Well, now what? [Blaze]

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Well, now what? [Blaze]

Postby Blindsense » Tue Feb 08, 2011 12:47 am

Emerging from the strange new hospital, Lance huffs as she examines the blue sky outside the strange building. Following the events of the hospital, the young ice vixen was more than a little confused as to what to do now... She certainly wasn't used to being a girl - let alone a frost-wielding vixen girl, for that matter. She takes a seat on a nearby street bench, content to simply collect her thoughts for the moment...
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Re: Well, now what? [Blaze]

Postby Blaze » Tue Feb 08, 2011 1:15 am

Lance may find she carries herself much more femininely, walking in the impossibly high-heeled boots with ease. Her his and butt sway a bit more then usual as well and she may find herself smiling at any passing guysohgodmonster

A giant monster that looks like a pink frog and a black octopus had a full-body collision falls from the sky! The tentacles on it's back lash out, grabbing a few people and lifting them up to it's mouth where it inhales deeply. Something is pulled out of those poor people as they go limp before being discarded by the beast.
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Re: Well, now what? [Blaze]

Postby Blindsense » Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:22 pm

Blaze wrote:Lance may find she carries herself much more femininely, walking in the impossibly high-heeled boots with ease. Her his and butt sway a bit more then usual as well and she may find herself smiling at any passing guysohgodmonster

A giant monster that looks like a pink frog and a black octopus had a full-body collision falls from the sky! The tentacles on it's back lash out, grabbing a few people and lifting them up to it's mouth where it inhales deeply. Something is pulled out of those poor people as they go limp before being discarded by the beast.

Expletives completely unbefitting the young fox lady pervade the air as Lance does what any sensible individual would do in such a situation - freaking panics. She swings her head around wildly for a sign of some sort of super powered robot or spandex-clad alien strongman - the kind that usually show up in these situations... Unfortunately for Lance, this didn't appear to be one of those days. Thinking quickly, she snatches a rock off the ground - and tosses it right at the, err, face? Beak? Frog-mouth? of the monster with surprising speed, sending it careening towards one of the creature's big red eyes.

"Hey, Inky! Stop, erm, eating people...!" Because name-calling always works...
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Re: Well, now what? [Blaze]

Postby Blaze » Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:30 pm

The rock bounces against the beasts eye, causing it to turn to look at Lance balefully. It drops the husks of a couple of NPCs and sends a tentacle Lance-wards!
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Re: Well, now what? [Blaze]

Postby Blindsense » Wed Feb 09, 2011 12:22 am

Blaze wrote:The rock bounces against the beasts eye, causing it to turn to look at Lance balefully. It drops the husks of a couple of NPCs and sends a tentacle Lance-wards!

"Right, so that was a dumb idea!" Lance yelps as she dives out of the way of the offending tentacle - instinctively aiming a punishing kick to the top of it as it passes. If the kick connects, and the tentacle had any real sensation, it would likely hurt... A lot.
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Re: Well, now what? [Blaze]

Postby Blaze » Wed Feb 09, 2011 12:38 am

The tentacle is thick, the skin rubbery! It easily absorbs the blow, but it is smashed into the ground, stunning it for a moment!
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Re: Well, now what? [Blaze]

Postby Blindsense » Wed Feb 09, 2011 12:54 am

Blaze wrote:The tentacle is thick, the skin rubbery! It easily absorbs the blow, but it is smashed into the ground, stunning it for a moment!

Right! Lance didn't know where the force of that kick had come from, but he certainly wasn't going to complain. Uhh... She decides to try what any sensible interim superheroine would do - she jumps nimbly onto the unmoving tentacle and dashes towards the creature's face, aiming a wicked roundhouse kick to the thing's cornea.
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Re: Well, now what? [Blaze]

Postby Blaze » Wed Feb 09, 2011 12:58 am

The beast does not make it easy! It flails the tentacle, trying to throw Lance off! However, the foxgirl finds herself moving along gracefully, somehow keeping her footing and kicking!

The beast shrieks and flails wildly!
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Re: Well, now what? [Blaze]

Postby Blindsense » Wed Feb 09, 2011 1:08 pm

Blaze wrote:The beast does not make it easy! It flails the tentacle, trying to throw Lance off! However, the foxgirl finds herself moving along gracefully, somehow keeping her footing and kicking!

The beast shrieks and flails wildly!

Lance lands softly on her feet as the monster flails about, feeling rather proud of herself. After all, she had just kicked a giant ugly monster in the face and lived to tell the tale... However, something told her that the creature wasn't gonna just pack up and head off after one kick. Instead, she decides to try something a little more adventurous - she leaps at the creature's eye again - this time focusing on her vertical jump. Once she reaches the apex of the leap and begins to fall towards the creature's eye, she aims the stiletto heel of her boot at the beast's pupil and kicks down hard.
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Re: Well, now what? [Blaze]

Postby Blaze » Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:00 pm

Things looks good! But sadly, the monster recovers in time and sends a slimy tentacle at Lance, swatting her out on the sky and smashing her into a building!
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Re: Well, now what? [Blaze]

Postby Blindsense » Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:11 pm

Blaze wrote:Things looks good! But sadly, the monster recovers in time and sends a slimy tentacle at Lance, swatting her out on the sky and smashing her into a building!

A massive THUD, followed by the inevitable blacking out preceded by certain death from a broken nec-wait a moment. To Lance's surprise, the high-speed collision actually left the building looking a bit worse for ware, leaving the foxgirl relatively unharmed, if a little sore. She steps to her feet quickly so as to be ready for another retaliation... She would worry about why the heck she hadn't snapped her neck later. Right now, there was still a giant monster to kill. She closes her eyes, thinking hard... What could this body do to help her kill this thing?
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Re: Well, now what? [Blaze]

Postby Blaze » Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:26 pm

Suddenly, Lance has a piercing moment of clarity. She can picture herself generating ice, using it in combat. She knows she could very easily conjure columns of ice to stab this monster!

Though she better do it fast because it's sending more tentacles at her!
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Re: Well, now what? [Blaze]

Postby Blindsense » Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:48 pm

Blaze wrote:Suddenly, Lance has a piercing moment of clarity. She can picture herself generating ice, using it in combat. She knows she could very easily conjure columns of ice to stab this monster!

Though she better do it fast because it's sending more tentacles at her!

The girl eeps as her eyes flash a radiant blue, a wickedly-sharp spear of ice forming above the tentacle, aiming to stab it into the ground.
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Re: Well, now what? [Blaze]

Postby Blaze » Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:50 pm

The ice stabs! The tentacle is stabbed! The beast shrieks and writhes in pain!
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Re: Well, now what? [Blaze]

Postby Blindsense » Wed Feb 09, 2011 7:02 pm

Blaze wrote:The ice stabs! The tentacle is stabbed! The beast shrieks and writhes in pain!

Well that went well. Lance follows up with a carefully-aimed ice spear to the eye! Hopefully that would so some damage...
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