Captain America (July 22)

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Captain America (July 22)

Postby Kris_Roth » Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:46 pm

The new Captain America movie is coming out July 22. Saw the trailer, along with the trailer for Transformers: dark of the Moon, Sucker Punch (opens tommorrow) and the movie Hop, about the Easter Bunny (EB) asking a human (James Mardsen) for help when the fuzzy yellow chicks take over Easter.

Steve Rodgers was always being rejected (5 times) for military service during World War II, when He hears of an experimental super soldier program from Tommy lee Jones' character. He undergoes the transformation from a weakling to the 1st Avenger, Captain America. Wearing the Red, White, and Blue ionic uniform, and wielding his trademark shield, Captain America fights Nazis and eventually, his arch-nemesis, the Red Skull.

Thor looks cool too. A doctor on Earth becomes Thor after finding the mystical hammer Mjolnir in a cave.
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