[SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta


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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Sun Jun 20, 2010 10:09 am

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox
“Milady Catalina, I’ve been your maid among other things for you for years now so stop with the dawdling questions, class starts in a minute.” the maid said “If you wish to play around please finish your mandated schedule first, Master Essex has already given me permission to force you if you insist on lazing around.” Though it was a threat the good/positive feeling the maid gave off made Kat feel like she was clearly in the wrong.
The phone changed as she held it up next to her head, the key pad and screen molding together into a solid piece in her hand the end result was the prototype of a the newest Iphone, meanwhile her directory emptied; the list of contact shrinking into a solid 3 users the list of someone with minimal friends, however the phone filled with thousands of game apps. The resulting call kicked back with the standard invalid number phone message.
(Her body continued its inverted growth, the years melting away; when she had finally stopped shrinking she was no taller than the maids neck, puberty and other factors having been undone as such so had all her notable feminine curves. Her dress shrunk along with her body turning a solid white color, while her hair flowed loose, a white ribbon replacing the existing hair piece.)

Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub
Looking around didn’t do much for him, the bathroom toilet flushed as the girl in question finished her business quickly approaching the sink to wash her hands. The girls in question had a body and build that shouted out sports queen, short raven black hair with a toned and muscled dark tan of someone that was in the sun constantly. She took a glance at him before speaking “Hmm?? Aren’t you Catalina’s maid in training… eh…? I forgot your name” she said after a short pause instead turning her attention to the clock. “Anyways class is starting so later” she said as she quickly headed towards the exit in a sprint.
(The socks changed stopped expanding near the upper thigh by where the pants had stop shrinking, the fabric and of the material clinging against his skin as a hosiery. His shoes tightened the material on the out hardening becoming uniform in shape, adjusting to a standardized black Mary janes. The silver in Michael hair soon spread from the root to the rest, as it reached the edge the hair proceeded to slowly grow out more. His feet shrunk according with the shoes the final size being no bigger than a female size 8, while the initial increase from the heels was off set as his body size and height began to melt away the height decrease continued as his already short 5’5 went to below 5’0. At the mention of Catalina, memories of being selected during the annual mutant selection event a few years ago began to settle into his head as they slowly replaced memories of his own childhood, as years of school curriculum slowly changed into years of maid and mutant training.)

Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger
(The clothing had seemingly completed its changes for the moment, staying the static negligee and translucent panties on the bottom it was moments ago. Looking outward there didn’t appear to be any physical changes for the moment, the only maybe notable one was his Adams apple melting away as his voice box altered, as it changed to a high pitched squeaky teeny bop voice. The insides of his mouth and nose changing as, his teeth, tongue and assorted changing as his mouth adopted a Tokyo Japanese accent. His hair meanwhile proceeded to grow uniformly before finally stopping as it reached his ass.)
Outside her room the volume of the house wide music lowered slightly as he heard a new voice shout out “Lunch!” the doors of the other females opening as if in uniform action.

Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav
Mark followed the nurse through more turns and twists then he could keep track of as they proceeded through the halls, though that may also have been due to the drug messing with his cognitive abilities. For a moment there he thought he might have seen a kid version of Miss Harrison arguing with a maid by one of the elevators, but at that point he was also seeing unicorns in the halls. When they had finally stopped moving they were in what looked like something from a sci fi movie, rows of technological design reclining chairs with some sort of glowing ring device made up the head piece, a white a glowing head visor acted as a the cover for ones with girls already in them, all of which were in various types of maid outfits. “Command: Sit in seat 22, release formula 420” the nurse said while she began typing into a panel on the side of the room. The latter ending his drug induced haze while the former doing the obvious.
(His shoes changed into a red colored heeled Mary janes as his body adjusted its gait according. As he walked down the hall his hips and body slowly began to sway as he walk, his body mass redistributing as he slowly lost height, the mass instead redistributed to his chest and buttock areas. Slowly but surely the fat underneath his nipples and ass increased as they pushed out, he soon found his nipples and ass were soon straining against the fabric which held them the sensitivity making him horny. What was once his blazer going perfectly around the strain, while his shirt seemingly tore instead the fabric simple opened to display the new breasts. The blazers topside meanwhile formed a neat red ribbon at the base of the neck above the breasts. )
Last edited by ZeroForever on Sun Jun 20, 2010 12:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Jun 20, 2010 11:17 am

