[FFRP] A Psychological Experiment. (OOC)


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[FFRP] A Psychological Experiment. (OOC)

Postby Whatevr89532 » Tue Aug 10, 2010 3:45 pm

In a world where magic is prevalent, and often used by the powerful for the manipulation of the minds and bodies of others, one group of mages and scientists decide to use it for a little research..but above all, keep it legal and as ethical as possible. The cornerstone of their plan is a contract which any applicant for test subject must read and fill out, outlining as many details of the experiment's procedure as possible, emphasizing the inclusion of physical and mental change--both temporary. The contract must be signed by both parties, and is a binding statement made by the researchers as well. Because test subjects are paid well at the end, and by the contract's terms, keep only those changes they truly like, the group expects there to be enough applicants that deception is unnecessary.

Our story focuses on one such test, seeking to determine the psychological impact of various degrees of change to mind and body, and encounters with others likewise changed. Each subject (having signed a contract in advance) enters the facility, walks a hallway along which the changes that he or she will test are applied, and then enters a living area to stay with other subjects for a week. At the end, all changes to said subject's mentality are reversed, and (s)he is allowed to choose between leaving in the original form, the present one, or even an altered version of one or the other in addition to payment for participation.

The RP will consist of two parts for each character--the first, the hallway, being between a narrator (me at first, possibly others) and the one being changed; and the second, in the living area, between everyone. You can join at any time. (The first part is now handled via PM and then posted in bulk)

Character sheet:
Code: Select all
New Appearance: Not Yet
Personality Changes: None Yet
Preferred Physical Changes:
Hated Physical Changes:
Comfort Zone of Mental Changes:
Mental Changes I Cannot/Will Not Play:

Please post the sheet here and let me accept it. Feel free to edit the sheet to reflect new changes to the character; it's not required though.

Here's a general idea of the living space arrangement. The pool isn't on the map, and the rooms labeled "restroom" are smaller than the "bathrooms" and don't include baths or showers, while the "bathrooms" do.

Important note to players

List of Existing Characters:
5: Zander Young (Miku-Chan), now Xandra, a tomboy
2: Melissa Chapman (Ickle Harri-chan), now much younger
1: Chris Wallace (Roggamer22), now a catgirl
3: Nate Waters (Kaizer), now a witch of light, Natalie
4: Vincent Vain (Shy Shay), now a woman named Valerie
7: Linda Garters (Zilla), now an energetic wolf-girl
6: Koren Irtes (Whatevr89532), now Kaya, a wolf girl
9: Michael Aio (Maiden Miki), now Miika, girl guitarist
?: Ridley Davis (Nikki)
0: Lance Pearson (muffinstud), now Lacey, a somewhat attraction-confused catgirl [Dropped out]
10: Henry Jefferson (Ookalf), now Regalia, a four-armed woman of noble tastes
11: Leon Olson (all_knowing_frog), now Lana, a young fox-girl who enjoys dress-up and cute clothes
Last edited by Whatevr89532 on Thu Sep 30, 2010 9:02 pm, edited 24 times in total.
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Re: A Psychological Experiment.

Postby Mistress Guendolen » Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:22 pm

(Okay, as mod of this room, let me give you that clarification. An FFRP is a game with little to no operator involvement beyond the creation of the story and setting and perhaps a few incidentals. It's free-form, which means you turn the players loose and let them do whatever they want within the parameters of the setting you established. Some game creators don't even do much with character sheets, in those, and people can often jump in and out whenever they please. It's the less structured of the two. By contrast, the SRP is more like a table roleplay only over the internet. The game creator is involved all the time, throwing out plot points and possible pitfalls and other such things. It's overall a lot more structured, with more regular guidance from the creator; overall, it's less of a free-for-all. Players do indeed still have input, as always, but there's a stronger presence of the creator's hand. They do more with it, have more detail involved, etc. Does this help?)
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Re: A Psychological Experiment.

Postby Whatevr89532 » Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:09 pm

Alright, thanks. I remembered some of the general stuff from (I think) old announcements describing them, but couldn't remember the rest. I'd say this falls under Free-form although the setting is relatively small in scale.
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Re: [FFRP] A Psychological Experiment.

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:12 am

I like this idea and shall come up with a character for it :)
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Re: [FFRP] A Psychological Experiment.

