[SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta


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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Zilla » Thu Feb 03, 2011 4:29 pm

Back, thanks Harri for pointing out that things have actually been happening. I eventually stopped looking as updates were sparse for a while.

Thanks for keeping me in while still continuing, Zero.

Hime was herself a little lost in all the confusion and panic, but she reasoned, after the plane crash, that she would probably be best suited to figuring out what had gone wrong at the source. There was some kind of battle going on, and that would put more people at danger.

Besides, as that near-miss with the crashing aircraft had shown her, she wasn't able to help everyone this way. If they couldn't manage their way without her, they'd be out of luck...

But she did manage to save her family. As much as she wanted to be with them, she knew she had a duty to fulfill. She jumped high into the air, and skipped along the tops of the booths, dashing toward the scene. The feeling of charging through the air kindled faint memories of hers...

Hime rushes toward the stage.

Edit: Er, looking back over the posts, did you want me to stay at the impact site? I can do that instead if you want, I guess before the plane hit, I probably would have decided to investigate the fighting instead of just herding people away from it. I can see setup for something going on here though, and if you want, I'll redo my post to stay here.

That, or something could motivate me to come back to the impact site, catching sight of something or maybe hearing something that would make the impact site more important than the earlier mention of a battle?
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Zilla » Tue Feb 08, 2011 1:31 am

I'm wondering if my edit would be read, so I'm bumping the topic to make sure my edit's noticed.... ^^;;
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby ZeroForever » Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:29 pm

(random side thought use the sign up thread for OOC questions it’s easier than me having to clean up my mail box)

Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Hakase paused for a moment looking at the scene, admittedly he didn’t want to get involved as his mom would ground him indefinitely, I mean she already chewed him out another one just for being ‘near’ the incident as if a few miles was near. “Wait what?” he said at Mimi’s admission of Catalina’s presence at the Expo, as she was supposed to be at a concert or something. Tapping various buttons on his panel he zoomed until the computer recognition software was able to identify her. He was surprised but not completely, maid training did after all bond them very tightly with their owners. He knew if he did nothing then most likely Mimi would hate him, though his greater fear was getting on Maria’s bad side assuming she didn’t die in the crash. After several seconds of internal debate he finally relented… after all he couldn’t get blamed if he didn’t leave. The lab though kept tabs on all the equipment so anything missing could easily be tracked… except something that had just been created.

“Well we could use the armor…” he said, at that though the suit that she had just been wearing fully together in an impressive set on the side on wall began to glow. The armor almost reacting to her thoughts as the pulled off the wall the pieces attaching Mimi would find the armors mnemonic memory allowed itself to re-equip itself easily to her, her existing clothing shredded in a instant.
Looking at her Hakase was clearly worried even if it was partially his idea “It’s dangerous you know what just happened!! Mimi! Are you sure?!” he said almost pleadingly so she would reconsider, the emotion surprising even himself as it went against the logical action, even someone like himself didn’t want to honestly want to put one of his few actual friends in danger, even if it was for her owner.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Maiden Miki » Wed Feb 09, 2011 12:07 pm

ZeroForever wrote:(random side thought use the sign up thread for OOC questions it’s easier than me having to clean up my mail box)

Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Hakase paused for a moment looking at the scene, admittedly he didn’t want to get involved as his mom would ground him indefinitely, I mean she already chewed him out another one just for being ‘near’ the incident as if a few miles was near. “Wait what?” he said at Mimi’s admission of Catalina’s presence at the Expo, as she was supposed to be at a concert or something. Tapping various buttons on his panel he zoomed until the computer recognition software was able to identify her. He was surprised but not completely, maid training did after all bond them very tightly with their owners. He knew if he did nothing then most likely Mimi would hate him, though his greater fear was getting on Maria’s bad side assuming she didn’t die in the crash. After several seconds of internal debate he finally relented… after all he couldn’t get blamed if he didn’t leave. The lab though kept tabs on all the equipment so anything missing could easily be tracked… except something that had just been created.

