Raleigh's Cast

Gah! It's a high-powered metamorphing green gelatinous blob! Or maybe it's something else. Who's your character? Post here!

Re: Raleigh's Cast

Postby Raleigh » Fri Dec 17, 2010 3:09 pm

Name: Aki
Profession: Student/Agent
Powers: Superhuman reflexes and strength. Moderate spell power with low ranging magic. Specialist in multiple sword styles.

Name: Shira
Profession: Student/Agent
Powers: Moderate spell power with high magic potential. Superhuman reflexes but normal strength. Specialist in Dragon spells.
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Re: Raleigh's Cast

Postby Raleigh » Thu Jun 08, 2017 7:01 pm

Name: Lavoro di Orologio
Race: Human/Clock Work
Age: Seemingly young
Profession: Artificer
General Info: Builder of automatons and other such gear driven works. Contracted agent of Raleigh. In exchange for the knowledge of a way to freeze time for himself through his chosen medium he is bound to create tools Raleigh requires.
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Re: Raleigh's Cast

Postby Raleigh » Wed Jun 14, 2017 10:25 am

Name: Star Craving
Title: The Mad
Age: Unknown (Temporal hijinks involved)
Race: Unicorn
Profession: Enchanter (Battle Class)
Appearance: Brown hair and eyes. A bit of an oddly off greenish color coat. Usually wearing robes of some sort that look low quality and could likely fray apart at any moment. Covered in scars from fights in his past but keeps them hidden through illusions.
History: Fore most enchanter in an ancient time when the titans of his world still held sway. Created a few hundred objects with tricks of enchanting that currently are either forbidden or forgotten. Nearly all of his creations are currently considered cursed artifacts as they all have unexpected side effects or the enchantment has decayed due to time magic being laced into his works.
Tools: Cactus needles - laced throughout his wild and long hair and tail are several cactus needles. Each of them is enchanted with a sleeping spell.
Coins - Each coin he carries is enchanted with a rather painful and possibly lethal electrical charge. He likes to fire them off like bullets in his magic.
Horseshoes - Enchanted to increase impact. One stomp or blow from these and you are likely to find a hole in whatever he hit.
Cable lash - His shoddy robe is actually made up of interwoven cables disguised as cloth. If pressed he will cause it to fray out and lash all about him ripping into everything but himself. The fact that it will carry any sort of enchantment he puts into it easily doesn't hurt. Downside, he'll have to replace it after this happens.

Name: Secorra Soulstealer Fear
Title: Terror Lord
Age: About a week old currently. Appears as a teenager.
Race: Demon
Personal Info: Created when Raleigh spread blood extracted from the Heart of Fear on some Nothing. Her goals are to consume innocent souls to gain the power to revive her father, Fear. The problem is two fold however in that she needs first the power to perform the ritual and then to snatch her father's heart from Raleigh's possession. Stealing from a dragon's hoard is always dangerous even for a demon.
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