[SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta


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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby ZeroForever » Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:50 pm

(also, you can interact with each other people. Correction you will need to interact with each other.)

Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
As Mimi paused to kiss Hakase the power cut off again and instead of the cheek her lips touched his. As if time had frozen Hakase face visibly redden even with the lack of lights as the boy passed out from sheer bliss, conking on the floor. The suit however seemed to have its own power supply and was not affected by the buildings power issues in the slightest. As the visual displays and power graphs of appeared in the helmet there were clearly more bells and whistles in it then she remembered designing, many of them probably Hakase's doing. Still there was no better time than to head out now, the suit seemingly finished powering on as the various graphs showed optimum performance. The main issue was which way out…. Even with the power down flying around the building would attract attention and while the building probably wouldn’t be able to withstand her weapons making a hole in it probably wouldn’t help either. As she sat there wondering her helmet apparently had picked up a unique energy signature similar to the one that she was emitting and it wasn’t very far away at all probably no further the a turns down the hallways.

As Ming looked around no one was around at least from what she could tell. Her migraine was subsiding a bit however given how dark it was down the long hallway she knew that Dr. McCoy had disappeared in that direction though which of the dozens of doors she wouldn’t remember. In the other direction she could hear a humming sound as if air was being displaced at a rapid pace.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Maiden Miki » Tue Feb 22, 2011 10:38 pm

Mimi felt Hakase's lips and soon a blush appeared on her face that was viable from under the helmet. She wanted to pull away but the feeling was too strong. Never as Micheal or Mimi had she felt this feeling before. Still their kiss had to end as Hakase seem to have passed out. She held him and nervously put him in a bed. She looked at him and wasn't sure what had just happen.

"Please be safe. I promise to come back," said Mimi as she place a note asking Hakase to contact her when he comes to. Still she was amazed at all the readings and work that she and Hakase were able to put into this suit. A lot of it she doesn't remember putting in but Mimi guessed that Hakase took a basic idea of hers and added a lot of his improvements to it.

The problem now was getting out of the building. She could easily just blow a hole in the wall using the weapons system but Mimi didn't want to do that. It would be wrong and could get her and Hakase in trouble. The last thing she wanted to do was risk using Hakase. Still a scanner was telling her that somebody with a similar power reading as herself was nearby. They were within the same building as her and it won't take long especially with this suit. She at once lean forward and began to hover in the direction of the reading.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby ZeroForever » Wed Feb 23, 2011 9:43 pm

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker – Hime
The men whoever they were working for weren’t playing around as immediately after landing they split into groups that circled the immediate parameter in order to cut off any possible escape paths. As one of the civilians came up to them begging for help as his he was clearly bleeding profusely from what was likely debris from the crash.
BAM was the only response as one of the man in black blew the civilians head clean off which his gun.
Any remaining civilians in the area weren’t shown any more mercy as most were gunned down in with efficiency and cold blood there screams of agony and horror falling upon deaf ears as the men circled the area, there visors clearly enabling them to see better then the dim moonlight would naturally provide.

One of the groups managed to spot Cat as they began pursuit, clearly they needed her alive as they weren’t shooting at her. At least not yet, the people in black clear professionals as they quickly began to gain on her with their superior speed probably due to size and health, mean while a few others circled around the area to block off her escape venues.

Meanwhile as another one of the groups of the black suit people scouted the area they panicked… after all even with night vision who would in the right mind expect to see a truck size wolf monster suddenly appearing the howl almost enough to make them wet themselves. They were however still professionals, trained as they were they immediately opened fire on the perceived threat. Not really caring what she was, preferring that any nearby witness be human, wolf, or mutant be dead.

Hime would get no response from anyone, whatever had initially hit the expo had blown out communications with the wide scale EMP. Being silent wouldn’t really matter as the expo sounded like it was world war 3, some black suits apparently not with either the robots or the Job’s had appeared and had escalated the fight into a all out 3 way. Their weapons however were just as ineffective as the robots at harming Jobs as the bullets seemed to be deflecting off an energy field of unknown variables. They were clearly dangerous however as their weapons were able to tear into the robots with minimal issue and clearly deadly on the civilians they shot.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Feb 24, 2011 6:19 pm

Cat twisted to glance back over her shoulder, just in time to see some poor man having his head blown off by one of the soldiers in black. Now not looking where she was going, she clattered right into a scantily clad booth babe, and came off far worse, being knocked right off balance, her skirt flicking up again as she fell and landed on her knees, which skidded across the polished floor of the expo hall. As she was down, she glanced across the hall, and saw the giant wolf striding towards her. Unfortunately, Kat had never discovered her friend Daniel's secret, or that could have provided an important link. No matter how much she tried to calm herself, she couldn't shake off the fear that gripped her body. Climbing back to her feet, she adjusted her glasses and started to run again, as even as an adult, she wouldn't have fancied her chances against such a large predator. One of the soldiers stepped across her field of vision and turned to face her, and she nearly wet herself so was so frightened. As the soldier lunged, she managed to duck beneath his arm, her loose blonde hair swirling around as she twisted behind him and went to try and deliver a roundhouse kick to his lower back, but her body couldn't keep up with her mind. Both feet left the ground, but that was where it all went wrong. Her school shoe didn't even make contact as her skinny legs became tangled, and she tumbled through the air and came crashing down onto her backside, sending a painful jolt through her bones.

Tears were still rolling down her cheeks as she moved herself backwards on her bottom, using her feet to push against the floor and get away from the solider, not even caring that her underwear was showing anymore. As he turned to face her, she scrambled to her feet, and spun around to run, but had to bring herself to a halt as there was another soldier blocking her path. Her blue plaid skirt and blonde hair flicked around as she turned again, and again, but each time came face to face with a black-clad man. Her head twisted from side to side, blue eyes widening as she came to a stop and turned slowly to look around at the circle of masked soldiers than had formed around her, penning her inside. Her knees were shaking so much, she could barely stand, but her old desire to save the day was still lurking inside the body of the clumsy ten year old girl. Charging forward, she flung her feet out infront of her, her previous fall having demonstrated how slippery the floor was, and attempted to baseball slide right through the legs of one of the soldiers and reach out to try and grab at his gun as she went under him...
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Zoey » Sat Feb 26, 2011 10:06 am

The episode of Naruto Shinppuden quickly poped into Mark's head when she saw the halls. She grunted a bit holding her head as she remembered. "Heh, well it kinda does, hehe" she admitted to herself scratching her head. She did see alot of mainstream anime when she was expiriencing Mings life and just the quickness of her mind remembering stuff from the anime suprised her a bit.

Mark hesitated a bit, but desided to go towards the sound. Maybe it was the sound of people working on something. Who knew? She put her hand next to her mouth and called out. "Dr.-sama! Anyone?! Hello!" she called out as she walked carefully through the halls.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby ZeroForever » Sat Feb 26, 2011 12:23 pm

Honestly people, your probably going to need to read most other peoples responses as well at this point as I'm going to be bring everything together. As noted character details go to the ooc thread.)

Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger – Bubbles
(Yes your lazy, not too surprised… considering you still haven’t even gotten around to fixing your avatar.)
Bubbles could feel the psionic backlash almost immediately as curiosity, fear, and acknowledgement could be felt from the others as a connection between them seemingly snapped. Buttercup and Blossom however were still too involved in there feeding to really do anything about it as they and their food were already at the climax as the fan boy uttered his last boyish whimpers as he transitioned into full womanhood. Any relief however cut out as Ms. Utonium presence could be felt even without the link behind her “Interesting, Bubbles or should I call you Lucius.” As she paused as separate presence could be felt landing near her who surprised even Ms. Utonium as she spoke up “You!! For you to get involved I guess this is serious isn’t it… you want her? Take her she’s of no use to me like this, but I expect you to explain it to me later.”
Lulu would find a very gentle presence soothing her as it spoke into her mind ‘I need you of the old world, I need you to save this one she’s one of the keys to saving us all’ just then a image of a girl was displayed in her mind. ‘GO NOW!’ the presence said forcefully before disappearing… or more correctly Lulu disappeared as she found herself reappearing thousands of feet above the ground of what looked like a battlefield in the middle of a amusement park.

Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
quick post
Mimi would catch up to the other reality distrubance in no time at all, a chinese maid girl she had seen around school a few times. (do note your character is still in a dire rush to get to the expo)
As Mark/Ming crept around a loud noise could be heard as a mecha girl suddenly seemingly at break neck speeds zoomed in behind her.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Zoey » Sat Feb 26, 2011 12:33 pm

Mark squeals out in a girly fashion as she pulls down her skirt flies up as the mecha girl rushes by. "BAKA!" she shouted shaking her fist. "What we're you're going!" she shouted before noticing that it was... a mecha girl? Mark blinked in confusion. Maybe it was a suit of armor or something?
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Maiden Miki » Sat Feb 26, 2011 4:42 pm

MImi was speeding down the halls and saw the girl. With just a thought she was able to suddenly stop with no problem. There was a gust of wind that had made the girl's skirt fly up a bit but Mimi looked at the girl. She was a maid that she seen a round a bit in school. Her name was Ming and was a bit of a heavy anime fan similar to her mistress.

"Damn...I have no time for this," whisper Mimi to herself as she looked at Ming and then around. She had to get out of this building fast. There could be an exit close by but still breaking though a wall is faster. She looked at Ming and then said, "Mi-"

Mimi paused midword and knew she couldn't use Ming's name. She then cleared her throat and used the voice changer within he suit to make it sound a bit higher pitch. "Miss. What are you doing here. You need to get to safety. I am in a hurry to get out of this building."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby ZeroForever » Sat Feb 26, 2011 6:03 pm

Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider – Gwen Watson
There was nothing but static from the other side of the line as Gwen, the device either broken from the punches impact or any other powers being tossed around. As used her powers to go on the offensive the symbiote successfully wrapping the bulky maids head for a quick moment before the maid ripped it off along with her mask, however that was more than enough time apparently the mobsters had pulled out the big guns as her target was beset upon by one a light saber wielding yakuza member who took the opportunity to decapitate the target in a single slash. The head flew off as in slow motion towards Gwen landing on top of the good's before exploding along with the her corpse. As her vision cleared she would find herself on top of the slave once more the explosion however shredding the mask as she could clearly see his face, one Flash Thompson. The face was enough along with the symbiote’s weaken state her mind seemingly buckling under an external pressure as memories wanted to spill out, the symbiote however wanted to feed to regain its control.
Plot choice - I’m letting you choose your actions here and they will heavily effect the remainder of the rp.
A) You give in to the symbiote and feed
B) your memories bubble forth

Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel - Stella
(In general please don’t assume there are available trucks and such, if you need to ask about environmental items/options do so in the ooc thread. I’ll go with it for now though)
Stella was successful in her escape as the truck was able to pull away from the battle, whoever was attacking didn’t seem like they had a vested interest in the DA as they were more or less unmolested. However with the power of the entire city down the gridlock was impossible as dozens of police and traffic accidents blocked almost all the roads, not that she knew where she was suppose to deposit him having not heard any more directions, the mic seemingly broken. Alone inside the truck full of various raw food stuffs and the DA, Stella would find her bimbo urges start to kick in. The excitement from all the action having apparently jumped started her urges again as she felt need for long hard things start to well up her intelligence once again dropping in reaction.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Zoey » Sat Feb 26, 2011 8:04 pm

Mark blinked surprised her head tilted a bit to the side. "Why?" asked the maid. "And... who/what are you?" she said demanding the mecha girl to identify herself as she took a defensive stand. Though seeing the mecha girl did remind her of the anime... Mark shook her head a bit as Mings knowlegde of anime kept floating around being annoying.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Maiden Miki » Sat Feb 26, 2011 11:22 pm

Zoey wrote:Mark blinked surprised her head tilted a bit to the side. "Why?" asked the maid. "And... who/what are you?" she said demanding the mecha girl to identify herself as she took a defensive stand. Though seeing the mecha girl did remind her of the anime... Mark shook her head a bit as Mings knowlegde of anime kept floating around being annoying.

"I just need to get out of here. I am in a hurry to see someone," said Mimi in a timid voice as she was unsure on what to say. She gulped and wonder what she should say. Her mind was racing like a supercomputer to figure out a name for herself. She knew it be better to pull out the layout of the building but right now this girl Ming was holding her up.

"My name is.....Mecha Musume," said Mimi as it was a term that she had heard Katerine said. Also Micheal remember reading that name a few times when he was bored enough to browse anime sites. She remember that it was the Japanese anime term for mecha girls.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Stray-chan » Sun Feb 27, 2011 6:14 am

Lulu staggered as the connection between her and the other girls broke. "Wha... what the? So you know who I was? What's going on here!?" She was starting to get angry when the voice suddenly broke in. "What, old world? Who are you?" She takes in the basic details of the girl. "Who is that? What's... gah!" Being suddenly teleported thousands of feet into the air has replaced Lulu's existential fear about her own existence with a much more primal fear of going splat. She looks down, really really hoping she isn't falling. "Why am I in the air!? What's going on!?"
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Zilla » Sun Feb 27, 2011 2:28 pm

It wasn't until her sonic amplifier picked up the short exchange between the wounded civilian and the black-ops commando that Hime realized that following mystery-man was not the best place for her. A wolf-howl nearby sent her mind reeling for a moment; as if this situation couldn't get any more crazy, there was now a huge wolf tearing through the complex!

Hime had to get her priorities straight, as well as a handle on where she could actually be effective! She'd lost any semblance of control over the situation long ago, and every time she tried to do something to help, it seemed that she was ineffective.

Okay, Hime, start small, she thought. Focus on saving SOMEBODY, and you'll have at least made one shred of difference...

And there was her opportunity; a young girl was being encircled by a group of those commandos, and watching her flop and roll, she could tell it wasn't going to end well for her. On top of that, they definitely treated her differently from anyone else they'd come into contact with. Their main focus seemed to be drawn to the huge wolf-creature that was advancing through the carnage... Hime steeled herself. If there's anything I can do, it's this.

She blasted out of her cover and made a bee-line for the group that had encircled the girl. They had just a moment to react, but Hime was ready. With the help of her accelerator jets, she nimbly evaded their first volley, and collided with a full group of three operatives.

She didn't care to test if these jack-boots had any regard for their colleagues, so she wasted no time in dashing them to the ground and snapping their necks. Sandra may have had more reservation about killing than her now, but these remorseless thugs were prepared to die, and in the names of all the defenseless civilians, Hime gladly obliged.

Another blast from her jets moved her laterally out of the way of the second volley of projectiles. She couldn't see where the girl had gone off to, but she was certainly happy to have distracted the main contingent of her pursuers. Hime strafed the crowd at superhuman speed. In less than 5 seconds, she orbited the group and was on top of the corpses again. Hardly breaking her pace, she juked and snatched up a pair of assault rifles from the fallen grunts. The second orbit had her firing both weapons, a deadly, mechanically precise vortex that quickly dispatched the remaining goons.

That settled, she scanned for the girl she had set upon saving. Her plaid-blue skirt would make her easy to locate in the dark.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby ZeroForever » Sun Feb 27, 2011 3:36 pm

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker – Hime
Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger – Bubbles
quick post
Cat’s attempt fails, as she stumbles over her own feet at the last second crashing into the soldiers legs in a tumble instead. Her weight is so little though it barely gave the man pause as he grabbed her arms pinning her to the ground, at that time though another party entered the fray. The one holding her going down in a crumpled heap as his right arm was blown clean off as she heard his screams of pain his blood splashing her face.

