[SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta


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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Zoey » Mon Feb 28, 2011 1:35 pm

Mark could help, but giggle after listening to the name, putting her hand over mouth as she did. Another side-effect from the experience she gained from Ming. After noticing this Mark blushes a bit and stops. "Nice to meet you Musume-chan" she replied. "But can you tell me if you have seen Dr. McCoy? or by that extent anyone? This place looks way too scary" she adds.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Zilla » Sat Mar 05, 2011 2:11 pm

Hime didn't even turn to see the missiles. She rocketed into the air and made a split-second hairpin turn, turning sideways acrobatically and coasting right between the two missiles. Their targeting systems were advanced enough that they didn't immediately turn inward and crash into each other though, and their flight-correction was advanced enough that they were able to turn in less than a second. Hime completed her turn as she dropped the gun from her left hand, now facing the missiles, and opened a hatch in the palm of her hand. A short-wave EMP disabled the Missile's guidance system, and the propulsion carried them beyond her back toward the helicopter.

Her exposure up in the air led to her being an easy target for many of the helicopters, however, and more volleys of missiles were already on their way. At this angle, Hime had enough room to boost herself back to the ground. She landed heavily, and immediately, with jet-assistance, sprinted away. Her sensors confirmed a multitude of explosions behind her, each getting progressively closer.

Damn it, she thought, once the reflexive moment was done. I wanted to avoid ground explosions, so nobody else gets hurt.

One lone missile managed to pull away from the ground fast enough to continue tracking Hime. She cut her back jets and blasted herself upward and backward, laying herself flat as she did so. The missile rushed beneath her, and she planted her hand on it's fuselage, simultaneously disabling it's guidance system. She continued her forward flipping movement as the rocket bent her forward. She planted her feet on the ground, already having a lock on the nearest helicopter. She merely pointed the missile at it and let it go.

It seemed the choppers had had enough of her turning their own weapons against them as they granted her a bit of reprieve. She locked onto the girl from before, hiding under a table with the rifle. Her sensors showed hostiles flanking her position, and she realized that directly engaging these guys was only going to buy them time. She needed to evacuate her.

She dashed toward the autograph table and turned on a projection of herself. "We're getting out of here, get ready," she had her hologram inform the young girl. The message hardly finished by the time Hime was upon the girl. She emptied the last of her remaining gun's clip into the three black ops guards that were sneaking up on the girl's table and threw the gun aside. She gently grabbed the girl and held her, Superman-carrying-Lois-style, as she boosted straight into the air.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Maiden Miki » Sat Mar 05, 2011 3:44 pm

Zoey wrote:Mark could help, but giggle after listening to the name, putting her hand over mouth as she did. Another side-effect from the experience she gained from Ming. After noticing this Mark blushes a bit and stops. "Nice to meet you Musume-chan" she replied. "But can you tell me if you have seen Dr. McCoy? or by that extent anyone? This place looks way too scary" she adds.

"No I haven't," said MImi as Mecha Musume. "Though I can give you some information. You are at a school that trains maids and wealthy children. Currently this is the science lab so Dr. McCoy maybe here somewhere. Now I have a question for you. Do you know where I could get out without causing any trouble?"
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Stray-chan » Sun Mar 06, 2011 4:52 am

Relived that she isn't falling, Lulu takes a moment to get her bearings. "So I guess I'm... up? And I can see?" She tries to move around in the air and finding she can, her eyes go wide. "I... I never had powers before. I... I..." She remembers the voice, and the image of the girl. "I have to help!" She drops toward the ground, scanning the area, trying to spot the girl in she saw in the vision the voice gave her. Whoever the girl is, the parties involved in the fight down there are likely connected to her, so she traces paths, trying to figure out where the heavily armed goons are heading, seeing as they appear to be the aggressors. Besides, you can never trust heavily armed goons; they never work for the good guys.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Danarth » Sun Mar 06, 2011 6:34 pm

