[SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta


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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Knight Errant » Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:51 pm

Stella moans, her knees going weak as her breasts swell and grow, the milk pouring out of her. Her mind goes blank for a minute, swept away by the pleasure. When she comes to, she is panting, her hands cupped against her now massive breasts.

"... h-hell... They are huge again." She feels their weight for a few moments, blushing... then pulls her hands away. Hopefully the auto dresser gave her a stretchy top to stuff these into...
O Muse!
Sing in me, and through me tell the story
Of that man skilled in all the ways of contending,
A wanderer, harried for years on end...

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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby ZeroForever » Wed Dec 01, 2010 12:09 pm

Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider – Gwen Watson
“The usual” MJ said (the usual however could contain anything from runaways, to people in extreme debt, failed members, or people that the boss wanted to ‘publically’ dispose of) MJ then smirked “Well there is one special member but that’s a secret, so you better hurry up to the stage if you want to see pre-show.” That said the door to the room opened automatically memories of the layout would come to her naturally as if she had walked this way many times.
After Gwen had left the room a video screen opened with a black silhouette of a figure “So how are things proceeding with the current clone, I heard there was a incident this afternoon.” The figure spoke, “Nothing major, the symbiote was just reacting to some of the genetic memories of the original.” MJ said brushing off the incident making note not to mention the procreation she had taken. “Very well---“ the figure spoke the rest of the conversation obscured as the panel faded out.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Danarth » Thu Dec 02, 2010 1:38 am

Horo was slighty taken aback when the robot girl seemed to start moving all of a sudden but before she could open her mouth to ask a question or even mention that sense of emotion that the robot seemed to have shown, the hulking man seemed to interpose himself which caused Horo to take a step back as he seemed to escort the robot girl off behind the stand that they had both been at, claiming something about checking on the robot. After a moment, Horo would gather her wits after, looking to where the two had vanished for a moment then shaking her head for a moment, despite that fleeting sense of emotion everything else she had seen so far would indicate that the girl was just what she seemed, a robot, though an extremely advanced one. She could get no trace of scent beyond that of what one might expect from a robot, so perhaps the fleeting sense of emotion was nothing more than her imagination tinged with the confusion of being in another person's body in a strange world while supressing the desires of a wolf that felt trapped, making her mind unfocused at times. Before she said or thought anything else about the situation with the robot, Horo found that she was suddenly dragged away to the Ishow, though she had little understanding of what that meant other than to guess it was something impressive, if Cassie's mention of it being something they couldn't miss, was anything to go by.

As they moved away from the stand they had all been looking at previously, Horo's attention would turn to Kara again. The blonde girl's attitude and behaviour was very difficult to understand in some cases, given the seeming position of mutants in this strange reality, slaves and pets it seemed. Reaching up and touching one of the furry wolf ears for a moment, wondering if the manifestation of the ears and the tail were there because it was something that Kara liked, it would seem to fit the situation, Horo was a slave after all and from what she had learnt from Cassie, had no rights or even family bonds in this world because of her status as a mutant. That thought sent a chill down her spine especially, remembering the threats of punishment that had been mentioned. A small smile broke out across her lips as she remember the sensation of Kara hugging her before, it was a pleasent and warm sensation but the oddest thing was Kara's near state of panic because of the lose of memory would seem to show that despite her status as a pet and slave, Kara did care about what happened to Horo, though Daniel was unable to tell if this was anything beyond what one might care for a cherished pet, even so, the concern and kindness Kara showed created a warm feeling. Shaking off these thoughts she would move quickly to keep pace with the others

As the group went in the direction of this Ishow, Horo would continue to gaze at the other fascinating and advanced machines that were present in this exhibition. "Hrm. I'm surprised I haven't seen any robotic wolves about so far, certianly seems within the capabilities of people in this place" Smiling as she said this outloud, chuckling to herself for a moment as she kept walking "Even so, no matter how well designed, a robotic wolf would never compare to the real thing" saying these things out loud, showing something of a sense of pride in being able to change into a wolf. After saying this, both cheeks seemed to go red briefly wondering where that outburst had come from, Daniel had always been a big fan of wolves but had only recently gained the ability to change, so perhaps there was part of Horo's personality involved in the outburst. Shaking her head again before looking towards the rest of the group she was with "erm....So is there any idea what is going to make this Ishow so impressive or is it all a big secret?" she asked, as quickened her pace to keep up with the group, wondering what could be in this Ishow, imagining it must be something impressive since everything else in the exhibition had been amazing.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby ZeroForever » Sat Dec 04, 2010 11:22 am