Postby Miku-chan » Fri Aug 13, 2010 9:13 am

Because it looks interesting...
Name:Zander Young
Appearance:6 ft 2 in tall, 220 pounds, short red hair worn about 1 inch long, Fair skinned with freckles
Personality: quiet and brooding, tends to think for long periods or time. seems he would be happier with a book in his hand then in a room full of people
New Appearance: Not Yet
Personality Changes: None Yet
Preferred Physical Changes:open
Hated Physical Changes:none known or realized
Comfort Zone of Mental Changes:try anything once
Mental Changes I Cannot/Will Not Play: try anything once
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Re: [FFRP] A Psychological Experiment.

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Aug 13, 2010 10:24 am

Name: Melissa Chapman
Gender: Female
Age: 31

Appearance: She's quite tall, almost six foot, with a curvy figure. She has dark brown hair that she dyes to keep the grey streaks out, which is slightly curled and just passed het shoulders in length. She wears glasses, which like the rest of her clothes are stylish and expensive. Upon arriving for the experiment she's wearing a grey business suit consisting of a fitted jacket and short skirt, with dark tights and a pink blouse, and heels in her feet.

Personality: Melissa has always been driven towards having the perfect life. During school, she completely ignored the social life for study, and married her first boyfriend after graduating law school, as in her perfect life fantasy, marrying your childhood sweetheart was one of the top goals. She pushed and pushed to earn a reputation as one of the best young lawyers in the city, pushing so hard she ended up having a breakdown. On top of it, she found out that childhood sweetheart she'd rushed into marriage with was actually a jerk, who'd been cheating on her with her mid-twenty year old sister. She's lost her family, and her job, and is desperate for money, which is why she's signed to the experiment without giving it much thought. Before the breakdown, she'd been a strong, confident woman who enjoyed being her own boss.

New Appearance: Not Yet
Personality Changes: None Yet

Preferred Physical Changes: Age Regression
Hated Physical Changes: Age Progression, TG to male
Comfort Zone of Mental Changes: I don't mind changes to personality, but prefer not losing memories
Mental Changes I Cannot/Will Not Play: Don't mind, as long as memories are not lost
Last edited by Harri-chan on Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:29 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: [FFRP] A Psychological Experiment.

Postby Roggamer22 » Fri Aug 13, 2010 3:23 pm

I'll join too! :3
Name: Chris Wallace
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Appearance: Somewhat short for his age, at about a little more then 5 feet. Wears glasses. Has somewhat long black hair. Pale skin.
Personality: Friendly, but can sometimes be lazy and unmotivated. Tends to doze off sometimes.
New Appearance: Not Yet
Personality Changes: None Yet
Preferred Physical Changes: Any
Hated Physical Changes: Female to Male changes
Comfort Zone of Mental Changes: Any as long as it isn't a complete mind change
Mental Changes I Cannot/Will Not Play: A full mind change, not remembering anything about the change, etc.
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Re: [FFRP] A Psychological Experiment.

Postby Zoey » Fri Aug 13, 2010 6:32 pm

Name: Nate Waters
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Appearance: He's 6 feet tall and has a average build. Messy brown hair that reaching mid neck, blue eyes. He usually wears his work uniform which is a white button shirt with the badge of the company he interns for. Finishing he has black dress pants and matching shoes.
Personality: He's pretty modest guy, doesn't like to be too confrontational. He loves the ladies and is very aware of his manhood pride. He's a hard worker which he hopes i'll pay off in the future, but at times he can be a bit of a coward. He has big dreams he wants to fill and is coming for them.
New Appearance: Not Yet
Personality Changes: None Yet

Preferred Physical Changes: AP, TG
Hated Physical Changes: AR, Animalistic traits
Comfort Zone of Mental Changes: Slight changes, but nothing to affect the personality.
Mental Changes I Cannot/Will Not Play: Anything that contradicts the top answer.
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"What are you planning?!"
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Re: [FFRP] A Psychological Experiment.

Postby Shy Shay » Fri Aug 13, 2010 7:58 pm

I wanna play too!

Name: Vincent Vain
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Appearance: 5' 10. Black messy hair that reaches the middle of his neck. Green eyes. Skinny and not exactly fit. He wears T-shirts with sarcastic sayings on them and slacks.
Personality: He is a smart and nice guy. However, after variouse attempts to help others backfiring, he has more or less givin up. He signed up so that he could get a newe life away from all of that, one were he didn't have to worry about doing the wrong thing. He is also slightly vaine about his intellegence, and tends to look down on those not as smart as him... but he doesn't admit it to himself. He is generally lazy and proscratinates a bit more then he should.
New Appearance: Not Yet
Personality Changes: None Yet

Preferred Physical Changes: Anything I don't hate.
Hated Physical Changes: Extreme AR and extreme AP. A few years is nice, but nothing younger then 17 and nothing older then 23.
Comfort Zone of Mental Changes: Almost anything.
Mental Changes I Cannot/Will Not Play: The one thing I don't like is total memory erasing. Replacing knowledge and erasing knowledge is fine, adding memories is fine, and changing the personality to the extent that they wouldn't care is fine, though.
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Re: [FFRP] A Psychological Experiment.

