Make a TF foundation: The last /wo/man on earth.


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Re: Make a TF foundation: The last /wo/man on earth.

Postby muffinstud » Sun Nov 07, 2010 2:26 am

Bea seems to consider for a moment. "No, I just wouldn't feel right. Besides, those are the kinds of things to wear for special occasions. The last thing we celebrated was getting a load of meat. Not exactly a black tie affair." She shakes her head and hands Sam the box. "Thank you, but I just can't accept these."
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Re: Make a TF foundation: The last /wo/man on earth.

Postby Shy Shay » Sun Nov 07, 2010 9:19 am

He frowns. "W-well okay." He takes the box and holds out the bag. "I-I'll put this back, then." He looks sd, in a cute, pathetic way.
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Re: Make a TF foundation: The last /wo/man on earth.

Postby muffinstud » Mon Nov 08, 2010 1:11 pm

Bea bites her lip and reaches out for the box. "Oooohhhh..." She grabs it and puts it back into the bag. "All right. I'll take them. But no more, okay? I feel bad enough just with these..." She blushes as she keeps looking at him. "And... please stop with the puppy dog eyes. You're making me feel weird." She would not admit the best word to describe it was cute though.
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Re: Make a TF foundation: The last /wo/man on earth.

Postby Shy Shay » Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:26 pm

"Ah... really?" Sam lights up and smiles at her. It just worsens the effect of being cute, however. "Ah... but, anyway, what should we do now...?"
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Re: Make a TF foundation: The last /wo/man on earth.

Postby muffinstud » Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:18 pm

She blushes a bit more and looks away. "Well, I've got underwear covered. So I think we should look at some jeans and shirts. There should be plenty of things to try out. I... well, I think I'll want a different swim suit too. My old one would be kind of awkward now." She nods to herself and picks up two bags as she heads further into the depths of the mall. "Did you see any stores with good stuff?"
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Re: Make a TF foundation: The last /wo/man on earth.

Postby Shy Shay » Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:21 pm

"Ah, no, not really-- I wasn't looking. But I did catch sight of a mall map right outside." He points at it. "M-maybe we can find what you're looking for there...?"
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Re: Make a TF foundation: The last /wo/man on earth.

Postby muffinstud » Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:28 pm

"Okay. Let's check it out then." She heads on over to the map and gives it a look over. A glance down towards the department stores shows their roofs have collapsed. The only option would be a regular outlet store, and so Bea checks the map for the location of the different clothing outlets.
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Re: Make a TF foundation: The last /wo/man on earth.

Postby Shy Shay » Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:29 pm

A lot of old familar names pop up. Hot Topic, Old Navy, The Gap... sigh. Whatever happened to the world that such houshold names began to cause feeling of nastalgie in her heat?
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Re: Make a TF foundation: The last /wo/man on earth.

Postby muffinstud » Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:58 pm

Well, the nostalgia she feels is when she used to look for pants and try to pick up girls. She shakes her head and heads on without a word. As malls tend to do, there are plenty of the more girly clothing stores on their way. Bea glances at them as they walk. "Like that's ever happening."
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Re: Make a TF foundation: The last /wo/man on earth.

Postby Shy Shay » Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:38 pm

Well, that skirt would look great on her, and that low cut shirt would be a killer on Cain. Nothing overpowering, just idle thoughts. Sam walks behind in silence.

Assuming that they don't stop for anything, they get to where they were going.
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Re: Make a TF foundation: The last /wo/man on earth.

Postby muffinstud » Wed Nov 10, 2010 12:30 pm

Bea finally stops at one of the trendy clothing stores that serves both men and women. She picks it mostly because the selection is almost all jeans and cotton shirts of various kinds. There's a little more variety in the ladies' section, especially with the tops, and there are even a few swimsuits to be had. Well, bikinis anyways.
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Re: Make a TF foundation: The last /wo/man on earth.

Postby Shy Shay » Wed Nov 10, 2010 7:45 pm

Sam stops right behind her. "We-we're shopping here?"

The store does indeed have a large variety of clothing. Some of it is unusuable, or torn through, but a surpisingly large amount of it is untouched.

Must be becouse no female's have looted here yet.
Do you know the muffin man? The muffin man? The muffin man?
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Re: Make a TF foundation: The last /wo/man on earth.

Postby muffinstud » Fri Nov 12, 2010 2:54 am

"Yes we are. Why not? Any suggestions?" Bea starts rummaging through the pants, trying to find a pair that will fit well.
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Re: Make a TF foundation: The last /wo/man on earth.

Postby Shy Shay » Fri Nov 12, 2010 5:59 pm

"N-no, not really. I-I'm not an ex-expert on clothing." She does find several clothes that fit her, but, unfortunatly, it's hard to find something that is comfy on her body and isn't sexy. At least with a female cut. But male's clothing just looks weird on her...
Do you know the muffin man? The muffin man? The muffin man?
Do you know the muffin man, who's now the muffin girl?

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Re: Make a TF foundation: The last /wo/man on earth.

Postby muffinstud » Sat Nov 13, 2010 2:32 am

Bea, already having given up on trying to keep from looking sexy, takes a few pairs of jeans that feel good. She makes sure to shy away from the ones with the embroidery and such on them. "That should cover that..." She keeps one of the pairs on as she looks through the tops.
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