[FFRP] The Empowered Valley


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Re: [FFRP] The Empowered Valley

Postby Blindsense » Sun Jul 11, 2010 2:02 am

Shy Shay wrote:*meanwhile, on the other side of the forest...*

"Finnally! I, Roy, adventurer extreme, have found the mythic valley! I shall now proceede to find items of power!" With that, he sees a stick on the ground. "A-HA! I have found a stick of power! This is the first of many treasures that I, Roy, adventurer extreme, shall find!"

"You don't sound terribly bright." A young college-age man sidles in behind Roy. "But you seem to at least know where you are... Which puts you one step ahead of me." He looks around the valley, a puzzled look on his face. "Care to enlighten a lost traveler as to our location?"
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Re: [FFRP] The Empowered Valley

Postby Ookalf » Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:08 am

all_knowing_frog wrote:"Wh-whath?" she looks over her decaying body, "...thath explainth aaaa few things. Whyyyyy aaam I noth bothered?" looks at the others

Beats me. Maybe your brain's starting to rot?
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Re: [FFRP] The Empowered Valley

Postby Shy Shay » Sun Jul 11, 2010 5:35 pm

"You don't sound terribly bright." A young college-age man sidles in behind Roy. "But you seem to at least know where you are... Which puts you one step ahead of me." He looks around the valley, a puzzled look on his face. "Care to enlighten a lost traveler as to our location?"

"What? Are you dare saying that I, Roy, adventurer extreme, have an inteligence of a calibale that is not the highest!? Well, just so you know, I, Roy, adventurer extreme, shall ignore your grievious insult and shall follow the high road! I, Roy, adventurer extreme, have read about this forest in an ancient libary! I, Roy, adventurer extreme, have decided to investigate this forest after learning that this forest has many ancient magical artifacts that can help I, Roy, adventurer extreme, in my many adventures!"
Roy, adventurer extreme, turns around and loks at the new fellow.
"Hello! I am Roy, adventurer extreme. Who are you?"
((Ummm... how do you link pictures to the forum? I am really clueless as to how... hehe...))
Do you know the muffin man? The muffin man? The muffin man?
Do you know the muffin man, who's now the muffin girl?

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Re: [FFRP] The Empowered Valley

Postby Blindsense » Sun Jul 11, 2010 7:36 pm

Shy Shay wrote:"What? Are you dare saying that I, Roy, adventurer extreme, have an inteligence of a calibale that is not the highest!? Well, just so you know, I, Roy, adventurer extreme, shall ignore your grievious insult and shall follow the high road! I, Roy, adventurer extreme, have read about this forest in an ancient libary! I, Roy, adventurer extreme, have decided to investigate this forest after learning that this forest has many ancient magical artifacts that can help I, Roy, adventurer extreme, in my many adventures!"
Roy, adventurer extreme, turns around and loks at the new fellow.
"Hello! I am Roy, adventurer extreme. Who are you?"
((Ummm... how do you link pictures to the forum? I am really clueless as to how... hehe...))

(No problem! Click the little "Img" button in the toolbar. Then make it so it says " [ img = PICTUREURL ] text that you want it to show [ /img ] " without the spaces. ^_^ )

Lance seems ready to punch ROY ADVENTURER EXTREME in the face. "I'm Lance Rikers... And as obnoxious as you seem to be, I have no idea where I am. But you apparently do... So I'm gonna follow you until you show me the road outta here."
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Re: [FFRP] The Empowered Valley

Postby Shy Shay » Sun Jul 11, 2010 8:18 pm

(No problem! Click the little "Img" button in the toolbar. Then make it so it says " [ img = PICTUREURL ] text that you want it to show [ /img ] " without the spaces. ^_^ )

Lance seems ready to punch ROY ADVENTURER EXTREME in the face. "I'm Lance Rikers... And as obnoxious as you seem to be, I have no idea where I am. But you apparently do... So I'm gonna follow you until you show me the road outta here."


"Obnoioxios!? Do you dare say that I, [img=http://flyingfisch.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/art-01vyse.jpg]Roy,[/img] adventurer extreme, am obnoxious?! How dare you! Well, Lance Rikers, how would you like to be Lance, sidekick extreme, for the duration of this journey? If you do then I, Roy, adventurer extreme, shall not only lead you out, and forgive your griovous insult to I, Roy, adventurer extreme, but I will give you this stick of power as a showing of faith!" Roy says, handing said stick to Lance.
Do you know the muffin man? The muffin man? The muffin man?
Do you know the muffin man, who's now the muffin girl?

Corruption is fun.

The power of Shy compels you!