As Horo looked about for the strange girl she had seen before, she caught the scent of something new amid the burning fires, dead bodies and scattered pieces of building. As she moved her great body to face the source of this new scent. The sight that greeted her was more humans but different to the crowds she had been caught in earlier. Though for the most part, Horo was colour blind she could at least tell that the men were dressed in black, and she could also tell from the sight of them and from the metallic smell that they were rather heavily armed and it had seem more than likely that they had been using them since the female wolf could pick up the distinctive sounds of gunshots which was a noise she could identify because of the presence of Daniel's memories as well as feeling a cold distaste for guns from Daniel's mind. Even if she did not possess the ability to smell the strong presence of testorone and adrenaline from the black garbed men, their hostile intent was rather clear from the way they were holding their weapons. Amid the smell of aggressive intent from the men, Horo could also smell fear from them as well, though this didn't come as much of a surprise to Horo as she knew at this time she was far larger than a normal wolf would be, as if she were something taken from some sort of monster movie. Wondering for a moment where that particular thought had come from before giving her large head a little bit of a shake before looking to the men once again. She knew at this moment, she was too big of a target to simply run away from these armed men, so she would have to spread some confusion and discord amoung them to give herself a gap to escape. Big as she was, The wolf did not imagine she would last long against men so armed.

As she kept her eyes on the new group that had appeared she began to notice others about that she had not noticed before, the changes and the crashes had drawn her attention away from any other survivors, and for the first time she was noticing other survivors as well as making note that one of them was the girl who had emerged from the crash earlier. Something still smelt unusual about the girl, as if she did not quite belong for some reason yet there was still something familiar about the smell. As the wolf shifted slighty closer to look at her, it was Daniel who first noticed the similiarity between this girl and his friend Katherine from his own reality but with the wolf fully in control there was nothing he could do to communicate with her for the moment. Watching the girl struggling for a moment, fighting despite seeming rather terrified. Out of the corner of her eye, Horo noticed a shape streaking through the air into the armed group, which made the wolf turn to face it, wondering if it was another threat but as the armed men scattered into cover and the noise of ignited fuel from above, she would take another quick look around baring her fangs at the young girl as she tried to aim the rifle in her direction but made no further action as the girl seemed unwilling or unable to fire. Daniel vainly tried to control the wolf's actions from where he was, forced into the back of the mind of the wolf, but he was unable to do a thing, even check if the girl really was his friend Kitty.

The distraction provided by the sudden attack from the familiar looking cyborg gave the wolf her own chance to act upon Hunting instincts that were an ingrained into her pysche, flairing up as it sought a way to escape, the natural fight or flight mechanism focused on this current situation. When hunting a group of animals, the wolf's instincts were telling it that the best targets were always the smallest or weakest looking animals that could be seperated from the group and easily killed. Looking towards the armed group again, the wolf would sniff the air, looking for the ones amoung them who smelt the most strongly of fear. As she picked the targets based on this perception, the muscles in her legs would tense slowly before she sprang forward, charging towards the group, letting loose another loud, piercing howl from deep within her throat, hoping it would be enough to shake the. As she get closer, hoping that her sudden charge would have surprised them enough to delay them firing their weapons until she had gotten in close. She picked the ones who had been slowest getting into cover. As she approached the group, she would spring forward on her powerful legs send her at one of the black dressed men, aiming to smash him to the ground underneath the weight of her giant form, which at the very least would break his ribs, if not worse because of her size. After landing on the first one, she would take a furative look around for another nearby target and lash out at it with her front paw, aiming to send the man flying. She looked around as she thrashed at the group of armed men she had pounced on, nothing she was doing was particularly skillful, just using her size and weight to disrupt and knock around the armed men, long enough to make a gap for her to escape, hoping it didn't take too long, since if they did manage to recover, she was a large target and could be hit quite easily. Clamping her jaw around the arm of one of the men, the sharp teeth sinking into the arm , causing blood to seep from the arm, before tossing him aside with a toss her head, still searching for the best route to escape, not noticing what the cyborg woman was doing, although able to hear noise from above.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby ZeroForever » Sun Mar 06, 2011 11:43 pm

Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
The emptiness of the hallways echoed, as the lack of power made it difficult for Ming to navigate without well light. Mimi would have no such issue as her suit could filter out the various types of optics, the situation however was seemingly escalating as more and more joined the fray.
(honestly I’m pretty sure you guys know where I’m trying to point you, if you want to run around somewhere else go for it but don’t really expect much to happen at your current location)

