[SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta


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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Danarth » Fri Jul 09, 2010 4:53 pm

As he pushed the strange ball along with the tip of nose, he would keep thinking about the situation that he seemed to have gotten into. He would run his memory back to the incident at the warehouse, one he had stumbled upon partly by accident and partly by curiosity. The fight within the warehouse against those goons was both frightening and exciting. He was not, after all, particularly violent by nature. After the escape from the from the Warehouse, he seemed to lose time and memory of what happened, until he awoke again in this strange place, his powers out of his control, wearing this strange collar about his neck, in a place with a strange air, a strange attitude and a very strange social arrangement. There was an airs of class war in this place but seemed more than just between those with privelege and those without, there was an air of the lesser and the superior race too.

As he kept on working on pushing the ball around, picking up rubbish as he went. He did it only casually to give the impression he was working but he was using it as a cover to listen in to people around. Other than what he had learnt already from his brief interactions with the blonde haired girl and the head maid, both who for some reason had called him Horo, he was learning some other rather disturbing things about the attitudes of the people in this place, whatever it may have been. As well as listening in on as much of the gossip as he could possible bear, hoping to learn something even the smallest tidbit about this place, he was also picking up on the various names and expletives the rich college pupils seemed to be using to describe mutants. It seemed rather surreal, he had only ever heard of such things in History classes, a few comics he had read and the odd bit around Stepford but nothing quite like this, it seemed far more closer to reality and spoken as if these rich college people actually believed it. He looked on at one or two of the groups of students who were saying these things, watching as they smugly thought they were out of ear of the mutants they looked down on. Once or twice he would look at one of the gaggle of students are bare his fangs at them for a moment, just so they knew someone could hear them.

After a time of keeping the ball rolling and eavesdropping on the people around him, a sudden and rather sharp noise caught his ear. He looked around towards the source of the sound, the sharp whistle which was then followed by a plethora of other animal noises, caused his to leave the ball behind as he began to move away towards the source of the whistle. As he approached closer to the source of the noise he seemed to be joined by a group of other creatures like himself in some ways, it was as if someone had released a petting zoo onto the campus. After a few moments, he saw that each of these 'animals' had a collar like he did. He picked up the pace to catch up with the group of animals, his eyes flitting back and forth quickly as he followed, looking at the collars to see if he could find if they wore tags on the collars like he seemed to be wearing. Even if there were, he did not expect to learn much from them, but at this point, any information was going to be a great deal of help and hopefully, whoever blew that whistle might be too.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Maiden Miki » Fri Jul 09, 2010 8:56 pm

ZeroForever wrote:
Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub
As she stood there cleaning, the last of her memories stuggled futility as they were changed.
Most of his childhood was roughly the same with the exception of some schooling differences, at least up until the age of 10 when he was diagnosed with having the X-gene. Like all mutants he was rounded up and forced through ‘sterilization’ at special mutant treatment facilities, where he was de-haired and cleaned. The memories of this time were a haze of pain, as his x-gene had to go through the XX treatment and was forcefully activated. When she next awoke she had become female, her previous life mentally brainwashed into unwanted background the pain of the transformation associated with it. Afterword’s it was collar wear and lab tests to figure out the extent of her powers.
Like her original form her powers were a techno type still, but after various lessons it was instead discovered to be the ability to create almost any mechanical or electronic device she can think of coupled with the ability to innately comprehend technology (think forge but at the expense of her hand eye coordination with anything else). Her 2ndary mutant power was the ability to get to where she needed to be… eventually (this was at the expense of her sense of direction). Thus she was categorized and listed, like all mutants first picks were given to the elite otherwise they would either be filtered to public service or mutant towns. She had the fortune to be chosen by one of the elite one Master Nathanial Essex, and in turn joined a rather rich society. In turn she was placed under head maid Maria one of the few mutants that had earned legal freedom who acted like her surrogate mother and as a result under Catalina Essex the spoiled brat of Master Essex.
Given that she was in a elite society, even mutants were expected to be highly trained as such she was sent to school as well the next few years of daily classes at Stepford University campuses where Catalina was attending, it was it’s own town within the city by all rights accommodating enough buildings for all school grades as well as it’s own university, forest, etc... When not at class, she was expected to perform any and all functions of a maid and she was living at one of local mansion grounds along with Maria, Catalina, and others.
The class she was currently attending general campus cleaning assignment for maids in the basic level.