The one TF I don't like is inanimate. Otherwise, go wild.
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Re: [FFRP] The Empowered Valley

Postby Blindsense » Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:23 pm

"Obnoioxios!? Do you dare say that I, [img=http://flyingfisch.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/art-01vyse.jpg]Roy,[/img] adventurer extreme, am obnoxious?! How dare you! Well, Lance Rikers, how would you like to be Lance, sidekick extreme, for the duration of this journey? If you do then I, Roy, adventurer extreme, shall not only lead you out, and forgive your griovous insult to I, Roy, adventurer extreme, but I will give you this stick of power as a showing of faith!" Roy says, handing said stick to Lance.

(I have no idea why it didn't work. You did it right... o.o )

Lance blinks several times before he takes the stick. "...Right. I'll be your sidekick. Then lead me out of here." The man was clearly insane, he thought, but hopefully he actually knew what he was talking about... Though it was a longshot.
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Re: [FFRP] The Empowered Valley

Postby Ookalf » Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:32 pm

(Try putting "url" in the tags instead of "img". Like this.)
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Re: [FFRP] The Empowered Valley

Postby Shy Shay » Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:40 pm

((Thanks, Ookalf!))

"Very well then! I, Roy, adventurer extreme, and you, Lance, sidekick extreme, shall explore this forest of power!" With that somewhat abitrary statement, Roy staked off in a random direction. "To adventure we go! Come, sidekick, and you shall see adventure!"
Do you know the muffin man? The muffin man? The muffin man?
Do you know the muffin man, who's now the muffin girl?

Corruption is fun.

The power of Shy compels you!

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Re: [FFRP] The Empowered Valley

Postby Blindsense » Sun Jul 11, 2010 10:33 pm

Shy Shay wrote:((Thanks, Ookalf!))

"Very well then! I, Roy, adventurer extreme, and you, Lance, sidekick extreme, shall explore this forest of power!" With that somewhat abitrary statement, Roy staked off in a random direction. "To adventure we go! Come, sidekick, and you shall see adventure!"


Lance sweatdrops, chasing after Roy. "Right... Adventure... Yay."
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Re: [FFRP] The Empowered Valley

Postby Shy Shay » Sun Jul 11, 2010 10:35 pm

As Roy, adventurer extreme, and Lance, sidekick extreme, explore the forest, Lance would notice that there is no markings to lead Roy, adventure extreme. If Lance pays extra attention, he will notice that that rock with mold looks affully familar...
Do you know the muffin man? The muffin man? The muffin man?
Do you know the muffin man, who's now the muffin girl?

Corruption is fun.

The power of Shy compels you!

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Re: [FFRP] The Empowered Valley

Postby Blindsense » Sun Jul 18, 2010 1:46 pm

Lance facepalms as he realizes that they have, in fact, been traveling in circles for the past while. "Hey, Roy!" He calls out, looking annoyed. "We've been walking in circles. You realize that, aye?"
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Re: [FFRP] The Empowered Valley

Postby Shy Shay » Sun Jul 18, 2010 1:49 pm

"What? Are you dare suggesting that I, Roy, adventurer extreme, just appeared in this valley and as such have no idea where I'm going but am confident that my adventerous skills could get us out anyway?!?! I thought better of you, Lance, sidekick extreme."
Do you know the muffin man? The muffin man? The muffin man?
Do you know the muffin man, who's now the muffin girl?

Corruption is fun.

The power of Shy compels you!

The one TF I don't like is inanimate. Otherwise, go wild.
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Re: [FFRP] The Empowered Valley

Postby Blindsense » Sun Jul 18, 2010 1:53 pm

Shy Shay wrote:"What? Are you dare suggesting that I, Roy, adventurer extreme, just appeared in this valley and as such have no idea where I'm going but am confident that my adventerous skills could get us out anyway?!?! I thought better of you, Lance, sidekick extreme."

"That's exactly what I'm suggesting," Lance quips. That absurd stick is resting on his shoulder as he grips it in his left hand. he begins tapping it on his shoulder repeatedly. He looks quite aggravated. "Look, I don't know who you are or where I am... But if you honestly don't know what you're doing that's okay. Just don't get my hopes up."
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Re: [FFRP] The Empowered Valley

Postby Shy Shay » Sun Jul 18, 2010 1:54 pm

"Why how dare you..." Roy turns and see's Lance gripping the stick. "Ack! Don't point that at me!"
Do you know the muffin man? The muffin man? The muffin man?
Do you know the muffin man, who's now the muffin girl?

Corruption is fun.

The power of Shy compels you!

The one TF I don't like is inanimate. Otherwise, go wild.
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Re: [FFRP] The Empowered Valley

Postby Blindsense » Sun Jul 18, 2010 2:04 pm

Shy Shay wrote:"Why how dare you..." Roy turns and see's Lance gripping the stick. "Ack! Don't point that at me!"

"...Eh? What's wrong? It's just a stick." Lance pokes Roy with the stick jokingly, a wry grin on his face. "Don't tell me the great Roy is afraid of a stick." Despite Lance's taunts, Roy would feel a slight tingle emanating from the place where Lance had poked him... Or was he imagining things?
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