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger – Bubbles
Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker – Hime
As some of the helicopters went down in explosions are shrapnel and flames rained down below before they crashed into the ground adding even more burning wreckage to the ground. Several were surprisingly fine, the missiles seemingly stopped by something, as they instead switched to armor piercing rounds instead.
If there was one thing you needed to learn in super hero school it that for every set of mooks there was usually at least one villain leading them. Hime would find that out the hard way as a no sooner then she grabbed Cat did a kick impact her cheek with almost enough force to tear her head off, the metal alloy that made up her body however held. Instead the strike was strong enough that even in its protective container it rattled her human brain. As she blacked out for a moment she lost her grip on Cat as the girl went flying out of her hands, which was probably for the better. Before she regained her senses, her boost motion continued forwarded as she found herself bouncing across the ground before coming to a crashing stop as she impacted through one of the nearby trees making a neat gash in the ground with her body.
In a neat back flip the fully black cloaked man that had kicked her landed on the ground, whoever he was optics was having a difficult time tracking him in the darkness, the various other sensors not registering him at all. “Sigh, just once I would love if the grunts could do things right on their own... all this for one little girl and no one said anything about MSN or Skull being in the area. Though they seem to be doing their own thing” he said not even caring about if the soldier were still living as he kicked a wound one aside walking towards where Cat had been thrown.

As Horo barreled into the soldiers like a car, several flying from the impact most of them fleeing from her and the combination of helicopter debris falling from above. She could see exit opening up in their numbers as there panic set in one of the directions freeing up, as she turned the soldier’s bloody armor still in mouth she would find herself pausing. She could feel it coming closer; the wrongness with the world that they had fled from earlier it was steadily coming closer.

White Skull approached the fight scene seemingly indifferent other the occasional “What fools have come here now, what are they seeking… something of power… I can feel it near me.” as a wreak of a helicopter fell on top of him, cube shone white light as the helicopter pieces seemingly warped out of the way, the metal bending like water before instantly crumpling.

Cat jerked like a rag doll by the motion found herself flung through the air before landing in a rough impact against the dirt floor this time, rolling several dozen feet as her body protested the impact before coming to a thud against something soft and furry. As she looked up found herself at the back feet of the wolf, which was munching on one of the soldiers arms the man screaming in pain only a few feet away.

As Lulu searched for the girl (it’s cat if it wasn’t obvious) the blood in the air both horrified her and aroused her, as she began to feed off the negative emotions as well emanating from those below. There was however one void, a blank spot where the emotions were seemingly draining from as she spotted the white skulled man walking amongst the carnage. As she floated the voice from earlier contacted her once again “HURRY she mustn’t die or else our universe may be lost!!”

Elsewhere in the park the destroyed MSN robots from earlier were seemingly repairing themselves, at least that what it seemed like as there began to integrate whatever experimental weapons were left on the expo floors as well.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Mar 07, 2011 4:27 pm

Cat was starting to ache, as every shot she fired was like a kick in the chest as the gun recoiled into her small body. Much to her suprise, with her vast intelligence she'd quickly worked out the optimum angle to minimize the disruption of the kickback to her shots. Despite the danger, despite the embarrassment, despite the ground shaking as helicopters started crashing down, there was a welling up of excitement inside the comic book fangirl as Hime went on a rampage. She got quite a fright however at the flicker of movement in the corner of her eye, and turned, expecting either the giant wolf or a soldier, so a look of surprise washed over her young face as she instead saw the hologram. "Who are-", she started to ask, when the deep rumble of booster jets roared towards her. All she saw was a blur of red as Hime swooped in and took out the soldiers before sweeping Cat off her feet. Both arms wrapped around the large gun, hugging it to her chest as her knees were pushed up slightly due to the way she was held. Her mind was overflowing with questions, but before she could even get a single word out, there was a jolt, and she felt herself slip from the cyborg's grasp as the entire world started to spin.