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger – Bubbles
After she was done dressing Maria scooted her along not really intent on giving the little princess more time to think about clothing complaints, time constraints not withholding. Needless to say as they arrived at the coliseum, it was packed to say the least tens of thousands of people crammed into an arena not that it really matter to them in the VIP lines and suites, though this also prevented her from taking place in the battle field called a mosh pit, likely intentional done by Maria. They thankfully arrived in time though Cat would find some of her affirmations confirmed as paparazzi more or less trailed her taking pictures and smack talking until they got inside. Inside the lights were dimming, fan girls and boys screaming the usual fanfare in a deafening roar as the opening act took the stage, ‘Crash at the Demonhead’ was good like always but they always lacked ‘something’ that made them fall short of the mega popularity that PPG had attained. Maria looked on indifferently at the proceeding events, though Cat could feel her eye on her.
Bubbles - Forced move along, if you’re going MIA please post something.
Bubbles meanwhile came to a strict realization in that… she had no idea what the lyrics or notes to the various songs were, at fact that soon came to the realization of Buttercup and Blossom given that they were going on stage in a few minutes. In something that couldn’t be explain in mortal words, the she soul linked with the other 2, which gave her the knowledge she needed to know not to putz up but at the same time revealed to the others some of her secrets. Buttercup and Blossom simple gave her the ‘we will talk about it in great detail later’ glare but for now maintained there professionalism.

Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
“Ugh… what hit me” Hakase said clearly still groggy from the experience before noticing the mechanical arms on “Whoops did it again didn’t I” he said blushing at Mimi’s busts proximity to his face once again, but managing to hold it in as he analyzed the situation. “Hmm nose bleed… odd usually it’s an explosion, either way best to be safe.” As he got up heading towards the first aid kit on the wall before taking out a red injector to replenish his blood supply. Mimi meanwhile would notice strange lights going on in the helmet; apparently Hakase haphazard integration of technology based on Mimi’s earlier blue prints had initiated an unknown synchronization function. Mimi didn’t even have time to shout as it kicked in as it quite literally felt like her brain was being torn apart. Her life or more precisely her original life came forth unbidden synchronizing with her new life, the instant flood of knowledge to much even for her brain as it pulled a reflexive action of shutting down.

Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
“Very well, come with me.” Dr. McCoy said as she proceeded through the halls to a chamber with a glass like table and technology outside of anything he had seen. “In order to not arouse more suspicion then already exists, were going to have to get Ming’s memories and life in sync with yours.” Dr. McCoy said looking at him “Admittedly this is a unknown as the handful we’ve encountered that had lingering connections to the past were like me, in that our original lives had to be synced in.” Needless to say I believe you already got introduced to this device earlier today, though it was a very basic version. This one here we call Cerebra.”
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Harri-chan » Sat Dec 04, 2010 3:29 pm

Flying over the Coliseum completely took Cat's breath away. She had her hands and face pressed up against the glass, peering down at the masses of people lining up to get inside as the searchlights lit up the sky around it. The comics she'd fussed over for most of the evening were left on the seat of the helicopter as she jumped out onto the landing pad once they'd touched down, her short skirt and loose blonde hair whipping around from the wind caused by the spinning blades. Despite already learning that she had atleast a little fame, the sight of paparazzi waiting for her still caused her eyes to widen and her heart to race. At first, she smiled and blew kisses, before hearing one of them come out with a less than complimentary comment. "What did you just say? Hey, Maria, did you hear what that woman just said? How rude!", she could be heard saying before disappearing inside the building.

After the short walk through the corridors, the doors opened to their VIP suite. As a youngster, Katherine had gone to many music concerts like this, although she'd never been a VIP before. Walking into the room, she looked around, her jaw hanging open, but soon the sound of all the screaming reached her ears. Amazingly without falling over, she raced across the plush red carpet covered suite and jumped up to stand on a long leather couch that lined the huge opening that looked down into the coliseum and the stage, tossing her purse down amongst the cushions. Her old adult life, and even her desire to try and continue being a super hero, were well and truly pushed to the back of her head for now as as the band walked out onto the stage and started to play. "Perfect timing!", she said, looking back over her shoulder at Maria with a grin. She'd always wanted to play guitar as a kid, but it had been one of those things she'd never got around to. It was all flooding back to her now though as the bass started to blare from the speakers, and her attempt to restrain herself didn't last long as foot tapping turned into hopping up and down on the couch, her skirt flicking around while she played air guitar with her fingers. "Wooo!", she bellowed, cupping her hands to her mouth to join in with the cheering at the end of the first song.

