[SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta


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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Miku-chan » Tue Jun 22, 2010 8:30 pm

The toys were more numerous then he thought, scattered all over the bed, walls, and floor. There were more types then he even knew existed, however as he picked them up his mind recalled them instantly each one replacing his knowledge in other areas. The fact that they had a separate hidden closet just for toys popped into his mind as he gathered them, a simple figure print recognition later the hidden closet appeared as the projection screen wall slide aside. It was big as their normal closest, for normal people it was bigger than most living rooms; it was filled with assorted devices and costumes for pretty much every occasion. As he put the toys away to their separate mounts, draws, etc… he had a nagging recollection of there being an additional section but that feeling quickly passed.
(his hair continued its blond-ward progression as if matching his IQ in its downward spiral, the length of the hair spreading slowly but surely down his head. As he walked about the room his feet got daintier and daintier, the toes shrinking accordingly as nails became manicured. Meanwhile his Achilles tendon tightened arcing ever so slightly as if to accommodate someone that wore heels far too much.)

As Ben gathers the various toy and things, he shivers as more and more of his thoughts were vapidly changing...enough so that when he absently puts one lightly between his teeth to keep it from falling, he gets a bit starry eyed almost loosing himself to the pleasureable memories. As he reverently places each item in its apropriate place. Thoughts of the deeper hidden room flash and dissapear in his thoughts, his feet arching up as he starts walking on his toes and balls of his feet. More and more of his knowledges from another lifetime slip away as vapid thoughts of pleasing his MJ the night before warm his memories like quicksilver. The nagging thoughts about pieces of himself continues to grow as frustration starts to build. In his current state though, he cant tell if if is from the memories of the toy uses or from felling like he is forgeting something important, he cant say. Unconciously, he flics the lengthening hair out of his face as he bends over to one of the lower drawers putting the larger of the electric powered toys in place, several of the other items sit on the shelf ledgs, some hang over a bit. Shaking his head, he tries to focus on what he was... "Wait...What was I doing...maybe MJ knows what that dream was about. A city of super heros?" he says out loud, not sure what was going on...  
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Tue Jun 22, 2010 9:36 pm

Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav
As he moved to sit down the clock tower bell rung, the other girls visors lifting as if it match the hourly dong perfectly. The girls were all in maids outfits though some if different types then others however each was wearing a collar similar to the one on him. They however didn’t seem to be under any compulsion as they began chatting as they got up most about what lesson they had just taken others commenting on not being able to wait to try out the new recipe. The girls making note to curtsy to the nurse on the way out as a new group walked in. His voice box however wasn’t working as he soon seated himself, the visor in question soon raising above his head as the words Anima appeared on the translucent panel before everything went white. (honestly if you’ve played AC you’ll probably get the references better). When his senses returned he was in a cloudy static environment, physically he was free and was still dressed in his original cloths as the words loading appeared in the air around him. The loading continued for several moments longer before suddenly everything seemingly formed into real shapes around him when it had settled he found himself in an empty square room with pair of doors at one end. The words Anger Maidagement in sparkly letters floated in the air.
(during all this the clothing tighten its silky grip on his body forming around the boobs, tightening around his waist like a corset his waist reacted accordingly sliming in return. While the rounding out of his butt made his upper body form an hourglass shape. His pants meanwhile finished their transition to skirt, the skin tight hosier stopping mid thigh as frilly laces adorned the top, as he sat down the breezy opening on the underside making it chilly down there.)
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Stray-chan » Tue Jun 22, 2010 10:39 pm

Lucius marvels at the changes. "What the hell..." His eyes widen in surprise at the sound of his new voice, and the slight accent. "This, this is..." He shakes himself. "I can't watch this happen, even if I can't fight it! I need clothes." At that moment, the call to lunch rings into the room. "Heh, not dressed 'til noon? That sounds about right..." Heartened somewhat by another similarity to his former life/world, Lucius hustles back into the bedroom and to the closet to grab something he can put on quickly. He'd never pass up lunch normally, so he figured who he was now wouldn't either. Best to keep up appearances so he can get a grasp on what was going on, in case something malign was afoot...
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Tue Jun 22, 2010 10:41 pm

Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos'
The clock tower bell rang the chimes loud enough to make him wince given his enhanced hearing. At the sound of the bell the maid as all separated each standing in attention class apparently had started. The head maid then started shouting giving each of the girls a different set of instructions all involving in different areas of campus to clean. (If he had paid attention all the maids he had met thus far were wearing collars similar to his) The various maids all proceeded to disperse each grabbing different utensils, some sweeping the sidewalk, some heading inside with mops. The head maid walking over to him tossing him what looked like a katamatari ball “Even if you're a shape shift type, if you’re going to lounge around on campus you’ll still need to participate in the classes like everyone else.” She said in a matronly voice.
(As he fiddled with the collar his hands began to shrink, his fingers rapidly decreasing in size as some of the digits merged with the others. His nails did the reverse each lengthening into sharp points, while the inner side of the fingers became soft and black. With minor cracking the bones, muscles and tendons began to reshape accordingly. The effect moved up his arms and down the legs, the limbs shrinking considerable as the range of flexibility of the limbs reduced considerable. )
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Zoey » Wed Jun 23, 2010 12:07 pm

(I had to ask my brother to make sure, but yeah. Thanks for the AC refrence :p )
Mark was really suprised as the maids looked so normal, like school girls after a class of home ec. He blushed being surrounded by so many cute girls, the agony of not having a girlfriend once again coming over him. However, appart from that Mark had a hunch that those machines were used for educational purposes, most likely why the nurse said Mark needed some classes. If so, he's about to take some classes. Another curious note was the collars on the maids. Apperantly maids are forced to act with those collars, even if they looked casual, but those collars are probably to keep them in check like whats happening to him now. He also found it frustrating he still couldn't talk, but more frustrating was when he sat. His body ran his hands over his butt as it sat down, keeping his legs together. Suprisingly was the site of he now wearing a skirt with skin tight hosier covering his legs. It was so strange having the body of such an attractive woman, something he'd never imagine to get so close to, bit this was ridiculous... Well not as ridiculous as the reason why woman wear such uncomfertable clothes like, high heels, corsets and short skirts, but he had more things to worry about. He couldn't get a sexy girl to go out with him, even if hes constantly surrounded by them (Miss Harrison, the Nurse, the classroom full of maids) and now he is one. This has to be the biggest irony in the world or someone upstairs has it in for him/her/it/other/nerd.

As the visor came down Mark felt like he was sucked into the Matrix or something off a video game about assasins, finding himself in an empty room with two doors. He was glad to see he was back to normal. Patting his 'friend' to make sure everything was ok, but now he seemed to be it seems his fears were confirmed when the words "Anger Maidagement" came on. Apart from thinking that was very lame of the programmer, he knew the next moments he would encounter would be annoying. "This place doesn't have an exit. I might aswell get it over with. The faster I can get out the quicker I can find out about where I am and whats going on" he said to himself before walking over to the right door. He took a deep breath before oppening the door with care.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Danarth » Wed Jun 23, 2010 1:47 pm

As he toyed with the tag on the collar about his next, he spent a few moments considering the rather uncomfortable implications that came with it. It was becoming rather clear that wherever he was now, it was different to where he had been before. From what he had seen so far, at least in the place he was at the moment, the social structure was very stratified which was shown by how seperate the two groups of girls had been. Looking about the crowd of maids, noticing that the maids were also wearing the collars like he was. For a moment, a rather chilling thought occured to him for a moment, these maids were marked out as being different which had a parellel to certain historical events he had learnt about in school. Another thing that was rather clear that mutants did seem to be second class citizens here. He looked over at the group of maids and looked to see if they were all mutants too, like the blue coloured girl who had accompained the blonde haired girl and the raven haired girl from before. It was a tenious connection, but the blue skinned maid was so far one of the few potential sources of information he had, hoping that she would be sympathetic since she appeared to be a mutant too.

The first sign on the bell ringing for him was the vibrations in the the air before the loud ringing from the clock tower would cause him to bring his hands up to his large ears trying to cover them from the painful sound of the ringing bell. Wincing as he tried to block out the painful noises of the bell. A strange sensation ran through his fingers, as if someone was applying pressure to them. Taking his hands down from his head, he would look at them turning them over repeatedly. Along with the shortening of the fingers some of the digits had vanished, as if they had merged together. As he turned to look at his palms he would notice his nails becoming sharper and more elongated. The dark padding on the underside of his fingers was the next thing he noticed before a sudden shiver went all up his body as he felt his limbs feeling strangely loose from the inside for the moment before they suddenly seemed to grow tight and less flexible. He would look at his arms, then his legs noticing that they were shrinking. He felt he was drawing closer to his wolf form as each moment passed.

