[SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta


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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Mon Aug 09, 2010 10:01 pm

Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
“Maybe you did hit your head harder than we thought” the girl dragging her said looking at her with a surprised looked on her face at the question. Stopping short suddenly the forward momentum sent Mark/Ming lurching forward only to be stopped as the female in question caught her forehead in-between her boobs. “Hmm you’re actually genuinely confused…“ She said as her bosom fit Marks face inside it perfectly depriving her of air. “It wouldn’t be the first time someone on the team got disabled before meets… seems a little more in depth than normal though, guess we’ll check with the coach first.” She said before moving once against this time even faster than before as Mark/Ming was literally flew through the air as she was dragged across the campus. They soon arrived outside at a series of sports field/plaza, various groups and clubs of girls congregating. When Ming’s feet finally touched the ground she was surrounded by various maids in similar designs to her own.

Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
“Nothing is needed tonight; Catalina is already busy so there isn’t a rush.” Maria said before realizing that Mimi wasn’t recognizing the hints walking over she pet Mimi’s head soothingly “I’m giving you permission to attend the science club today. Hakase will drop you off after it’s over so no need to worry and just enjoy yourself.” Maria said as Mimi found fond memories of the club in question welling up in her mind. The club in question was its own entity, encompassing several of the schools buildings it was very well funded and included various sub-divisions based on all sorts of subject matter. It was one of the few places were ability was prized over other factors, after all the president Hakase was no more than 14 and was the epitome of skinny geeky boy but was genius without peer. “I already let him know so he probably already sent a robot out to pick you up.” Maria said before leaving.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Maiden Miki » Tue Aug 10, 2010 12:11 pm

ZeroForever wrote:Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
“Nothing is needed tonight; Catalina is already busy so there isn’t a rush.” Maria said before realizing that Mimi wasn’t recognizing the hints walking over she pet Mimi’s head soothingly “I’m giving you permission to attend the science club today. Hakase will drop you off after it’s over so no need to worry and just enjoy yourself.” Maria said as Mimi found fond memories of the club in question welling up in her mind. The club in question was its own entity, encompassing several of the schools buildings it was very well funded and included various sub-divisions based on all sorts of subject matter. It was one of the few places were ability was prized over other factors, after all the president Hakase was no more than 14 and was the epitome of skinny geeky boy but was genius without peer. “I already let him know so he probably already sent a robot out to pick you up.” Maria said before leaving.

Upon mentioning the Science Club, Micheal had felt some sort of excite was happening within her which was added on to the relaxing feeling that Maria's pet was having on the girl. Mimi was just happy that she was given permission to attend the science club. Micheal didn't know why but it made him feel happy that he could go somewhere to show off his knowledge and ability based on the memories that were rushing to her.

"Thank you!" bowed Mimi as she watched Maria walk away. "I try not to be late!"

Mimi just felt so happy. She at once began to run off to the locker room to put away her broom. She almost tripped due to her excitement and natural clumsiness she had but didn't let that stop her. She stuffed her broom into the locker and then ran back looking for the robot that Hakase was suppose to send.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Wed Aug 11, 2010 10:02 pm

Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider – Gwen Watson
“I didn’t mean deal with him that way, much less outdoors in daylight.” MJ said annoyed as she hurried back upon hearing Gwen’s yelling. Arriving she looked at the three men the red liquid already engulfing their bodies “Meh… too late now best to hurry it up before someone else comes along.” She said before placing her hands inside the red as a blackish tone joined the mix. The substance trio of bodies were encased in was skin tight already, however within seconds they shrank to no more than 4 feet tall there body masses taking on a androgynous tone. The black and red liquid soon removed themselves from the bodies returning to Gwen and MJ as a rush of energy, power, and lust flowed into them. The 3 bodies however were cleaned of any cloths and hair, there naked bodies looking like a young teens the only indication of their gender was lacking between their legs.
“Clean up crew over here now.” MJ said into her cell before turning to Gwen. “What did I say about using Carnal outdoors, at least there weren’t any other paparazzi in the area…” MJ said annoyed as a helicopter could be seen in the distance approaching.

Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel –Stella
As she returned to the living room, she could see Fei li and Selma making out or in this case Selma was feeding off of Fei Li’s juices not that she minded as she came repeatedly. It was over fairly quickly as it was routine both cleaning themselves off fairly quickly afterwards. One eyed raven haired Goth female that was Selma, of the 3 she had the most flexibility in terms wearable cloths but most limited in color as everything she wore needed to give a gothic overtone.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v395/ ... /Selma.jpg
“There’s an auction tonight so were pulling standard shifts later tonight.” Selma said after the 3 had gathered “But first there’s a new DA in town that we’re suppose to convince to come. Not too many details but apparently he’s a go getter and a pretty boy.” Selma said as she tossed a general profile on the table for one Harvey Dent.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Zoey » Wed Aug 11, 2010 10:58 pm

Mark was extremely confused. They talked about her like she was someone. Before he could piece it all together she found her face between the girls assets. Blood quickly rushed to Marks face to give it a nice blush. It was a strange feeling of life acomplishment and fail, but before she could recover she soon found herself flying through the building. Mark tried to shout and make the girl stop, but as soon as they left they arrived at a strange place. The place was jam packed with maids. Soo... many maids... Mark was almost out of it from the breast scene, but this. This was heaven! This was the place all men strive to be in. And Mark was here, the glory, the feeling of finally realizing your a sick perv. Mark grew a smile of that of a 5 year old kid when he stumbles to a jam packed christmas tree. For a second, Mark didn't care she was a girl. She didn't care she was lost. Just... there was no way to explain this amazing site. Girls, in very attractive outfits, all smiling and having a good time. All types and forms of maid were there. Mark just... looked zombish staring at the girls, her face resembling a boiling pot of water, maybe even a trickle of blood droping from his nose. "I can die happily now..." she thought to herself.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Miku-chan » Thu Aug 12, 2010 9:38 am

Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider – Gwen Watson
“I didn’t mean deal with him that way, much less outdoors in daylight.” MJ said annoyed as she hurried back upon hearing Gwen’s yelling. Arriving she looked at the three men the red liquid already engulfing their bodies “Meh… too late now best to hurry it up before someone else comes along.” She said before placing her hands inside the red as a blackish tone joined the mix. The substance trio of bodies were encased in was skin tight already, however within seconds they shrank to no more than 4 feet tall there body masses taking on a androgynous tone. The black and red liquid soon removed themselves from the bodies returning to Gwen and MJ as a rush of energy, power, and lust flowed into them. The 3 bodies however were cleaned of any cloths and hair, there naked bodies looking like a young teens the only indication of their gender was lacking between their legs.
“Clean up crew over here now.” MJ said into her cell before turning to Gwen. “What did I say about using Carnal outdoors, at least there weren’t any other paparazzi in the area…” MJ said annoyed as a helicopter could be seen in the distance approaching.

Gwen stood looking abashed as MJ came running up to the scene and scolding her. She remembered MJ warning her about using her Carnal, that is her red stuff, as she had just now, only to forget in a moment of impulse and lust at something she was still not in control of completely. That was why MJ made these kinds of decisions, not her. Still, what she had done was take care of the problem the best she thought she could, and now her lover was mad at her for acting out as she did.

Biting on her knuckle in shame, she watches as MJ cleans up her mess once more, her fascination over the process in which she rushed the changes still fascinates her and her curiosity over such things stills keeps rearing its scientific little mind, and most times she just ignores it, but something happened this time and she couldn't help but act on the impulse that she had. As her red fluid like substance returns to her, she emits a low moan of desire from the energies she absorbs thru her Carnal. She slumps slightly against the nearby tree as her body adjusts to its new energies. She was still upset with herself for making MJ angry and needing to clean up after her again, but something also told her soon, very soon, she would no longer need MJ or any body else to take care of her wants and needs. Gwen shutters at the thought of not needing MJ and quickly slams the door on that train of thought. Looking at her handiwork, the one in the middle had a interesting mark in her throat area. Where what once was a mans adams apple, now held the traceries of a small butterfly, her larynx and ability to speak gone no doubt due to the unique symbiont Gwen had given birth to with her Carnal's help in the now young girl before them...
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Stray-chan » Sat Aug 14, 2010 6:15 am

(I'm back finally!)

