Moderator: Mistress Guendolen
Blindsense wrote:The young man glances up from his dusty tome occasionally, his eyes scanning the crowd around him as the herald's cries echo throughout the Arena square. Well, then, he muses to himself as the crowd around him revels in the excitement of a newly-announced tournament, that's... An intriguing opportunity. I may just have to partake in this little escapade. He closes the tome, a puff of dust rising from the pages as the heavy, leather-bound covers crash together, and holsters it before walking up to a rugged-looking man standing near the front of the crowd.
"Excuse me, sir," he calls out pleasantly in an attempt to get the man's attention - he was a burly fellow with wiry muscles and a good few battle scars. Had Nergal been perusing the local riff raff at a shady bar, he would likely have pegged this man as some sort of chief rabble-rouser, or another such unscrupulous fellow. Today, however, he was simply a valid source of information. "I apologize for bothering you, but I fear I missed the details in the herald's fine declaration. Where are the, ah, prospective heroes to report, if we are in such a mind as to enter this little tournament?"
Blaze wrote:James quirks an eyebrow as the Warden destroys the demon possessing the wolf. With a shrug, he takes out his small bow and fires at one of the beasts.
Ickle Harri-chan wrote:Ginny was sprawled on her back, her long, pale blonde hair spread out beneath her. Her majestic sword and shield lay on the ground, her gold and silver armour doing nothing to protect her from the seduction. Hungrily, she returned the kisses to the woman that lay on top of her in the body of her best friend. With her gauntlets thrown to the ground, her delicate hands were free to caress the body of the demon, and did so excitedly. She was short of breath, her chest heaving up and down inside the heavy breastplate, her eyes closed as she gave in entirely, overcome by lust, "Nev...", she murmured as they kissed.
Vomica wrote:In one random tavern out of the multitudes of such establishments in the region, sits a lone grizzled man in a corner. Inspecting the blade of the dagger he holds idly, he mulls over his decision... why did he agree to this? Why did he come here? He shakes his head, responding to his own thoughts with 'Because a summon was sent out. I was needed'. Something still felt off though -- something rather wrong about it all. He was a logical man, however he escaped more then one ambush in the past things to his gut... ...and it's certainly not upset from the cooking. Maybe. The fish was a bit old.
Taking a deep breath he sheaths the blade and finishes his ale. As if it were the last time he'd ever sit in a chair, he stands rather reluctantly. His dark cloak swishes as he gets to his feet, the fabric nearly matching that of his other thick travel ward clothing. Pulling his hood down forward over his scarred face, he gives the bar tender one more coin for a tip. Then with that slips out of the door.
The muscular man turns to look at Nergal, raising one side of his bushy monobrow. "Humph... at tha Arena O' course. Where do ya think?"
Ickle Harri-chan wrote:Ginny lay there, panting for breath, a horrified look on her face at how easily she'd lost control of herself. Dragging the back of her hand across her lips, she winced. "Done? What is done?", she muttered, the sections of her armour shifted against eachother. "I... ", she started to share her feelings, but... they were confusing. She felt terrible for what she'd done, but she also wanted more of it. There was a look of fear in her eyes as she briefly glanced at the Demon woman, and then away again. "No... I can't do this... I came here to slay you, and slay you I shall... ", she said, reaching over to grasp her sword from the floor.
Blindsense wrote:Nergal smiles a gentlemanly smile, bowing in thanks to the man. "Ah, yes - forgive the foolish inquiries of a thoughtless traveler. Do you happen to know of those who are planning to participate in the tournament? I was hoping to meet some of them... Perhaps find work as a herald, or a squire. I -am- new in town, after all, and I might as well contribute to the local economy in times of crisis, aye?" Another flashed grin - as disarming as his polite and eloquent demeanor in a crowd of what Nergal understood to be commoners and rough-riders. In a town such as this, manners and etiquette could do one of two things - open doors or start street brawls. Honestly, the mage didn't much care which result he received at the moment - he would show cause enough for him to enter the tournament one way or another.
Blaze wrote:James sits down and returns to his meal as well as soon as the demons had been driven off. He was dripping with perspiration and rubbing his arm, not used to firing his bow so many times in a row without rest. He nods his thanks to the Warden and looks around at everyone.
"You deal with that often on the roads?"
He slips out of the door into the Commoners District of Overwatch! The main capitol of Watchwood. On either side of the street he is on, vendors hawk wares, a few women of questionable clothing yell out directions to various establishments which may or may not have more for sale than items. The city opens up to him! He could take a look around... head to the Arena and see what all the fuss is about... or head out of the city gates and out into the forest! The world is his bivalve mollusk!
The muscled man grunts in reply. "You be lookin' at Gol Bloodhammer. Descended from Grash Bloodhammer, founder o' Hammer Hill in the Watchwoods. I be here ta show tha foreign muck how we take care a things in the Watchwoods. And I'll be takin a piece a old Arleigh's plunder." He pauses, then continues. "If Gol aint enough for ye, the rest o' tha weaklings likely be shadowing tha Arena soon enough. I be headin there soon... if ye wish to follow."
Ickle Harri-chan wrote:Ginny tried to harden her face in a look of anger, but the way the Demon threatened to punish her caused a flick of lust to spread across her blue eyes, and she blushed. Climbing to her feet, she did indeed lift her sword, holding it at her side. "I don't know what you think you've accomplished here... but that was just a kiss, and a mistake at that. It doesn't mean anything... ", she said as she walked towards the foot of the bed.
Vomica wrote:
The man is here for a reason. He is here to seek out what needs to be done. he knows how foolish it is to go into the forest. He's confident he could handle himself. Thusly he slips off towards the Arena. He flows through the crowd like liquid silver, easily moving faster then the traffic... and without bumping into anyone. His long cloak and large hat would point him out as not being a local townsperson, however he easily blends into the crowd.
Blindsense wrote:
"Ah, yes, that would be most appreciated. Thank you for your offer." Nergal couldn't help but smirk at the thought of this Bloodhammer - he certainly sounded like an interesting fellow, and clearly not particularly popular. This could work to his advantage in the long run, should he need to create a whipping boy for the public - or the church. "I shall simply follow you there - it would certainly be more practical than trying to find my way there myself."
Blaze wrote:James listens attentively to the story, his mouth forming into a slight frown.
"Why didn't you just keep praying to the spirits anyway? Not like the Church is everywhere on the roads."
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