[FFRP] Kidaroc Myths: A Fighting Chance


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Re: [FFRP] Kidaroc Myths: A Fighting Chance

Postby Knight Errant » Sun Oct 10, 2010 12:01 pm

"Right..." He goes back to his comm. "Keep an eye out for more of those things... " He opens a link to Surge. "Yo, Sarge... you still alive?"
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Re: [FFRP] Kidaroc Myths: A Fighting Chance

Postby Brnin8r » Sun Oct 10, 2010 12:10 pm

No radio contact comes immediately, but it doesn't look like there are any more spider mechs coming right away, though the gauss cannons are still on a low whir, ready to fire at any order.


As Chris carefully rounds the corner to look into the door, its been left open slightly. Through it he can see two figures sitting limply onto two chairs. It looks like there are two girls tied to them but they're no longer struggling. They each have a set of headphones covering their ears.


Giselle, unwanting to leave the sparkling liquids, pouted the entire way out the room as she was tugged out of the room...that is until the loud *BLAM* sounded from the room they just left as the chemicals spontaneously combusted and exploded. "Mommy!" the tall girl shouted in fear as she wrapped her arms around her saviour and nearly toppled her over again. Directly in front of the two girls about thirty feet down the hall is a small cylindrical room barely big enough to fit one person.


As Alex rolled in pain from the gunshot, the lead fox reached down and easily lifted the scientist from the floor, holding him high above her head as a soft fur-covered hand showed its swift, stinging wrath across the hysterical boy. "Quiet! Freaking out will only push your blood faster, make you a girl faster. Is that what you want?" she asked sternly, "There's no chance of helping unless you're willing to be helped by us." The offer was odd, considering it was coming from a failed experiment. It was thought that hybrids are nothing but feral animals with human cunning...but this was downright civil.
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Re: [FFRP] Kidaroc Myths: A Fighting Chance

Postby Shy Shay » Sun Oct 10, 2010 12:11 pm

Alex gasps, overplaying the pain. Well, there always was a chance that rumors were wrong... "Yes! Please, help me!"
Do you know the muffin man? The muffin man? The muffin man?
Do you know the muffin man, who's now the muffin girl?

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Re: [FFRP] Kidaroc Myths: A Fighting Chance

Postby Evra » Sun Oct 10, 2010 12:53 pm

Chris walks quietly into the room and towards the girls in the chairs
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Re: [FFRP] Kidaroc Myths: A Fighting Chance

Postby Zoey » Mon Oct 11, 2010 8:07 pm

Surge is dumbstuck as the thing falls to its death, but seing a fellow soldier cut down in his prime is something that angers him. He carefully placed the boy he carried on the ground before rushing over to the boys help, hoping there still is a chance to save the brave soldier. Right now the matter of who killed the spider thing and how he was saved, isn't important. It might aswell imploded. Right now, the brave young lad is more important. He tries to get a comm up. "2 men down! Need medical assitance!"
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
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Re: [FFRP] Kidaroc Myths: A Fighting Chance

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Oct 12, 2010 3:10 am

Charlotte staggered as the room behind them exploded, and cried out as Giselle nearly flattened her by clasping her arms around the smaller girl. "Nearly there...", she groaned, pulling Giselle towards that tiny room. "In here Giselle...", she urged, trying to get the helpless teen in there first before trying to see if there was any possibility of her squeezing in with her.
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Re: [FFRP] Kidaroc Myths: A Fighting Chance

Postby Brnin8r » Tue Oct 12, 2010 12:57 pm

Unheeding of orders, Wyatt hops from the semi and begins to jog as fast as his slightly overweight body could carry him, he was hauling a large briefcase he'd taken from below the seat. By the time he got to Surge he was winded and out of breath, reaching into his pocket and taking a huff from the inhaler now in his other hand, "I-'m...*breathe*...he-here...Sir..." he pushed from his mouth as he knelt down toward Brian. "It pierced...through...his heart." he explained as he looks at the nasty spike through the boy's chest.

Justin samples, more than distraught hauls ass and gets to his twin brother's side, "No, no, no, no, Brian. Come on." he said as he slapped the unconcious and dying boy's face a couple times. "Can you do anything?" he asked Wyatt.

"We need to get this out of him." Wyatt said gravely. "That's the only way I can get to his heart and fix it."


The girls Chris examines don't look unconcious, though there's a dumb smile on each of their faces. They look as if they're under some drugs effect. Their eyes glazed and unfocused, not even noticing the boy invader. They're dressed in obvious girl scout uniforms, being their wartime garb its of no concern.


As Charlotte pushes Giselle into the escape pod, the doors quickly slam shut, nearly taking the girl's hands with her. Giselle's eyes widen with fear as she starts beating on the glass, the soundproof walls silencing her frantic screaming, only noticeable by her widely opened mouth, a child's scream, and the river of tears that is now pouring down her face. Her hands continue to hammer on the glass until with a hissing whoosh her escape pod is jettisoned out into space.

"Why did you put her in first?" asked the now familiar old voice of the man. "Why didn't you save yourself?" it sounded as if he were truly confused. "Please don't worry...she'll float unconcious in space until your base's situation has boiled over, at which point she'll land safely by the base...but I can't let you leave without knowing your motives, Young Charlie."


"Then we will help you." The fox girl said bluntly to Alex as she casually tossed the scientist over her shoulder; his body to be easily caught by one of the other wolf girls.

"Hey Cutie." she said sarcastically before putting her muzzle right into his hair. She was smelling him.

"Ciara!" the fox leader yelled exasperatingly. "We have no choice but to..." she left it off at that, to which the chastised wolf girl nodded sadly.

