Make a TF Foundation: Undercover


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Re: Make a TF Foundation: Undercover

Postby Harri-chan » Sat Feb 05, 2011 8:06 pm

Charlotte looked suprised the woman actually had her maids wearing those outfits, but she did flash the woman a warm smile and showed her the documents as she came through the door. "Yeah, I got them right here. I think the Contessa needs them pretty quickly... ", she said, adjusting her glasses as she moved passed the maid. All she had for a weapon now was a pistol strapped against her back, hidden by the navy blue jacket she wore.

Moving into the living room, her heart raced a little when she saw the woman sitting there in her red silk dress. "Contessa... I brought those documents you requested", said Charlotte. She blushed a little as she got a flash of black lace panties when the woman crossed her likes as the undercover spy walked closer to her. One arm reached out to offer the documents, but her other arm slipped behind her, emerging a moment later holding the pistol. Stopping right infront of the woman, she held the gun out, aiming it right at the Contessa's forehead. "... but I'm afraid your plans end here".
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Re: Make a TF Foundation: Undercover

Postby Zoey » Sat Feb 12, 2011 9:47 pm

The woman chuckles which turns into a laugh. "Oh dear~ a spy. How cute~" says the Contessa moking the woman. Charlotte would suddenly feel her gun pull out of her arm and fly up the roof along with any metal weapons effectively disarming her. "Pumpkin, I haven't gotten this far to have a second rate spy like you take me down" she added as she snaped her fingers. Quickly masked woman holding guns steped out infront of the room entrance pointing their lazer precise weapons to Charlottes head.

One of the woman approuched the Contessa. "Mistress, this was highly uneccesary, we could've killed her even before she got to the island" she said in a New Zealand accent. The Contessa smiled. "Oh, but then it wouldn't be fun now would it?". The Contessa was taking all of this in stride, its like she didn't have a care in the world, but then again. Why should she?

"Capture her and tell Andrea to meet me in the main lab" she said as the woman guards apprehended Charlotte.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: Make a TF Foundation: Undercover

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Feb 14, 2011 4:47 pm

Charlotte looked up in suprise as her gun was tugged out of her hand and flew up to cling to the ceiling. A horrified look of panic spread across her face as she realised she was now unarmed, although she tried to hide it from the Contessa by narrowing her eyes in a glare. Just as she seemed ready to fight hand to hand, the fingers were snapped, and several women with guns appeared behind them. She felt the lasers aimed right at her head, and cursed beneath her breath. Drawing a deep breath, she huffed as one of the armed women came up to talk with their leader. Hearing the name Andrea, she thought back to the blonde woman with a French accent from the lab below, and grunted as the guards grabbed her from each side. "There's nearly a hundred special op agents surrounding this building, Contessa, you'd be wise to show me a little more respect... ".
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Re: Make a TF Foundation: Undercover

Postby Zoey » Tue Feb 15, 2011 10:43 am

The Contessa laughed. "My dear girl, do you think we will fall for such a bluff?" asked the Contessa as she rose up, flattening out her gorgeous dress. "I haven't made it this far being clumsy, I remind you" she told the agent as she stroked her cheek with villainous intent. "Still... I admire your guts and your the first one to come un-aided to me and tried to kill me. For this... I won't kill you. No, that would be to easy" she said walking around, her hips swaying matching the click of her high heels. "We can definitely have some fun with you" she said as Andrea came into the scene. "Took you long enough" replied the Contessa with a grin.

Andrea looked back at the woman and groaned. "Im sorry, I still haven't gotten used to these forsaken shoes" she replies pointing to her own high heels. The Contessa smiled. "Now, now Andrea you do look lovely. Anyways, have you met our guest? She thinks shes a spy".

Andrea rolled her eyes. "Contessa, you're going to get us in trouble. This is the 4th spy this week. What are you going to do now?" replied Andrea. The other guards which had Charlottle well griped and unable to move gulped at how casually Andrea adressed the Contessa, they would never dare to do something like that. Seemed there was something special between the two. "We'll I thought we could try our latest product" said Contessa motioning to the bottle Andrea brought.

"The Fountain of Youth perfume?" asked Andrea. "Its still not tested" she replied. Contessa smiled. "We'll why not test it now, we may find something surprising" she said. Andrea squinted her eyes and nodded. "Fine, but all these actions are because of you" she said taking the bottle to Charlotte. Contessa quickly stoped Andrea. "Give her the whole bottle as a drink".