Also various mental blocks were placed in her mind related to her powers, some due to the danger of her powers might possess (she could disabled the collars given the nature of her powers but mental blocks make it seem impossible and even painful), others in regards to things that Master Essex had her build that he didn’t want her to remember. The collar meanwhile regulated her ability to use her powers, preventing its use without certain people’s authorities.

Micheal was cleaning but then felt something entering her mind. She closed her eyes a little as she felt something changing. She tried her best to hold on to her memories as they were being pushed away. It seems like the new ones were connecting the information that she had been given via the collar and filling in the blanks. The spoiled Catalina and connecting her to the reason why Micheal was at this school as Mimi. It seems like this collar was rewriting history or such and fitting her in it along with it. Micheal wasn't sure what was true but it felt like at the moment this history was somewhat more fitting.

Though what interested Micheal a bit more was her powers. She never knew what her powers could do completely except that they allowed her to communicated with many devices and control them for a bit. Though it seems like she could do much more then that she could make anything that she ever wanted. She could see things that in her new old memories, they were fuzzy along with the memories from when after she was discover to be a mutant. MIcheal knew never about that of her power. Still it seems like in this life that her hand eye coordination was very little which Micheal thought it would be bad since she was a maid right now. She shiver a bit for some unknown reason as if her body and mind knew what little hand eye coordination and being a maid would lead to. Though Micheal could see though these memories a power that she never knew she had which was some sort of psychic-reality such power to be able to get to wherever she needed to be even though she had no sense of direction. That would explain the thing that just happen with that one maid willing to help her. Micheal never had these problems before though maybe that was because if Micheal needed to go anywhere then she would just Foofle for directions.

Micheal just kept on cleaning and wonder what was happening here. She had somewhat an idea on what was going on but it was going against one of her hypothesizes. Still she could see that her power was quite powerful seeing these devices though it seem like the problem was the device being around her neck. Not like the people who own her, which seem like Micheal was well off minus that one spoil brat, would give her permission then there were the mental blocks. The blocks didn't worry Micheal too much but then she felt very worry about the blocks but she wasn't sure. These new hormones were just so much for Micheal as she tried to focus herself and cleaning. So many things to think about thought Micheal though she tried to focus as she was cleaning.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Sat Jul 10, 2010 9:42 am

Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger
Looking around for a toy, she would find the shower side head itself was obviously designed for such a motive, in usage she would find herself rather loose and open down there. Her bodies climax while both exhilarating and tiring, made her side hunger greater, her hominess at least had somewhat abated. As she finished showing, she would find Buttercup had let herself into her room, “Playing by yourself already… and it’s still in the early afternoon how naughty” Buttercup spouted licking her lips before joining in, grabbing the shower head from her as a makeshift strap-on, while taking the dominate position. This would last quite a bit longer, so much so she felt as if she would pass out from the pleasure as her other craving almost went out of control, Buttercup stopping almost in response. “Haha, can’t wait for tonight I see” Buttercup said before getting out of the shower. “Anyways I set your clothes for tonight on the bed, so don’t wait up.” she said before leaving the room.
When fully dressed Bubbles would look like http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v395/ ... bbles1.jpg

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox
“No, at least nothing that’s required for you to attend” Maria said quietly “However we are having dinner with Blossom and the others, you also have you own raid scheduled later tonight but I don’t keep track of your gamer events.” The class continued attention of not, “Catalina, would you mind giving us a refresher on the X-gene, since you seem to be intent on daydreaming today” Dr. McCoy shouted out from the front, her raised voice meanwhile raised a pole in some of the boys pants Dr. McCoy mumbling something about developing a cure for puberty some day in annoyance.

