The Last Airbender, a live-action movie version of Nickolodeon's cartoon, "Avatar: The Last Airbender" is now in theaters...
Plot: Aang, a young boy raised in the Air Nation, has been deemed the "Chosen One" the last of his kind. Aang is believed to be the reincarnation of the one to save all the other nations from the spartan-like Fire Nation. The Fire Nation grows more powerful as the Crown Prince of the Fire Nation seeks to destroy the Air, Earth, and Water nations in an upcoming war.
Aang is sent to the Water Nation, in the Land of Ice, to learn to Bend Water. There, he meets Kitara and her brother, Sokka, both Water Benders. He then goes on an amazing adventure with Sokka and Kitara, as they go to create alliances with the other nations against the Fire Nations. I wonder if they are going to have Toph, the blind girl from the Earth Nation, who helps Aang learn Earth bending from her master.