The voice of the head maid broke him from his reviere as she seemed to shout out orders to the various different groups of maids who then seemed to break into different groups do various duties one might expect from maids. He watched them for a moment as the groups picked up different cleaning tools and break off as they began to work. As she turn her attention to him, he would awkwardly catch the strange ball she threw at him in his changing hands. He let the ball drop into his lap as soon as he caught it then looked up at the head maid, his eyes a strange combination of a feral wolfish expression and the eyes of someone rather confused as to what was going on. He looked down at the strange ball again then back to the maid, he tried to say something to her though all it came out is a growl. He had no idea what to do with this ball, which did look oddly familiar in some strange way. He looked back to the head maid once more, trying to ask her what was going on, but all it came out as was a rather plaintive, feral sounding whine...
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Wed Jun 23, 2010 6:59 pm

Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker
(the transformation continues its upward trend the, slowing down as it reached the buttock area. The area reforming slowly as her organs slowly rearranging into cables wiring. The input device now seemingly ‘clicking’ into the anal dock perfectly. The Red color moved up her leg as white patterns weaved through the red in an artistic sports car like flare. )
As she sat in the pod the door opens as Batou and Gyrich entered Batou’s weird offset cybernetic eyes still as strange as the first time she had met him, while Gyrich looked as grumpy as ever in his crew cut hair as memories of their first meeting spilled forth into her head. As she thought back everything before the lightning strike as far as she could tell was roughly the same (there were changes in her memories happening but in such minute amounts that it was indistinguishable to her as a name here or a history lesson there changed). Everything after that incident was a mess as large periods of black spots conflicted with old memories of her college life.
“Yo rookie” Batou said raising his hand in greetings as he entered the room “You really should just switch to your non-combat body when powering up” he said in a casual tone as he looked around.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Zilla » Wed Jun 23, 2010 7:49 pm

"Non-combat...?" Sandra says, a little confused. "Switch... bodies? I have more than one...?"

She tries to make sense of what he's saying, and tries to recall the other gentleman who entered with him. This seemed new, but not so new...

She look down and sees that her legs are certainly metal... perhaps she can spare movement, since she's going to be active anyway. "Where am I?" She can't seem to remember where she was before being here! Memories of the Headmistress are long gone, as is the fatigue from the fight she can't recall from yesterday.

She sits up out of the pod. "And where are these other bodies?"
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:43 pm

Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider
As he stood about day dreaming his tummy growled in hunger, looking at the clock his absent minded thinking having taken up several minutes. Almost as if timed the cell phone beeped, the beeping sensation coming from a cute pink cell phone on the desk, the message from MJ saying that they had finished the noon gig early so she would be home in a little.
(almost as if in response to his stomach motions his waist began shrinking, his already flatten abs thinning even more. The mass moving lower as the bones in his hips expanding slowly outward his bone formation altering. The change in his bones spread to the rest of his body as his height lowered, his shoulders and frame generally becoming more petite.)

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox
“Catalina, while it is a surprise to see you actually attending class more than once a week do refrain from talking once class has started even if it is to Maria.” a sultry voice cut through from the front of the class. A resulting twap to the back of her head from a paper fan stuttered her thoughts “Sorry about that Dr. McCoy I’ll make sure she doesn’t act up again” the maid said still smiling. As she looked up from the desk in question there was for amazingly beautiful cat girl in dress blouse and skirt with a lab coat on. The main thing about her was the gravity defying breasts she held easily at KK cup if general estimates could be right. With that the teacher went back to the advanced genetics lecture, as she sat there it soon became evident that most of the male and females in the class were more interested in the doctor then the actual class, her allure so great that even Catalina found her eyes wandering.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Miku-chan » Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:46 pm

As he stood about day dreaming his tummy growled in hunger, looking at the clock his absent minded thinking having taken up several minutes. Almost as if timed the cell phone beeped, the beeping sensation coming from a cute pink cell phone on the desk, the message from MJ saying that they had finished the noon gig early so she would be home in a little.
(almost as if in response to his stomach motions his waist began shrinking, his already flatten abs thinning even more. The mass moving lower as the bones in his hips expanding slowly outward his bone formation altering. The change in his bones spread to the rest of his body as his height lowered, his shoulders and frame generally becoming more petite.)

Startled by the grumbling tummy and the ringing cellphone, Ben acidentally backs into the shelf and knocks several of the items to the floor as he tries to run and answer the phone, not noticing how his waist nips in and his hight starts deminishing. Grabbing the confectionary pink phone, he tries to remember why he got this particular phone as he goes over MJ's message. His heart starts to beet a little faster as the news of the shoot wrapping early causes goosepimples to rise on his skin, or maybe it was from not having gotten dressed yet... But MJ was coming home early...Wait, if MJ was coming home early, hadn't Ben better get busy and finish up what he started? Vapid thoughts continued to cloud the once great mind. His thoughts lost to the little bubble of MJ once more...
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Knight Errant » Thu Jun 24, 2010 1:33 am

((Sorry for lack of response... computer trouble.))