"A drink?!" replied Andrea surprised. "Yes, using it in spray form wouldn't be that fun now would it. Give it to her full. Let's see what happeneds" she said crossing her arms under her full breasts. Andrea hesitantly nodded and the guards opened Charlottles mouth. Andrea aprouched Charlotte and unbottled the drink. "Bon Appettite" she said as she made Charlottle drink the whole concoction.

"Thank you honey" said the Contessa with smile. Andrea blushed and looked back. "Yeah, whatever... 'dear'" replied Andrea as she steped back next to the Contessa.

Charlotte would first notice that the drink was very sweet, almost like drinking liquid sugar, but it was heavy, very heavy. She would feel as the drink droped into her stomach making it gurgle.

The maid busty french maid came closer to the Contessa at her summons. "Stay close, Lilian, this will be fun" she said with a smile. The French maid nodded. "Y-yes, mistress" she said standing on the other side of the Contessa.

Charlottle would quickly notice the effect quickly on her breasts, hips and butt. She would feel like something was eating at them from the inside making them cave into her body, in lay mans terms... they were shrinking. Soon Charlottes hair started to re-seed a bit aswell.

Andrea took notes. "The vial... its very fast..." she commented. The French maid looked amazed. "Mistress Contessa?..." she asked.

Contessa smiled. "Good, the virus is already targeting the fat in her body and started re-engineering her metabolism" she commented as the spy groaned in pain as she felt her whole body get consumed in a strange feeling. She would feel as like little ants where all inside of her body, squirming around and doing stuff their not supposed to do. Her nails started to become smaller, just as as she could feel her plumped lips start to shrink along with her cheeks. She would feel pain as her feet shranks into her shoes and her arms became dainty.

"Amazing, truely amazing" commented Andrea as she even started to take pictures of the agent, but to Charlotte it was a horrible ordeal. She would listen as the guards commented among each other. "Is she..." "getting younger?"
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: Make a TF Foundation: Undercover

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Feb 15, 2011 3:36 pm

Charlotte tried to twist her face away as the Contessa stroked her cheek, her brown ponytail sweeping back and forth across her back. Her nervous brown eyes watching the woman's hips sway as she walked, and then turned slightly upon hearing the blonde woman with the French accent arrive. Glancing back and forth between them, she started to panic when they spoke of testing a new product on her, and she actually gasped in suprise when the Contessa instructed Andrea to make her drink a whole bottle of perfume. "Are you crazy?", she snapped.

She groaned as the guards forced her mouth open, but all her struggling couldn't stop them. Her wide eyes watched helplessly as the blonde scientist came closer, and then pressed the bottle to her mouth, and lifted it up, so the liquid flowed right down her throat. The sweetness made her cough and shake her head from side to side, before moaning as her stomach soon felt heavy and was making gurgling noises. The woman whined at the unpleasant sensation, like a swarm of tiny ants crawling around her skin as her curves started to crumple inwards beneath the smart navy blue skirt and jacket. She blushed brightly as Andrea watched her and even started to take photos, but her heart skipped a beat as she heard some of the chatter amongst the guards!
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Re: Make a TF Foundation: Undercover

Postby Zoey » Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:49 am

Charlotte would continue to feel the ants crawl inside of her, re-constructing bone, organ and tissue. She could only see in horror as the lumbs on her chest she so valued slowly kept shrinking, and shrinking. Her black lace bra soon dangling as they didn't support the smaller set of breasts Charlotte now had. "Poor girl, she's going to need new clothes at this rate" commented Contessa. The French maid quickly turned to her. "I can find some clothes for her" she quickly offered, and the Contessa smiled. "That would be lovely" she replied.

Charlotte would see as her smart navy blue skirt suddenly feel as her round butt , waist and thighs reached a point where they wouldn't hold the clothes, revealing the womans panties to all. Andrea's eyes widen as she saw Charlottes underwear and blinked as a small blush came over her. Charlotte would also feel weightlessness, but it wasn't from the gravity. It was because the guards were holding her and she her legs had shark to the point where then the guards set her down her smaller feet couldn't fill the adult sized high heels she used to wear. Charlottles blouse slowly looked more like a dress as years started to be erased from her being. Her skin softening and becoming a bit oily as puberty had to start all over again. Her hair was already messy from her struggling, and her voice had lost its maturity now in place the voice of a teenage girl.