(just in case people are wondering about names, I'll will generally start labeling your new/referred to name on the side sometimes they will be nicknames and your characters new full name will be different)

Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker
The last of Sandra memories started to change, her life was roughly the same up until the lightning strike a few years ago, however instead of giving her powers the forces behind the original strike were absent in the new reality and instead lightning + human = crispy dead human. Her organs were donated by her family to science in this case they didn’t realize this included her still living brain. Thus Sandra’s blank spots were when she awoke as a brain in a jar, eventually getting shifted to a cybernetics department. There they outfitted her in some of the newest cyber-bodies and trained her on the use of the new bodies, and informed her that she legally belonged to Genom Corp. She only recently finished basic training and started real work, mainly with Batou as her regular supervisor. She had met with Gyrich a few times but didn’t know anything about him other then he was high up and was responsible for allowing her to have a body. Technically her designation was unit 02, as Sandra was legally dead; Batou and most of the others for now called her rookie or Hime as a joke which stuck.
“Like always rookie, If it doesn’t tell you the full mission plan you don’t need to know.” Batou said as they exited the room.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Harri-chan » Sat Jul 10, 2010 11:10 am

Catalina's nose twitched slightly at the talk of having dinner with someone called Blossom... was that her Mother? From the way Maria had spoken about her Father, she doubted the maid would simply refer to this Blossom by her first name if she really was her Mother, and she'd also mentioned there would be others there. She looked confused at the reference to going on a raid, until it became clear it was yet another game-related thing, and then rolled her eyes, "Oh, man, I'm a complete dork... ", she muttered, looking back down at her notepad.

Writing down 'The Headmistress' she placed a question mark beside it. Everything had gone weird during the fight with her minions, and in a way, it wasn't out of the question a Woman that based herself on a school teacher had the power to transform her rivals back into school kids... but... Catalina could tell she wasn't a school kid, despite her age, and she was almost certain Mark was here too, but had gone the opposite way and seemed to have got older, as well as ending up in a dress. Letting out a sigh, she wrote down the names of her two closest friends, Stan and Sandra, and placed large question marks beside them before looking up in suprise as she heard her new name being called by Dr. McCoy.

"Sorry Dr. McCoy... I'm just not... feeling myself today, I think I might be coming down with something... ". Just gazing at the gorgeous woman with her huge breasts made her feel utterly inferior, and her cheeks went bright red as she noticed that others were looking at her too since Dr. McCoy had shouted at her, "I don't think I could explain it anywhere nearly as well as you are... ". One hand nervously rubbed at the back of her neck and she drew a deep breath, shooting a pleading glance towards Maria...
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Zilla » Sun Jul 11, 2010 2:21 pm

Sandra, or "Hime," followed Batou out of the room, making sure all her faculties were activated and ready for action. She checked her self-diagnostic one more time, since one can never be too prepared, as she followed Batou's lead.

Once again (or what felt like once again, though it was really the first time), she thought back through the different bodies she'd been given, and how she managed to exist inside many forms... And that she was even still alive was a miracle in itself. She'd been given a second chance, and... an experience literally nobody else could have been given. Though she missed some of the regular things she could have been doing, she thanked her luck that she was given such a chance to live again.

She marveled at the sheer ability and power at her command, but that adage was just as applicable as ever. With great power comes great responsibility.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Miku-chan » Sun Jul 11, 2010 4:57 pm

Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider
The creaking sound however wasn’t the sound of doors opening rather someone in the additional section, the ceiling creaking in response. Memories of an extreme punishment room making her shiver despite the fact that she couldn’t recall ever seeing it, only MJ’s bad clients went there. MJ meanwhile had arrived at the apartment but given its size the front door was pretty away, “Gwen you done yet” she shouted, the name no sooner did she hear it called out replaced her own. Ben fading to the distance past like a forgotten ex as the name Gwen Stacy now Gwen Watson replaced it.
(MJ this world http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v395/ ... ryJane.jpg )