ZeroForever wrote:“Yes were going for ice cream” Ms. Utonium said as if lecturing noticing her drinking she spoke up again, “Only one drink Bubbles, I don’t need you getting drunk today.” the other girls snickering at that comment clearly remembering something. The rest of the car ride was rather uneventful as they arrived a few minutes later. From a distance they could see various paparazzi standing around along with fans. The car however parked in a rather secluded spot as they were ushered in via a back entrance as they were greeted by a rather greasy looking tubby Guido guy “Your early today!” he spoke up however was quickly shot down by Ms. Utonium “We have no intention of starting early, we’re just heading over to Moo’s Creamery before signing.” She said as she walked past him exiting through side door Buttercup and Blossom following behind.

"Yes Ms. Utonium..." she replied automatically, blushing a bit as well. Huh, seems like I've done something silly while drunk. Or do so regularly. I'm afraid to ask... She polished off the chips and lemonade during the ride, and when she stood up to leave the limo, was surprised by the fact her head was buzzing slightly. Wow, buzzed of a hard lemonade? I'm really lacking in tolerance. Probably why she limited me to one.

Spotting the greasy guy, Bubbles frowned slightly. She recognized the type from back when she was a guy: the sleazy venue owner. Charged out the nose for cheap beer, didn't keep the facilities in shape, took a cut of merch sales, probably charged an admission fee for autographs... She hated them. Music was supposed to be for the people, the fans, not a money machine for greasy sleazeballs with more gut than ethics. She scowled at him as they passed, the look rather cute on her, really, and hurried after her bandmates. "He's not going to be hanging around during the signing, is he?" she whispered to the other girls.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Mon Aug 16, 2010 9:39 pm

Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
The girls pet/cuddled him after a moment before looking at some blinking text on his collar, “Demerit???” she said reading into it “Whoops! Guess I forgot to have you change back before your class. Oh well you’ll have on your best behavior next week.” She said nonchalantly. Standing up Kara stretched at bit before continuing to speak to him “At least it’s the weekend already so the weird restriction for your class is over, anyways take your humanoid form, and since were still on campus female also.” She said.
No sooner did the words come of the girls mouth did he feel his muscles tingle with energy as they once again begin to shift, his body’s muscle memory reacting instinctively to her words though the collar acting as a mental regulator for his progression not that he could notice. He could feel the fur receding across his body as his limbs began to re-expand; at first starting are the tips as his paws began to lengthen once again. Additional digits grew from his paws to match the human normal count; however his rough hands then became daintier as they shrank little by little. The de-furring continued at a rapid pace, his muscular structure following quickly as his limbs re-grew there former size only to shrink as the muscles redistributed. His fleshy skin soon felt the brisk air although briefly as from the collar a patterned fabric materialized from it seemingly covering his body in equal speed the shimmering material tight against his skin before it began to fold out in a variation of the maid outfit he had seen today. As the transformation hit the pelvic area de-furring was the least of his concerns as it disappeared just as quickly, the sensation feeling like a sudden pop as he became as she the new lips covered just as tightly under the cloths. Oddly enough though her tail remained, the clothing forming around it. The rest of her didn’t fare any better as his muzzle receded her face taking a dainty humanoid look though her ears and eyes retained there wolfen features.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v395/ ... s/Horo.png
The whole process felt like forever but only took him/her no more than a minute, the transitions happening so quickly that only those in-tuned with the situation could tell. Most of the other students didn’t give more than a passing glance. “No matter how many times I see that it’s always interesting” Kara said on an off note as it finished up. Horo retaining some of her animalistic features but in most part her brain and mind had mostly reverted to a human one, the feral portion of her repressed.

Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker - Hime
After she was seated in the vans portable station Batou took the driver’s seat while some random private took the passenger side. The car passed through more hidden passages then she wanted to take count of before reaching the surface. The car ride itself was objectively boring mainly because from her station she was angled such that she could only see the sun however admittedly she found herself missing it usually cooped up underground. The van however came to a grinding slow down “Great traffic” she could hear Batou bitch. “I miss the times on the force when you could just flash your lights to move everyone.” The private lamented.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Danarth » Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:17 am

Horo sat there, finding the cuddling and petting rather enjoyable for reasons he was not quite sure of, his mind and body had been reacted strangely so far today so he would simply accept the feeling. As the girl, Kara, noticed something on his collar, his tail would droop again as he heard the reaction to the information, she mentioned demerits again then mentioned the class, which he didn't understand either. As she mentioned to him that he would have to be on his best behaviour and then mentioned the strange restriction on his class that he seemed to be going through. He could only assume that it in some way related to the things the dragon lady had mentioned before.

As Kara told him to change back into his humanoid form but the mention of female did not register on him at first as he felt the strange and not quite pleasent sensation of the transformations take over his body, feeling the strange cracking sensations all over his body as he begins to change. The first noticeable sign that he was back to being human was the prespective he view things from the normal level of a human being. He raised one hand as he watched the fur receding along his limbs, sighing in relief for a moment as he saw them back to normal but then blinked as in a matter of moments that, the arm he was looking at lost it's normal size and changed to something much dainter than his arm usually was. He looked down as the rapid change continued, watching as the rest of his body defurred and become dainter. A brief shiver passsed through his body as he felt the the air on his bare form before the collar suddenly produce an outfit, a maid's outfit, appearing in the same fashion it had to the bird girl from before. The next sensation was the strangest and possible the most uncomfortable, around his pelvis, that which made him male seemed to vanish replaced with that which now made him female.

As the transformation seemed to finally finish, she would check her body a moment to see if things had really changed as much as it looked like, checking the top of her head for a moment, feeling that the furry ears were there again as had happened before she got stuck in the wolf form, checking down her back to see if the tail was still there like it had been before, unsurprisingly she found out and touched down a little lower, praying that the maid outfit she was wearing was designed in a way that worked around the tail, and she sighed in relief as she found out it did indeed. The fact she was no longer male took a little while to settle in, she would be wearing a rather dumb founded expression at the situation until Kara made the comment about the change being interesting. Spending a moment considering how she should respond to this, she eventually tried a slightly sychophantic tact, she was already in trouble so it would likely serve best if she tried to ingriate herself to this girl "I am glad you find it interesting, Miss" Horo said or would at least try to say hoping that along with her body back to normal that her ability to speak was also back to normal "And I apologize for my lax behaviour today" she would add. Smiling a little and placing her hand in front of her, against herself and bowing slightly, respectfully. It seemed that while her body had changed, so had her mind changed at least to the extent where she no longer had to excert force of will to repress the feral portion of her mind so her mind was free to focus on human things. Keeping her eyes on Kara, still smiling as she waited to see what the girl wanted her to do
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Zilla » Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:40 pm

(Um, no offense, but how can I meaningfully interject at the point you've left me? I'm seriously at a loss for what I would do, complain about traffic too?)
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:14 pm

Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger – Bubbles
“He’ll probably be lurking somewhere out of sight like usual” Buttercup said, as they preceded through various side doors, eventually they approached one of the exit into the mall proper. “Stay here, no need to cause a stampede like last time girls.” Ms. Utonium said seconds later a teenage girl in a standard waitress clothing with the Moo’s Creamery logo on it came through the doors with the deluxe super mega giga Moo sundae on a cart, the 30 pound ice cream confection had everything imaginable on it. It glittered with heart attack goodness as the other girls started on it, the waitress girl asking shyly “Do you mind if I get an autograph… for my little sister I mean” she said some what shyly.

