Lian wrote:and Presumably should he wish to feast on other appetites.. the bunnies will be there when he gets back. There is a lavish kitchen nearby as the antechamber was mostly meant to be for lavish banquets.. and occasional epic confrontations with heroes.. who are we kidding there were far more confrontations.. no one ever came to his dinner parties.. its what drove the man evil.
Suffiice to say there is magically cooled meat so it doesn't rote, a cold box where odd paper cartons of milk and Eggs are kept, cheeses, juices all sorts of things.*
Arthur although a in-human killing machine was quite the food connoisseur having appetites also matching Arthur and lancelot, being a evil clone didn't really beget servants or such so he had learned to cook for himself. With literal in-human skill he prepared a perfectly nutritious meal for a party of 12... he used everything he could in the kitchen and no sooner then done did he begin devouring the food like a vacuum.