[SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta


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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Knight Errant » Tue Jul 13, 2010 4:11 pm

((FINALLY! After a couple of weeks of pain, my computer works again!))

Stan had never had a feeling like that before, and was quite unprepared for it. But as he comes down off of his carrot-induced high and looks down, his eyes widen at his new pair of DD breasts. Hesitantly, he raises his hands and squeeze them, whipping his hands away as he finds out they are indeed attached to his chest.

As Fei Li mentions getting changed, he looks up. "Wha? Oh... um... yeah. I'll do that."

Getting up, he looks around for the bedroom, noting uncomfortably that he definitely needs a new set of clothes.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Tue Jul 13, 2010 7:39 pm

Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider – Gwen Watson
As she sat there waiting various muffled screams could be heard coming from upstairs, after a few minute of frantic sounds it calmed down again. No sooner then it calm did one of the side doors slide open as the private elevator opened up, MJ walking out as her skin tight latex like outfit changed back into her previous outfit. “Hmm he should be ready soon.” She said to herself as she yawned a bit before grabbing Gwen by the ass as she passed heading towards to bathroom quickly. Emerging seconds later “Anyways lets go tiger, work before pleasure.” She said Looking at her cell phone for the time, before hooking her arm with Gwen’s as she swayed out the door, the elevator held in wait by a cute girl in a latex bellhop uniform. “Garage and when you have the chance clean the blood off the punishment room floor” MJ said as the girl nodded meekly in acknowledgement.

Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger – Bubbles
The other girls were dressed in similar attire though different colors “Oh you finished early today, usually you masturbate for at least a hour.” said Britney/Blossom bluntly, the blond haired one not bothering to look up from the couch instead watching TV again. “Ms. Utonium Bubbles is done early today.” Buttercup said into her cell phone while she strummed her bass guitar with her other hand. The manager exiting her office shortly looked around at the girl before speaking “Buttercup maybe you should screw Bubbles every afternoon if it makes her this much faster.” She said in an oddly serious tone that made Buttercup blush. “Anyways if you’re ready this early we can drop by ice cream store on the way there.” Ms. Utonium said, as the girls found themselves giddy at the mention of ice cream.

Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' - Horo
The green skinned women worked methodically through the animals responding to some of them as if seemingly understanding each of them through their various meows, growls, and tweets. As she reached some of the smaller ones like the blue bird grew substantially larger as the feathers receded eventually transforming into a female winged human hybrid dressed in a variation of maid cloths. The collar had also adjusted in size increasing in size so that the displays weren’t microscopic, while clothes notably sprouted from the collar in conjunction with the transformation. The woman however was still tweeting like a bird until the green woman touched some control button returning her speech to human patterns, however no sooner did she finished did the girl transform back into a bird. Eventually the woman had arrived at him “Horo Gleason” she said before grabbing the collar with a grip and strength far beyond her physical reflection tapping some buttons on it… “Male again… that’s another demerit Horo, if you owner wishes to have you male please remind her not on campus or else your next demerit will land you in detention… Also I thought I told you to avoid unnecessary social contact outside your owners this week, while Roberta does have jurisdiction if you are in her area you should have avoided her correctly. This will affect you score.” The woman said as she continued to poke various buttons on the collar, mumbling under her breath about stuff like average feral rate 62% and various words that he didn’t recognize. She finished checking him without further incident at least from what he could tell before proceeding down the line. As she finished up the last of the animals she stood up as he and the others found themselves in uniform rows facing her. “Overall most of you did pretty well for one week of being in your animal form; most of your feral rates are still within tolerable limits. Retain that form until end of day today, Wilma please see me in office.” She said in a lecturing tone the bird tweeting in sorrow at the name call.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Miku-chan » Wed Jul 14, 2010 12:18 pm

Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider – Gwen Watson
As she sat there waiting various muffled screams could be heard coming from upstairs, after a few minute of frantic sounds it calmed down again. No sooner then it calm did one of the side doors slide open as the private elevator opened up, MJ walking out as her skin tight latex like outfit changed back into her previous outfit. “Hmm he should be ready soon.” She said to herself as she yawned a bit before grabbing Gwen by the ass as she passed heading towards to bathroom quickly. Emerging seconds later “Anyways lets go tiger, work before pleasure.” She said Looking at her cell phone for the time, before hooking her arm with Gwen’s as she swayed out the door, the elevator held in wait by a cute girl in a latex bellhop uniform. “Garage and when you have the chance clean the blood off the punishment room floor” MJ said as the girl nodded meekly in acknowledgement.