Zilla - act how your character would likely act, if she would do nothing then do nothing. If she would day dream about life was then do that. if she wants to comment on something or make small talk let her. Honestly there doesn't have to be major conversation points constantly.

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
While searching the purse Catalina would find her cell phone in bag next to the other electronic devices, at some point it had been placed back into the bag. Meanwhile at the large screen in the front of the lecture hall they started playing what seemed to be a Mahou Shoujo series, as the intro played Cat would find that although she couldn’t remember the song, her body did as she began to unconsciously hum with the song as she found the peppy j-pop music invigorating. While pre-occupied a poke in her backside was the only indication that Yuna had returned; the other girl at some point already opened up/powered her DS while she was pre-occupied with the TV. “So you were saying something before?” Yuna asked off handily as she was scrolling through the options of the game, her eyes not even lifting up.

Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Hakase was a genius but was well known to go for effective rather than comfort or any other major features, outside the rare occasion. Mimi found herself the subject of the ‘Claw’ again, memories of the device in the past stifling screams of panic instead replaced with a god dammit as her body braced. The claw was adeptly named as a giant metal claw suddenly clamped down on her body from behind, she was literally jerked backwards flying through the air like a fish being reeled in. The motion ended just as suddenly as she found herself jerked through one of the open roof labs landing into a Jello like substance that cushioned the impact but sent her bouncing into the air several times before stilling. “MUHAHAH the jello worked!!!” she could hear the geeky high string voice/Hakase exclaimed while she waited from the room and her stomach to stop spinning, the jello not in her memory….
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Harri-chan » Sat Aug 21, 2010 5:10 pm

"Huh... ", she murmured as she spotted the iphone when putting her notepad away, and pulled it from the purse, setting it down beside her as she sat up on top of the desk, her feet swinging back and forth in time to the music. She realised she'd been humming along without meaning too, so there was a somewhat confused look upon her face as she lifted her head and peered towards the front of the room as the intro to the anime played. Fora moment, she stared at it, her mouth open slightly before she felt the poke in her backside. Her cheeks went bright red, and she squirmed, twisting her skinny body, the blonde pigtails flicking around as she turned her head to see Yuna was back. The suprised look was immediately replaced with a bright smile as the girl's presence caused her to relax once more.

"Can you show me how to get the comics on here?", she asked, sliding the iphone towards her, and winced slightly. "I forgot... ", she said, looking rather embarrassed. She dragged her bottom across the top of the desk, and pulled her legs up slightly, finding her whole body was far more flexible than it had been in her late twenties, despite all the working out she did to keep in shape. However, she ended up in a far from ladylike position, sitting on her knees, with her feet tucked up alongside her, and her bottom resting between them, the short white dress pulling up, only her white tights saving her panties from peeking, while she put a hand down to support herself as she gazed at Yuna in fascination.

She drew a deep breath, and bit her bottom lip, thinking about how much more relaxed she felt here, than she had in class surrounded by those college kids. "Maria said we're going for dinner later... would you want to come too? I'd have to ask her... but it would be cool if you came too... and there's a bunch of stuff I want to talk to you about", she murmured, sounding as embarrassed as she looked. Frowning a little, she turned her DS around and peered at the screens. "Need me to do anything on here?", she asked. In her head, it still seemed impossible to imagine she could be the same age as a girl in middle school uniform, but there was no denying it, she was no bigger than Yuna. "Where did you go with that girl?", she asked, tilting her head slightly.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Zilla » Sat Aug 21, 2010 8:14 pm

Sandra stares off into the sun, slightly bothered at how it's ultraviolet light messes with her sensors... The chromatic spectrum could be seen entirely through her visual interpreters, but it was just a reminder of how different she was. Sure, it was technically better, and she could stare into the sun now without ill effect.... but at the moment, it just reminded her of how she was missing out on a normal life.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Knight Errant » Sun Aug 22, 2010 12:27 am

Stan turns rather red at the sight of the two women 'making out' as she enters the room. Even though her body felt natural... even though this sight was routine... she couldn't help but feel a sense of wrongness. This wasn't supposed to be who they were... Not that that seemed to matter anymore.