The womans curves were now a thing of the past, her hour glass shape now harder to see as its less defined. Her legs are not only shorter, but less developed compared to her once strong adult ones. Her hands and arms suffered a same fate her fingers were smaller and her nails were very short. The muscle tone she had developed as an adult didn't carry over into her younger self. Charlottes eyes looked bigger and brighter fitting a young girl in her prime.

"Woah, she's... a little brat girl" said a guards woman that had Charlotte graped. "Holy shit, did you see her breasts shrink? What a shame" said another. "Hey, maybe I can keep her shoes, she wont need them" said another. "Heh, atleast she'll be easier to handle like this" said yet another guard.

Andrea had been taken notes and pictures, her look was one of sympathy. Afterall she was also a result of one of Contessa's experiments, yet she had a job to do and cheerleader wasn't one of them. Contessa motioned to the french maid. "Could you get our young guest something more proper, Latona?". The French maid nodded. "Right away" she said, curtsing and she walked away her his swaying and her breasts jiggling with her stride. Shame, now i'll be YEARS until Charlotte can do something like that.

The Contessa smiled as she aprouched the new girl. "Heh, you turned out cuter than I thought" she said stroking her cheek with a grin. "Amazing... Once I commercialize this, men and woman would pay thousands... MILLIONS of dollars just to BE 2 years younger. Hehe...Haha...HAHAHAHAHA" laughed maniacly the Contessa before she had to control herself. "Im sorry... how un lady like of me..." she said before looking to Andrea. "Sweety, why dont you take those clothes. I think you'll look rather nice in them. Afterall...." she said again turning to Charlotte. "Our little girl won't need them".

Amazingly Latona returned with some clothes in her hands. "Mistress, I found some clothes that could prove her size" she said. The Contessa nodded. "Guards help Latona change our young girl into a much.... more suitable set of clothes" she says sitting back down and crossing her legs. Latona nooded. "Ok, lets take her - " she tried saying before the Contessa cut her off.

"Wait... change her clothes right here" she said with a grin. "But..." replied Latona confused. The Contessa smiled. "Andrea is tasked with documenting my syrum and as you know she's still getting used to walking in heels. Id HATE to make her walk back to the rooms just to go back to me to then go to the labs. Her poor dainty feminine feet wouldn't handle it" she said. Andrea blushed looking away.

"Why dont we do Andrea a favor and save her a trip... change the girls clothes... here and now" she ordered. Latona nodded. "Yes Mistress!" she replied as the guards striped Charlotte of her high heels, skirt, jacket and blouse. Leaving her in the oversided set of underwear. Latona easily took off her bra and panties leaving the girl in the nude.

"Wait a second" said ANdrea as she stood infront of the girl and took a picture. "Now from the side... and... back" she said taking pictures from those angles. "Ok, continue" she said as Latona then produced a pair of white cotton panties and bra, but before she placed them on the girl she had to see it they fit. She took a strand of measuring tape and careful ran it around Charlottes young teenage body. "Ok. Close enough" she said as she fixed the straps on the bra and with the help of a guard woman, Charlotte soon found herself wearing a nice pair of teenage underwear.

The Contessa smiled. "Im starting to think we should adopt her, dont you honey?" she said to Andrea. Andrea turned to her. "We'll... you are aware we're kidnapping an agent..." she replied sternly.

The Contessa laughed. "What do you mean? Im talking about our cute little guest. I don't know about this... ADULT WOMAN SPY" she said enphasizing those words. "I do know about a YOUNG TEENAGE GIRL" she said with a grin. Andrea chuckled. "Fair enough..."
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: Make a TF Foundation: Undercover

Postby Harri-chan » Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:59 pm

Charlotte blushed as she felt her bra hanging away from her breasts as they grew smaller on her chest. The smart suit was hanging around her frame now, and she winced as she heard the Contessa comment on it. Her brain was trying to make a note of all the faces and names, so she could report them back to her superiors, but by looking around, all she could think of was how tall these beautiful women were all starting to look as they gathered around her. She gasped as the skirt suddenly slipped down, revealing the black lace panties, all baggy around her smaller body now. Her eyes widened and looked down when she realised her feet were no longer touching the floor, the female guards strong enough to hold her, dangling between them, and her shoes dropped to the ground.

