by Jacqueline » Tue May 25, 2010 2:04 pm
~ Zeke ~
The unexpecting young gang member cries out in surprise as Zeke barges past him. "Hey, get back here!" he calls after him. The ponderous boxer doesn't seem to be that quick on his feet, so Zeke is soon pulling away... But ahead of him there's more people he recognizes. More people from their gang... fighting with some of his own!
~ Lloyd ~
"Hm?" The voice sounds curious. "As I said, I tried the others, and none of them work..." He or she lets the words trail of hopefully...
~ Hal ~
Unfortunately, his coworkers finish their conversation with a laugh, returning to their work. After walking the short distance to the coffee machine, he quickly spots the forgotten cup besides it. Seems it may have been an honest mistake afterall. He also finds a tall brunette drawing a cup from the machine. As she glances in his direction, there's something in her eyes that momentarily takes his breath away...
By the time Hal recovers, the woman approaches him. She's dressed in fairly casual dress, and on closer look is not exactly beautiful. Pretty, but not beautifull. She's too tall, for one, and her smile is lopsided as her big hand offers him a cup (a fresh one), holding one for herself in her other hand.
"Here. I believe this one's yours?" she asks in a soft, fairly low voice. There's something about her that's... almost electrifying. Like something's on the tip of his mental tongue, and needs only a little nudge to become clear.
~ Edward ~
And in walks... Dr. Menson! He takes in the room with her mean, little eyes. They momentarily seem to hover on Edward...
"Alright, people, to your seats! And be quick about it!" He heads to the lectern, and slams a hand down, startling nearly everyone. "We're gonna have a little quiz. Just to see if you're all up to my standards. Which I doubt." The last part was probably meant to be a private comment, but was spoken in the same loud voice as the first part.
[Hint: do not try to take over GM'ing your own character. Bad things happen. Always.]
~ Nick ~
"The old woman? I think I saw her go outside," one of his colleagues replies. She smiles at him sympathetically.
~ Keith ~
His intuition proves right! There's a small, black cat sitting behind a trash can. It looks up at him curiously, with big, sad, kitty eyes. "Mew...?"
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