Bending down, she rummaged through her purse, digging out her iphone. Despite having never used such a phone before, she found herself figuring things out pretty quickly, and moments later she was standing up to take pictures of the stage and the crowd as the second song of the set started up. "This is amazing, Maria... oh wow, look, they're taking pictures of me!". In all the years she'd struggled as a Super Hero, the bitterness over not being more famous had eaten away at her, to the point of it becoming an obsession, so the fact people now wanted to take pictures of her gave her quite a buzz. However, as she leaned over the edge of the opening, stretching out an arm to give a thumbs up, she saw it was a pair of teenage boys that seemed a bit older than her, and she felt that same tingle that she had while at school, the feeling of losing control over her body at the sight of a cute boy. Her knees went weak, and she slumped forward a little, her chest resting along the top of the couch. "Ohh... ", she murmured in a quiet voice, her wide eyes staring from behind her glasses. Trying to focus, she aimed her phone at the stage, snapping pictures of the band as she turned her head slightly and looked at the maid, her cheeks quite red. "Could I get a coke, Maria? A cherry coke?", she asked, sounding a little flustered.
Last edited by Harri-chan on Fri Dec 10, 2010 5:47 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Maiden Miki » Sat Dec 04, 2010 10:49 pm

ZeroForever wrote:
Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
“Ugh… what hit me” Hakase said clearly still groggy from the experience before noticing the mechanical arms on “Whoops did it again didn’t I” he said blushing at Mimi’s busts proximity to his face once again, but managing to hold it in as he analyzed the situation. “Hmm nose bleed… odd usually it’s an explosion, either way best to be safe.” As he got up heading towards the first aid kit on the wall before taking out a red injector to replenish his blood supply. Mimi meanwhile would notice strange lights going on in the helmet; apparently Hakase haphazard integration of technology based on Mimi’s earlier blue prints had initiated an unknown synchronization function. Mimi didn’t even have time to shout as it kicked in as it quite literally felt like her brain was being torn apart. Her life or more precisely her original life came forth unbidden synchronizing with her new life, the instant flood of knowledge to much even for her brain as it pulled a reflexive action of shutting down.

"I am so sorry! Is there anything I-" said Mimi while the lights were blinking and realize that it looks like Hakase had put in one of her blueprints from long ago. Before she could even finish her sentence though Mimi's mind was filled with knowledge. Everything was hitting her so fast and was running though her like water out of a dam but at ten times speed. She was seeing images of her old life that included spending endless hours in front of a computer screen while at the same time she was seeing images of her current life. Everything was coming so hard as one side of her brain with a man was mixing in with a young girl attempting to clean. Her would look like a bunch of popup windows appearing on a computer screen.

Soon Mimi just fell to the ground as everything came so hard and fast as her brain was shutting down due to the overload of information.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Stray-chan » Sun Dec 05, 2010 6:52 pm

As the mob of make-up artists, costumers and other support staff hit the girls, Bubbles was unable to reply her to bandmates as they were passed about and prepared. The realization that she didn't know any of the music (though Lucius was a solid musician and could probably bluff and improvise thought the guitar parts well enough) finally catching up with her made her totally passive as she was readied for the stage. Oh, this is not good! I might be able to rely on muscle memory for the instrmentals, but it didn't even occur to me that I might have to sing! What am I gonna do!?

Then, the weird info download hit her. "What... the...?" she muttered, very confused as she looked back and fourth between Blossom and Buttercup. After a moment, she said, very quietly, "Thank you...", a deeply grateful look in her eyes. "Well then... let's get out there and make some fans happy!" She beamed, her rather ditzy enthusiasm clearly returned.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby ZeroForever » Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:04 pm

Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker – Hime
Batou patted her head sympathically, “Don’t blame you kid, you did the right thing. It’s wouldn’t surprise me Gyrich had a mind wipe device waiting in the back if you did tell them.” Looking around at the other event goers the elder cyborg sighed “Take a few to collect yourself, I’ll help Joe cover the floor” he said heading back towards the front of the booth. The expo continued onwards as the Ishow was about to begin, a fact that was continuously broadcast throughout the expo so that everyone knew. Then again the various countless throngs of people indicated that most already did the noise from center plaza deafening.
As Horo got closer and closer, the crowds became more of more packed, the mass of human flesh dwarfing even the coliseum as everyone crowded closer and closer to the stage in an attempt to see the event. Even the VIP section was packed though thankfully not as much as the normal crowds. The roar of humans suddenly cut out as the event started. The music started up in a low rumble that immersed your senses as suddenly in a flash of light and performance fit for king with lights holograms lasers dancers and everything else possible Job’s appeared. The crowd erupting once again into a frenzied mess, while Horo simple got a feeling of nausea as if something wasn’t right upon the sight of the man. The speech was given with enough flair that even Tony Stark or Lex Luthor would be impressed, not that either of them existed in this dimension but still the man’s charisma was undoubtable as he spoke. “Thus I present to you the–“
The shockwave knocked everyone sprawling if not off there feet the glass shattering everywhere as all the lights and electronics died as well. The wave spread from the epicenter blasting people off their feet as car windows shatter the power grid went off line and animals began barking wildly to accompany the screams of the people. The power gone darkness reigned supreme as some of the organizers tired to restore order but failing due to the size of the masses.
Horo’s animal instincts kicked into high gear as something unnatural about the situation could be felt; she could practically feel her fur stand on end.
Hime’s sense’s and systems literally shut down instantly as her mind could only register blackness as it was tossed like a rag doll by the force of the explosion, as her systems booted back online her brain felt like someone had rattled it.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Zoey » Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:10 pm

Mark dead stoped shaking her head. "Woah, woah, woah! What sync stuff? I'm perfectly fine mentally. I'm just in the wrong body! I don't want you guys messing with my head!" protested Mark pointing to the chamber. "Why in the world would I need that? If it's for the part of living out Mings life can't I have like some documents and videos and stuff?!"
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Zilla » Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:47 pm

"Shit!" was all that she could think. With all her external sensors offline... she had absolutely no feedback as to what was going on around her. The comm link was down. She was all alone, a blind deaf-mute, surrounded by absolute nothingness.

There was nobody to scream to, absolutely nothing to cling to, no frame of reference, and no way of knowing what condition her body was in. She couldn't access any information about her OWN condition even... All she had were memories and thoughts.

"Okay, okay, okay, I just have to focus..." She's starting to panic, waiting for any input. "You just saw your parents, think of them..." She pauses a moment to think of her parents, imagining their faces, their smiles.. and how they looked content with that strange girl... And they were just as much in danger!

Slowly, systems came back online, process threads starting up, self-diagnostics coming in and telling her her condition. (I assume her body's okay, just that everything got taken offline, correct me if I'm wrong Zero.) Time seems to slip by, as each process slowly rouses itself and drags it's code into work.

The first input to come through is audio. She hears panic and screaming all around her, a tumultuous frenzy of people tripping on themselves. Finally, her video-input arrays click online, and she's able to see the pandemonium sprawling around her. Motor controls snap online, and Hime drags herself to her feet. The one thing dominating her thoughts is concern for her parents. While the backup systems make sure the rest of her system is online and ready, she takes in the crowd around here, frantically searching for her parents.

After a few brief moments, she collects herself, realizing she stands a much better chance in this scenario than the helpless bystanders that rush around in chaos. She opens her comm link to Batou, or even her technophile friend in the van, opening with: "What the hell is going on? Is anyone on this channel yet?"
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Danarth » Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:21 am

As the small group got further towards the Ishow, and further into the crowd, Horo began to feel a little claustrophobic at the press of the crowd around them, the feeling came from the loud noises of all the talking people around them, even louder it seemed than when they had been in the stadium previously with seemingly even less distance between the individual people which made the noise even worse. The smells of the people around them as well as the rest of the convention struck strongly at her wolf like nose, the density of people making the scents powerful as well. Cringing slightly as the senses continued to assail the senses of the body Daniel's mind occupied, he would wonder if the mind of the person who's body this belonged too had a way of filtering out or resisting the overwhelming noise and smell that were assaulting those senses right now or if she had just gotten used to it all. The result of it was Horo would seem a litttle skittish and also seemed to be hiding slightly behind Kara. While this was occuring, her tail was causing some of it's own mischief, it had flailed about a few times, accidentally striking another person in the crowd, which garnered a few muttered words and some epitaths about mutants, so Horo would grab hold of the tail and hold it against her to prevent it causing any more trouble.