Ben couldn't wrap her mind around how she knew about the room as she did, yet be unable to recall its features...except for the fact MJ had negotiated things in there sometimes, the sounds of pain occationally escaping into the bedroom when MJ came back from one of her Bad boy/girl sessions as she called them. Her body shivers at the thought. Hearing the name 'Gwen' all but seals Benjamin Rilley to the oblivion. Scarlet Spider a memory of some movie script, with the various changes in feminine gender to her memories. Picking her self up off the floor of the toy room, she instinctively grabs one particular item that always seems to be a favorite between the pair. Run skipping towards the voice in the front of the unit, 'Gwen' jump the last part of the path to MJ's now familllier form, wrapping her arms around her and landing the pair in a large overstuffed chair with some rather unique features. Pressing her lips to her betrothed, she lets out a moan of happiness, the particular item held just above MJ's right shoulder. "How was your morning, lover. I was so lonely when I woke up." escape her lips as she coos and bables small talk,trying to forget about the thing going bump in the extra room...
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Sun Jul 11, 2010 5:22 pm

Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos'
As he followed the animals they all congregated near one of the school’s sports fields the only humans in sight were a handful of people jogging on a paved path around the field. As the animals gathered there was maybe 20 assuming his math skills still functioned, but this was interrupted as from above flew in a dragon which landed. Notably it didn’t have a collar; soon it began to shrink the claws, wings, tails, and neck all receding into a humanoid face as clothing formed. When it had completed it had transformed into a green skinned woman in office cloths. “Weekly roll call” she said in a rough voice beguiling what she had just transformed from. As she over looked everyone all of the other animals immediately lined up as the woman started slowly down the line examining the collar and tapping various digital keys on them.

Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider
As the last of her memories changed the last of her life did as well. While originally there was never a Gwen Stacy or MJ Watson in this world, there was a original Peter Park and the trans-dimensional clone Ben, so it associated them with people they had the closest ties with. Gwen Stacy life was similar to 616 however without Peter to fill in the gap her main suitors left her disenfranchised with men, she did get along with her childhood neighbor though and things went on from there in college. She however has a gap in her memory spanning the last year of college; the next thing she remembers is MJ saving her from what she can’t remember either, since then it has been living/married/life with MJ. After she woke up the things she used to learn called bio-chemistry and such were now far too difficult for her now, anything above elementary school was too hard for her now. She also remembers that she has some red stuff in her that she can use but lets it be controlled by the black stuff MJ uses but can’t remember why for the life of her just that it needs to be this way.
MJ kissed the little nympho back passionately before letting her go “While play time would be nice stress relief right now we have a schedule Tiger.” MJ said rolling over and getting up. “Go eat, while I go finish some business before we go. I guess you can just do casual for now.” She said patting Gwen’s ass as a black liquid seemingly stretch from her arm into Gwen. In response Gwen found herself Cuming violently, as red substance spilled forth wrapping around her before settling into some street cloths.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v395/ ... Stacy2.jpg

Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi
(the mental blocks were a side note, aka while they are affecting her she doesn’t realize they are there. Instead when she thinks about any of the mentioned subjects the mental blocks subtly move her thoughts elsewhere usually something like an erotic daydream.)
Mimi that was the name Maria gave her after she was bought and she would love it after all Maria choose it, Maria registered a last name also but Mimi never really needed to know it. Her body would find the act of cleaning a soothing routine, one that was familiar and as such nice. She would find the urge to follow others, lest she get lost again and get a demerit. The 2 demerits still lingering in a portion of her mind that said she needed to avoid getting another one this week
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Stray-chan » Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:37 pm

Bubbles (that couldn't be her real name, could it?) took a moment to examine the shower head. She should probably get showered and get going, but... it looked so inviting. And she was so horny. So with only the mildest bit of apprehension, she slipped it between her legs, first savoring the lovely full feeling her body was craving (and oh did it feel good to be filled up!), then slipping into what seemed to be a practiced rhythm. After bringing herself to a wonderful climax, and briefly wondering why the other empty feeling got stronger, she showered up.