“Well we could use the armor…” he said, at that though the suit that she had just been wearing fully together in an impressive set on the side on wall began to glow. The armor almost reacting to her thoughts as the pulled off the wall the pieces attaching Mimi would find the armors mnemonic memory allowed itself to re-equip itself easily to her, her existing clothing shredded in a instant.
Looking at her Hakase was clearly worried even if it was partially his idea “It’s dangerous you know what just happened!! Mimi! Are you sure?!” he said almost pleadingly so she would reconsider, the emotion surprising even himself as it went against the logical action, even someone like himself didn’t want to honestly want to put one of his few actual friends in danger, even if it was for her owner.

As soon as Hakase mention the idea of using the armor, Mimi had also thought about it too. Soon she watched as pieces began to fly around her and attach themselves to her. She wasn't sure if this was because of her power or something but the Michael in her was impressed.

She was nervous as Hakase spoke since she had never heard him talk like this. As Micheal he had never done anything to this degree before. As Micheal she went sometimes to take down bad guys but it was minor ones that he could have done. This was a completely different level but she figure with all of this tech on her that she would be able to handle this. Then with Hakase as a second pair of eyes then Mimi felt as if she could do this.

"I-I promise to be back. Please, I just get Katerina and come back," said Mimi as she felt some sort of tug as she tilts her head and kissed Hakase on the cheek. She seem very nervous as the Micheal half was taken by surprise. She then pulled back and shook her had. "I am very sorry!"
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby ZeroForever » Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:16 pm

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker – Hime
Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
As the shock wore off from Cat she would find the reason she survived was not luck but rather intentional design, obviously her survival was treated as a higher priority than anyone else if the force field projector under her seat was any indication. Needless to say though explosions continued throughout the expo, as sudden from the sky high beams shown down upon the wreckage. Several helicopters descended as she could see more men in black descend from drop cables each more or less uniformed like the ones in the plane, the only unique tell tale feature that she could tell was a visor mask that they all wore the like the fangs of a dog or such.

As Hime flew/boosted towards the center area her sensors picked up additional aircraft incoming, helicopters if her sensors were correct though she couldn’t match the ID to any craft she knew of they were however heading towards the crash area behind her. Her moment of distraction was cut short however as a series of energy blasts filled the area around the expo center striking several of the remaining robots at once. A stray one grazing her was enough to cause to tail spin wildly into the ground. As the dust and light clear she could see the majority of civilians having already fled the area leaving only a few dozen injured behind. From the glowing ball of light where the blast had come from out walked Steve Job’s the man holding a small cube in his hands laughing while smirking menacingly his bony face like a skull, looking at he spoke “Another toy? I thought you would have learned by now even with the world changed as it is the White Skull will triumph!” The Cube in his hand was beyond anything her sensor could relay, energy spiking off the charts however the name White Skull sounded familiar to her as if it was another life.

As such Daniel gave in and fully transitioned into Horo, the wolf aspect mutant ruled by her instincts rather than logic ripped free from the hated collar device shattering as she grew to full length (horse size, similar to princess monoke) as she would feel the urge to howl emerge.
(The wolf mind Horo more or less is just the wolf aspect within her body, it is as natural as Daniel and as impossible to get rid of. Since the wolf was still weak in Daniels ego during the reality shift, the alternate version it more or less superseded it and absorbed/merged with it thus retaining this realities sense of self. Since it more or less lives in sync with Daniel it knows how humanity works and that the reality/world is more or less wrong. She can smell/feel it instinctively who it affects or correctly who the spell targeted, the wolf side is also more skilled at handling the transformation and can shift at will. As time goes by the egos will begin to merge into one identity, due to the control switch however it’ll lean more towards the wolf.
In summary, you’re going to be rping hulk wise split identity for a bit but they will slowly merge. The horo personality is that of a female wolf, but linked to Daniel it knows how to be human it also knows and can sense reality targeted individuals (heroes/villains/important people) whether it cares about ‘human’ issues is up to you. )
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Stray-chan » Fri Feb 11, 2011 4:12 am

((Had to ponder this one awhile. As for the colors of text there, essentially, red is Lucius, blue is Bubbles, more or less. They're not actually talking to each other, just her perspective flipping back and forth and reacting to the previous thought.))