Breathing a sigh of relief as the noise of the crowd seemed suddenly to cut out but this relief seemed only momentary as the sounds of music began to build from all around them, the noise quickly starting to ring in Horo's ears again causing her to sigh a little but she breathed out a little and tried to resist the urge to feel claustrophobic. As the show started, she would look up at the flashing and flickering lights that made up the impressive light show that was put on, though she could only see the presence of the light because of the colour blindness with the exception of occasionally tinges of blue. Keeping her attention on the stage, wondering what could be so impression that it warranted this level of showmanship. Casting her eyes over some of the dancers for a moment, thinking that despite the flashy nature of the show, it was still rather impressive. As the light and sound show reached it's peak, watching the man appear on the centre stage, looking at him oddly for a moment before a wave of nausea overwhelmed her body. There was something strange about this charmismatic man, something that didn't quite feel natural perhaps even otherworldly about this strange man. Shaking her head for a moment, trying to shake off the feeling of nausea, she took her eyes of the man for just a moment, hearing him speak for a few moments before the sudden boom and the massive shockwave sent her reeling, knocking her off her feet causing her to bump into other people who were knocked down, sprawling out on the floor, temporarily blacking out.

After only a moment, Horo's eyes would flicker open again though they were different now, they had gained a far more feral look far closer to that of a normal wolf, the pupils in the eyes had also grown wider as they worked to absord what light remained so she could see in the dark. Scrabbling about for a moment, she had landed on her side after being knocked by another falling person. Finally rising up from the ground, on all fours at the moment, taking a moment to realize one of her hands was on someone's leg. Looking up towards the person for a moment, noticing that it was Kara whom seemed to have fallen nearby and that her hand was resting on Kara's thigh. If Kara was able to see Horo at the moment she would likely notice the feral look in her eyes and at the moment only a dim awareness of who she was. The hand would slowly move off of Kara's thigh as Horo began to look around cautiously, the keen senses investigating her immediate surrondings. Something felt wrong, something unusual, unnatural but she couldn't tell what. As she looked about to see if she could see the source of the noise and the shockwave, she would growl in a low voice although coming from a human and not a wolf it would probably sound rather soft and unintimdating. This unnatural feeling continued to prevail in the atmosphere, the fur on her ears almost seemed to be standing on end. Shaking her head almost violently a moment later as she fought of the feral part of her mind that had suddenly taken over when she had blacked out, though she wasn't able to supress it properly so it was still at the fighting with her for control. Looking about for a moment then sniffing the air she found what she needed. Moving quickly over towards Kiwi, and moving in close to the teleporter girl's ear, she spoke as clearly as she could so she could try and get through the noise "Kiwi, This may just be a power outage because of that overblown light show but I can sense something unnatural about us, if anything else happens I want you to grab Kara and Cassie and teleport them away. I imagine it'll be easier with just those two so I'll make my own way out" she backed away from Kiwi and began to look around again, looking in what she thought was the general direction of the stage where that man with the unnatural feel to him had been, wondering if he had something to do with this.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby ZeroForever » Fri Dec 10, 2010 12:55 pm

Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
She dreamed of being a man in a maids outfit then of being a woman is civilian clothing, and dozens of other variations as the memories of both her lives floated uncontrollably through her skull. When she woke up she had a migraine that felt like a vice was crushing her skull which reduced to a dull throb after a few seconds. Some time had passed since she had passed out as she was on a bed, looking around she would note it was one of the lab beds for the researcher that passed out in the office. She was once again dressed in her maid clothes once more. “Oh you’re awake! I was afraid I was going to have to call the medical office.” Hakase said the boy clearly worried for her as he handed her a pill and water.
(your character remembers the original world now but it's still muddled. This worlds/life is still very much ingrained in her as are it's physical/mental restrictions.)

Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
Dr. McCoy simply looked at him with one of those ‘you gotta be kidding me’ sighs “Unless you’re a genius and can speak Chinese, Japanese, Korean already among other things like professional culinary, cleaning, and martial skills your not going to fool anyone much less the group that’s likely going to purchase Ming that we need you to infiltrate.”
Pausing she looked at him deadly serious “This isn’t some romp in the park kid, whoever did this is godly powerful so even serious measures can’t guarantee success, much less your suggestions; obviously you didn’t think about it so I’ll give you a few more minutes.” That she walked out the room leaving him in the chamber with just the device.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Maiden Miki » Sat Dec 11, 2010 2:04 am