Her heart began to race when the phonecall to Stan returned the invalid number message. Feeling the phone change in her hand, she pulled it from beside her ear and stared down at the screen with a puzzled look. A glimpse at her recruit website would have revealed she hadn't exactly been one to keep up with technology. Her fingers brushed the screen, her head shaking from side to side slightly at the screen full of game apps, which caused a faint tugging at the back of her head. It reminded her of when she'd been younger, and her hair was longer. By now, she had a very uneasy feeling in her stomach as she took one hand off the phone, and reached it up behind her head, fingertips brushing over the ribbon and her longer hair, "Okay, you really need to... ", she trailed off as she glanced back at the maid, and found herself instead gazing at the chest of the teenager. Her blue eyes widened before looking up, which sent a shiver down her spine as she felt her dress shrinking a little, the already short hem pulling further up her thighs.

She fell silent, staring at the phone again, and then down at the white dress, her hand stroking down along the material of it, wincing as she saw how small the bumps of her breasts were in comparison to the full C cup they should have been, and then cringed with guilt as the maid's rebuke started to sink in. This was all so much of a shock, it was starting to make her feel quite dizzy. After another despairing glance at her almost empty contact list, she placed the expensive phone back into her black leather purse, her hands still shaking, and started to walk away from the elevator. The names the Maid had mentioned ran through her head as she walked along in a daze, yet more information to take in and overwhelm her. Going to class right now was the last thing she needed.

She knew this was very, very wrong, but if she continued to argue, she was going to get nowhere. She had so many questions building up in her head, and despite knowing the Maid wished to hurry, she really needed a moment to stop and try and arrange her thoughts properly, and figured that perhaps a change of tactic would be best. "I... I don't feel so good.. ", she muttered, her voice sounding far less confrontational than had tone had been so far. "I'm not being lazy... I feel really dizzy... ", she pleaded, blue eyes looking up at the other girl through her glasses. "I'm having a little trouble remembering things too... and I'm not pretending... ".
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Zilla » Sun Jun 20, 2010 12:41 pm

Edit because I'm a dolt and am now re-reading and catching on. Sorry!!

Sandra notices something odd about her body. The air doesn't seem cold... she examines herself as much as she can with her hands and eyes, since something feels odd about her skin. What's going on?

She looks around for any of her things, being that she's naked and alone... most of her brain tells her she isn't going to find anything, but some part holds out hope that something familiar will turn up.

After her search, she heads toward the door, eying the pods she passes along the way. What is this place? She opens the door and carefully looks outside.

(sincere apologies, I didn't really read carefully but now I'm excited about this RP again ^_^)
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Knight Errant » Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:07 pm

Stan stands in the dooway, holding his head with one hand. "This... feels wrong." He says and blinks as his voice comes out higher and feminine. "What the hell?" He walks over to the bathroom mirror, eyes widening as he sees his platinum blond hair. "This... cant be right." He wracks his memory for a explanation. Maybe... the shampoo had a weird effect on his hair? Or someone bleached his hair last night when he was passed out drunk. He dosent remember his hair being different earlier... but then again he was focusing on not throwing up.

Fei Li's voice breaks him out of his thoughts. Breakfast... that would be nice. His mouth still tasted faintly of carrots... maybe she had some... he was hungry enough. Looking back down at the bathrobe, he snorts and replaces it on the hook. He couldnt imagine the sight he would make in that.

That left his dirty clothes, he picks them up again. Oddly... they seemed to smell less like a brewery than he remembered. He puts them on to find another surprise when he gets to his pants... which now were nylon hose. "The hell?" He shakes his head... this day was just getting weirder. He holds them up for a bit... before trying them on. It was that or go pant less... or to the pink robe. He shivers as they slide over his smoothed skin. He tries not to think about how comfortable it is as he gets his shoes on and heads for the voice.

Maybe things would be less weird after some breakfast... or this day would turn out to be a weird dream.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:36 pm

ZeroForever wrote: Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub
Looking around didn’t do much for him, the bathroom toilet flushed as the girl in question finished her business quickly approaching the sink to wash her hands. The girls in question had a body and build that shouted out sports queen, short raven black hair with a toned and muscled dark tan of someone that was in the sun constantly. She took a glance at him before speaking “Hmm?? Aren’t you Catalina’s maid in training… eh…? I forgot your name” she said after a short pause instead turning her attention to the clock. “Anyways class is starting so later” she said as she quickly headed towards the exit in a sprint.
(The socks changed stopped expanding near the upper thigh by where the pants had stop shrinking, the fabric and of the material clinging against his skin as a hosiery. His shoes tightened the material on the out hardening becoming uniform in shape, adjusting to a standardized black Mary janes. The silver in Michael hair soon spread from the root to the rest, as it reached the edge the hair proceeded to slowly grow out more. His feet shrunk according with the shoes the final size being no bigger than a female size 8, while the initial increase from the heels was off set as his body size and height began to melt away the height decrease continued as his already short 5’5 went to below 5’0. At the mention of Catalina, memories of being selected during the annual mutant selection event a few years ago began to settle into his head as they slowly replaced memories of his own childhood, as years of school curriculum slowly changed into years of maid and mutant training.)

Micheal cursed a bit in his mind hearing that the girl was quick in her business. He needed more time to figure things out. Though maybe he could use this girl to gather some information on what was going on. Still Micheal waved his hands a bit before him as if he was loosing balance. He looked down to notice that his pants were now shorts and his shoes were now some sort of heels. He stepped back a few times and then forward in an attempt to regain balance. When Micheal walked forward, he lean in a bit to land on the sink and notice that something wasn't right with the comparison between him and the sink as if there was a change of height.

Micheal looked over at the girl and could feel something going on. Still he guess that these feelings and illusions that he was witnessing was an effect of this collar around his neck. He then guess that he could use this girl to get more information on what was happening since information is always king in any situation.

"Catalina’s maid in training? I am a maid?" repeated Micheal as the name seem to bing a few things in his mind. He closed his eyes as memories about an annual mutant selection event came to mind. His past memories of his childhood in his small hometown were beginning to be hard to recall. He shook his head as soon some sort of maid and mutant training was trying to push out his curriculum knowledge. Micheal looked frustrated as he knew something was afoot. Something wasn't making sense. This girl was claiming that he was a maid but the thing is that Micheal wasn't even qualify to be a maid because he was clearly a girl. Micheal was guessing that this collar was trying to produce the illusion that he was a maid to others He tried to focus and then looked at the girl and see if this girl was wearing a collar too. "It is? Well umm...Could you help me out here? I am kind of lost I think."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Zoey » Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:47 pm

"Miss Harrison?" asked Mark as he saw what seemed to be a kid version of the sexy Librarian he'd met earlier in the day, but it couldn't be... could it? The girl with the maid was just a teenager, if that. Thankfully the hazy feeling didn't last as everything became clearer, but he also noticed something was very wrong. As he walked towards the seat thanks to the maid, he noticed his body looked different... way different, one look down confirmed it. "Huh?!" he exclaimed as he noticed his hips sway as he or as the looks of it she walked toward the seat. She had the body of a woman and an attractive one at that! She felt confused and strangely aroused as her body gave her odd signals all over the place, especially her chest. A clear view to her feet was being obstructed by her breasts, but she knew she was walking in heels due to the clicking noise with each step. Adding to the wierdness was the room they were now in. It looked like something out of a movie. The seats looked like some modern torture devices. From what Mark had gathered this looked whole building resembled a school type of building, but of what? "Where am I? Was that Miss Harrison?" she asked hoping she could talk, and if so, a little breathless from being... horny.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:09 pm

Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos'
The group of maids continued to grow larger; some of them glanced at him as he sat down but all of them shrugged off his presence going back to the task at hand. At that point a maid in a different outfit had arrived, clearly higher in the totem if the different style maid clothing and deferment from the standard uniformed maids was any indication. The socialite school girls had all moved back inside some accompanied by their maids, whilst other left there maids outside with the group. The smell of the fish was pleasant at the least, as his stomach growled at the fact that he hadn’t eaten all day, the hunger quickly growing almost gnawing at him.
(His clothing continued to shrink tightening against his frame uncomfortably so before eventually shrinking into oblivion with the solo exception of the collar, which instead got some new additions in a formal dog tag in the front. The chilly sensation of the wild blowing across his nude body was slightly chilly given that it was spring still, bushy white fur however quickly spread from the where the clothing had disappear the sensation of his hair pores working into overdrive spread across his body as it they quickly covered his body.)

Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker
(honestly I’m not really going to force the issue, if your character is going to be on the cautious side its fine with me it’s not really suppose to be a valley of danger as noted it’s more of a WTF is going on setup, depending on the characters reactions to how they assimilate with the new world.)
The device slides out easily, oddly though thoughts about it being too early and that she still needs to charge filters through her head. The pod she is in beeps a few times in response to her action before moving into an upright position so that she may easily just walk out.
(meanwhile her hair darkens soon it becoming a raven black color, the material that it’s made up of though realistic to feel is a into a polymer synthetic, resistant to heat and other forms of damage. Her feet solidify the skin becoming hard and metallic as her toes merge together forming a singular solid piece as she loses feelings of touch and pressure sensitivity.)

Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider
The toys were more numerous then he thought, scattered all over the bed, walls, and floor. There were more types then he even knew existed, however as he picked them up his mind recalled them instantly each one replacing his knowledge in other areas. The fact that they had a separate hidden closet just for toys popped into his mind as he gathered them, a simple figure print recognition later the hidden closet appeared as the projection screen wall slide aside. It was big as their normal closest, for normal people it was bigger than most living rooms; it was filled with assorted devices and costumes for pretty much every occasion. As he put the toys away to their separate mounts, draws, etc… he had a nagging recollection of there being an additional section but that feeling quickly passed.
(his hair continued its blond-ward progression as if matching his IQ in its downward spiral, the length of the hair spreading slowly but surely down his head. As he walked about the room his feet got daintier and daintier, the toes shrinking accordingly as nails became manicured. Meanwhile his Achilles tendon tightened arcing ever so slightly as if to accommodate someone that wore heels far too much.)
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Zilla » Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:10 pm

(I edited my post once I figured it out more. I'll just put the device back in, being that's the only real difference between the two posts) ^_^

Sandra looks around, a nagging feeling telling her to put it back in a little longer... She reinserts the plug... feeling it connect inside her... she is so distracted she doesn't notice the changes in her feet.

She moves over toward the door, trying to find out where she is...
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Danarth » Sun Jun 20, 2010 7:57 pm

As he sat on the bench, his hand would come up rubbing slowly at his throat just above the collar. He was becoming rather confused about what was going on, how he had just lost his voice and why his features were changing in such an uncontrolled manner. Sitting back for a moment, breathing slowly as he tried to calm himself down. Looking around the group of gathering maids for a moment, trying to distract himself from what was going on for a moment. He would notice the appearance of the maid who appeared to be higher up the chain than the others, her outfit looking more expensive and elaborate than the other maids. He kept his gaze on her for a moment, wondering who she was especially since she looked so much better off, at least for a maid.

Looking down to the package of fish for a moment, the strong scent of the fish filtering up through his powerful and sensitive nose. The smell caused a growling in his stomach, hungry catching up with him, to the point that he was willing to eat raw fish. reaching over and opening the package, looking down at the fish for a few moments, before picking it up in his fingers and pushing it into his wolf muzzle, chewing it and swallowing it within a matter of moments, his hunger seeming to overtake him for a moment. After swallowing the last of the fish, his altered tongue would lick over his muzzle, his hunger was satisfied for the moment.

As he looked up from the meal, looking over the crowd for a moment, he would suddenly feeling a strange chill over his body. He looked down and with a wolfish whimper of dismay, He realized that he had suddenly become completely naked, his clothing having vanished. The shock caused his hands to move to try and hide his nudity, rather horrified that this had happened in public, his eyes darting back and forth rapidly, hoping that no-one of the ground would notice what had just happened to him. As he worried about it, he was suddenly distracted by a sudden and strange sensation all over his body. a multide of strange pin prick sensations all over his body, as the white fur became to sprout all over his naked body, covering his nudity. He found himself being profoundly thankful for this part of the change. The chill he was feeling would vanish as the fur covered him. Looking about again, to see if anyone had noticed, at the same time, wondering what part of him would change next.

He considered for a moment that perhaps the collar that had suddenly appeared about his neck might have been responsible for the strange changes. His hand would go back to the collar, feeling it slowly. The collar seemed to have changed somewhat, feeling the dangling piece of metal from the front of it. His hand slowly moving about the collar to check if anything else was different.

He needed to find out what was happening to him, what the deal with the collar was...He looked at the maids again, thinking that if he found a way to communicate with them, they might be willing to tell him what was going on, but he wondered how he would manage to achieve that, his voice having vanished during the change.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Sun Jun 20, 2010 8:57 pm

Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel
Walking into the kitchen, he sees a very beautiful Asian female lazing across the chair that seems to be reading on an Ipad like device; she was in what could only be a cheongsam the stereotypical outfit outlining her body perfectly. On the hard wood kitchen table in front of the girl is a bowl of dry cereal and in front of the other seat there is a plate of carrots. “Hurry up I’m hungry too.” Fei Li said not even looking up upon hearing him enter the room.
(As he walked over to the kitchen the hosier tightened even more against his leg, his legs were shorting and slimming in response, the mass instead gathering in his ass as it filled out. His shoes suddenly sprouted heels to make up for sudden loss of height his gait subconsciously changing to match his new distributed body mass. Looking at the carrots, hunger gripped her like a drug addict thoughts fleeing her head replaced with need)
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Mon Jun 21, 2010 4:16 pm

Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker
(honestly your confusing me... no taking back actions... if you need to undo something then have your character undo it... do note that the plug is built into the pod so it's not like you can walk around with it... unless you ripped it out or decided to drag the pod around its limited to the area directly by the pod)
As she approached the door she could hear various people walking through the halls with adjoining conversations, strangely enough she could identify one of the speakers as a Batou, memories of the buff hard-line co-worker coming to mind. The knowledge slowly replacing her memories of superheroes she had worked with over the past few years.
(the metallization of her body continued, the flesh hardening throughout her legs as mechanical joints slowly replaced the tendons and ligaments the feelings of touch numbing all the while in the adjoining sections. Her feet meanwhile began to lose the fleshy color instead turning a crimson red similar to a cars painted finish.)

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox
While she was trying to convince the maid of her feign illness down the hall one of the nurses walked by with a rather manly maid the face oddly similar to a boy she had met earlier if she had just looked. Feeling her forehead the maid then flicked Kat square in the center the hit causing stinging pain “Amnesia again… you tried that bit last week.” the maid said smiling seemingly staring right through her. “I warned you” she said proceeding to grab her by the ears, dragging her off to the classroom. Though painful it was done so skillfully that it was almost as if she was being carried in restraints. The pair arrived inside the classroom just in time to hear the bell ring, the hourly Dong of the clock tower resounding through the halls. The class itself looked like a university lecture hall… the fact that it really was a lecture hall probably the reason as the other class mates were mix match of college students and other prodigy’s.
(Oddly though instead of decreasing with her age her IQ jumped sharply her new body brain several times more capable. Though it was also several times more flighty, lethargic, and horny her hormones and over factors stabilizing a being puberty stage. Her cloths meanwhile finished forming into semi casual clothing, given that she wasn’t technically enrolled in the girls school rather the university portion of the campus she had no need to meet the dress requirements not that she knew that.)
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v395/ ... talina.jpg

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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:49 am

As a somewhat familiar face passed her in the corridor, she spun on one foot, twisting around to watch the nurse leading the maid down the hall. "Huh? No.. it can't be...", she muttered. Her glasses slipped down her nose from the sudden movement, and out of habit her hand rise quickly to nudge them back into place, but before she could, she realised everything was a blur, "Ahh!", she gasped, turning back to the maid with a suprised expression, just in time to get a painful flick on the forehead.  "Owww!", she whined as her ears were grabbed by the smiling teenager and used to drag her down the hall, the flat bottoms of her Mary janes slapping across the marble floor as she struggled to keep up.

As she stumbled into the classroom, she looked up at the maid with a scowl, "You're meant to -help- me...", she muttered. Smoothing her hands down her dress, she noticed it had lost it's sleeves and now had buttons down the front and a red ribbon at the throat. She edged her way along the row, so suprised by the sight of college aged girls, that she accidentally stood on a few toes as she headed for an empty spot  "Sorry!", she winced to those trodden on, her new, long blonde pigtails flicking out as she turned her head, whipping into the faces of others, not used to having her hair this long or in this style, "Oops!". She let out a sigh as she finally reached the seat and settled down, putting her purse between her feet. Looking around, she frowned. Not only was it unsettling to see college kids looking so big, but she didn't understand why she was here amongst them.