Bubbles stares at her bandmates and the fanboy as the girls latch themselves onto him. She slowly starts to smile. Oooh, that looks tasty, and he'd make a cute girl... She starts to advance on the group, but suddenly stops. No, this isn't right. We can't just... do that to someone! She stares at her bandmates draining the fanboy. But why not? It's not like he didn't come here looking to do something dirty with the band. She closes her eyes. But not this! Not to give us, them... whatever it is they're taking! She starts to bite her lip. But then, here are plenty of fans out there who'd give far more than this to be with us for a little while... She focuses on her breathing. I, but, no! This is wrong... but... Her eyes snap open and she advances on the group, hunger and lust in her eyes. But it looks so wonderful! Again, she stops suddenly, just out of reach of the fan. No. No! This isn't what music, or fandom, or fame is about. Or at least it shouldn't be. It should be about free expression and passion! She smirks. But this is deep and meaningful a free expression of passion! She shivers a moment. Maybe it is, but its more about lust and... and theft! I shouldn't let this happen! She giggles. We want it. We need it. I can feel he wants it more than anything, and our fans deserve our attention. She opens her mouth and leans forward...

((Aaaand I still haven't decided. I'll update tomorrow with my actual choice.))
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby ZeroForever » Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:12 pm

(Ask if you have questions on abilities or on scene options ask. I rather not have to write them up for you. At this point I’d prefer if you ask and I’ll simply give a yes, no, or modify)

Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel – Stella
Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider – Gwen Watson
The Maidaders leader looked on at the scene, this maid unlike the others was dressed in traditional maid cloths instead of battle armor, however just from a glance one could feel that she was far more dangerous then the others. However right before she entered the fray she stopped receiving what was likely a message; whatever it was she left instantly motioning for one of the maids to join her while the others pressed on in there assault.

Meanwhile the human ‘goods’ also known as slaves got loose now that the force field was down. They added to the confusion, dozens of them running towards the exits where the other workers had fled to while a few others ran aimlessly probably because they were in head gags.

(Do note that since there was no Spiderman for symbiotes to copy spider powers from its adapted abilities are different)
While Gwen grabbed the items it weight surprised even her superhuman strength one of the smaller boxes must have had to be at least 3 tons despite its size, though within her limits it was outside her ability to easily carry it as her momentary strain would give the maids enough time, as the force field went down with explosive force. One of the maids pointed at her as Gwen would feel a extreme vertigo sensation as if everything began to twist out of shape as she would find it hard to think the effect lasting long enough that the butch maid jumped up and punched her, the impact almost tearing her head off as it spiked her back to the ground. As she righted herself she would find herself on top of one of the still binded slaves, from earlier likely the one that MJ was teasing her with earlier if the whip marks on his body was any indication.

The DA was in no real shape to do anything; the man’s mental state was similar to a euphoric high the man clearly out there as he giggled "look at all the pretty colors" as he fumbling uselessly on the floor bullets flew overhead. Stella would get clipped in the boob while pushing the DA along, it didn’t maim her instead bouncing off lightly bruising it; it was likely a stray bullet as wasn’t followed up with additional shots. As she finally made it to one of the exits she realized she was the kitchen entrance the fighting however was starting to spread as higher grade weapons were being used as walls were exploding as now as well.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:55 pm

Kat had never been good with blood and guts, but her repulsion at the sight of the severed limbs seemed far more exagerated than she remembered it being in the past. She wasn't sure if it was down to the immaturity of her body, or the aftermath of being involved in a plane crash, but it was definitely worse. Her vision was blurring again, but as she reached a shaking hand up to feel her glasses, she realised the distortion came from tears that had formed in her eyes. She'd spent ten years living and working alone, but right now she was overcome by the need to see a familiar face. Despite nobody laying a hand on her, Cat felt more beaten up from the last fifteen minutes than she ever had from fighting criminals. The fright of the jet being attacked, the panic of not being able to breathe as the air was sucked from her lungs, the horror of the plane going down, it had all left her physically and mentally drained.