The hybrids, finished looking then quickly began to run. From a scientific standpoint, it was amazing. They were running at quite possibly fifteen miles an hour and they don't stop. The pain in your shoulder still stings greatly and the pain is keeping you from really moving. You can also feel the Femme X coursing through your veins and already it feels like your insides are altering.
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Re: [FFRP] Kidaroc Myths: A Fighting Chance

Postby Shy Shay » Tue Oct 12, 2010 3:11 pm

Alex begins panting. At least he stopped screaming in pain. He is silent for a while, except for the panting, as the girls run. He manages to gasp out a single questions;

"W...wow... so fast... how?"
Do you know the muffin man? The muffin man? The muffin man?
Do you know the muffin man, who's now the muffin girl?

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Re: [FFRP] Kidaroc Myths: A Fighting Chance

Postby Evra » Tue Oct 12, 2010 3:29 pm

Chris examines them quickly before tapping one on the side of the face seeing if that would do anything as he begins to free them from the restraints still making sure to be aware if there are any .. unwanted guests
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Re: [FFRP] Kidaroc Myths: A Fighting Chance

Postby Knight Errant » Tue Oct 12, 2010 9:56 pm

Julian unlocks the breaks of the semi, driving over to Surge and the others and hopping out. He frowns at the scene. "First aid or not, he needs to get back to base." He looks up, shooting a glare at Surge. "And next time, Sargent... do I have permission to open fire on sight?"
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Re: [FFRP] Kidaroc Myths: A Fighting Chance

Postby Harri-chan » Wed Oct 13, 2010 5:07 am

For one awful moment, Charlotte thought she'd made a huge mistake. Her gut wrenched as the doors sealed the bawling teenager into the pod before it disengaged and went tumbling into space. She felt her own eyes start to water before the old man's voice returned and explained Giselle would be safe. Sniffing, she wiped her hand across her eyes to dry them. "If my own safety was my concern, I'd have never stepped in here. My mission was to get Giselle back. If I'd gone first, how could I be sure she'd be able to follow? With her mind like that she'd almost certainly not know how and would have been stranded here....". Drawing a deep breath, she started to search for additional escape pods. "If you won't end this ridiculous attack... We'll deal with you like we deal with any other boy... I hope you're prepared to deal with that".
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Re: [FFRP] Kidaroc Myths: A Fighting Chance

Postby Brnin8r » Thu Oct 14, 2010 4:53 pm

Wyatt looked to Justin Samples who was desperately trying to remain stoic, though in reality it was easy to see he was being torn inside. "Justin, I need your help. Hold your brother." he said. At the current moment, Wyatt's general shyness had worn away and he seemed to be in a mode designed for dealing with these cases.

The twin nodded and held onto his brother's shoulders as Wyatt held the impaling limb and slowly worked it out of the boys body. It wasn't serrated, in fact it was perfectly smooth, making it slightly less frightening to remove. Brian moaned in his unconcious state as it was poured out and he started bleeding profusely. Wyatt tossed the leg to the side and opened his briefcase, "Someone hold this to the hole." he said, tossing an odd spongey-looking item while he pulled out a small steel ball and some clamps.


As Chris frees the girls they remain sitting, oblivious to their world. This close, you can hear the muffled noises of their headphones...though its impossible to make out. Tapping the one causes her to blink as if her focus was getting back on its feet but before she can muster the will, her eyes glaze back over and the dumb smile returns.


The old man smiled, "You'll deal with me? You'll continue fighting, throwing innocent girls into the frontlines against me? Signing away people's lives to destruction for the sole purpose of keeping the status quo? Aren't you sick of this? Aren't you tired of the fear of being transformed Charlie" he emphasized "While I am impressed with the order you girls have established, you must know that I've been watching every advance each side has made. After all...I was the one that gave each side the spark to their technological advances." he said smugly. "You can't stop it."

As she looked, she'd find another escape pod. "One more question, before you go." the man insisted, "Will you let my daughter know I still love her and I'm doing this for her?" his tone shifted from smug to somber, shrouding his hurt that was obvious in his holographic eyes.


The question goes unanswered for a while before the squad of girls come to the edge of the forest...they've already crossed the desert...

"We'll take a break here." said the lead fox girl as Ciara, the wolf hybrid, carefully placed Alex down on the ground. As she did, Ciara smiled down on the boy, "We were made this way to be the perfect weapons." she said as the fox girl joined her and looked to the scientist, "All right. While we're here you get to ask questions about us. We'll answer as best as we can before you're initiated."
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Re: [FFRP] Kidaroc Myths: A Fighting Chance

Postby Shy Shay » Thu Oct 14, 2010 5:26 pm

"Ah... um... I thought that girls hated boys... why are you being so kind to me?" Alex is confused at what is going on, and his face shows it.
Do you know the muffin man? The muffin man? The muffin man?
Do you know the muffin man, who's now the muffin girl?

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Re: [FFRP] Kidaroc Myths: A Fighting Chance

Postby Evra » Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:57 pm

Chris thinks for a moment but hearing the mic he goes to take the mic and speaks into it "hello?" he says doubting his speaking on there mic's is very welcome but theres two things that interferes the fact they both have a common enemy and he isnt going to kill these defenseless girls and could tell the others there here.
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Re: [FFRP] Kidaroc Myths: A Fighting Chance

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Oct 15, 2010 3:17 am

"We'll be fighting for freedom! What you did to Giselle was wrong! Being mindless zombies under your control is far worse than risking our lives for something we believe in! It's not about the boys against the girls anymore. The children you abandoned will unite against you... and we WILL stop you!". Stepping into the second escape pod, she paused, a frown crumpling her youthful features. "Giselle? Giselle is your daughter?", she asked.
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