Hime’s initial attack works as it wounds several black, but the group whoever they are were trained quite well after the first volley caught a few by surprise as the rest immediate went for cover most managing to dodge. The helicopters were not just there for show as she felt the lock on warning beep in the back of her head as a pair of missiles launched.

Stray - ask about abilities and such in the other thread, but yes you can fly and see in the dark. Either way your character is now at the expo where shit has hit the fan. As you float in the air taking in the sites, No has really paid you any heed as you don't really stand out... at least compared to the heavily armed organization engaging in a fire fight with multiple robots, a giant wolf creature, and a glowing guy who's emitting enough energy to level small cities.
Last edited by ZeroForever on Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Feb 27, 2011 4:53 pm

Cat gasped as she felt one foot knock against the other, and rather than slide feet first, she ended up tumbling head first into one of the soldiers and clattered against his legs. Before she'd even fallen back, she felt his strong hands wrap around her skinny arms and force her down onto her back with her arms pinned to the floor. The fear returned with a vengeance as she got a demonstration of just how weak she'd become. She kicked her legs and struggled, but achieved nothing more than flicking her skirt up, when suddenly the soldier's shoulder seemed to explode and his arm flew away from his body. The blood splashed down across her glasses, face and pale hair, but she almost didn't notice as she rolled over onto her hands and knees and watched in utter amazement as the Cyborg started to dispatch the soldiers.

Her relief at being saved with mixed with a touch of jealously as she watched Hime dodging gunfire with such grace, and turning the soldiers own weapons against them, until the floor was covered by their corpses. With the remaining men now focused on the new threat, Cat crawled along the floor, cringing as she brushed against the dead bodies of both soldiers and civilians, pausing at the side of a deceased woman in a smart, expensive looking business suit. She felt guilty doing it, but she checked through the pockets of the woman's jacket, and through her purse, grabbing a set of car keys before moving on. She hurried along on her hands and knees, until she came to a table that had been set up for autograph signings, and after taking a rifle from a fallen soldier, went to take cover beneath it. Resting on her knees, she found it hard to resist simply watching the cyborg, as she was like something straight from the pages of her favourite comics, but she could see the rest of the armed men had now taken up good positions.

Chewing her bottom lip, she looked over the rifle. Even as an adult, she'd never fired a gun this big. She didn't like using guns at all, and when she'd had to, they were no bigger than pistols. This thing looked huge in her hands, but now she finally had a chance to try and help somebody out, she couldn't throw it away. Leaning forward slightly, she held the large rifle, one skinny arm wrapped around it, the back of it tucked beneath her arm, with her other hand trying to keep the front steady. Her heart raced inside her chest as she squeezed one eye shut, and lined up a shot, with just the flames of her crashed jet to provide illumination. The soldiers had taken cover to avoid fire from Hime, but from where Cat was hiding, she seemed to have a better shot at quite a few of them. Squeezing the trigger caused the gun to thud, and she didn't even see the soldier's head explode as she was knocked back off her knees, and onto her bottom by the strong kickback. Blushing, she crawled back onto her knees, and after adjusting her glasses, took another shot.

After taking several shots, and being thrown back onto her bottom each time, she saw the giant wolf, no more than twenty feet away, and it was staring... right at her. Panic flooded through her young body, and her hands began to shake. She swung the rifle around to aim at the creature, but her position was all wrong to fire now, sat with her skinny legs spread out infront of herself, and she couldn't keep her aim steady. She swallowed a lump in her throat, staring into it's eyes... and felt a shiver ran down her spine. Had it been watching her the whole time? Why hadn't it attacked her? Pressing one hand against the floor, she slowly wriggled forward, lifting herself off her bottom, and back onto her knees, before grasping the gun firmly. She paused again, just watching the wolf, before finally drawing a deep breath and turned the weapon away from the creature, to take aim at another soldier, and fired.
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