The gun fell away from her, the ground racing up to meet her. She wasn't even sure what part of her body hit the dirt first as there was just a shuddering thud, her bag only staying on because of the odd way in which she was wearing it like a back pack. Once more she was left cursing her long hair as it wrapped around her as she bounced along the ground, feeling her skirt bunching up around her waist before she came to a stop against something warm. Her head continued to spin for a few moments more, and as she tried to focus, the first thing she saw was the dirt smeared across the white blouse of her school uniform. She blushed, as it made her picture Maria getting mad at her, which only served to make her worry for the Maid's well-being. Her head ached, having probably banged it several times during her crash, and she let out a groan, lifting one hand to clutch at it as she started to sit up... and realised where she was.

A terrified sound seemed to die in her throat, and not for the first time, she very nearly wet herself at the sight of the huge wolf tearing the arm off one of the screaming soldiers. Scrambling onto her hands and knees, she crawled backwards, away from the creature, one hand nudging her glasses back into place as they'd slipped slightly, and then she came to a stop. Considering the vast intelligence this young body possessed, she felt rather stupid that she'd not realised sooner than the Wolf was attacking the soldiers... just like Hime had been. Of course, it was a Wolf, it could just be attacking anything it saw... but there was that nagging feeling again in the back of her mind that there was something about this creature. The sound of footsteps from behind made her chest tightened, and she glanced back over her shoulder to see the black cloaked man walking towards her, and beyond that, the man with the cube having a helicopter crash onto him, only to survive it. Taking a huge chance, she leapt up from her hands and knees, and dived up onto Horo's back, her bottom wriggling behind her as she hauled herself onto the huge Wolf, sliding a leg down either side of it's body, like one would sit upon horseback. Her heart raced, the fear causing droplets of sweat to bead her skin as she patted the Wolf on the back of the head, "We have to find the Robo girl... ", she urged, and leaned forward, pointing at the deep scars running through the ground from where Hime's boosters had dragged her across it.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Stray-chan » Tue Mar 08, 2011 5:32 am

Lulu caught sight of her target just as Cat was sent flying though the air. "Damn damn damn, not good!" She rocketed forward, and almost went spiralling out of control as the negative energy washing up from the crowd hit her. She braked hard and hovered. "Ooh, that's... that's pretty tasty..." She basked for just a moment, before shaking herself out of it. "What the heck, man!?" She paused. "Girl. Whatever. This is no time to do whatever that just was, this is time to save someone!" She swooped down toward Cat and noticed that the girl was on top of the wolf now. "What the...?"

Stopping a bit short, behind the wolf and in easy view of Cat, Lulu hovered. "Hey kid, need a lift? Some of those people out there are trying to get you. Probably lots of them. Guess I am too, but I'm here to save you! Apparently you're the key to why reality went all screwy yesterday! Or at least related to it, I dunno." She seems pretty nonchalant for someone hovering over a huge battle. "Whatever. My point is, the wolf can't hold out forever, and we got to get you somewhere safe." She holds out a hand for Cat to take. "I can easily... wait a sec, aren't you that rich fangirl?" It did indeed take about that long for that fact to dawn on Lulu.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Zoey » Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:52 am

Mark pouted. "I know that already!" she replied already knowing of this buildings purpose. "I don't know how to get out of here. I've only been out once and in this darkness I can barely see anything, kuso..." she said to Mecha Musume. "Aren't you like built with a GPS or something anyways? And what's the rush, whats going on that you need to get out of here?"
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Maiden Miki » Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:10 pm

Zoey wrote:Mark pouted. "I know that already!" she replied already knowing of this buildings purpose. "I don't know how to get out of here. I've only been out once and in this darkness I can barely see anything, kuso..." she said to Mecha Musume. "Aren't you like built with a GPS or something anyways? And what's the rush, whats going on that you need to get out of here?"

Mimi looked around. She was listening and she could tell that there was nothing but darkness around her but she had sensors built in that allow her to view things in the dark. She then was reminded that this suit did have GPS. Mimi felt silly for forgetting something so basic but then again so many new things were running in her head.

"That is true. I do have one but stilll I need to get out of here without causing damage. People are in danger and I need to leave this place," said Mimi as Mecha Musume. She was already surveying the area but not to find out how to get out of here. Michael had memories of Mimi which knew this building like the back of her hand. Mimi was working of Micheal's knowledge of how to avoid people.