She quietly listened to Selma talk, then walked over to the table and looked over the profile. "So... we gotta get this guy to come to an auction? Um... what kind of auction? And how are we gonna get him to come?"

She also wondered what Selma was talking about standard shifts... but figures she would find out soon enough. She also couldn't help but feel a little jealous of Selma... out of the three of them it seemed she had it the best. She glanced down at her body as she thought this... in all its tight cleavage-displaying glory. What did she do to deserve this?

Her distaste at what she sees is evident on her face... though the other two wouldn't be privy to her rambling train of thought.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Aug 22, 2010 12:32 pm

ZeroForever wrote:Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Hakase was a genius but was well known to go for effective rather than comfort or any other major features, outside the rare occasion. Mimi found herself the subject of the ‘Claw’ again, memories of the device in the past stifling screams of panic instead replaced with a god dammit as her body braced. The claw was adeptly named as a giant metal claw suddenly clamped down on her body from behind, she was literally jerked backwards flying through the air like a fish being reeled in. The motion ended just as suddenly as she found herself jerked through one of the open roof labs landing into a Jello like substance that cushioned the impact but sent her bouncing into the air several times before stilling. “MUHAHAH the jello worked!!!” she could hear the geeky high string voice/Hakase exclaimed while she waited from the room and her stomach to stop spinning, the jello not in her memory….

"WH-" said Micheal as she realize that she should instead be feeling annoyance as the metal claws clamped around her thin frame. She half closed her eyes and shook her head. "Damn...."

Mimi just flew back as she waited for this to be over. This body seem use to what was happening and Micheal was guessing that this happen a lot. She was guessing that Hakase was using the Claw once again to pick her up instead of being like normal people and picking her up in person. She then flew up in the air and shot though the open root. Expecting something of a cushion like always. Mimi landed in some sort of jello which made her bounce up and down a few times.

She looked at the jello substance and thought this was different. She guess that Hakase seem to be caring somewhat. Mimi then heard Hakase's voice and shook her head as she stop bouncing.

"Hakase?" said Micheal in what felt like a familiar tone. Still her nervous was showing along with these female hormones. She fixed her skirt as she slide down the jello to be before Hakase. "Umm...would you like next time give me some warning or well...if you don't mind like pick me up in well in person?"
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Sun Aug 22, 2010 4:14 pm

Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider – Gwen Watson
(eh… honestly I’ll let it slide for now as it’s interesting and relates to the original, but ask first for related abilities and such before posting)
“Go start with your shoot already” MJ said pointing away from the scene towards the beach “I’ll handle the rest” MJ said before she returned to her phone making various calls.
Helicopter arrived moments later, it however wasn’t an EMT one rather a military grade transport as a series of black suits emerged from it MJ talking to them seemingly directing them. They emerged with a interesting containment unit, as the bodies were loaded into the copter.
The crew at the beach greeted Gwen, however they knew well enough not to ask questions at what was going over by the helicopter, instead proceeded as if nothing had happened as a make up girl seated Gwen before getting to work while the photographer and other works waited.

Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
While she was busy ogling and fantasizing the other girl had gone and fetched the coach, the coach in question was one of the few people not in a school uniform or maids cloth instead wearing a yellow and blue jump suit that did little to hide her super muscular body. “Ms. Carosella I think Ming’s brain got hacked” the girl that had carried him said to the coach, Ms. Carosella, the woman in question was 6’8 and probably in her 30’s but she had mores muscles then Ming could imagine was humanly possible so much so that Mr. Universe would feel like inadequate wuss before her. “It’s called telepathically altered… though normally they don’t cause the physical symptoms, let me contact the nurse to make sure.” she said tapping on a digital tablet that looked tiny within her huge hands.
the anti-thesis of myself... come see, feel, know the truth beyond truths it'll just cost your soul.....
Overlords+Magic+Tropes=TF TG and flying jigglypuffs... among other things
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Derailer (Just Kidding)
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