As Gwen sit there hearing the sounds, she squirms in both anticipation and fear, the sounds taking the slightly erotic glow up a notch from earlier. Her hand auromaticaly lightly carressing her breasts. She is about to grab the butterfly egg from her purse when the noisies stop and MJ emerges from the elevator, looming beautifully dominant in her outfit. When she grabs the blond by the rear, she squeels in delight but pouts anout the fact they half to work before they get to play once more, her cat tail flicks on its own accord and wraps around MJs hand as her arm loops thru and she leans her hear onto the redheads shoulder while they decend to the garage..."is he very damaged this time?" Gwen finds her concern for MJ's latest toy twinging with a bit of jelousy. For if they were overly damaged, MJ would not have the extra time to spend with her...
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Danarth » Wed Jul 14, 2010 12:44 pm

Idly, Daniel's paws would dig and claw into the dirt as he watched the woman as she worked her way down the line, watching her examine each of the other animals along down the line. He noticed that she seemed to be able to respond to the other animals despite the fact they still made the various different animal noises. This was one of the first pieces of good news he seemed to have since he arrived in this bizzare place. He watched as one of the very small creatures that had joined them, a bird, changed from her animal into the wing hybrid form, watching as maid clothing appeared from the strange collars they all seemed to be wearing. He had never seen such a piece of technology in his experience, so there were clearly a great number of odd things about this world that he still had to learn. Watching as the bird girl as she tweeted about, sounding like a bird until the green skinned woman restored her speech for a moment before she seemed to turn back into the bird, he then wondered if he would have been able to do the same with his own transformation ability at some point, although right now the thought was moot. He still had no control over his abilities.

As his turn in the roll came up, he would look up at the green skinned woman for a moment, taking the moment to examine what she looked like up close. Another piece of this strange puzzle fell into place as she spoke out was his name on the 'roll call' was. Horo Gleason. In the blink of an eye, he would feel the woman grab his collar, feeling the strength of her grip with belied her size. One more, the wolf portion of his brain would flair up, reacting to what it precived attack. Forcing the instincts down as much as he could, but he was unable to prevent some reaction from his wolf instinct, the hair on along his back would flair up briefly and he would bare his fangs at the woman. The green skinned woman would be the third person to make some mention of him being a male, this was one of the most confusing things he found people accussing him of. He sat there and listened as she admonished him for his contact with Roberta. He listened to her mumbling but none of it made much sense. After she released her grip on the collar, the wolf instinct would begin to settle a little and he would turn his head to watch her wander down the line. When she stepped out in front of the line of animals he would watch her still, listening to the words she spoke now, none of which made much sense to him.

After the last words, which would seem to be a dismissal of all the gathered animals with the exception of the bird girl, Wilma, he would consider what to do next. He had finally gotten a more solid clue as to who he was here, the name, although on it's own the name was useless but it was a clue to begin with. He brushed his paws against the sports field for a moment and thought. He was clearly already in a fair amount of trouble since he seemed to have two demerits against his name already and had been threatend with detention, though this was probably utlimately preferable to be neutered, so approaching the dragon lady was out of the question, even if she seemed to be the only one who could communicate with him in this form. The only other link had now knew with his life in this strange world was through the blonde haired girl whom he could only imagine was the person referred to as his 'owner', so he would wait till the end of the day until she had finished class and he assumed would come and find him. Perhaps she could shed some light the accusations of being in a male form, on his new surname and maybe even these strange things the dragon lady had been saying about the feral rate. He looked at the bird girl, Wilma, once again, noticing the rather sorrowful response she gave to the order given to her by the green skinned lady. The compassionate side of him flaired up for a moment and he made note of the girl's scent. He decided to try and go later, see how the girl was doing. For the moment he would stay at the sport's field and examine the other animals who had come, as a way to pass the time until the end of the day or until someone tried to move him along.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Wed Jul 14, 2010 9:58 pm

Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker - Hime
Although the wonder of science was nice it didn’t help the reality that Gyrich imparted on her constantly that if she didn’t perform up to expectations they would scrap the project and she would just be a brain in a jar again. She arrived in the armament room shortly after various soldiers and technicians doing their own thing, the ‘room’ in question was a warehouse housing different vehicles and of course weapons. “This is supposed to be a PR job so we shouldn’t need any additional weapons outside of your body today.” said Batou as they arrived. “Go find the commercial van, I’m going check some stuff before we go.” He said before walking off.

Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel
As he walked though the apartment he found himself getting more and more comfortable with the breasts the swaying motion they caused feeling natural to him. As he looked around is mind and body somehow instinctively knew where to go in the apartment as he found himself inside the closet seconds later. As he looked at the clothing racks in question it was like something out of a fetish catalog, rows of bunny suits and quipo’s of every shape and size on display. He found himself instinctively knowing that the quipo’s were Fei Li’s and were off limits, his body practically rebelling at the thought of it.
(The remainder of his head was the next to change, as his jaw line softened and lips puckered up, his eyes blurring momentarily as his vision soon became 20/10 eye color changing as well. However the internal changes were the greatest effect as his brain changed. His mental capacity decreasing in the verbal and social conceptual levels instead replaced with an idiot savant type picture memory. His brain pumping out excessive amounts of hormones as he found it difficult to think independently when not sated… memories flooding forth of it being the armies no the governments fault though he had problems remembering why.)

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
As she ran it soon became apparent that she had no athletic ability whatsoever, as she was soon panting with complete exhaustion before even making it down the hallway, the school bag something that normally was left to Maria to carry, as she found her arm straining from it’s pitiable weight. “That was a first… you’ve never actually taken your stuff before when you ran out.” Maria said from right besides her... keeping up while moving no faster then a brisk walking speed. “Are you done yet?” Maria said in a tone that emphasized the futility of her actions.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Stray-chan » Thu Jul 15, 2010 1:42 pm

Bubbles flushed in embarrassment at Britney/Blossom's (obviously the latter was her stage name. But what did they normally refer to each other by?) matter-of-fact commentary, getting even redder at Ms. Utonium's comment. And it certainly had been tempting to keep playing with the shower head awhile longer, but she thought she had been in a hurry, and her need had been minor by then. Buttercup taking control had been really satisfying, way more than playing by herself would have been. She began to consider what might be going on, but that got instantly throw by the wayside at the mention of ice cream!

Ooh, some ice cream would be excellent right now! "Really? Thank you Ms. Utonium!" Then Bubbles scurried though the mess, stumbling only slightly, and gave Buttercup a hug! "Thank you for playing with me, a partner is always more fun and filling than masturbating! You should do it more often, because it's fun. And we get ice cream!" She giggled and hugged a bit tighter. What was I just thinking about? Eh, it can wait, because ice cream!
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Jul 15, 2010 2:54 pm

Catalina came to a stop, leaning her back up against the wall as she caught her breath, with an utterly stunned expression on her face. As a woman of almost thirty she was used to spending hours at a time running and climbing and jumping, but now as a slim teenager she could barely run for thirty seconds without it hurting. She rolled her head back to rest against the wall as Maria caught up, eyebrows rising as it became clear that running out of class seemed rather common. Wincing, she slipped the strap of the purse from her shoulder, dropping it to the floor beside her feet, and wrapped an arm around her aching stomach.

