What is Your Form?! Sign Up. [SRP]


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What is Your Form?! Sign Up. [SRP]

Postby Shy Shay » Sun Nov 07, 2010 9:50 am

So, one day, during a late night session of IRC, I came up with a game called, What is Your Form?! It was great fun. It was basically a game show, in which the audiance members and the winners of each contest could vote on what to change for who and how. There were also hidden cookies in it that would allow people to get an automatic choice.

Now, do to the competitive nature of this game, I must request that the players can post regularly. The audiance, not so much. I also plan to keep this going for more then one contest, so don't worry about that.

What people know, and why the sign up, is that there will be a group of 3-5 people, and the winner will get first choice among the fate of females of [# of contestants - 1]. No TF is stated, but it is implied, and they DID sign a waver. It also states the the winner is guarenteed to come out the way he/she came in. (Which is true)

The audiance can know or not know.

Also, every once in a while I pick an audiance member at random to choose a TF of one of the contestants.

The way the TF system works is that there are 5 physical TF's, Legs, body (waist, hips, arms), bust, head, and gender, and 5 mental (which vary depending on the TF)

Oh, and don't think that I'll forget the fates of previous contestants. I'll start another thread after the first contest is done for them. They can go shopping, go on dates, raise a family, get divorced, whatever. They can also be in the audiance... though only the winners can compete again.

So, post your character here! Just a general bio and what TF you want. Only one of each TF per person, and the only requirment is that the end has to be female. You can become a dragon from a guy, a body builder from a businesswoman, whatever.

Oh, and before I forget, the audiance is a FFRP. Anybody, even erratic posters, can come in a become an audiance member at will. However, there is no guarentee that you'll come out the same~

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I decide what the TF's are going to be. If you get a cookie then you get to decide which part happens, but not what happens. So if you're worried about people (Other then me) ruining your TF... don't. ^^
Last edited by Shy Shay on Thu Nov 11, 2010 7:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Do you know the muffin man? The muffin man? The muffin man?
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Re: What is Your Form?! Sign Up. [SSRP]

Postby Marky » Sun Nov 07, 2010 11:43 am

Hm. This is interesting. I think I might sign up for this, but I'm not gonna be able to do it right at the moment. It'll probably be tomorrow, at the earliest, that I'll get the chance.
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Re: What is Your Form?! Sign Up. [SSRP]

Postby muffinstud » Sun Nov 07, 2010 1:13 pm

As one of the original beta testers of this game, I encourage lots and lots of people to sign up.
Right now I'm at least going to be in the audience. I need to check my schedule to make sure I can be a contestant or not.
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Re: What is Your Form?! Sign Up. [SSRP]

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Nov 07, 2010 6:31 pm

I am game for this. Just give me some time to actually figure out a character.
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Re: What is Your Form?! Sign Up. [SSRP]

Postby ZeroForever » Mon Nov 08, 2010 11:04 am

er... the real question is what type of contests are these? Obstacle courses? Quiz? One of Japanese crazy ones? Fear Factor? Mix of everything?
Also what is the winning prize (incentive for the characters to participate other then OOC reasons), standard million dollar give away?

as noted this would probably be better for irc room games.
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Re: What is Your Form?! Sign Up. [SSRP]

Postby Shy Shay » Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:18 pm

Pretty much a mix of everything, depending on my mood. The prize is the fate of [# of contestants - 1] fate, to a certain extant, and a month long stay (possibly longer) at a large house with pretty much anything you want in it for free. Possibly longer if the losers decide you deserve it.

And it was on IRC that it came into existance, but it actually ended up going for quite a while and we never managed to finish it. It was suggested to me by a few people to move it to the forum, so... here it is!
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Re: What is Your Form?! Sign Up. [SSRP]

Postby Knight Errant » Mon Nov 08, 2010 11:50 pm

Right... I'm in!

Name: Vic Romano
Age: 23
Physical Description: Tall and thin, Vic sports black hair, green eyes, blue jeans, and a black T shirt. Standard fare, really.
Bio: Vic never thought of himself as the game show type... but on the insistence of his friends, who loved the show, he sent in an application along with them. To his surprise... and their dismay... he got accepted. And they didnt. He was hesitant to give it a try, having not really followed the show... but in the end he decided to go for it anyway.

TF: Dragon girl! The more draconic the better, heheh.
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Re: What is Your Form?! Sign Up. [SSRP]

Postby Shy Shay » Thu Nov 11, 2010 7:28 pm

Alright! Knight Errant is IIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All we need are two, prefferably three or four more, and we can start the first round!

Also, remember, this is for everybody who wants it. I'm up for anyhing as long as it is allowed in MSF.
Do you know the muffin man? The muffin man? The muffin man?
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Re: What is Your Form?! Sign Up. [SSRP]

Postby Bigmouthstrikes » Thu Nov 11, 2010 7:42 pm

Oooh. I like the sounds of this. I'll post a character shortly
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Re: What is Your Form?! Sign Up. [SSRP]

Postby Marky » Thu Nov 11, 2010 8:10 pm

Name: Kyle Reaves
Age: 21
Physical Description: A little on the taller side, and in decent shape. Has short brown hair, brown eyes, and wears blue jeans and an orange-and-blue shirt.
Bio: Kyle watched the show on TV and thought 'hell, why can't I do this?' After having sent in his application, he found out that his application was accepted. Hearing this, Kyle grinned a bit, and goes in a bit overconfident, feeling he has a good chance at it.

TF: Hm...a little girl around the age of 4 or 5. With a lisp, too, and a cheerful personality. Annnnnd...I think that's about it? XD
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Re: What is Your Form?! Sign Up. [SRP]

Postby Shy Shay » Thu Nov 11, 2010 8:39 pm

Yay! I have two in my clutches! I just need one to three more and we can start~
Do you know the muffin man? The muffin man? The muffin man?
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Re: What is Your Form?! Sign Up. [SRP]

Postby Vomica » Fri Nov 12, 2010 1:11 am

Name: Arnold VanWheaton
Age: 22
Physical Description: He's above avearge in both height and strength... he isn't a mountain of a man. But he could as well make a good foot ball player. He wear a tight white t-shirt, khaki pants, and his hair is short, blonde, and spiked.
Bio: Arnold is your stereotypical jock. Whereas the uncool nerds to the lame boring geek thing and went to college. He actually did something useful! The man works as a mechanic, since you know, a day job leaves his evenings up to hanging out with the ladies. He's a bit of an attention junkie, needing to validate his ego... and what's a better way to do that then a game show?

TF: Shay... you know my dislikes. I'll give you the option of surprising me with whatever! ...if I am accepted that is. So. Yeah. Umm. Uh. *runs off to actually update his own threads for once.*
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Re: What is Your Form?! Sign Up. [SRP]

Postby Shy Shay » Fri Nov 12, 2010 5:55 pm

^^ All right! We have enough to start! I'm gonna wait a day or two to see if we can get one or two more people, but if nobody else signs up (or submits their characters) then I'll probably start this up on... monday, maybe wednesday.
Do you know the muffin man? The muffin man? The muffin man?
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Re: What is Your Form?! Sign Up. [SRP]

Postby Whatevr89532 » Sat Nov 13, 2010 12:21 am

Not sure I can handle a contestant position for this one at the moment; I'm a bit confused how it works anyway. Need a character sheet for an audience member?
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Re: What is Your Form?! Sign Up. [SRP]

Postby Shy Shay » Sat Nov 13, 2010 12:30 am

Nope. Audiance members can enter and exit as they please. They just can't interfere with the contest.
Do you know the muffin man? The muffin man? The muffin man?
Do you know the muffin man, who's now the muffin girl?

Corruption is fun.

The power of Shy compels you!

The one TF I don't like is inanimate. Otherwise, go wild.
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