The neck of the blouse almost reached her shoulders, her bra showing through the collar of it, while the bottom of it now spread down her thighs as she'd lost so much height. She cringed as she heard the guards talking about what was happening to her, just as she felt the annoying tingle of a couple of spots appearing on the oily skin on her face, a little groan spilling from her lips as the greasy and tangled brown hair fell infront of her eyes. The spy let out a whimper as the Contessa walked closer and looked down on her while stroking her cheek. Her gaze darted back and forth as they talked of their plan to sell the perfume, so people could make themselves a few years younger... for everyone else, the perfume would be good... nobody else would be forced to drink a whole bottle and have this happen, she thought, feeling utterly embarrassed.

She struggled and screamed as the guard women started to pull away her over-sized clothing, before the maid with the French accent over-powered her and took her bra and panties. Her eyes were wide, and she looked like she was about to cry when she looked up to see Andrea taking more photos of her with the camera, before another of the guards forced her into the plain white cotton bra and panties. She stood there, ashamed, in just the teenage underwear, hugging herself to try and hide her small breasts with her arms as the Contessa and Andrea laughed at her.

"You'll never get away with this... they'll send more agents... ".
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Re: Make a TF Foundation: Undercover

Postby Zoey » Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:30 pm

"How cute, she thinks they'll send back up" says the Contessa as she kisses the cheek of the girl. "Latona finish with her" she commanded as the black haired french maid nooded. "Yes, maám" she replied as she took a short blue pleated jean skirt and slid it up Charlottes small thighs which went mid thigh. Then the guards made the girl raise her hands to Latona could place a pink blouse/hoodie hybrid on her. The guards woman commented on the girl on how she made such a cute girl. Some even compared her to her own daugthers. "She even wears what my girl does" one commented.

Latona smiled and then the guards sit Charlotte forcefully, making her sit with her legs open like a man. Latona kneels before her and puts some cotton white socks on her feet, glacing up between her legs and chuckling a bit, before adding a pair of white and pink sneakers. Latona then nodded as the girl was all dressed up. "Now for the final touches" she says grabbing a small box and applying some arm bands to her right arm and a small wrist watch for girls. "Adorable, I could just adopt you" said Latona.

The Contessa smiled. "If you like her so much, you could help Andrea take care of her then Latona" she said. Latona turned to her master. "R-really?!" she replied and the Contessa nodded. Latona smiled and hugged Charlotte her large D-cup breasts mushing into Charlottes face, reminding her of what she used to have. Andrea couldn't help but laugh a bit at the sight of Charlotte and Latona. "I think we're done here. Take the girl to her room where we're going to keep her" ordered the Contessa waving to Andrea. Andrea nodded and motioned some guards to escort her, Latona and "the girl" to her new room. The guards to Charlottes hands and lead her along like mothers.

Latona turned to Charlotte. The beutiful french maid smiling at the young girl. "If we're going to be taking care of you, I expect you to show us respect... You can call Andrea and me, Mom" she said with a smile as Andrea blushed and rolled her eyes as she walked along the maid. The female scientist was wearing a very smart and elegant dress. Her long blonde hair in a bun with her eyes encased in an elegant pair of red glasses that matched her lip color.

Charlotte was soon taken to what looked like a 4 star hotel room. Andrea fixed her glasses and pushed Charlotte in. "Be grateful the Contessa doesn't want you dead" she said.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: Make a TF Foundation: Undercover

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:01 pm

Charlotte was left in conflict. She didn't want to just let the woman dress her like she really was a child, but she didn't want to stand around in just this underwear either. She blushed as Latona started pulling the skirt up her legs, and then the hooded top over her head. Her head turned suddenly, loose brown curls flicking about, and her wide eyes darted across to the female guard that had compared the spy to her daughter.

She groaned as they forced her to sit, and she tried her best to bring her thighs together so they weren't all getting to see her embarrassing underwear at the maid slipped the little socks over her feet, and then put the pink sneakers on. She swallowed a deep breath, trying to resist having the wristbands placed on, and glared at Latona when she not only got them on her, but also added a watch.