ZeroForever wrote:Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
She dreamed of being a man in a maids outfit then of being a woman is civilian clothing, and dozens of other variations as the memories of both her lives floated uncontrollably through her skull. When she woke up she had a migraine that felt like a vice was crushing her skull which reduced to a dull throb after a few seconds. Some time had passed since she had passed out as she was on a bed, looking around she would note it was one of the lab beds for the researcher that passed out in the office. She was once again dressed in her maid clothes once more. “Oh you’re awake! I was afraid I was going to have to call the medical office.” Hakase said the boy clearly worried for her as he handed her a pill and water.
(your character remembers the original world now but it's still muddled. This worlds/life is still very much ingrained in her as are it's physical/mental restrictions.)

"Oh....What happen?" asked Mimi as she mourn a little and place a hand to her head. She had tired eyes as visions of many strange things were passing though her head. She was seeing things like a man in a maid outfit and a young girl in normal clothing. Some of them she was just going to a normal high school while others had a him talking to rich people. Everything felt so different.

Mimi took the pill and water as the images were slowly calming down. Mimi swallow the pill and drank the water as she looked at Hakase.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Zoey » Mon Dec 13, 2010 9:52 pm

"Woah wait a sec!" demands Mark grabbing Dr. McBoobs by the hand, making direct eye contact. "You never told me about this, I would greatly appreciate it if you actually told me what this little mission of yours entails for me. You know... cause I'll be the one risking my head, plus you never said before You'd be messing around in my head. So explain better!"
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby ZeroForever » Tue Dec 21, 2010 10:43 am

Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel – Stella
Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider – Gwen Watson
Stella wasn’t quite so luck as the machine instead just pasted a pair of stars over the nipples to prevent any accidental flow. The bunny suit accommodating a corseted lift effect that kept them front side for the customers view. That completed the door opened up where Selma and Fei li were waiting “Milked you again I see.” Selma said the expected tone in her voice. “Oh hurry up, show start soon; we get trouble if late.” Fei li said to the two as she headed out.
(If you didn’t realize it’s the same chamber/location of Gwen, just you’re working the floor not the stage)
Repeated -
The black room was more or less a performance hall, a large stage in the front with seating/tables in front. What made this different than normal stage was the fact that it was protected by a kinetic barrier or a force field along with dozens of other techs. At each of the tables were seated everything from crime lords to terrorists, among various other unknowns either wearing masking, using holographic disguises or just covering their heads each often carrying their own set of private bodyguards. The waitresses were males and females of beauty; depending on the group or person they were serving there outfits could be any number of fetishes, while the muscle/black suits handled the doors.
GM Force along - Gwen arrived at the back just a tad late as the subjects face was already fitted with a auction hood and collar which prevented visuals until they were auctioned, the muffled grunts sounded familiar like someone she knew but the name and face just hung out of reach.
Looking around she could see that the room was already mostly filled, the tensions already high strung between rival organizations that were present. As she watched the countdown timer for the start of the show go down, memories of doing this a dozen times before filled her head.

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger – Bubbles
Cat, being in the VIP section had its benefits besides having room to breathe, this include a waiter/waitress in each section that took concession stand orders, they returned with the requested beverage moments later. Meanwhile ‘Crash at the Demonhead’ finished their intro gig as the crowds went wild, even where she sat the roar was deafening though the still lower than the bass from the speakers that practically made the coliseum vibrate. As the lights shut off the entire amphitheater turned into complete silence and darkness.
Bubbles and the other girls not only had sheet music but dance routines, stunts and more choreography then she had imagined vested in the show, as they all flowed into her head the other 2 had already disappeared to their entrance position, her own was the thematic lift where they had dumped her while the information flooded in. As the strobe light, hologram’s and other effects kicked into high gear she knew what she had to do as she positioned herself behind the digital projection screen as the hologram of the vocolaid pealed off the display seeming coming to 3d life, she hid within its interior, burst forth through it as the Buttercup and Blossom did the same from their positions. Then the show really started.
(honestly I’m not going to write up lyric’s or even revise existing lyric’s for this RP… just too much work for something that while entertaining to think of, is short and inconsequential to the main story)
Needless to say everyone within the theater from the fans to the adults that sat in the back, to the singers themselves was swept into the music. (this Macross songstress effect)
the anti-thesis of myself... come see, feel, know the truth beyond truths it'll just cost your soul.....
Overlords+Magic+Tropes=TF TG and flying jigglypuffs... among other things
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