As the bright spotlights rained down from the sky, she lifted a hand up to shield her eyes. Her previous look as an adult super hero, the short hair, the skin tight bodysuit, had all been designed so nothing would get in the way, but Cat's current clothing couldn't have been more different. With the helicopters coming down causing strong gusts to whirl around the crash site, she struggled to see properly, as long, loose blonde hair wrapped around her head and blew across her face. The tie of her uniform pulled on her neck as it flapped around, while the short, pale blue plaid skirt was being blown around so much, her white silk panties were showing. She felt like the least likely super hero in existence, right when the city needed her the most! On top of this, the loud thudding of the blades made it pretty hard to hear anything around her, which led to her completely missing Steve Jobs talking about the world being changed.

At first, she'd assumed the helicopters were part of a rescue attempt, but the sight of the men in black uniforms sent a chill down her spine. Her young level of emotional maturity caused fear to spread through her body as she watched the 'bad' men sliding down the cables into the expo hall. She wasn't used to dealing with that, the way it made her shake, the way it made her want to run, hide, and cry. Her adult mind wanted to try and fight off these invaders, but the superior intellect of her physical body told her it would be suicide to go up against a small army of gun-wielding soldiers as a ten year old girl. Tugging the straps of her purse over each shoulder so she was wearing it like a back pack, she twisted around, almost tripping over her own feet. Too afraid to even look back over her shoulder at what the men were doing after they landed on the expo floor, she started to run away from the crash as fast as she could. She had to keep pushing her fingers under her glasses to rub at her eyes as the tears blurred her vision, and she cursed herself for being so frightened when she SHOULD be trying to save the day.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Knight Errant » Sat Feb 12, 2011 3:40 am

Hauling the DA along with her, Stella winces as her chest is hit... and the shot glances off. Feeling greteful for whatever she had been given earlier, she hauls the DA out through the kitchens... picking up speed as the explosions begin growing in size. "Come on, mister Dent. We have to get out of here now!" She would pick him up and carry him if she had to.

Hurrying out the door, she just hopes she can get the DA away before a glancing shot kills him... or her... or both of them for that matter. She heads out the back... heading over to a delivery truck for the kitchen. It must have come recently... as it was still running. She hauls the DA into the passengers side, jumping in the drivers seat and punching the gas, twisting the wheel and putting it in reverse.

After a screeching turn, she puts her heel to the pedal again and drives the truck away from the battle as fast as it can go.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Miku-chan » Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:06 pm

(Yeah, I figured. Thats was why I had it wrap pat of itself over things and the outdated attept...)

Gwen feels the excessive weight slow her down as she nears the top of the roof just before she gets hit with the vertigo. The Ben Reiley voice starts to say something about falls and landings when the macho macho maid rings her clock. Landing astride the tease toy , Gwen feels he dumbing try and feed to replenish what it lost from the fight so far...'Not now.' she mentally pleads with it as she tries to keep it and herself from doing something like what happened earlier in the day. struggling to her feet, she let's the symbiot wrap the maid in a hood to try and cut off it's air zippy and take it out of the fight and get back to the prize as it were. Trying to communicate wit MJ she calls out..."Lover, we got a situation out here. Any Ideas?" she asks...
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby ZeroForever » Mon Feb 14, 2011 12:17 pm

Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
(seriously how many times have we been back and forth from this room...)
anyways as Mark sat down the device went to work, as Mark soon like before was back in the VR world however instead of having to train or such, instead he found himself reliving her life. More precisely Mings school life, which ironically played out like something one would see in a anime harem show, minus the guy. As he went through her life, classes, and routines it quickly became apparent Ming was the stereotypical foreign speaking Asian athletic bimbo of the class, as he lived it her knowledge and behaviors becoming natural to him as if it was his life. He was just starting her high school years when suddenly the screen went white, as she found herself back in the real world, the power apparently having cut out again, this time however there was no one around to greet her.
(status changes - Mark will have more or less felt like he just lived 4~5 years as Ming (jr high - early high school year) as such he will find himself easily able to identify as her because he's lived as her. He'll have learned some of her maid skills, martial art skills, sports (queens blade skills, mentioned earlier), and mutant powers, however he'll also have picked up her ditziness, engrish, and weebo habits. Her mutant powers are self density manipulation, so similar to the vision power wise, this doesn't apply to her clothes however she is well known for accidently self stripping herself.)
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Zoey » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:48 pm