As she looked up at the Maid, she felt hope slipping away again. Was this how the Flying Fox would end? "I can still do this... ", she panted, "... just you watch". Leaning forward, she put her weight back onto her feet and stepped away from the wall. Lowering her head slightly, she bent one knee, her heel lifting from the polished marble floor, and then she burst forward in a run, swinging her arms to build up her momentum across the short distance of the hall. When she was within three feet of crashing into the wall opposite, one leg flew up from beneath her, the loose dress swishing around her thighs, as she bent her knee upwards, the second foot coming up as the first planted against the wall, while in the same motion she began to arch her spine and lean her head backwards. It was the simplest of moves, something she'd done a dozen times every day since she was sixteen, a backflip off the wall. The polished Mary Janes, however, lacked grip. The bottom of them was as smooth as the marble wall she was trying to flip off. Before she could plant the second foot, her first slipped downwards, blonde pigtails suddenly flying up from beneath her, whipping passed her face as she plummeted backwards before landing hard on her upper back with a cry, her glasses bouncing right off her nose, leaving the whole world a blurred mess as she lay there, her feet resting against the wall so her legs were above her, knees forced almost against her chest. "Oww... ".
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Thu Jul 15, 2010 7:37 pm

Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav
Eventually she finished the lesson, though she had long lost count of the number of days and times she had been forced to repeat it, the hours long since reaching the thousands until she was accustomed to sexist treatment and demure demeanor in what is commonly known as Stockholm syndrome. The screen prompt coming up with a ‘Lesson one completed’ a list of options coming up even with her mental state she almost felt chills as the options glanced over additional lessons of maidagement, the total reaching a cool hundred. She luckily returned to the main menu as the world turned back into a white plane as a series of information panels displayed. In what appeared to be a status card appearing, require lesson being checked off. The display showing the Name: Ming Zhu Class: Battle Maid as well as various physical stats. Just then a series of options displayed, including log out, browse web, however her chose able options were restricted to ‘continue lessons’ and ‘Join other lessons’ as a counter ticked down on the side.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Knight Errant » Thu Jul 15, 2010 7:50 pm

Stan opens the closet. "... what the hell?" He says as he sees whats inside. What did Fei Li expect him to wear? Then he remembers the breasts... he had almost forgotten them they felt so comfortable...

He looks at the bunny suits. "No... no way-agh..." He holds his head as it begins changing outward and inward, his thoughts scattering and reforming as his brain alters.
O Muse!
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Zoey » Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:42 pm

Mark wanted to shout as the lesson want over still. He was mentaly tired and after all she went through more training sounded like the death sentence. However its not like she had a chance either. She already knew the program wont let her do anything until its pleased. With a sigh, Mark choosed the continue lessons option. "Battle training? Just what do they expect maids to do here?!"
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:48 pm

Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
As she continued to clean, Roberta passed by to supervisor her and the others before moving on swiftly. The act of cleaning bringing forth of list of chores she needed to do, after cleaning class was she was to meet with Maria and Catalina. From experience usually this meant that she needed to buy some small stuff before heading back to the mansion. Apparently there was dinner with the PPG’s again, they were all pretty nice but on the positive note that meant she didn’t have to cook dinner tonight which was always a plus.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Maiden Miki » Thu Jul 15, 2010 11:09 pm

ZeroForever wrote:Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
As she continued to clean, Roberta passed by to supervisor her and the others before moving on swiftly. The act of cleaning bringing forth of list of chores she needed to do, after cleaning class was she was to meet with Maria and Catalina. From experience usually this meant that she needed to buy some small stuff before heading back to the mansion. Apparently there was dinner with the PPG’s again, they were all pretty nice but on the positive note that meant she didn’t have to cook dinner tonight which was always a plus.

As Micheal/Mimi kept on cleaning. a list of things came to her mind which seem like things that she had to do. She frown a little and realize that this was going to be very long. The idea of going to class, especially one about cleaning, seem very strange to Micheal as she hasn't been to a class in what felt like ages. Still that just made the day seem even longer to Mimi. Then there was the fact that she had to meet with the one name Maria and Catalina. The thought of the young girl made shivers ran up and down Mimi's back as she was feeling fearful about the girl. Still it also meant that had to buy some things for the girl.

