Boy Name: Ellis Flannery (nerd extraordinaire)
Boy Personality: Ellis is shy and tends to keep to himself. He avoids conflict when ever possible. He go into serious trouble after he hacked into the school's computer system and froze every computer. He have even reprogrammed a bullies car to never start up for him again. His parents pulled him out of School and sent him to TG, hopefully to set him straight.
TG's You LIke: the basics, maybe a slight change in personality.
TG's You Hate: AR, AP
Desired Girl Name: Ellen Flannery
Desired Girl Personality: Ellen is outspoken and never shuts up. She is still a nerd at heart, able to build and program computers. She is a serious gamer and loves a good competition, both online and off. She also serves at the School's tech, and is currently building a TG ray.
Desired Girl Pic: