[SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta


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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby ZeroForever » Wed Nov 10, 2010 3:10 pm

Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
The figure simply nodded anticipating her anguish, after she had vented he resumed speaking “We understand what you’re feeling which is why were trying to figure out the cause of this change, unfortunately we only have few leads given the scope of this change. We’ll give you an hour to think over you’re decision.” The figure said before the screen blanked out, Ms. McCoy walked to the door before looking at her knowingly before speaking up “At least you had it the other way around, before I was contacted my life had been completely rewritten so this had already become normal for me. Either way since you’re essentially a civilian we won’t pressure you but I’m sure you know what we need to do.” With that she left the room, solemn atmosphere still in the air.

Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider – Gwen Watson
As the elevator door opened up into one of the control rooms, MJ stood there overlooking the dozens of monitors for the black room, as it showed the guests filtering in as well as the stock in the back.
The black room was more or less a performance hall, a large stage in the front with seating/tables in front. What made this different then normal stage was the fact that it was protected by a kinetic barrier or a force field along with dozens of other techs. At each of the tables were seated everything from crime lords to terrorists, among various other unknowns either wearing masking, using holographic disguises or just covering there heads each often carrying there own set of private bodyguards. The waitresses were males and females of beauty, depending on the group or person they were serving there outfits could be any number of fetishes, while the muscle/black suits handled the doors.
“Tiger, you ready for the show tonight.” MJ said without even turning around her clothing looking like a liquid black cat suit marking the symbiote as active “Don’t forget to keep your mask on while on stage” she said her own face opening up briefly before the symbiote returned to the well known white eyed visage.
Gwen memories about this place interesting to say the least, as auctions from anything to everything were sold here as long as it aided the Queen Pin, MJ running the show from above while she would play the stage hostess.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Zoey » Thu Nov 11, 2010 12:24 pm

Mark sighed and threw herself into the bed, putting her hand over her forehead. "Damn it..." she groaned, the scope of the whole thing still sinking in. "Stay as Ming?... How the hell? I don't know anything about her and it's not like I'm looking forward to acting like a girl!" she talked to herself, thinking about it for maybe half an hour. "Ugh... The hell?... but its not like I have much of a choice either..." she groaned, making up her mind. Mark sat on the bed. "We'll if I'm to be Ming for a while, I should first find her friends and explain the whole situation..." she thought before going over to the door where McCoy left, trying to see if she could open it. "Hello?" she asked, knocking before trying to open it. "Its Mark"
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby ZeroForever » Fri Nov 12, 2010 2:17 pm

Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger – Bubbles
After leaving the restaurant the group traveled by car to the not to far away Megacorp Coliseum, “What the hell were you babbling about back there.” Blossom said as chewed her out in the car. “Seriously you’ve been acting weird today, can’t believe I’m gonna say this but I honestly prefer it when you just babble with Buttercup about sex.” Blossom said matter of factly getting a swift rebuttal “HEY! We don’t only talk about sex!” Buttercup said as “Yeah that’s be---“ Blossom response was cut short as Ms. Utomium looked at them annoyed, the rest of the car ride was oddly quiet.
Arriving at the Coliseum they were greeted by a mob of fans, the body guards were actually doing a decent job of keeping them back as they all proceeded inside. Once inside however they were mobbed by the makeup artists and wardrobe girls “Seriously can’t you guys ever be on time” one of the girls complained as they went to work on them immediately. Ms. Utomium disappearing to do her own thing during this time.

Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel – Stella
The auto closet went to work so swiftly that she was clothed within seconds, the outfit another rendition of the bunny suit that she was so use to wearing, though her breasts hung open still.
The screen inside pulling up with a general assignment list as the nipple suction tubes came out of the wall along with a pink pill and red bull, which could only mean one thing ‘milking time’ as power drinks would only kick her body into high gear cause her breasts to spill out, the pill though meant she wasn’t even sure what side effects it was going to have much less who they were going to serve it to.
The rest of the list displayed as well, thankfully she didn’t get a terrible group this time her waitressing assignment listing table 13 listing special guest, which usually meant that they wouldn’t order anything lest they reveal there identity.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Knight Errant » Sat Nov 13, 2010 3:07 pm

She looks over the assignment. Waitressing for a special guest... she finds herself curious as to who it might be... Glancing at the tubes, she sighs. "Great..."

She hesitates... she didnt really want to be used like this... especially since she didnt know what they were going to do with her milk. But... she didnt want to cause trouble either. Staring at them for a while... eventually she hooks up the tubes. Popping the pill into her mouth and downing it with the Red Bull.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby ZeroForever » Sun Nov 14, 2010 1:34 am

Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker – Hime
“Hmm… looks like you at least have some level of common sense, very well switch to automatic” Gyrich said, Sandra body went into full robot though she could see and hear everything, just that she couldn’t control her body. As her parents passed by her, she found her body greeting them with a generic automated feed, they looking at her passingly as the sister she never knew posed for a picture with her before they proceeded. Various other people would meet and greet her, some taking pictures or just poking her. One group a pair of school girls and their maids, which her sensors indicated as mutants would give her a strange feeling of identification; after all mutants were more or less slaves as well.

Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
After spending a minute to catch her breath Kiwi proceeded to pin the badges on the Cassie and Kara, as the group proceeded into the expo grounds. “We still have a few minutes until the main show begins, so let’s look around.” The hustle and bustle of people was deafening as there were likely tens of thousands of people on the grounds. The displays were mind boggling from micro robotics to mecha suits, anything and everything was likely displayed on the grounds. As they wandered the grounds aimlessly going from booth to booth to show floors, the area smelling like the grease and smoke of machines and human flesh. They stopped by Genom corps one with a mecha girl in a hime cut and race car paint job “Hmm that’s a new model, pretty good looking maybe I’ll get one for the days that Kiwi’s sick” Cassie said looking at it before they proceeded onwards. Horo would get a strange instinctual but passing feeling as the machine gave off the vibe of despair and self pity… which was odd after all it was a machine.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Danarth » Sun Nov 14, 2010 2:16 pm

Horo relaxed just a little as she waited for Kiwi to catch her breath, though she kept an eye on her just in case. She barely knew Kiwi or at the very least Daniel didn't know the girl, but Daniel had always been a very natural empathic person and cared for those around him, friend or stranger. After Kiwi had recovered and pinned the indentification badges onto Kara and Cassie, Horo would quickly follow on behind the group, her mind had wandered off as they walked beginning to wonder if the concern for Kiwi's well being could be more than simply Daniel's empathy. Horo seemed to have been a wolf shape shifter longer than Daniel had been and even his limited experience had shown that the instincts of the wolf were present even when not in the wolf form. Looking between the others in the small group that she was with, The group did seem quite close even if two of them were slaves so Horo began to wonder if the concern for Kiwi was some extension of the pack instinct a wolf possessed, then looking to Kara and Cassie for a moment and wondered if the pack instinct connection was true towards Kiwi, would it be true towards the other two girls despite the fact Horo seemed to be the property of Kara so the relationship was rather different. This led to an even bigger question for Daniel, what sort of person was Horo, was she like him, did they share the same interests. The memory lose due to being trapped in the wolf form was a convinent cover for avoiding trouble, but Daniel wanted to know who Horo was.

As they approached the main expo grounds, Horo bite on her lip for just a moment before looking at Kara for a moment "Erm..Is there any way to restore the memories I lost from being kept in my wolf form for so long? I..I don't mean to be impertinent but it's just...So far I've only been able to do things because of this" tapping the collar gently with a finger "And because I've been told what to do...Having these gaps in my memory is causing trouble, Like before when you had to come and find me.." Trailing off a little at the last part, finding herself feeling rather nervous as she asked the question. This sensation of being nervous and apphrensive about asking the question bothered Daniel, he was never usually bothered about asking questions but there seemed to be something about Horo that made it much harder to ask the questions. Daniel imaged it to be the nature of Horo's relationship with Kara and the trouble they could get in if Daniel mispoke or did anything wrong. There were already a few looming threats that had been mentioned before, though it was the thought of the mind wipe that disturbed him the most. Nervously patting the sleeves of the maid's dress before looking back to Kara and smiling "Nevermind...I'm sorry to distract you from this expo.." she bowed slightly after putting both hands over the her stomach, trying to mimic the manner in which she had seen maids act. Daniel still wanted to know about Horo, but it seemed like this was probably not a good time to be asking.

Horo would turn her attention to the exhibits that were scattered about the expo and would quietly follow the rest of the small group about as they examined the various exhibits. Feeling slightly taken aback by the bewildering array of devices and machines that were displayed, something that Daniel had never witnessed where he was from. Daniel's mind would occasionally find something of interest, usually anything that had a medical application and that would aid in healing or helping people. Horo would only linger for a moment at anything in particular that's interesting before quickly following the small group. She looked around and sniffed the air a few times, the mix of odours in this place was strange, machine grease, human sweat, some faint phermone traces, perfumes and aftershaves. It was like it was back at the stadium, though not quite so intense. The noise was the same, as her ears had reverted to the sensitive wolf ears after she had changed from the giant wolf form. "Gosh...I never realized how loud humans can be.." she murmered to herself as she kept following the group until they stopped at a particular exhibit. Daniel wasn't familiar with company that was being advertised, nor what this product being sold was, just that it looked rather human. She glanced at Cassie for a moment as the girl commented about this strange 'Mecha girl' as the exhibit called it, then she looked to Kiwi again, wondering if the blue girl would alright despite all the distance she seemed to have teleported. As the group began to move away from the exhibit and the strange 'Mecha girl', Daniel would pick up a strange feeling, a sensation of emotion from the robotic girl at the stand. It was fleeting the first time, but as Horo stopped and turned to look at the Mecha girl again, Daniel could pick up the strange and rather black emotions coming from the robotic girl. Without realizing what she was doing, Horo would step closer to the Mecha girl, her nose twitched a little as if trying to pick up any scent that would show emotion coming from the robotic girl "Strange, How could a machine radiate such unhappy feelings..." speaking out loud as she lent in a little closer to look at the Mecha girl "It looks like a person...but it's a robot, isn't it? How could it have emotions?" continuing to speak out loud, as if she had completely forgotten what was going on
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Zilla » Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:59 pm

Sandra feels an intense inner conflict over the proximity of her parents and this strange girl... Now that she's been locked inside her body, she's free to rage as much as she likes, since she can't do anything.

MOM! DAD! she cries inwardly. Look at me! It's your daughter! I'm okay, I'm alive!!!! I'm here! We can be together again. She wills her arms to move, swamping herself in the frustration of not being able to, all the while that little responsible piece of the back of her mind feels some catharsis in knowing she's prevented herself from suffering worse consequences. She's done her job, now to let the id part of her psyche rage.

She strains and sends orders to her limbs, but they don't respond. A part of her mind pictures her brain floating in a boiling liquid that seethes with her rage.

Yes, take a picture! Maybe you'll look at it later... and you can see me inside... Just gotta let it show somehow.

She knows it's futile, but she pours all her energy into showing herself in her face, posing for the photo. Every fiber of her being strains to make itself known...

And when the flash subsides, a terribly anxious feeling washes over her. Will... will that be enough? she asks.

As she watches them leave, she drains the rest of her emotions. Her superego taps her id on the shoulder and asks, Are you finished? Her id nods, sobs, and subsides... granting her clarity once more. She takes a moment, quietly calming herself... before opening the comm link again.

"Okay, guys, I can handle it again. Put me back on, I'll finish up the show."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby ZeroForever » Fri Nov 19, 2010 1:29 pm

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
“Hmm it looks like most of cloths here are a size to small.” Maria said entering the bathroom with towel and other items in tow. “So hurry up so we can try some on, the concert starts in less then 30 minutes, it wouldn’t be right to be late.” She said as she turned off the bubbling function of the pool, the water draining out at the same time.
After drying off and the like they went back into the bedroom which was huge by any means of huge, even the closet was larger then her old bedroom. Looking at the clothes inside the closet it was easy to tell that Maria was correct, as most of the clothing there was at least 2-3 sizes smaller. “Hmmm I guess we’ll have to have a resizing and re-stock but that’s to slow...” Maria said trying to see if any would fit Cat’s ‘grown’ figure.
After a few minutes of unsuccessful attempts Maria looked like her had an idea, as she briefly exited the room for a moment before returning with an ‘old’ school uniform “Ah… the memories” Maria said nostalgically looking at it. “I guess this will have to suffice for now, I’ll count this as your punishment for earlier if you don’t complain.” She said, expecting Cat to whine about the outfit. Cat found herself being dressed in the cloths which were slightly baggy around the chest and other portions but still a better fit then the tiny dresses in her closet.

Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Since it was after school however, demerits thankfully wouldn’t happen… though that would continue to nag at her until she remembered that fact. Hakase meanwhile had already proceeded into his lab and equipped the all purpose mechanical arms, better known to everyone else as the run away sign. Picking up the helmet he didn’t even pause before soldering it to the rest of the armor while she was still wearing it. So engross was he that continued groping and touching her as he proceeded across the body armor adding additional armaments like rockets and lasers to it, all the while crackling insanely. This continued until he groped something squishy called breasts, his body freezing up and then it happened. Like a signal, Hakase’s nose twitched not once, not twice, but three times before the blood spurt out like a rocket blasting him backwards from the sheer force of it.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Nov 19, 2010 7:32 pm

Cat had never relaxed much in her old life. She had two full time jobs in being a Librarian and a Super Hero, so there was barely any time to sleep, let alone have fun. This bath, was very enjoyable however, so she decided to make the most of it and unwind, pushing the busy thoughts of resurrecting her super hero career to the back of her mind for now. Her cheeks went red as washing herself forced her to explore the changes to her body. It was definitely still her's, she was sure of that, but from what she could tell, the age had been cut in half, maybe even more. When Maria returned, she looked up and frowned. "Thirty minutes? You know there's going to be a giant line too... we're gonna miss the start... ", she muttered, climbing out of the tub as the water drained, and quickly wrapped herself in a towel. She'd have been embarrassed to let another girl see her mature body naked, so she definitely wasn't wanting to show this one off. There was no shortage of humiliation here though, as Maria dried her off while she stood there, as if she could do nothing by herself, her eyes perfectly level with Maria's breasts, as if she was being mocked by how small her own had become. Trying to avoid staring at the teenager's chest, something Maria has said on the restaurant regarding celebrity status popped into her head. "Wait... do we have to wait in line to get in?", she asked. All those years of risking her life with no recognition, and now it seemed she was atleast partly famous, and all because she'd been born to rich parents. Still, she HAD always wanted to be famous, so it was another part of this new life that was almost seducing her into enjoying being a kid.

Following the maid into the bedroom, still wrapped in the towel, she first went to peer through the huge glass windows again, before noticing the size of the closet. "Holy crap... ", she muttered, and a puzzled expression came over her face as she saw the dresses were several size too small. How long had it been since they'd used this condo? "Hey, Maria... how come they're all so small? When was the last time I wore these?", she asked as she ran her hands over several of the outfits, marveling at the quality and expense on show, and bit her lip as Maria tried several of the outfits against her skinny frame. Her eyes widened behind the glasses when the maid rushed out and returned with a school uniform, and she blushed brightly. "For a concert? Aww, c'mon, I'd look fine at school wearing that, but everyone's gonna be dressed really cool at this thing.... ", she whined, fitting into people's perceptions of Cat more closely than she knew. However, she was also learning quickly, that what Maria wanted, was what would happen. Staring at the tiny dresses she let out a dramatic sigh and her shoulders slumped. "Fine... ", she muttered, but the game still played on her mind. "You can just see the newspaper comments now... Catalina Essex shows up to pop concert in her school uniform... what a loser! Hmph".

Moving over to the bed, she started to reach for the underwear, when Maria picked it up instead. She stared in confusion for a moment before realising the maid intended to dress her. She hesitated and for a second or two it seemed like she would try and argue, but realising they were pressed for time and Maria would always get her way, she let the towel drop. With a horrified expression, she made sure to try her best to cover up from Maria as the maid proceeded to dress her in the white silk panties with decorative lace edges. Used to being an independent adult woman, she was overcome with shame, both at being seen naked by another female, but also because of how small it made her felt to not even be allowed to dress herself. Still, once again, despite her embarrassment, she noted the quality of the clothing. She'd spent quite a lot of money on underwear before, but she didn't think she'd ever had any as comfy as this. Only when Maria helped her into the matching silk bra did she realise it was just a training one, and her heart sunk a little as she stared down at the small bumps inside it. She pushed her feet into a pair of long white socks, she almost lost her balance and tumbled while they were tugged up her legs. Cat was used to dressing quickly, but this felt very different, not least because of the lack of her large breasts bouncing and wobbling as she bent over and squirmed around. Wriggling her arms into the sleeves of the blouse, she stood a little awkwardly while Maria's fingers worked the buttons closed up the front of it, chewing her lip when she noticed it was a little bit big in some areas, and glanced off to the side as the older girl's hands brushed against her chest, sending a shiver through her skinny body. "Where did you get this?", she asked as the the pale blue plaid neck tie was worked under her collar and left to hang down over the buttons. "Do you think I should tie my hair back?", she asked, the blonde locks now loose, and flowing down to her waist, which she was not used to after ten years of having short hair. Attempting to atleast look a little casual, she tried to make sure Maria left the blouse untucked from the waist of the pale blue plaid, pleated skirt, which covered only the top half of her thighs as Maria tugged it up around her waist, leaving most of her skinny legs bare.

The skirt almost flicked up to show her underwear as she spun and ran back through to the living room as soon as Maria was done, for she was so ashamed she didn't even want to be looked at, and slipped the polished black mary janes she'd been wearing all afternoon back onto her feet, and bent down to buckle them up, her heart still racing and her knees weak from the humiliating incident she'd just gone through.
Last edited by Harri-chan on Wed Nov 24, 2010 10:58 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Maiden Miki » Sat Nov 20, 2010 1:52 am

ZeroForever wrote:
Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Since it was after school however, demerits thankfully wouldn’t happen… though that would continue to nag at her until she remembered that fact. Hakase meanwhile had already proceeded into his lab and equipped the all purpose mechanical arms, better known to everyone else as the run away sign. Picking up the helmet he didn’t even pause before soldering it to the rest of the armor while she was still wearing it. So engross was he that continued groping and touching her as he proceeded across the body armor adding additional armaments like rockets and lasers to it, all the while crackling insanely. This continued until he groped something squishy called breasts, his body freezing up and then it happened. Like a signal, Hakase’s nose twitched not once, not twice, but three times before the blood spurt out like a rocket blasting him backwards from the sheer force of it.

(It makes me feel as if you been reading One Piece recently. haha)

Mimi was filled with worry since it the memory of getting three demerits really shook her up along with the fact that at the moment she realize that she had went from Micheal to Mimi. Then like a bubble floating to the service of the water, she remember that it was after school so she won't get any demerits. It made her feel a bit better but it was just in time to feel Hakase's mechanical arms groping her body.

"Ah~" said Mimi as she felt the cold metallic arms touch her body and send shivers up her back. Her hair was standing on it's end but she dare not moved in fear of accidentally being hurt due to the face that Hakase was soldering. SHe watched as Hakase was doing and knew what was happening and how everything would be working. She notice that Hakase was enjoying this due to him crackling. Normal people may be scared of this but it made her feel some what better that he was enjoying this. Somewhere within she felt good too since this was something that Hakase and Mimi had made together. It made her feel good that she could apply her powers like this.

Then suddenly Mimi had felt something that she had never felt before. There was a cold grasp on something that was squishy and soft. It ran from her chest all the way up to her brain. The feeling felt a bit painful but also very pleasurable too.

"OOOHHHHHH~ AAHHHH~" yelled out Mimi as she felt the mix feelings from the touch.

Though Mimi also felt a lot of embarrassment and as if she felt violated at the same time. She at once closed her eyes and raised her hands up in order to use the super strength from the suit to push away Hakase's mechanical arms before Hakase was pushed backwards from his nosebleed rocket. At the same time Mimi felt some sort of defensive reaction to attack that she never felt as Micheal. One of her braids began to snake upward and then the gold ending band's tip was glowing a bit red as it fired a laser at the end of the mechanical arm that had gave her such a conflicting mix of feelings.

"Oh-oh-oh no!" squeaked out Mimi as she saw what happen but still affected from her surprise touch. She had a worry look as used the boosters to fly over to Hakase and was at his side. She then produce a cloth to help clean up the nosebleed and said softly, "Are-are-are-are you okay?"
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby ZeroForever » Tue Nov 23, 2010 12:47 pm

Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
Dr. McCoy entered a few moments later “That was fast… most characters like to have a predictably agonizing internal monologue to stretch the time during scenes like that.” She said before putting the 4th wall back into place. “I’ve assume you’ve made your decision” the shadowed figure said as his display appeared again. “Do note that if you do go through with this we cannot guarantee your safety even if we do restore reality.”

Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel – Stella
The effect was almost instant, her currently normal size breasts began to overflow returning to there mass defying K+ size as she felt her body go into overdrive. The pumps going to work instantly as milk spilled out at such a rate that it looked like a water fountain in action, the action though was incredibly pleasurable to the point that she would find it hard to think. The whole ordeal last no more then a minute, as her body and the machine finished up all the energy drained from her body as the after effects of milking caught up to her.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Miku-chan » Fri Nov 26, 2010 10:37 am

Gwen looks over her lovers form and knew it was time. Nodding as she let's the fetishistic looking outfit form over her body, she asks..."So what's on the menu tonight?" she asks hungrily even though she had devoured her meal minutes before, her toung licking her lips unconsciously. This hunger of her symbiot, as pleasurable as it was, seemed to thrive on the exertion of emotion energies, particularly those involving lust and love. But Gwen loved the feelings to much to be worried, both the symbiots and MJ made her feel wanted and needed in a way she could not explain, nor did she want to, for she still feared what it would mean if things changed...
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Zoey » Sat Nov 27, 2010 11:02 am

Mark jumped as the figure spooked her as it appeared. "H-Hey!" she exclaimed. "It doesn't help I feel im being watched 24/7" she groaned rubbing her neck. "Anyways, yeah. It was like I had a pallete of options without running into a brick wall, but yeah, Im prepared. Better try than keep running around in circles. Though I dont like the prospect of staying a girl longer" she sighs.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby ZeroForever » Sat Nov 27, 2010 6:39 pm

Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker – Hime
Horo got a massive hug attack from Kara after the announcement that transforming to long had muddled her memories. The girl almost panicking at the issue before Cassie calmed her down “Just give it a few days it should clear up by itself; if not we’ll take her to the nurse pretty sure mutants have a special genome or something that helps prevent this from being a issue.” Cassie said to pacify Kara, Kiwi meanwhile simply looked at Horo curiously but not saying anything. They would continue with their tour but Horo would find herself cuddled protectively like a puppy in Kara’s hands.

“Hmm… she showed surprising restraint, let her have control back.” Gyrich said before his voice disappeared replaced with Batou’s shouting through the comm. “HEY YOUR ALL RIGHT” as the hulk of a man said as he arrived at the stand, there was no incident at least from what he could tell but he felt that he should make sure.

With that Hime’s control was returned to her, to everyone else it seemed like a advanced performance AI had kicked in as the voice and demeanor of the machine had suddenly changed from a stoic machine to what seemed to be a genuine person. Before Horo could ask questions however Batou came over speaking “Hold up a second people, just need to do a quick check up on her.” He said bring her behind the stand next to a techno stand that plugged into to “Hey kid you alright, don’t worry this is a private direct link” Batou said resuming his conversation from before. Meanwhile Horo found herself being dragged off as apparently the Ishow was starting soon “The one thing that they couldn’t miss” at least according to Cassie.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Zilla » Sat Nov 27, 2010 8:21 pm

Hime lets out a huge mental sigh.

"Batou, I saw my parents," she replied. "It was... extraordinarily painful. They didn't recognize me, or even seem to know I'd been missing. Can you imagine?" She searched Batou, gauging his emotions. "I... I freaked out, but... I think I did what was best. I'll be okay."

She couldn't keep the emotion from manifesting on her synthetic face. It showed the severe heartbreak she felt, as well as her determination to keep going.

"I can handle myself now, and like I said, I'll close up the show." She rubs her face lightly, feeling once again that cold reminder that she was no longer made of living material, but cold metals, synthetic skin, electronics, and machinery.
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