[FFRP] Kidaroc Myths: A Fighting Chance


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Re: [FFRP] Kidaroc Myths: A Fighting Chance

Postby Brnin8r » Thu Sep 30, 2010 12:36 pm

The unconcious invaders' ammo is not compatible with Chris' gun, though their guns seem to be working just fine. The base is silent for the most part, though the sound of distant, muffled gunfire can be heard through the complex faintly.


It seemed Giselle had finally got it into her head that being in this place was a bad plan. "Mommy!" she shouted as she looked to the closed door and leaned down to pick Charlotte up! Once she'd had Charlotte picked up like a rag doll, she began to bound toward the closing door, making it only just. The door shut tightly and an airtight hydraulic hissed into the hall. The girl kept running until she brought her and the small eleven year old to an intersection, quickly putting Charlotte down. "Which way to Mommy?"
Left or right?


As the girls squadron peeks around the abandoned shop, talking about useless things like their recent shoes or something, an ear-breaking howl echoed into the store. It sounded like it was almost everywhere.

"Hybrids? I had no reports of tribes here?!" A commanding girl shouted. As she spoke, the sound of glass shattering replaced the howls and a hail of gunfire began to be exchanged. "RETREAT!!" One shouts, but the gunfire continues, occasionally mixed with the yelps of animal sounds and the shrieks of terrified girls.
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Re: [FFRP] Kidaroc Myths: A Fighting Chance

Postby Evra » Thu Sep 30, 2010 3:14 pm

chris sighs at the incompatibility of his gun and there ammo but does the next best thing and takes one of there guns before running through a nearby doorway
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Re: [FFRP] Kidaroc Myths: A Fighting Chance

Postby Shy Shay » Thu Sep 30, 2010 3:33 pm

Alex yelps. Maybe leaving wasn't such a good idea... He buckles down, waiting, hopeing that this will end without him being changed or captured in some form or another.
Do you know the muffin man? The muffin man? The muffin man?
Do you know the muffin man, who's now the muffin girl?

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Re: [FFRP] Kidaroc Myths: A Fighting Chance

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Oct 01, 2010 7:23 am

Charlotte reached her arms up around Giselle's neck as the teenager bent and scooped her up, and only just managed to escape the room before the door was sealed. She blushed as Giselle ran down the hall while holding, before setting her down on her feet as they came to the intersection. She took the hand of the cutely dressed girl, not pausing to consider who it was meant to be reassuring. Her free hand clutched at her loose blonde hair as she looked back and forth, from the right to left. She had no clue which way she'd come as she'd been so distracted, and could now only guess.

"This way... ", she said, pointing to the right and gently trying to tug on Giselle's arm...
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Re: [FFRP] Kidaroc Myths: A Fighting Chance

Postby Zoey » Fri Oct 01, 2010 9:49 am

Surge placed the body over one of his shoulders, to free up his good arm. As he ran to the tree's he spun around and threw a flash bang at the giant speeding creature thing. Though with the added weight of the boy he almost feel to the ground, but still hopefully this would buy his team more time to run.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
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Re: [FFRP] Kidaroc Myths: A Fighting Chance

Postby Brnin8r » Mon Oct 04, 2010 11:27 am

As the flash bang detonated, the spider mechs continue on though its easy to tell they're blind as their paths begin to separate, now simply going straight instead of pursuing. The Samples brothers, following orders sprint as fast as they physically can, unfortunately forming a gap between them and their commanding officer. The spider mechs, attempting to compensate for their blindness, speed up; the one clipping one of its legs on a tree, while the other quickly passing the struggling Surge. After a few moments of continual running, its clear the flashbang has worn off as the spider mech that had passed Surge turns around and begins closing in on him, with the other behind.


As Chris heads into the nearest doorway, he finds himself in a simple bedroom; pink carpet, bed, dresser. He hears nothing but the continual stream of gunfire and screams, though given how large the complex is, there are probably a lot more girls than the invading soldiers, and there is still a lot more complex to be explored.