Mimi then looked at the maid and realized that she must have some sort of powers that would be of some use. She could easily hack into the database using Micheal's skills but that was too risky. She needed to avoid being spotted at all cost. Mimi then grabbed the girl and carried her.

"Do you have any sort of powers to get out of this building? Teleportataion?" asked Mimi as she was now hovering towards the nearest exit at a quick pace. "Anything that could get us out of this building undetected."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Zilla » Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:46 pm

Hime panicked after her blackout, taking a moment to realize what had just happened. Thankfully she couldn't feel any of the pain that attack would have caused a being with a true nervous system... She pushed herself up as quickly as she could and took a moment to mentally recover from the shock.

Things were not okay.

The carnage was escalating, more explosions and more bodies flooding the area. Apparently, of all the people she picked to rescue, she picked the hardest. Why couldn't she have picked somebody that could easily slip away? Someone who wasn't being focused on. No time for regrets now...

Hime tracked the girl to the giant wolf she had seen earlier. Her sensors were relaying so much information that it was hard for her to sort through it all, which only further cloaked the black-cloaked figure. That kick was still fresh in her mind; she'd have to figure out a different tactic if she were to succeed.

She projected a hologram boosting toward him, while she instead ran to the side. Discarded weapons littered the floor, and didn't even break stride as she snatched up a sidearm from a corpse. She checked the clip, and found it disgustingly empty, while her mirage image juked away from the man and attempted to circle behind him.

Her ruse was nearly over, but she planted herself and took deadly precise aim at the man. Right when he made his move against her hologram, she fired the remainder of the clip.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Danarth » Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:18 am

Horo's collosal bulk had already sent a number of the soldiers flying through the air as she crashed into them, beneath her she would hear an audible crack following by a loud groan on pain. Looking down for a moment at the soldier she had landed on she could only guess that she had broken a number of his ribs because of her massive bulk. Twisting around for a moment she spotted one soldier, who seemed to be more courageous than his fellows though that did not last long in the face of Horo's massive jaw as she lunged forward and bit into the soldier's arm before he could raise his weapon. Had it only been her fangs and teeth doing the damage to the man's arm it would have been horrific and painful enough but at her current size, the pressure from her jaw was intense as she bite down onto the arm of the soldier, first her fangs would sink in and blood would begin to run from the wounds staining the man's clothing and Horo's jaw and fangs then a moment later there would be loud cracking noise as the bone in the man's arm snapped under the pressure of her jaw soon followed by the noises of pain from the trapped soldier. Her ears twitched for a moment as she heard the noises of explosions from above her, casting her eyes upwards as she saw the same familiar looking cyborg proceeding to blow to bits a the helicopter that had been firing the missles before, moving slightly though not letting go of the trapped man as she stepped away from some falling debris from the helicopter. After the cyborg girl took care of the helicopter, Horo watched her approach the young girl who had appeared from the crash earlier and seemed to be intent on rescueing the girl which gave Daniel and Horo a sense of relief.

As the flying cyborg seemed to go to pick the girl up, Horo would turn her attention back towards the possiblity of escaping from the this mad situation that she had been trapped in, but a few moments later, she noticed the cyborg girl had been sent flying by a newcomer also dressed in black. She focused on the strange man for a moment, and had she been able to speak she would have made a comment about peoples strange dress sense. Suddenly feeling something crash against her back leg, her tail flicked down there to check if there was something or someone there as she didn't want to take her eyes off of the cloaked man who seemed to be heading in her direction. As she locked her feral eyes onto the man, a strange chill ran along the length of her body as the sense of this reality being somehow wrong showed up again, although feeling more intense and concentrated now. A moment later she felt something land on her large back. Dropping the soldier with the now mangled arm to the ground in front of her, her jaw and the fur around it matted red with the soldier's blood. Turning her head to one side so she could see what was on her back, she saw the young girl from before, the one that seemed familiar to Daniel. The first thought that sprung to mind was how impertient the girl was being, jumping onto her back like that but the familiarity the Daniel portion of her mind had with the girl and another part, the instinct that the girl was just a child and to leave a child in a place like this would be wrong. When the girl spoke about finding the cyborg, Horo would nod in agreement with this idea, a visible sign that the wolf understood what she was saying. It was a good idea too, in her current state sneaking about and avoiding capture was going to be difficult so she thought it might be better to have a few allies, what one might imagine as a rudimentary pack. The lone wolf idea was certainly powerful and romantic notion but very unrealistic. Lone wolves tended to be those rejected from the pack and would usually die quite soon after. The idea of being in even a rudimentary pack appealed to Horo, even if they were a young girl and a cyborg. Safety in numbers, after all. Shifting her body about slightly to allow Cat to get more comfortable before turning her attention to the scene around them.

Out of one corner of her eye should had noticed the helicopter seeming to crash down on someone but against all rationality, the wreckage seemed to warp around the person. The series of mind boggling events that had been occuring in such a short time were making Horo frustrated and confused, which would be made obvious by a throaty growl made in the direction of the man in the black outfit advancing towards them. On her intial attack on the soldiers who had cornered them, she had not yet used her claws, mostly just throwing her bulk around and using her jaws and fangs but as the man who had knocked the cyborg girl down approached, her front claws would slide forth and she would give the man a baleful glare for a moment before another presence dragged her attention away. There seemed to be another flying person nearby, speaking to the girl who was currently seated on her back. Listening to the newcomer's words to Cat and nodded again, agreeing that she probably couldn't last too long against such opponents and escape might be the best chance. While she waited to see what Cat decided to do, the wolf would turn back to the black cloaked man whom seemed to have some interest in Cat and would raise herself up higher, as if to put as much distance between the man and Cat as possible, while still giving him the baleful glare, watching to see what he did, one of her claw feet pawing at the ground as if she were ready to attack at any moment. Daniel looked out from within the back of the wolf's mind, using their shared sense to get a better clue as to who the girl was. Despite the age, she look much like his friend Katherine, or Kitty, as he would call her on occasion and she smelt similiar too, the only oddity being the slightly otherworldy scent. He found himself wishing he could speak but he was helpless for the moment.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby ZeroForever » Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:27 am

Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel - Stella
Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider – Gwen Watson
You 2 on spring break or something?

Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
quick post
current environment is static, there is no one else nearby most of the standard staff and students having left for the day a while ago. Mimi can see Cat almost getting kidnapped/killed/etc... though the interference is greater now as Jobs approach shuts down the satellite visual feed.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Knight Errant » Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:39 pm

((Sorry, if I'm ever late on an reply feel free to prod me VIA PM.))

Stella looks over at the DA... panting a bit and squirming in her seat as her urges rekindle. Seeing the city turned into one huge mess, she turns the truck down a small back alley. Figuring since she had no idea where she was supposed to take her charge... staying out of sight would be the next best thing.

Pulling the truck up to a stop, she looks to the DA again, her face flushing. "Y-you... okay?" She finds her gaze dropping to his crotch... then she shakes her head! She could do something like that! Or.. could she...
O Muse!
Sing in me, and through me tell the story
Of that man skilled in all the ways of contending,
A wanderer, harried for years on end...

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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:39 pm

Cat was aching badly, but let out a relieved sigh that the Wolf didn't try and eat her after she leapt onto it's back. This just made her even more certain there was something about this creature, something important. A jarring pain went through her neck as she turned her head upon hearing a familiar voice. Now, she'd seen several cool sights already, but upon finding Lulu hovering above her, she almost squealed with excitement. "You can fly?!", she asked, before a sudden frown swept over her features. It seemed the pop star had already forgotten her name, and it even sounded like she'd forgotten their meeting entirely. The excitement was twisted into disappointment. It all made sense now. Those girls had never been her friends. In all likelihood, they'd been paid by her Father to have dinner. That probably happened to them a lot, so it was no wonder they wouldn't remember Cat.

Perhaps that affected her next decision as she frowned deeply at Lulu from the back of the Wolf. "I'm not leaving the Wolf, and I'm not leaving Iron Girl!", she said defiantly, and tossed her head back, pushing her nose up slightly, ignoring the offered hand. Her blonde hair swished across her back as she turned, scanning the darkened expo hall until she spotted the lights on Hime as she zoomed towards the figure in the black cloak. "Help her!", she yelled. "C'mon, let's help her, and we can all get out of here!".
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Dux Muffinium
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