Though the idea of having guess made Mimi feel good since she didn't have to cook. It was something that Micheal didn't have to worry too much before since she was always halfway decent still Mimi wanted to be done with the day so she could gather more information. If she played her cards right then maybe she could use this Catalina girl to her advantage in gaining information. The idea made another shiver run up her back but it was at least something.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Fri Jul 16, 2010 3:16 pm

Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel
While he reeled from the onslaught of mental and facial changes, he felt a twitch coming from down below as Mr.Happy started to act up again. Soon he pressing against the smooth caress of his confines as he found himself once again spewing forth. However unlike normal he found himself coming again and again each time Mr. Happy getting smaller as if getting used up. Before reaching a tipping point where it couldn't get small, the lust building up to a uncontrollable point. The climax finally occurring as his pelvis reversed it's thrust, as she felt a new hole pierced through her thoroughly, the sensation so great it flooded all other thoughts in her brain as she had finally joined the other gender.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Knight Errant » Fri Jul 16, 2010 7:43 pm

There are states of mind where such an event can be dealt with with minimum of self embarrassment... just having had your mind re-wired isnt one of them. Stan collapses first to his knees, then to the floor as he finds himself gushing over and over. Soon his soft feminine voice can be heard moaning and groaning as his body is wracked with the unceasing pleasure, finally peaking at a scream of ecstasy as the threshold is crossed and he becomes a she.

Thoroughly exhausted, she strips her soiled pants and sweat soaked top to reveal her body. Her eyes widening as she looks over it. "I... I'm a woman..." She says, hardly able to believe it.
O Muse!
Sing in me, and through me tell the story
Of that man skilled in all the ways of contending,
A wanderer, harried for years on end...

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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Sat Jul 17, 2010 11:10 am

Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider – Gwen Watson
“No more than usual but, I think you’ll like the surprise tonight.” MJ said smirking “No guesses, you’ll just have to wait and see at the auction”. Meanwhile the elevator proceeded down to the private garage as MJ looked around for a moment before deciding on which car to drive “hmmm the Pagani today” she said as the bellhop girl quick fetched the car in question. MJ hopping into the driver’s seat, tossing Gwen to the passenger; as the garage door opened as the pair took off the car blazing fast at over 100 mph, the street lights seemingly switching to accommodate them.

Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger – Bubbles
(actually it’s there nicknames, which were taken to be there stage names as well)
As the group exited the apartment it was clearly one of the ritzier portions of town the skyline and shoreline view quite amazing though the glass enclosed elevators. The classes of cars in the area were on a different level from rich, each in the exotic super luxury class; like the one that just blazed through the street weaving in and out of traffic at 100+, the police seemingly not even caring in this area. As they reached the ground level a stretch limo awaited them, Ms. Utonium speaking to the limo driver as the group took off, alcohol and other condiments open no sooner than the door close.

Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo
The green skinned woman instead of transforming simply just walked into one of the side buildings instead, the little bird following in tow though he managed to catch a whiff of her scent he would find it hard to track then he imagined due to the size and mobility of small birds. Meanwhile the rest of the crowd dispersed as quickly as it had gathered, the animals each moving in their own direction most seemingly towards where they had originated as if in anticipation of something. The katamari ball he had left of the side began to beep as if signaling something.

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
“What was that suppose to be?” Maria said rhetorically as she walked over. Picking Catalina up she made sure there wasn’t any notable injuries doing a muscle/joint examination quickly before thwaping the girl upside her head once again. “Are you done” she said more in a matter of fact statement rather than comment. Looking at the time “You really need to work on your timing, the periods almost over anyways and I wasn’t going to make you stay both sessions…. But since you pulled this stunt again I’ll have to think of an appropriate punishment.” While the scolding occurred the hourly bell rung once again, as people began filtering in and out of the hallways once again. As she stood there being scolded she saw what had to be a class worth of female maids in red Mary janes pass by like the one she remembered.
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