When she noticed that Buttercup had come in, Bubbles blushed and eeped in surprise... the blush deepening and the eep becoming a much more complex series of sounds as her bandmate took control of the situation and her pleasure. This time, her climax was much more intense, the combination of it and the spike in the other craving sending her slumping to the floor, panting. The thought I hope Buttercup had fun... surfaced rather quickly, followed by What does she mean about tonight? "T... tonight?" She called after the dark-haired girl as she left, perhaps not loudly enough.

After a little while, Bubbles pulled herself together mentally, fought down the unknown craving, pulled the showerhead out of herself, cleaned up and made it into the bedroom. She looked over the outfit that was laid out for her and couldn't help but smile. Kinda cute, actually. She took one last appraisal of it, and finally started dressing. Let's see, panties first, ooh, those are snug. Then the dress, those fluffy things have to be last. When she finished, she took a look at her self in the mirror. "Wow... I look pretty good..." she murmured, and found herself making some cute poses. She caught herself, and shook the desire away. "Right, anyway, I better be going, don't want to be late for uh..." her mind wandered a bit, before reaching "...signing, I think. Right." With that, she headed into the living room, tripping on her mess again again stumbling, but not falling, at least. She wondered where the others were, and hoped she wasn't late. She had taken a bit longer to dress than might have been expected, but only a bit.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:58 pm

Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav
Considering the machine was reading her mental reactions, it could tell that she was intentionally being lazy. After finishing the whole work shift a final evaluation prompt came up giving her a failure, a score wasn’t displayed. The prompt coming up ‘A maid should strive to be a diligent worker’, Punishment was an extra over time shift. The device turning up the NPC difficulty once again as some otaku gropers were added to the mix in order to stimulate her anger, after all this was an anger maidagement lesson. The system would continue to find flaws in her reactions, each time increasing the NPC’s difficult (anger triggering skills) until like a proper maid she could smile and nod in understanding instead of getting angry.
(honestly while we could just go over and over, but as noted since it’s all in his mind it’s not like there exhaustion or such so the system will repeat like a game until her anger levels decrease to a manageable level.)
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Miku-chan » Sun Jul 11, 2010 10:48 pm

As the last of her memories changed the last of her life did as well. While originally there was never a Gwen Stacy or MJ Watson in this world, there was a original Peter Park and the trans-dimensional clone Ben, so it associated them with people they had the closest ties with. Gwen Stacy life was similar to 616 however without Peter to fill in the gap her main suitors left her disenfranchised with men, she did get along with her childhood neighbor though and things went on from there in college. She however has a gap in her memory spanning the last year of college; the next thing she remembers is MJ saving her from what she can’t remember either, since then it has been living/married/life with MJ. After she woke up the things she used to learn called bio-chemistry and such were now far too difficult for her now, anything above elementary school was too hard for her now. She also remembers that she has some red stuff in her that she can use but lets it be controlled by the black stuff MJ uses but can’t remember why for the life of her just that it needs to be this way. 
MJ kissed the little nympho back passionately before letting her go “While play time would be nice stress relief right now we have a schedule Tiger.” MJ said rolling over and getting up. “Go eat, while I go finish some business before we go. I guess you can just do casual for now.” She said patting Gwen’s ass as a black liquid seemingly stretch from her arm into Gwen. In response Gwen found herself Cuming violently, as red substance spilled forth wrapping around her before settling into some street cloths.

Gwen could not remember the events that brought her to 616, nor did she want to. As far as she was concerned, MJ was all she ever wanted. Men were a waste of her time and even when she was much smarter, they couldn't hold a candle to what she had with her MJ. Sure, she could get lost going from the car to the beach if she got distracted, but wasn't that why MJ controled her red stuff? It kept her happy and stuff, right? Who needed to know what a bio- whatchamacallit was anyway. She pouts a bit as MJ announces they had a schexual and MJ had some buisness to finish with. As MJ slaps her backside and causes her to orgasm, the red stuff makes her wand something more. Her street outfit left little to the imagination, and she rellised the ability her lover gave her to flaunt and tease those on the street, her body language saying'See what you wont ever get to touch". As she struts into the kitchen, she feels the craving for a cup of milk and the fish bites in the door. Placing the items at the counter she pours her milk into a low sided saucer and playfully eats the fish bites between laps at the saucer. Giggling at her wimsy for snack time, she wiggles her rear some more, making the tail MJ put into her outfits design for the day. Seem to come to life. She quickly washes her dishes and puts the milk and fish bites back in the refrigerator. Skipping back to their bedroom, she hopes there might be time for one more session, but goes into the closet putting away the one toy, and grabbing the butterfly egg with its wireless remote and puts it in her small purse with her phone and other nescesities and waits for MJ...
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Zoey » Sun Jul 11, 2010 11:03 pm