There was nothing that would or would have prepared Mark for what he endured. In what seemed to be a fast forward, he experienced what seemed to be 4 or 5 years as the Asian girl. It was a very surreal experience as he watched and learned from her memories. The most embarrassing stuff being learning the maid skills and probably day to day girl stuff like periods and social events. Those were the most he disliked, still, Mark learned some interesting stuff like martial art skills which would prove good since he sucked at any physical activity. Equally interesting was learning a whole new set of mutant powers, which really made him miss his old ones, but hey, at least he had something. On a not so interesting note he did really like this asian culture of animation and the like. Something he never knew about himself.

Learning about Ming and her life was also interesting. For all about what was said about mutants, Ming seemed to have a very good and nice life, or at least for the 4-5 years he experienced. Still the feeling of basically taking over her life was something that hurt his heart, especially now more than ever. Mark had to find a way to get back to his own world and life quickly.

When the machine stopped, it was like suffering a harsh headache and jet lag at the same time. Mark studderd to her feet holding on the machine as she griped her head. "Hello?" she called out as she centered her thoughts and breathed deeply, letting all her knew experiences settle in. "Hello!" she called again before trying to walk towards the door and inspect the surroundings.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Zilla » Sun Feb 20, 2011 12:38 pm

(>_< internet ate my long post! >:( )

Hime can't make sense of this chaos. It's some kind of attack on the expo, likely by a raiding pirate group trying to get their hands on some of the newest technology, but beyond that, she can't figure anything out. The method is way more extravagant and needlessly endangering of civilian life than she would have expected from a regular pirate group. The level of ordinance is too high also. And here's this guy with a cube that she can't even slightly identify. Her sensors tell her nothing about how to perceive the object. No wireframe overlay, no heat signiture indicating electronic components, nothing.

There was also the downed aircraft, and a swarm of unregistered helicopters in pursuit. Was that related? In this chaos, it's hard to tell. That airship had nothing to do with the expo except for crashing onto the scene... The ship itself was less mysterious than the pursuers, so it's safe to assume that the ship was the victim here. It's a civilian craft, after all.

Still, her attention focuses on the man with the cube. Hime's instincts scream, where her sensors are silent, that a direct move against this guy would be a bad idea. He's at the peripheral of a combat zone and cool as a cucumber. Since she can't see anything indicating his readiness, there's a trick up his sleeve.

She's hungry for any information she can get. She searches for Batou with a scan, and sends out another tentative "Hello? Unit Hime requesting status update, over." She misses the chatter in her head... Even that technophile should be able to fill her in on the situation.

Her suit wasn't designed for stealth, but she makes the most of it. She cuts all her emissions and moves as silently as possible to stalk her prey, waiting for the right moment to strike.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Danarth » Tue Feb 22, 2011 1:17 am

The sensation of growing larger was unnoticeable to Daniel and the Wolf until there was a sudden feeling of pressure around the neck, as the electronic collar was pushed at by the wolf body's thickening neck. The strong hearing that the wolf possessed first picked up the faint sound of cracking from about it's neck as the collar device began to give way. In the back of the mind where Daniel's mind had been forced by the overwhelming anger and frustration of Horo's wolf, Daniel had taken to distracting himself with idle thoughts for the moment. He too could feel the pressure and hear the noise of the collar cracking and giving way, reasoning that the collar was likely designed to be tough and hard to remove under normal circumstances but with it malfunctioning because of the strange events that had occured, it's defenses were now useless as the wolf's neck grew to a point where it caused too much pressure for the collar which soon buckled and snapped into pieces, scattering about on the ground with a clatter as it broke into several pieces. The Wolf moved one of it's now massive front paws towards the largest remaining piece of the collar and batted it away, sending it flying into midst of a collection of rubbish bins with a bang and a clatter. Free of the collar, a sense of savage joy rushed through the wolf's body and mind followed by a rumbling in it's throat as it raised it's head towards the sky as it let out a loud howl towards the sky, echoing against the buildings and mixing with the sounds of crumbling building and the crackle of the fire caused by the crashed airplane.