"I don't NEED anyone taking care of me... and I'm not planning on sticking around", she said defiantly, but with bright red cheeks when the Contessa suggested the maid and the smart scientist take care of her. That was before she let out a suprised gasp when the dark-haired maid suddenly hugged her, smothering her face with large breasts and the cool silk of her dress. She cringed as she heard Andrea laughing at this, before crying out as several guards hauled her up and started to drag her along. "Let go!", she shouted, trying to fight them, but obviously being over-powered.

"Wh-What?", she asked in disbelief, her eyes widening further when Latona told her what she would have to call her and Andrea. Swallowing a deep breath, she looked back and forth between them, but before she could respond, she was pushed into the room by the blonde. Straightening herself, she brushed off her arms, and glared at the two women... before peering around the room in suprise. Her chest tightened a little, as she found herself tempted by the lovely surroundings. This was SO much better than her own apartment back at home. Chewing her lip, she crossed to the large window and looked out on the beach, but she whined as the reflection of herself could be seen, greasy hair, spotty skin, and a typically teenage outfit. "You can't do this to me... ".
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Re: Make a TF Foundation: Undercover

Postby Zoey » Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:48 pm

As Charlotte moved into the room she would notice something odd. Unlike her adult underwear, her panties and bra, well were comfortable. It wasn't like those that she wore that were more for sex appeal. Her skirt was also very cool and easy to move in unlike the tigth skirts she was used to, even if it was easy for it to show off her panties. Unlike the high heels she used to wear her sneakers were pretty comfortable and would make her hand to hand fighting skills easier to use. No wonder teenagers loved to run, with shoes this comfy. Her hoodie top was indeed soft and did its job well to keep her warm and comfortable especially since she was going to stay close to the cool sea. All in all, her current clothes seemed more practical than her old ones. If anything it seems Latona did her a favor.

Andrea smiled as she saw Charlotte look outside. "I hope you like the few, because you'll be seeing it a lot" she said crossing her arms under her large breasts. "Also don't think of escaping those wrist bands have a GPS tracking device. If you try to take them off or leave an area without permission you WILL be shocked" explained Andrea brushing some hair behind her ear elegantly. Charlotte could only wish she had hair as bright, healthy and silky as Andrea's as she closed her eyes and brushed it, giving her a flare of beauty and elegance.

Latona had to kneel down a bit flashing her black lace panties to the girl. "So please don't do anything stupid. We don't want to hurt a child" she said sounding like a mother already. "There will be guards outside, if you need anything and of course..." said Latona brushing Andrea's round perfect butt before hugging her waist. "Your mothers will be close too". Andrea looked a bit annoyed as the woman brushed her butt and blushed.

"Come on Latona, let's leave" said Andrea turning around to leave as the guards outside moved away to clear her path. Latona winked and turned around again flashing her panties as she walked out as Andrea, one foot infront of the other. Their hips swaying to match the click of their heels.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: Make a TF Foundation: Undercover

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Feb 20, 2011 5:34 pm

Looking down, she groaned at how the sleeves of her pink hooded top were a little too long, and then tugged at the tiny skirt before she turned to look back at the blonde scientist as she spoke. Her brown eyes followed Latona as she came closer. She remained silent, glaring at both the women before they turned and left her room. Her nose wrinkled as she looked over at the guards stood at the door of the room, "What am I meant to do now?", she asked, stalking back and forth. "I'm still a trained agent... ", she said, reaching a hand out and curling her fingers, beckoning one of the guards to come at her, "... and I bet I could still take you girls out without even trying... ", she taunted. Her brown curls swished back and forth across her back, her knees bending slightly as she got in a position ready to fight with the guards.
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Re: Make a TF Foundation: Undercover

Postby Zoey » Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:43 pm

One of the guards raised an eyebrow as she looked at the teen. The other woman gave her a nudge. "Come on Hillary, don't let it get you" she whispered. The other woman shook her head. "I'm just going to rattle her cage" she says approaching the girl. The womans guards hips swayed with it step. A mirror was next to Charlotte where she would see a young teenager with small tights and barely any power to back up her threat. She looked more like a girl about to go to a sweet 16 than an agent. Her brown curls being untamed and wild unlike its more elegant version woman her age used to use, oh wait shes not a woman anymore.

Hillary and her partner were wearing black spandex suits which hugged their adult frames showing off all their curves and breasts. They wore some leather gloves as well with matching boots. Their hair in ponytails and wearing black sunglasses. They weren't armed, but why would they need to? There up against a teenager. What is the worst thing she can do to them? Nag about why Justin Beiber can't have her as a boyfriend. Hillary was a blonde and her partner had black hair.