Stan almost freaked out at the odd sensations coming from his lower body, but the sight of the carrots drove all of his thoughts away. Heels racing, he plants his expanding bottom on the chair and begins voraciously eating.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Jun 24, 2010 3:05 am

Kat's head snapped back towards the front of the class, her eyes widening behind her glasses at the sight of the woman in the lab coat, and for a moment, all she could do was stare. Her brow creased with a frown at the way the maid apologised on her behalf, like she was a child. A large question mark was put down beside the Essex name, while further down the page she wrote the names Maria and Dr. McCoy, as well as writing down 'nurse leading maid with red shoes' and circled it. Looking back up, she stared at the curvy catgirl with a look of awe upon her face, the sound of that sultry voice saying her name was still ringing in her head, sending tingles down her spine. The sight of her huge breasts were so distracting it took her a while even question how there was a catgirl taking the class.

It was around about that time, when she realised she'd not only been taking in the lecture when not really focusing on it, but she also understood it. Her head tilted slightly, her eyes narrowing a little as if squinting at the cat girl, and then lowered to her notepad again. She underlined the part about skipping classes often, but still looked puzzled as to how much sense the talk on genetics made. As time went on, it wasn't just the gorgeous teacher that caused her eyes to wander. Several times she found herself staring at a college-aged boy and started to squirm a little. In her head, she was a couple of years short of thirty, and considered these boys much too young, but it seemed her hormonal body disagreed. "Eww... ", she muttered to herself.

Deciding to try and divert her attention, she began to flip backwards through the notepad, finding notes on genetics and other things that she knew she'd never written, but it was in the same handwriting as the notes she'd just been making. A few more pages were flipped before something made her gasp. Glued into one of the pages of her notepad was a photograph of Edward from Twilight, with his shirt off no less, sparkling glitter all over the surface of the photograph. A horrified look came across Catalina's face as she felt her knees go weak at the sight. She squeezed her thighs together as she felt the strong physical response from her body, her cheeks flushing a bright red, her toes curling inside her shoes. Quickly flipping the page, she slumped down in her seat and groaned, "What the hell is wrong with me?", before letting her head drop forward to thump against the desk.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Fri Jun 25, 2010 12:00 pm

Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger
Unfortunately his fashion sense hadn't improved with his physical changes if anything it got worse, his quick dressing effect making him looked like he had been robbed by teletubbies, the bright pink t-shirt with neon green shorts eye were cringing. When he makes it out to the kitchen the blond was already digging in looking like vacuum the way she inhaled the food, the raven haired girl meanwhile was eating a plate of sushi rather delicately. The food delivery person if her clothing was any indication was there manager, the formal black dress suit and glasses making it impossible to mistake her for anything else. "Glad to see your fashion is improving" she said sarcastically upon seeing Lucius "Anyways hurry up and eat" she said pointing to a bowl of udon and tempura "There's a signing down at Stepford mall at 3 before the concert later."
(As he sat looking through his cloths, his brain reduced in size as his reflexive, and cognitive abilities dropped sharply to while his lingual and verbal abilities increased. His eye's meanwhile changing turning heterochromatic as partial color blindness settled in, robbing him of the ability to tell colors apart at least in a fashionable sense.)

Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub
As Matsurika led Micheal outside, memories of walking down these halls day in and day out filled his head. Trying to remember Catalina brought numerous pleasant and even more numerous unpleasant memories of an excessively spoiled blond haired rich girl, memories of various unpleasant tasks for her filling his head. These were followed by the motherly Maria, memories of the always smiling maid making him feel warm and fuzzy inside. Oddly though everything before the age of 10 as far as he could tell were the same, his boyhood memories were there though the memories of his life in that period were scrambled the names and faces were blurred, giving him a feeling of aloofness almost as if it wasn’t his own as he walked the feeling simply got stronger. His revelry however was interrupted by a “Wait here noob” Matsurika said before walking to another maid in an elaborate outfit who was talking to what looked like an anthro-wolf. Looking around she was outside now the spring breeze quite pleasant, various other maids in outfits similar to his were sweeping the grounds. Matsurika and the other maid who he remembered as Ms. Roberta approached, Matsurika nodding before walking past him back inside, while Roberta walking up simply karate chopped him in the center of his head. “Mimi! What have I told you about asking for help.” The name spouted familiar to him as he remembered it was his own.
(His undergarments began to tighten this time, his boxers shrinking and thinning until they hugged his privates like tighty whities, the smooth white fabric however was definitely silk comforting the area maybe a bit to much. His undershirt meanwhile completely shrunk, in the ends forming what clearly were a A cup size white brassier, the elastic straps that held it still quite discomforting)

Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel
No sooner did the sticky carrots touch his mouth did his mind simply shut down in ecstasy, when he finally came to several minutes had already passed. His clothing at least down there was soiled in the most embarrassing way, while the upper portion of his clothing was open to display his DD breasts. Despite all this Fei Li was nonchalantly eating her cereal which at some point filled with milk, his rather sore nipples indicating the source. However instead of horror he could feel memories of this happening weekly materialized in his mind himself becoming somewhat complacent with it all. As he thought about it most of his life was still the same, although there were tons of various minute changes here and there which overwrote the existing the end result was the same at least until a covert ops mission in the army, after that point it all became muddled. This thoughts were interrupted by a “Go change already, if you just going to drool, we have the regular shift tonight.” Fei Li said as she ate.
(As he put the carrots in his mouth, his mammary glands came to life. Fei Li cussing noticing that he was dressed quickly pulled his shirt open as his nipples noticeable swelled up in size. The White fluid gushing out of the engorged tips, the flesh under them seemingly bubbling forward unable to contain it all. The flesh pushing forward while the clothing around them seemingly shrank tightening against them until they fit his top like a glove. By the time the milk had stopped coming 2 pert DD breasts stood on top the chest, the upper side forming a noticeable tight black brassier, blouse combo.)

Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav
(why are you thanking me… the reference is just to make it easier to visualize and saves me effort in description.)
No sooner did he open the door did the room settling change the dematerialization and reformation much faster than the initial boot. Looking around he was in what looked like an empty restaurant, a screen prompt directing him towards one of the back offices. Instead of directly forcing him along the VR system instead stimulated different parts of his brain making it enjoyable and even pleasurable to follow the jobs, while doing the opposite mainly extreme discomfort or straight up pain depending on how he disobeyed. The anima meanwhile scanned his brain picking out various points of annoyances and generating AI characters based on them.
(In the real world however his body continued to change, as a the transition moved on from the buttock, a new kitty taking residence, the new kitty nibbling on the existing hotdog a little but instead it first ingesting the 2 sides his balls swallowed almost instantly.)
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Zoey » Sun Jun 27, 2010 1:55 pm

(Fine, I'll take my thank you back then~)
Mark was very suprised and his confusion increased. At first he thought this was some sort of educational program, but now in a restaurant with game aspects like a screen prompt he wasnt sure anymore. "Where am I?" he asked to himself suprised that such technology existed. He knew where he had to go thanks to the screen prompt, but he took some time to admire the place first. "Wow, this is actually pretty neat" Mark said taking his time and he followed the screen since he didnt have anywhere to go, might as well follow the only instructions given. "Maybe someone will fill me in on whats happening if I follow this like in video games".
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Sun Jun 27, 2010 5:55 pm

Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos'
The black haired head maid that was talking to him was interrupted as a pig tailed sliver haired maid in another variation of maid garb approached. “Crazy bitch, I mean greetings Roberta” the sliver haired girl said in greetings, the response was a grinding of teeth as the black hair looked back with death in her eyes “Matsurika… what do I owe the pleasure of your company.”
The Sliver haired maid simply pointed to another rather petite sliver haired oddly dressed maid standing by one of the door entrances before speaking “One of your noobs got lost”. ‘Roberta’ the Black haired maid looked more annoyed than anything else quipping to him “Get cleaning before I have you neutered, unlike the others I can tell that you’re in a male form.” she said to him before heading over to the petite maid in question, proceeding to whap her over the head with an audible sound. Matsurika meanwhile looked at him in a disinterested stare before heading inside. As the wind blew by he got a mouthful of the petites maid scent, oddly though it was a mix of male and female, instead of the pure female pheromones he had been subjected since he had awoken.
(His legs finished their transformation the bones and muscles bending into far more restrictive motions, as his body mass redistributed chest tightening as his body frame elongated placing him on all 4’s. Meanwhile his brain shrunk to accommodate his new skeletal frame, the hemispheres of his brain reshaping as human conceptual intelligence dropping while his wolf like instinctive intelligence rose.)
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