As the howl cleared, the wolf would begin to look around slowly, first back to the crash site where the strange human girl had appeared from compeltely unharmed despite the violence of the crash. Normally the Wolf would not have understood the strangness of the situation it would have only acted on instinct but because of it's connection to Daniel as well as the reaction of it's own senses that there was no way this was natural at all, just like with the strange man and the machines from the building before but with it's connection it could understood human issues and thoughts even if they did not mean a great deal to it at the moment since it had only recently been free to act on it's own so it did not know what to think yet of these strange human issues and the odd feelings that something didn't quite belong in this world. Shaking it's great head for a moment, strands of fur flicking about as it did this, the wolf would turn about slowly back towards the crash scene and the strange little girl that had survived the crash, looking at her for a moment through the enhanced eyes of the wolf, wondering why the girl could be so unscatched despite the mess the crash had caused and the presence of blood and mangled bodies. The wolf reveled for a moment in it's own sense of self, something most wolfs did not possess though instinctively and through her connection to Daniel, she knew she was anything but a normal wolf. It sniffed at the air for a moment, concentrating towards the girl too see if she too was something that was not supposed to be here. While she did this, the wolf's natural instincts were screaming at her to get away from here, not simply because of the unnatural feeling it was getting from the scene but also the risk that if someone happened upon her as she remained here, she might be captured and imprisoned again. That thought made the wolf growl, it had spent a long time restrained and confined and it did not want that to happen again. It looked about for a moment more and looked for a likely escape route, though it did not know where, though it's instincts drove it towards seeking somewhere familiar.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Stray-chan » Tue Feb 22, 2011 5:20 am

Stray-chan wrote:((Had to ponder this one awhile. As for the colors of text there, essentially, red is Lucius, blue is Bubbles, more or less. They're not actually talking to each other, just her perspective flipping back and forth and reacting to the previous thought.))

Bubbles stares at her bandmates and the fanboy as the girls latch themselves onto him. She slowly starts to smile. Oooh, that looks tasty, and he'd make a cute girl... She starts to advance on the group, but suddenly stops. No, this isn't right. We can't just... do that to someone! She stares at her bandmates draining the fanboy. But why not? It's not like he didn't come here looking to do something dirty with the band. She closes her eyes. But not this! Not to give us, them... whatever it is they're taking! She starts to bite her lip. But then, here are plenty of fans out there who'd give far more than this to be with us for a little while... She focuses on her breathing. I, but, no! This is wrong... but... Her eyes snap open and she advances on the group, hunger and lust in her eyes. But it looks so wonderful! Again, she stops suddenly, just out of reach of the fan. No. No! This isn't what music, or fandom, or fame is about. Or at least it shouldn't be. It should be about free expression and passion! She smirks. But this is deep and meaningful a free expression of passion! She shivers a moment. Maybe it is, but its more about lust and... and theft! I shouldn't let this happen! She giggles. We want it. We need it. I can feel he wants it more than anything, and our fans deserve our attention. She opens her mouth and leans forward...

((Aaaand I still haven't decided. I'll update tomorrow with my actual choice.))

((So by 'tomorrow' I meant 'a week and a half'. Clearly.))

Bubbles is sloooooowly leaning in toward the catch when she suddenly freezes again. She mutters something inaudible, then shakes herself again. "...no..." It's barely a murmur. Finally she takes a deep breath and, from the depths of her lungs and soul, shouts "NO!" Panting with exhaustion, and a desire to satisfy that weird hunger, she nonetheless stares intently at her 'sisters'. "We can't do this. We can't just let this happen. Something is wrong. Maybe its me, maybe its the world, maybe its both. But we can't let desire rule us. We can't just... take. Something is broken and we, or at least I, can do something about it. Or I can at least try, because changing the world is what music is all about." She turns her back to the other two. She doesn't go anywhere, just turns away to let them finish... whatever.

A shiver runs through her. She isn't sure what to do now or where to go. She is, for the first time in a very long time, truly afraid.
Stray-chan and Lost Wanderer are different people now! Yay!
Catgirl-maid Lost
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