black bra and panties set remain on the screen.

She remembered those photo shoots; they paid so well, and the photographers were always so flattering, how could she pass them up? While waitressing had paid the bills, modeling had covered buying fun stuff. The punky shoot had been her favorite of any of them, she had gotten to play around with lots of fun looks and costumes, including a ballgown, a corset and even a sultry princess outfit! She still had copies of that whole shoot, even though the company didn't use most of them. She wondered if her new job, the one that came with the apartment, would pay well enough to let her expand her wardrobe beyond its current rather meager state.

Wait... something was wrong there. It took a moment, but Christine dredged up and held on to the memories of being Justin at that time: he had bused tables and written for fringe 'zines to cover his expenses. "No..." she muttered. "I'm not letting go. I might be Christine now, I might never go back to being Ch... Justin, but I refuse... to... forget!" She concentrated, and though memories as Justin seemed to be fuzzy, they didn't seem to be fading. She nods, closes the tab with the revealing photos of her, checks to see what her major had been, then looks back at the other girls.

"So, anything else I should look up? Do any of you know why you're here?" If their memories were acting like her's... they just might, now.
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Re: [FFRP] Sunshine Apartments

Postby Andrea Anikerina » Sat Jun 19, 2010 7:44 pm

Tara muttered something as she pulled out her laptop, still black, but with pink accents. Booting up in a flash, she thinks... "Did any of you have something like a forum account, or something where you identified yourself with your username? If we can't remember our names, maybe they'll still have them. For now, we should go and see what all has changed." Pulling up Word, she makes a list of everything that changed: Body, clothes, suitcase + contents, some memory alteration. Evidence of previous identity: Missing person reports. "I do think we need to tell the office. I mean, this is unfair! Why do I have to be the one who always gets the bad luck?"
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Re: [FFRP] Sunshine Apartments

Postby Millinescence » Sun Jun 20, 2010 1:58 pm

As Christine pats Heather's head and gave her that warm smile, she starts to feel like things just might be okay. She leans in closer against the back of the couch to get a better look at the computer, blushing slightly at the odd sensation of her bosom pressing against the couch. Heather continues watching the computer, she was quite surprised to learn that she won some quiz show, and that Christine was a model. A diverse cast if she said so herself. "Those are some nice pictures, Christine." Heather says, complementing the modeling pics the woman brought up.

Then, her thoughts started drifting towards the quiz show. She remembered how nervous she was up on that podium with the other contestants, she remembered how hard she had to study, she was determined to win money for her school. Despite how timid she was, she wanted to do something that people would remember her for, something that she could be proud of. Her parents were so proud of her when she got home that day, her parents who lived only a 20 minute drive from the apartments, she can remember their faces clear as day. Heather too was drawn to the apartments one morning when she heard that there was a job that came with it. She showed her parents the newspaper ad and begged her parents to let her apply. Her parents agreed, saying it would teach her the responsibility of living on her own, and perhaps meet new people as well. Soon, Dave seemed to be little more than a dream...

This sudden flashback frightens Heather, the last thing she wanted was to forget her old life! She tries to hold on to the memories of her former self but they seem to become fuzzier the more she tries to think of them. She pushes herself from the back of the couch, holds her ears and cries out, "NO!! Th-the memories! M-make them stop...*sniff* I-I don't want to forget! I don't want this, I want to be me again!" Heather falls to her knees, she moves her hands to her face and cries, cries as if hoping her tears will expel these new foreign memories from her consciousness.
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Re: [FFRP] Sunshine Apartments

Postby Amy-chan » Tue Jun 22, 2010 2:35 pm

Dawn managed to calm down and walked back out of the bedroom. She managed to see what Cristine found out about her. "Hey! That is so not true. I lasted at least ten minutes. Well, okay maybe almost ten minutes, but it was totally close! And besides I was convinced to sign up for that sponsored silence by you, Heather! You said it was the only way that I'd ever quit talking for more than a minute."

She stopped as she thought about what she had just said. She tried to remember her former life, but it was like trying to remember scenes from a (boring) movie. It was indistinct, and parts seemed gone altogether. She looked at the other girls with tears streaming down her face. "We gotta do something! I don't want to, like, forget who I was ... am."
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Re: [FFRP] Sunshine Apartments

Postby Zilla » Tue Jun 22, 2010 8:15 pm

"What can we do?" Katie asked, looking at her friends in turn. "Whether these histories existed and we stepped into someone else's life, or these pasts were created when we changed, what does that leave us with? I think... we've found out that everyone is okay now, and nobody is hurt."