The female guard approached and took a stance with a hand in front of her. As Charlotte and Hilary stared each other down, Charlotte would get a reality check. She was out matched. The womans longer legs and arms gave Hillary more speed and reach. The only thing Charlotte's training would tell her is that due to her smaller frame and size, she would be more nimble, but if she can't inflict damage being nimble wont do anything.

Hillary then reached out with the speed of a Shaolin monk and graped Charlotte's hand and twisting it. "Heh, nice reflexes" said Hilary sarcastically as she pressed the hold. Her partner fixed her glasses and sighed as she looked around. Obviously she wasn't as sadistic as her partner and the smarter one of the two. She kept the coast clear as her friend showed Charlotte a lesson.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: Make a TF Foundation: Undercover

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:13 am

Charlotte blushed brightly as she saw her reflection, which knocked a lot of the confidence out of her as the sexier and stronger female guard approached. She looked surprised as had to start looking up at Hilary as she came closer. "I took out atleast a dozen of your friends on my way up h-owww!", she cried, but looked more shocked than hurt. Her brown curls swished into her face as her skinny body twisted around, and she bent forward to try and ease the discomfort, which meant her bottom was sticking out facing Hilary's partner and the woman could see her panties under her tiny skirt.

Her heart raced inside her chest, overcome with embarrassment over how easily this woman had got her in the hold. Her knees were shaking a little, knowing the other woman could see her panties because she was bent over, and her loose hair made it nearly impossible to see as it had fallen right infront of her face. She made a little groaning sound, and looked down between her skinny legs. Suddenly, she got an idea. Lifting her knee up, she picked one foot off the ground, and then tried to stomp down hard on Hilary's toes!
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Re: Make a TF Foundation: Undercover

Postby Zoey » Tue Mar 01, 2011 10:08 am

Hillary being an expert in hand to hand combat since she exactly works as a warden, quickly moved her feet back as Charlotte striked. "Smart little pest aren't ya?" she said as she pushed Charlotte down to get a mouthful of garpet on her mouth, but not before she lets out an instinctive girly shout. "Game over, kid" she said before ruffling Charlottes hair even more than what it was already and turned around to leave. Her tiny skirt still lifted as she layed on the ground.

The other guard shook hear head as Hilary came back to her post. "Had fun kicking a kids butt?" she asked. Hilary grined. "Heh, shes a spy. Screw her... Nice panties by the way. The look soooo mature and adult" she added sarcasticly.

Charlotte wound be on the ground for a some seconds since this younger body of hers was not used to fightning. When she made the kick she noticed that her reaction time was horrible. In other words, she would have to train her body all over again.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: Make a TF Foundation: Undercover

Postby Harri-chan » Wed Mar 02, 2011 3:43 am

Charlie lay there, on her chest, her face pressed into the carpet, her bottom pushed up slightly, as her mind tried to deal with the shift in power. She'd taken out several armed guards on the way here, but now a single woman that didn't even have a weapon had made her look stupid. She blushed at the comment about her plain white cotton panties, and then slowly climbed up off the floor, tugging on the back of the skirt as she did so. It made her feel nervous having the door open so the two guards could watch her every move. "Aren't you guys annoyed she's making you just stand there and watch me? It's like she demoted you from all the fun jobs", she muttered as she went to the dresser, pulling open the drawers to look for anything she could use to tie her hair back.

Finding a simple stretchy pink tie, she used two fingers to stretch it and held it behind her head, her other hand feeding the slightly greasy brown curls through it. Grasping her bunched up hair, she twisted the tie and pushed her hair through again, before tugging it up slightly to form a loose ponytail that poked out from the back of her head and then flopped down a few inches away from her neck. Looking back to the mirror, she turned slightly to look at herself from the side, and tugged on the sleeves of her pink hooded top. Moving away from the dresser, she slowly walked around the room, reflecting on how easily Hilary had beat her, wondering how the heck she was going to get used to this new body enough to escape.

"Okay, fine, let's play along with your deluded idea I'm staying. You can't just keep me in this room without exercise. Is there a gym, or an assault course? There must be for you girls to keep in shape". She spoke without looking at them, as she instead looked through the books that filled a shelf near the bed.
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Dux Muffinium
Dux Muffinium
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