Catching her breath, she tried to calm herself down and collect her thoughts. Perhaps if she could figure out more about this new life first, she could then move onto figuring out who was responsible and trying to undo it. Reaching into her purse, she fumbled around, pulling out the plain looking notepad of lined paper and black pen she always carried around, and set the pad infront of herself. The end of the pen slipped between her lips as she looked down at her figure with a thoughtful expression. Lowering her pen to the paper, she started to make notes, bits of information she knew, in an attempt to do some detective work and piece things together. As her hormones reverted to the stage of puberty, she felt a funny tingle go down her spine, the toes of her shoes twisting toward eachother as she pressed her thighs closer, her cheeks flushing red at the faint sensation of being horny.

She knew this wasn't a case of body swapping, as she'd seen her own body and clothes transform before her eyes. What's more, it seemed the whole world had changed around her as people seemed to know who she was now.  Her name was Catalina, and from being in Stepford College and having a maid, she guessed she had new parents now, parents with a lot of money. After ten years of leading the life of an independent adult woman, the idea of not being in charge of her own life made cringe. What's more, it sounded like her parents and the maid considered her somewhat lazy, and that she tried to wriggle out of going to class often.  The maid had spoken of instructions from her Father, and then said she'd got permission from Master Essex... was that her father? She scribbled down the name and circled it... Catalina Essex. Her nose twitched a little, and she glanced at the maid again, before prodding her finger at the circled name,  "Is this me? And... what's your name?", she whispered.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Tue Jun 22, 2010 6:53 pm

Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub
“Oh? no honorifics? I’m surprised” she said teasingly, memories of getting another demerit for such offenses in the past flashed through her mind before the girl spoke up “Don’t worry I’m not stickler for that sort of stuff but still I have class” she said. The girl opened the door “Matsurika! Get the F@#$ over here!! NOW!!” she shouted down the hall, the response was fairly quick as pigtailed teenage grey haired maid arrived at the bathroom “What the F@#% now” the maid’s responded somewhat annoyed. (as he looked on he would notice the schoolgirl clearly wasn’t wearing the collar however the maid was also wearing one.) “Help this rookie out.” She said pointing to Michael before leaving. The maid sighed looking at his uniform “Given the time of day low rankers should be doing an outdoor training session… @#% noob…. Come on.” The maid said leading the way down the halls, as they walked the clock tower rung signaling the hour and that classes had started. The sound of the tower brought up additional memories of the current schools mutant maid classes the thoughts replacing more of his childhood.
(The hosier on his legs turned pure white, tightening against his legs as to leave no room for imagination, meanwhile the divider in his pants melted into the sides forming a skirt, the newly formed skirt blooming outwards ruffles filled the materials edges. On his head the grey hair quickly tumbled down his back as a maid cap formed to hold it uniform, the hair on the sides forming into braids as bangs partially obscured his vision.)
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Maiden Miki » Tue Jun 22, 2010 7:20 pm

Micheal stood there and tried to gather as much information that he could. It seems like this was some sort of school and judging by the collarless girl, she either wasn't a mutant or didn't need the collar for some reason. Micheal would guess that the girl wasn't a mutant but she had to stop thinking as flashes of getting a possible demerit came to her head again. Micheal didn't like what he was seeing but hope that it wouldn't get in his way in gathering information.

"Umm thanks," said Micheal after witnessing the cursing exchange between the maid and the girl. Micheal then saw something getting in his vision as long silver bangs got in his eyes. He tried to move them out of the way so he won't lose the maid that was leading him to whatever. He tried to remember the name 'Catalina' since she know that maybe she was a key part in what was happening here.

Micheal was following the older maid as more memories were trying to push though his mind. He tried to shake them off but wasn't sure what was going on. He wasn't sure how this collar was working but he was going to try to figure out what was going on though he was too preoccupy on his memories as he tried to focus to notice the changes to his clothing.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Zilla » Tue Jun 22, 2010 8:27 pm

Sandra decides it's probably best to finish charging, it's no use going out just before reaching full charge... And another part of her mind questions that thought... where did that come from?

That voice outside, one of her co-workers... She thinks of him, and his tough exterior... What's he talking about?

Sandra stops moving to help the battery finish charging, since it'll only take longer if she's using energy while it's plugged in. Okay, that's quite different... she thinks. Didn't I used to control power, instead of needing it to function? Either way, she decides to focus on the conversation she can barely hear, trying to pick out any words, until the battery finishes.

Something seems odd about her legs, but she can't really figure it out, and it's best not to move yet, so she puts it off. I can run a self-diagnostic later... I mean, I can check it out later...
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