Charlotte and the oversized toddler quickly hurry down the right corridor. To the lead girl, it seems familiar, but at the same time seems different, causing a seed of doubt as they continue. They eventually come to an odd room with various tubes filled with odd liquids that are brightly colored. "Ooooh!" Giselle squealed as she bounded over to one of the tables and began to look and handle the different tubes, even mixing some of the unknown liquids together on the table as she spills a couple. The chemicals mixing cause a bright, but harmless sparkling. "Hee hee!" the girl giggled, "Fireworks!" she yelled over the constant klaxon.


As the battle rages, all Alex can hear is the rat-at-at of machine gun fire and the ear-piercing shriek of fatally wounded girls. But soon...all there is is silence. There isn't a single sound after the last few gunshots until a growly, feminine voice begins shouting, "Take them outside as a sign to the girls, I'll look around to see if there is anything special they may have been looking for in this," she growls, "Tech heap..." she remarks condescendingly. You don't know much about the hybrids...only that they were a failed experiment that got loose and their hatred for boys is only matched and outdone by their need for vengeance against their former girl allies.
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Re: [FFRP] Kidaroc Myths: A Fighting Chance

Postby Evra » Mon Oct 04, 2010 3:13 pm

chrs looks around the bedroom before slipping out of the room looking for another door leading deeper into the base
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Re: [FFRP] Kidaroc Myths: A Fighting Chance

Postby Zoey » Mon Oct 04, 2010 4:16 pm

Surge collapses to one knew, his stamina had droped to 0 and his breathing was really heavy. He had more flashbangs, but at the moment all he could do is keep the boy over his shoulder and stay upright. He stared the spider down, he wasn't going to leave a comrade behind either. If it came down to it, He'd chew the spider thing with his teeth.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [FFRP] Kidaroc Myths: A Fighting Chance

Postby Shy Shay » Mon Oct 04, 2010 4:27 pm

Alex gulps in fear. He feels his heat beat in his chest, and it sounds as if it is heard throught the world. He is clearly terrified and, despite his resistance, his back pack shakes with him.
Do you know the muffin man? The muffin man? The muffin man?
Do you know the muffin man, who's now the muffin girl?

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Re: [FFRP] Kidaroc Myths: A Fighting Chance

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Oct 05, 2010 4:03 am

Charlotte clutched at her head as the doubt filled her mind. The blaring klaxon made it hard to even think straight, and then she realised Giselle was no longer at her side. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw the teen playing with the vials, "Giselle, no!", she yelled and raced over, one hand grasping the adorable dress, the other trying to take the girl's hand, desperately trying to pull her back from the sparkling liquids that were trickling along the table. "Don't touch anything, okay? This stuff will make you sick... ". In a panic she looked around to see if there were any doors beside the one they'd come in through.
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Re: [FFRP] Kidaroc Myths: A Fighting Chance

Postby Knight Errant » Tue Oct 05, 2010 1:51 pm

Julian grits his teeth. "Time to be the cavalry." He steps on the gas and opens his comm. "Let them have it!" As he rushes towards the surrounded Surge.
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Re: [FFRP] Kidaroc Myths: A Fighting Chance

Postby Brnin8r » Wed Oct 06, 2010 5:10 pm

The spider mechs slowly closed in on the commander when one of the legs of the passing mech buckled under it, bringing its balance to the ground. Brian Samples stood with a blade, akin to a greatsword now covered in bleak-colored oil. As he reared up for another swing, the leg he was targeting independently coiled up and kicked out, the tapered end suddenly being covered with the boy's crimson blood as it stuck out prominently from the back of the boys ribs. There was a soft coughing noise from the boys mouth as he dropped the sword and hung like a performerless puppet on the boy-kebob that he was sporting. That's when it sounded like WWI started all over again. Julian's semi drove forward and the sides opened up to two MASSIVE gauss-repeaters that fired with pinpoint accuracy at the spiders.


An air of satisfaction could be cut through as Julian gave the order to engage. As they pull forward and brake, a pneumatic hissing sounded as on the HUD, it showed the gauss cannons unfolding from the sides of the trailer and the brakes going into lockdown to compensate for the massive recoil that started to ROCK the entire truck as both repeating cannons, manned by the small boys, turned the spiders into swiss cheese, the molten incindiary rounds easily passing through the mechs and exploding into the background. Both mechs fell to the ground as a sheet of foggy smoke flew over the skirmish.