Katie looks at little Kitty with a bit of pity for her lost parents, and grabs her hand instinctively. "Some of us need this family... like Kitty... she depends on us." Katie does a slow mental double-take, realizing she was talking about Kitty's new past, not her old one. "Wait... I mean..." Katie is about to embark on a mental quest to track down where that idea came from, but she realizes that now isn't the time when she's trying to rally her friends together to stick it out.

"Regardless of what caused this, and regardless of getting back to normal or not, there are some things we need to figure out and discuss. We're all new here, and we're all together now. We should figure out what we're going to do to support ourselves, who will have what duties, and what we're going to do with each other."

She looks around the room at her friends. "I'd definitely like to take the cooking job, but we can rotate that out for variety, for whoever's interested. I think we should take care of our own cleaning, and basically go by the rule that you minimize your impact on the apartment in total. We'll need someone to pick up groceries, and someone to take care of extra cleaning like dusting and vacuuming... Am I missing anything?"

Katie notices that, of the group, she and Christine are the oldest... maybe they'll end up being the more responsible ones of the group... and almost out of nowhere, the idea that she has a very loaded schedule already with her cheer squad practicing and her volunteer work outside of school reminds her that she'll definitely need help keeping this place together.

"I'm sure none of us will be able to hold this place together on our own, so let's work together to make this place a happy home for all of us."
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Re: [FFRP] Sunshine Apartments

Postby Harri-chan » Wed Jun 23, 2010 1:28 am

Kitty blushed brightly at the pictures of Christine on the laptop, and then shook her head at Tara's question, before watching in suprise as Dawn and Heather spoke about past conversation that couldn't possibly have really happened. As time passed, she found herself feeling drawn more to Christine and Katie, her new personality wanting to be looked after, rapidly growing and squashing the old desire to be independent. When her hand was grasped, she squeezed it in return, and she shared a look of suprise as for a moment, she too had forgotten her new life had never happened.

The fact the two older girls seemed to be taking control of the situation made her feel relaxed, and brought a smile back to her lips, "What should I do?", she asked, in a much softer tone than the angry and confrontational one she'd taken when her adult accountant personality had still been in control. By now, she was leaning against Christine's side, as if snuggled up there, her knees drawn up closer to her chest in a very un-grown-up way, as it showed off her white panties.
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Re: [FFRP] Sunshine Apartments

Postby Stray-chan » Sun Jun 27, 2010 3:15 pm

(Eep, I didn't know people were waiting for me! I was avoiding posting because I didn't want to hog the posting spot right after Harri!)

Christine blushes a little at Heather's compliment, muttering "Th... thanks." When she and Dawn start crying, though, Christine is quick to grab the packet of tissues that had been in her pocket. She pulls them both gently over to the couch, hugging them both, and sits them down. "Calm down, this is nothing to have a breakdown over. Yes, things have suddenly changed, yes, you might have some new memories, a new background, even, but you are still you. Nothing can take that away. You're safe here, everything will be ok." She offers them both tissues, privately wondering if she's right.

She nods to Katie. "You're right, since we seem to be stuck like this, we should make the best of it, keep this place nice. We may be different now, but we do need to keep on living. And I get the feeling that if anyone where to talk to the management, they'd find this place had been leased to who we are now, not who we were, but if someone wants to check, I won't stop them." She smiles, a bit mischievously, to Katie. "And I know I'd love to have someone else do the cooking, so go for it, by all means!"

As for Kitty, Christine pulls her into a brief, gentle side hug. "Just relax, sweetie, we'll take care of it." She taps one of the girl's knees. "And be careful, if you sit like that in a skirt, you'll have boys looking up it."
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Re: [FFRP] Sunshine Apartments

Postby Andrea Anikerina » Sat Jul 03, 2010 6:26 pm

"I'll do errands and budgeting. I'm good with math... or I was, at least..." Tara sighs... "Maybe we should all try each of the chores first, to see if we are any better or worse at any of them now, before we decide who does what."
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Re: [FFRP] Sunshine Apartments

Postby Zilla » Sat Jul 03, 2010 7:24 pm

"Right, well, let's get the basics then. We need milk and bread for sure... I'd like cereal, carrots, apples, and celery also, and if we're gonna be cooking, we probably need some cooking ingredients like eggs and oils and stuff to cook... And since this is our first time, maybe we should all go to the store, at least everyone who is interested?" Katie stops for a moment and considers. "Well, I know I want to go."

Katie moves over to the door, grabbing her things and getting ready to go. "Who is coming with me?" She plants her feet and puts her hands on her hips. "Come on team, let's go!" she cheers.
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