Postby Whatevr89532 » Fri Aug 13, 2010 10:42 pm

Ok, wow, I didn't expect such interest; thank you for it. I've seen no problems in the sheets sent so far, so they're all accepted. I'll write up some kind of reference-list in the top post a little later, and as this is enough I think I can start soon (maybe tomorrow or if not, Monday-ish?).

I should probably note that I don't intend to do much auto-acceptance; the in-character reason is because finding out what thought processes lead one to accept or reject a change to their body/mind is an important part of the experiment, while the out-of-character reason is that it feels to me like kind of a cheap way to handle things (nothing against those who want/use it, there are legitimate and good reasons to). Nonetheless, I'll do it for anyone who really wants me to, but preferably not everyone.

Might as well do this now, too: If there are any volunteers to do someone else's changes, possibly mine, please let me know.
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Re: [FFRP] A Psychological Experiment.

Postby Zilla » Mon Aug 16, 2010 1:49 am

Name: Linda Garters
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Appearance: tall, blonde, and average. She wears jeans and solid-color tops, though they are usually saturated in color.
Personality: Carefree and chipper, she's quite optimistic. She likes experiencing new things, and so she signed up for the experiment to see what kinds of things she can experience. She's open and outgoing, though she has a more serious side that she only shows to those who get close to her.
New Appearance: Not Yet
Personality Changes: None Yet
Preferred Physical Changes: animal or mythical traits, new appendages or abilities, things that change how the character is perceived or how they can relate to the world, and slower changes are awesome.
Hated Physical Changes: Anything obscene, though given MSF, this is already a no-no so we're all good ^_^. I'm fine with just about anything, and like my character, I love exploring new things.
Comfort Zone of Mental Changes: As far as you like, I love mental changes. I like them slow though. and unaware is always fun.
Mental Changes I Cannot/Will Not Play: Anything is fine.
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Re: [FFRP] A Psychological Experiment.

Postby Zoey » Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:27 pm

I'll be honored to do your tf w/er :p
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
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Re: [FFRP] A Psychological Experiment. (OOC)

Postby Whatevr89532 » Mon Aug 16, 2010 4:27 pm

Excellent; Zilla, your character is accepted.
Everyone, the IC is up.

I'll try and come up with a character myself soon.

(In case you're wondering, the colors of the hallways don't correspond to Muffin colors at all. I am doing something with them, but that isn't it.)
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Re: [FFRP] A Psychological Experiment. (OOC)

Postby Whatevr89532 » Tue Aug 17, 2010 4:42 pm

My character:
Name: Koren Irtes
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Appearance: Koren is pretty average in build, certainly not muscular and even a little pudgy in his stomach. He wears a blank white t-shirt and nondescript blue jeans. He has blue eyes and dark brown hair that goes about an inch from its roots; the front of his face is uncovered by hair, but he has a chinstrap beard.
Personality: He's pretty smart, but tries not to show it too much. He almost always has a smile on his face, and can be quite sociable and interesting to talk to, but he doesn't tend to open up much to people he doesn't already know.
New Appearance: Not Yet
Personality Changes: None Yet
Preferred Physical Changes: Female; I like animal traits, especially canine ones, but I'm not so picky as to complain about others. I like well-described changes.
Hated Physical Changes: Inanimate, AR below puberty, completely non-humanoid
Comfort Zone of Mental Changes: Fairly open.
Mental Changes I Cannot/Will Not Play: Extremely low intelligence (ditz/bimbo), total mental rewrite (i.e. memory gone)

I'll have him arrive my next post, I think; I'm asking Kaizer to do the change. Let me know if you need/want images to use.
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Re: [FFRP] A Psychological Experiment. (OOC)

Postby Whatevr89532 » Fri Aug 20, 2010 3:11 pm

Okay, I've worked on the living space arrangement a bit, forgive my terrible MSPainting.
(Note, the difference between what I called a "bathroom" and a "restroom" is the "bathroom"s have baths and showers, while the "restrooms" don't)

I think I need a little help/input at this point. Firstly, is the map as it is now clear and is the arrangement of everything fairly sensible; and secondly, what to do with that blank room in the second floor?
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