The door Chris found himself was right next to where another encounter was happening. It sounded like a couple of the invaders were subduing a couple struggling girls, their mouths muffled. Soon though, their muffled cries for help or resistance were silenced and the two black-clad soldiers left, moving further down the hall. It seemed like these two were straggling behind to deal with the girls.


There were indeed other doors on the opposite side of the room, but that wasn't the biggest concern suddenly as Giselle began crying at Charlotte's orders. "B-b-b-but...they're pretty!!" she whined, though it seemed that Charlotte had reigned in enough control as she backed away from the table. It looked like the mixing liquids were getting brighter.


Silence suddenly filled the garage, more thickly than any sort of noise the battle was making. That is until Alex heard a deafening growl just outside his trunk stronghold and the sound of pierced metal as claws ripped through the car's protective casing, glints of moonlight shone through the holes until with one heaving motion the entire trunk was scrapped off the car. Standing over the huddled boy in the trunk was a domineering looking figure. She wore very little of modern clothes, a couple utility belts, a flak jacket, and her long rifle strapped to her back. There were two serrated daggers tied to her sides with leather. The most definite feature was that she was covered with red, gleaming fur wherever she should really have skin. Her fox-shaped head stared down at the boy, a human quality in those eyes that shouldn't be there. Her muzzle turned from a growl to a small, malicious smile, "Well what do we have here?" she said as she reached in and easily yanked the boy from his coccoon of safety and tossed him to the cement floor. "Maybe this is the mouse the girls were after?" There were none of the other hybrids there at the moment, but the floor was littered with a couple girl bodies; after the fox girl whistled loudly, though, the pitter pattering if padded feet could be heard on their way. Three other hybrids entered, all wolf shaped with gray and white fur. They all retained their feminine figures, but it was clear that they were physically augmented, being toned all through their body. They were all covered in furry hides instead of the usual combat gear. "A boy?!" one shouted excitingly. The wolf girl crouched and inched closer to the prone boy.

"Athix!" the fox girl barked, "Hold yourself. We haven't found out why this boy is here anyway. He may be a decoy." as she explained, a light moan from the ground came. One of the girls was still alive! She quickly rolled over and pointed her pistol squarely at Alex and fired. It hurt...though it was an interesting feeling being punched through by a bullet. It hit him squarely in the shoulder, the pointed lead doing its job before the exploding casing laced with Femme X shattered into his system. "Noooo!!" one of the wolf women shouted as she sprinted to the girl and quickly plunged her serrated dagger into the girl's stomach. The girl's eyes glazed over and she was obviously dead. "DAMN!!" she shouted.

The fox girl seemed less than phased, though her eyes showed disappointment as she looked to the now wounded boy, waiting for him to get over the pain.
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Re: [FFRP] Kidaroc Myths: A Fighting Chance

Postby Evra » Wed Oct 06, 2010 5:44 pm

Chris moves quietly to try and look at the girls who the intruders where subduing
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Re: [FFRP] Kidaroc Myths: A Fighting Chance

Postby Shy Shay » Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:04 pm

Alex yelps in surprise at being dragged out. "H-hey, I'm just a scie-" And then he is hit. Not at all combat hardened, he screams in pain, much more so then is reasonable or practicle for the gun shot. "I'm shot! I'm shot! I'm gonna die! I'm shot!"
Do you know the muffin man? The muffin man? The muffin man?
Do you know the muffin man, who's now the muffin girl?

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Re: [FFRP] Kidaroc Myths: A Fighting Chance

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Oct 07, 2010 6:55 am

"We'll find you other pretty things, safe ones", she urged, ".. once we get you back to Mommy". Her wide blue eyes watched the liquids glow brighter as she tried to guide the teen toddler away from it. Her loose hair whipped around as she glanced back over her shoulder, a headache forming from the blaring klaxon and Giselle's bawling. She kept hold of Giselle's hand and also gripped her dress firmly as she went to the doors at the far side of the room and tried to open them. "It's not much further now...".
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