Mark groaned as the game gave her another time shift. "This is getting no where quick" she said to herself as the restaurant seemed to get more full. Mark kept running back and forth between customers and kicthen. She didn't take any high heels, but her feet started to ache anyways from all the running. She tried to take the orders now with better attention just so she didn't have to go back to the kitchen return the order and get a new one for the customers. Mark really started to get annoyed when the Otaku kids started touching her and even trying to get glances up her skirt. However Mark was so busy she just let it go, she wanted to get this game over with so badly she just went along with it. At first she was really slow struggling to write stuff into her pad, she constantly mixed up the table numbers, and she wrote the wrong stuff into her pad. If that wasnt enough the guys were extremely annoying. Thankfully Mark started to get the hang of it and started serving the tables correctly, she took more time to carefully check her notes and instead of ignoring the guys and keep adding fuel to the fire, she teased them a bit with sometimes a wink on flick of the hair, hoping that would shut them up and leave her alone.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Jul 11, 2010 11:33 pm

ZeroForever wrote:
Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi
(the mental blocks were a side note, aka while they are affecting her she doesn’t realize they are there. Instead when she thinks about any of the mentioned subjects the mental blocks subtly move her thoughts elsewhere usually something like an erotic daydream.)
Mimi that was the name Maria gave her after she was bought and she would love it after all Maria choose it, Maria registered a last name also but Mimi never really needed to know it. Her body would find the act of cleaning a soothing routine, one that was familiar and as such nice. She would find the urge to follow others, lest she get lost again and get a demerit. The 2 demerits still lingering in a portion of her mind that said she needed to avoid getting another one this week

Micheal then had her thoughts moved on to something that surprised her. SOon Mimi was seeing vision of two females embracing each other as the blond and the red head were about to move in for what she would call 'the kill'. Mimi just cleaned with a daze look on her face before pulling out of the daydream.

She shook her head and wonder how that happen. Though she was glad to be cleaning. It helped make her feel better since it relaxed her. Though it helped her focus. The cleaning felt similar to how this Maria figure made her feel. Mimi looked around to see that she was closer by to the rest of the maids. She was going have to be careful though since she can't afford to get lost or another demerit. Flashes of what she remember before in the restroom came to her and she just shook her head as she kept cleaning.

"I just got to get though this." said Micheal/Mimi as she cleaned.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Mon Jul 12, 2010 9:58 pm

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
“That was a sad excuse if I ever heard one Catalina, as such I want a 3 page essay from you on the x-gene by next class.” She said sternly as some of the guys in the back snickered at her misfortune, this was short lived as Dr. McCoy turned her attention to them. “Stanley, since your hands seem preoccupied with keeping your 3rd leg down perhaps you would like to offer a full explanation instead.” Dr. McCoy said as one of the teenagers in question was middle age blond hair blue eye male pre-occupied with a very obvious boner given the state of his pants. His stuttering response earned him and the other 3 guys with him additional assignments as well. The noise in the class quelled Dr. McCoy returned to the lecture at hand.
the anti-thesis of myself... come see, feel, know the truth beyond truths it'll just cost your soul.....
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Jul 13, 2010 3:42 am

There was a mixture of relief that she'd got away with it for now, mixed with the dread of having to write an essay on something she'd never heard of. 'X Gene' got added to her notes along with a question mark, and so did the name Blossom. She tried to concentrate on the lecture to avoid being picked on again by Dr. McCoy, but found herself staring at some if the college girls sat around her, and at how developed they seemed. She pushed her feet forward slightly, stretching her legs, glancing down at the white tights, and shifting her bottom a little in the seat to make the silk panties rub against herself. Adjusting her glasses, her gaze travelled upwards, giving her flat tummy a poke before studying the shape of her breasts through the dress, and compared herself to the girl on her right.

Her shoulders slumped as she glanced up at the clock, her feet tapping impatiently, shifting her wright from side to side, "Ugh... I can't just accept this", she muttered. Sliding her notepad and pens into the expensive purse, she lifted it over her shoulder and quickly rose to her feet, once more stepping on the toes of older students as she hurried along the row, "Sorry, Dr. McCoy, I gotta go!", she called, not worrying about the consequences of running out mid-class as she was determined she'd have got herself back to normal before the next one.

Her heart was racing as she burst out through the doors, blonde pigtails flicking back and forth as she looked up and down the corridor. Her knees were shaking as she started to run, pausing at every turn to look for a sign of the maid with red shoes. "He could look like anything by now... ", she groaned. Her younger body felt off balance, her smaller hips and breasts, as well as her shorter legs made even a simple task like running feel quite different. On top of that, thinking about Mark as a teenage boy was getting her a little hot and flustered, ".... stupid teenage hormones!", she whined, realising she was completely at their mercy.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Danarth » Tue Jul 13, 2010 12:06 pm

As he approached the edge of the sports field, he would look at the few 'humans' that were around, just the joggers. He stopped for a moment, wondering where that thought had come from. Why was he identifying these people as human, he was human too, this place seemed to be effecting him already. Shaking his head for a moment as if trying to clear his head. He was already fighting a conflict inside his own mind, the instincts the of wolf and the intelligence of the man. Turning his attention back to the field and the other 'animals' that were gathering. As he looked over the collected animals, looking at the collars for just a moment, he wondered if they were as he was, human, but with the power to change, trapped in an animal form.

His attention was suddenly drawn away from those around him as a massive shadow seemed to pass over head. He looked up and if he were able to gawk, which because of being in his changed form he could not, then he would certainly be gawking at the sight he saw. He watched the dragon flying overhead, even though he had been used to unusual sights, the costumed heros and even his own powers, but this was beyond a doubt the most unusual sight he had ever seen. A surge of anger and panic suddenly flashed through his mind as the wolf mind sort dominance, it was less impressed by the dragon and rather more scared by it. A wolf had few natural predators and anything this thing was bigger and looked far more dangerous than he was, so it saw the dragon as a threat and it took all of he could to prevent a flight reaction, to stop himself fleeing from the dragon.

Watching as the dragon landed on the field before them, Daniel would dig his paws into the dirt and grit his fangs as well as he could to keep the wolf instinct from taking over, though it was becoming increasingly difficult as the dragon got closer, as it landed. He would then watch on as the dragon began to change, it's body shrinking and molding into a different shape, A green skinned woman. As this change began to occur the wolf instinct began to settle and the threat that it would force him to take flight partially subsided but there still remained a nagging sensation at the back of his mind, she might look like this now but she was still clearly very dangerous. While clearly a mutant like he was, or so he could tell, she did not wear a collar like he did, like the other maid, Roberta. In the back of his mind, it still bothered him that she had been able to spot him following her without even looking.

As she made the call for a weeklll call' he would learn something else about who or what he was in this strange place, he especially wanted to know why people kept calling him Horo...y roll call, he watched for a moment as all the others about him lined up, he would soon follow suite and line up at the end of the line, watching as the green woman seemed to be checking something on the collars and seemed to be tapping them. As he waited, he would sit down and one of his hind legs would come up as he began to scratch himself, without realizing. After a moment he blinked and stopped wondering where that need to scratch had come from. He turned his attention back to the green woman and what she was doing to with the collars and tags. As he patiently waited, he would hope that when it came to his turn for this roll call he would learn some more of what was going on, and why people kept calling him Horo...
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